Liu Yiyi is a very smart girl, but He Tian is jealous of her beauty.

"Hey, you guessed it." Xiao Han smiled and said: "I got a certain ranking in the sports meeting, so the school sent me to fight."

"Are you confident?" Liu Yiyi put down the brush in his hand.

"It must be." Xiao Han heard it, patted his chest, and said: "I'm on, but I can't compare them all."

"Buffing cowhide!" Liu Yiyi pursed his mouth, looking like a stunning fairy.

If it hadn't been for Liu Yiyi's bright brain that day, she would have been the most perfect existence in Xiao Han's mind. However, even so, Liu Yiyi's image in Xiao Han's mind is still the most perfect existence. Her temperament, her face are the most perfect. No one can surpass her. At least Xiao Han knew so many girls, but Liu Yiyi's image was the most perfect.

Xiao Han looked at the stunning beauty at that moment, and was a little at a loss. Liu Yiyi's beauty is different from other girls. Her beauty is more outstanding, more brilliant. Moreover, her beauty makes people without any possibility of cranky.

Liu Yiyi's beauty is as pure and clear as Chen Zihan, like a handful of clear springs in the mountains. It is more as bright as the thousand-year-old jade. Liu Yiyi's beauty transcends the mundane world, as if she has the temperament of a nine-day fairy.

"I'm not bragging!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"You are not a student of the Department of Physical Education." Liu Yiyi glanced at Xiao Han in disbelief, and then said: "Moreover, even the students of the Department of Physical Education may not be able to get the rankings in the National University Games, can you?"

"Of course I can!" Xiao Han patted his chest and said, "As long as I go out, I will definitely get the ranking."

"Really?" It's not the first time Liu Yiyi has seen Xiao Han. Although not many times, in her impression, Xiao Han is not the kind of boastful person. Especially at the last faculty evening party, Xiao Han’s guzheng and a pair of calligraphy almost shocked the whole school, and became the finale of the provincial party committee TV station. Therefore, he entered thousands of households and walked in. In the hearts of many people. Liu Yiyi was deeply impressed with Xiao Han, and it was precisely because of this that Liu Yiyi decided to treat Xiao Han as his only friend.

"Trust me!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "So, I sincerely invite you to participate in the opening ceremony of the Games and witness my miracle."

"Okay, I promise you!" Liu Yiyi smiled.

"Really?" Xiao Han was overjoyed when he heard it, and said: " you really promise me?"

"Of course!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said: "Of course I promised you."

"It's great." Xiao Han jumped three feet high, and he said excitedly: "If you can come, that would be great. I believe I will be able to perform the best, and I will definitely be able to achieve one in the sports meeting. Perfect results."

"Well, I believe you!" Liu Yiyi smiled and looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said: "You can paint oil painting?"

"Will some!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "Do you know too?"

"A little bit!" Xiao Han smiled.

Oil painting is a kind of painting made with quick-drying vegetable oil and pigments on canvas, linen, cardboard or wood. The thinners used in the painting are volatile turpentine oil and dry linseed oil. The pigment attached to the screen has strong hardness, and when the screen dries, it can maintain its gloss for a long time. With the hiding power and transparency of the pigment, it can fully express the painted object, with rich colors and strong three-dimensional texture. Oil painting is one of the main types of Western painting.

The reason why Xiao Han knew about oil painting was that, except for studying with a teacher in Fuxing Community for a few weeks, everything else was learned from textbooks. However, Xiao Hansheng has a strong head. It is precisely because his brain is very bright now that he has picked up the oil painting knowledge he learned earlier.

"That..." Liu Yiyi blinked, as if she wanted to take a test of Xiao Han, she smiled and said, "Then you can help me see my painting. What is it?"

Xiao Han glanced at it, and carefully examined it.

In fact, he already knew what the content of the painting was from the moment he entered, Xiao Han smiled and said, "Isn't this just a canary cage?"

"Did you see it?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

My painting method is almost abstract, the lines are messy, and the painting style is very exaggerated and exaggerated. It is hard for ordinary people to understand, but Xiao Han would have noticed it at a glance, which really surprised Liu Yiyi. At least from this point, it proves that Xiao Han did not lie just now.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Moreover, a painter's words are to a large extent expressing his inner world. From the light and tone of this painting, we can find that behind this painting, There should be a repressed world. Your heart is lonely, lonely, very empty and scared, right?"

