"No... don't..." Secretary Yang shook his head vigorously.

Director Tang couldn't take care of that much, he rushed over like a crazy male dog, and then ignored Secretary Yang's life and death, he heard it.

"No!" Secretary Yang screamed.

Director Tang was very happy, taking advantage of the effect of the medicine, he seemed extra crazy.

Secretary Yang was already drunk, and everything that happened now she only thought it was in a dream. In the dream, she felt that the person pressing on her was Qin Jun. Therefore, she took the initiative to cater. It's just that this way, Director Tang feels refreshed.

"Husband, where is my husband? Ah... where is my husband?" Secretary Yang suddenly shouted.

Director Tang is even more crazy.


In the room, bursts of glamorous rendering.

The outside world is dark, the roads are brightly lit, and the provincial capital is prosperous. You can tell from the lights that this is definitely a bustling city. A place of feasting. Let people linger.

In the hotel, Director Tang got his unprecedented satisfaction. After being satisfied once, he didn't give up. After resting for half an hour, he raised his gun again. This time, the time is obviously longer.

This evening, Director Tang came five or six times. This is the most in his life. He did not expect that after he was in his forties, he would be able to rejuvenate his youthful vitality. This evening, Director Tang was as happy as a fairy. After the night of crazy behavior, Director Tang immediately fell asleep heavily.

Early the next morning.

what! ! !

Suddenly, a high-pitched scream awakened Director Tang, who was so scared that he rolled from the bedside to the carpet.

"Who, who?" Director Tang was frightened, he hurriedly got up and looked around.

On the bedside, Secretary Yang held her head in both hands and looked at Director Tang with horror. She was stunned and said: "You...how can you do this, you..."

"Oh! What am I going to do!" Director Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I was scared to death. I thought the police rounded the ward or was caught and raped in bed!"

"You!" Secretary Yang's expression was still in shock. Suddenly, she roared: "Tang, you...you raped me!"

"Don't say that." Director Tang seems to have already thought out a countermeasure, or he doesn't know how many times he has done such things. He lightly lit a cigarette, and then sat on the sofa beside him. He came down and said, "This is what you want. If not, why would you and I appear in the hotel?"

"You...you sent me here while I was drunk." Secretary Yang gritted his teeth.

"You are wrong!" Director Tang smiled slightly and said: "When we had a relationship last night, you kept calling my husband and yelling to make me hurry up, haha..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Secretary Yang almost exploded his mind when he heard it.

"You don't believe it?" Director Tang sneered, and said: "No wonder the ancients said that **** is ruthless, and the actors are meaningless. It seems that this is true. Fortunately, I kept the evidence!"

While speaking, Director Tang immediately turned on the phone, and then clicked on the recorded video.

In the video, I only saw Secretary Yang constantly yelling, naked and completely photographed by the other party.

"You bastard, you are about to delete it!" Secretary Yang hurriedly jumped up. However, as soon as she jumped up, she realized that there was no fig leaf on her body. She hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her body.

"Hehe..." Director Tang smiled and said, "I can't delete it."

"You!" Secretary Yang frowned when he heard it, and then said: "You are surnamed Tang, don't be so shameless. If you do something bad, you still have a handle. Believe it or not, I will call the police immediately!"

"Okay!" Director Tang took a puff of cigarette, then smiled: "You can call the police!"

Secretary Yang was holding the cell phone and was about to call the police.

Director Tang said leisurely: "If you call the police, I will send this video to Qin Jun."

"You!" Secretary Yang heard her, her hair tingling suddenly.

Secretary Yang has liked Qin Jun for a long time. If she suddenly saw this video, she would probably fire her as a secretary immediately. Don't say you like it, I am afraid there will be no way to stay by Qin Jun's side in the future. Secretary Yang likes Qin Jun, and she already likes it to the bottom of her bones. She would rather work for Qin Jun without taking a penny, and work for him.

It was only last night that Director Tang discovered that Secretary Yang actually liked Qin Jun. Therefore, today he plans to threaten Secretary Yang from various aspects and not let her call the police. Of course, Director Tang is 70% to 80% sure that he can survive Secretary Yang. That's why he seemed so calm.

Of course, if Secretary Yang did call the police, he would still be afraid. Not only would he lose his black hat, but he would also make a lot of noise. It is estimated that his family would not be able to keep it.