Liu Yiyi stared at Xiao Han dumbfounded. He didn't expect Xiao Han to say it very accurately. Indeed, Xiao Han's analysis of his inner world was extremely accurate. In fact, it is not just this painting. Almost all of Liu Yiyi's oil paintings are full of pessimism. In her oil paintings, the sun is black. It can also be seen that Liu Yiyi's inner world is very dark, and it seems that there is no light.

"You... are half right." Liu Yiyi smiled faintly, and then said: "By the way, since you know so well, then you can comment on this painting of mine."

"It can only be regarded as an elementary level." Xiao Han smiled

When Liu Yiyi heard it, her face changed slightly. She frowned and said, "You look down on my paintings like this?"

"I'm telling the truth." Xiao Han smiled and said, "The lines, colors, and the conception and outline of the whole painting are hardly any cleverness. If you have to say the cleverness, I'm afraid it is. Let's merge abstraction and realism."

Xiao Han stared at the painting.

"Hmph." Liu Yiyi is a beautiful girl from the sky. Although she is terminally ill, this does not affect her pride and self-esteem. She smiled and said, "Since you said my painting is a junior work, let's paint an advanced work you think."

Xiao Han knew that Liu Yiyi was very unconvinced. If you want to convince her, you have to show some real skills.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han cast a glance, then sneered, and said, "Help me prepare a canvas."

"Good." Liu Yiyi nodded.

She immediately got up, then took off the canvas on the drawing board and replaced it with a brand new canvas.

Xiao Han already had his own idea in his mind, and he planned to draw a picture of Taishan sunrise. The reason why he wants such a composition is because of his inner nature. He wants to give Liu Yiyi some hope. Tell her that one cannot be without hope. The sunrise represents hope, and Mount Tai represents humanity. There is no lack of hope in human nature. Otherwise, what is the difference with a corpse.

After having an idea in his mind, Xiao Han quickly began to draw.

There are all kinds of brushes on the side. These are fine wool brushes, these wool brushes are all very good materials. At least among oil paintings, it is relatively good. Liu Yiyi’s studio is very luxurious, and the various things used are of the best quality. In order to prevent her illness from expanding, the paints of the oil paintings are free of radiation, no pungent smell, and no formaldehyde. Wait for paint.

Xiao Han took a serious look at this canvas, which was two square meters long.

The larger the area, the harder it is to draw.

Xiao Han was silent for a moment, he grabbed a large brush, and Liu Yiyi had already prepared all kinds of paint. Xiao Han stained the paint with a brush, and then drastically began to paint on the canvas.

The painting method of oil painting was rough at the beginning, and then it became delicate later. Especially when two color blocks cross.

There are many techniques of oil painting. Sweep, stamp, pull, wipe, suppress...

These are the techniques of oil painting.

The so-called sweep is usually used to connect two adjacent color blocks to make them not too rigid. This can be achieved by gently sweeping with a clean fan-shaped pen when the color is not dry. You can also use a pen to sweep up another color on the bottom color to produce a color effect that is staggered up and down, loose and not greasy.

For stamping, the paint is stamped vertically with the head of the pen on the screen after dipping the color with a hard bristle brush. The stamping method is not very commonly used, and is usually only applied when a special texture is required locally.

Pulling means that sometimes it is necessary to draw strong lines and the edges of the objects are as sharp as the side of a sword or glass. At this time, you can adjust the color with a drawing knife and then use the side of the blade to pull the color on the screen. , The figure drawn by the painting knife is solid and certain, which is difficult to achieve with a brush or other methods.

In short, different techniques are used in different places.

Xiao Han is relatively skilled in these basic painting methods. I have done related exercises before. Now that he picked up the brush again, he was not unfamiliar at all, on the contrary, he appeared very skilled. Holding the brush in his hand, he was attentive and devoted. Even if the paint got on the clothes or on his hands, he didn't care about it at all. Instead, he devoted himself to the creative process.

Liu Yiyi looked at the drawing board curiously. To be honest, she didn't even know what Xiao Han was painting. At the beginning, Xiao Han laid the foundation on the drawing board, and several colors were added at once. The drawing board was colorful and dazzling. Moreover, Xiao Han's style of painting was also a bit strange and weird, his speed was strange. Very fast. Ordinary people painting, especially when they lay the foundation, need to think carefully and carefully, but this guy doesn't seem to need to think at all, just come and draw with a wave. I am completely immersed in my own world, which makes people look a little curious.

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