Seeing that Secretary Yang hesitated, Tang Daguo immediately took the opportunity to step up his offensive: "Even if you call the police, I will be able to come out soon. Someone behind me can catch me. Besides, this matter cannot be characterized as a strong, **** case. . If I hire a good lawyer, I will soon be able to characterize it as a chaotic private life, at most one party warning. And you are different, not only ruining your life, I am afraid that Qin Jun will also expel you from the Qin Group! "

"You are shameless!" Secretary Yang was extremely annoyed. Yesterday, he shouldn't agree to go to the banquet. It's a pity that things have happened. There is no regrettable medicine in this world. Secretary Yang looked very helpless and very painful. Secretary Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Well, you win."

After speaking, she was about to put on her clothes and leave.

"Wait!" Tang Daguo scolded immediately.

"What do you want to do!" Secretary Yang was preparing to wear the clothes.

"Hey, did I say to let you go?" Tang Daguo smiled and said, "I didn't promise to let you go!"

"You...what do you want to do?!" Secretary Yang scolded.

"I want to do it again." Tang Daguo looked at Secretary Yang fascinatingly.

"You are crazy!" Secretary Yang ignored him completely and immediately began to dress.

"If you don't agree, I won't be polite." Tang Daguo smiled and said, "I will send these photos to Qin Jun to enjoy."

After speaking, Tang Daguo immediately began to edit the MMS.

"Stop it!" Secretary Yang glanced at it from a distance. She remembered Qin Jun's number clearly. When she suddenly saw Tang Dagong preparing to send Qin Jun a MMS, she immediately rushed over. Plan to **** the phone from Tang Daguo.


As soon as Tang Daguo hid, Secretary Yang immediately fell on the carpet aside. It's very miserable and, besides, naked. In order to maintain her image, she almost fights. She knelt down in front of Tang Daguo with her bare buttocks, and said, "Director Tang, please, don't...don't!"

"Then you have to promise me!" Tang Daguo was wrapped in a bath towel, and he pulled the bath towel apart in a hurry. There was a soft thing inside.

Secretary Yang suddenly felt hot eyes, she turned her head hastily: "No...impossible!"

"So, do you have to force me to do it?" Tang Daguo sneered. He held the phone, he smiled, and said: "I tell you, I have uploaded the picture to the cloud space, even if you take the phone, the picture is still In my hands!"

Secretary Yang's scalp was numb and sickened.

"You..." Secretary Yang gritted his teeth and trembled all over. He didn't care that he was completely undressed.

"Don't worry, I will do it this time." Tang Daguo smiled: "Because you were in a drunk state yesterday, which made me very unsatisfied. I just want to have fun now, okay?"

"Just once?!" Secretary Yang asked.

"Yes!" Tang Daguo nodded and said: "This time, there is absolutely no next time!"

"What do you say?" Secretary Yang asked.

"Of course it counts!" Tang Daguo nodded.

"You must delete all the photos and videos after you finish." Secretary Yang gritted his teeth.

"Yes!" Tang Daguo nodded.

"Okay!" Secretary Yang regarded death as home. He had been playing for a whole night anyway, and he didn't care about being tricked by him again. Secretary Yang knelt in front of Tang Daguo.

"Come on, kneel down for me." Tang Daguo smiled.

"No!" Secretary Yang shook his head immediately.

"Huh?" Tang Daguo was immediately unhappy. He picked up the mobile phone in his hand and said, "I said, I want to have fun today. If you don't let me have fun, hum..."

"I..." Secretary Yang turned blue, with a touch of humiliation and unwillingness on her face, she could only open her mouth...

Tang Daguo enjoyed it very much. He had long admired Secretary Yang for a long time, but it was a pity that this woman was too cold and could not grasp her weakness at all. This time, Tang Daguo seemed very excited and happy after grasping her weakness.

Early in the morning, Tang Daguo seemed very excited, as if he were a male dog in an aggressive period.

Secretary Yang is like a lamb staying at the mercy of her master, even though she is very humiliating, very unwilling, very reluctant, but she can only honestly be unlocked by Tang Daguo in eighteen positions.

On the sofa, on the coffee table, on the bay window, even on the carpet...

Tang Daguo was satisfied one by one. Finally, he chose to leave everything in Secretary Yang's body.

"You lunatic!" Secretary Yang felt it immediately, and she kicked Tang Daguo away. Then he swiftly got into the bathroom, and there was a burst of retching.

Secretary Yang washed in it for more than half an hour before coming out wrapped in a bath towel, and then put on the clothes.

Tang Daguo lay reclining on the sofa as if he really wanted to talk. His expression shows that he is very comfortable.

"You should delete everything." Secretary Yang walked over.

"Good, good!" Tang Daguo deleted all the videos and pictures in front of Secretary Yang, including the cloud space.

Seeing Tang Daguo deleted it, Secretary Yang turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Secretary Yang leaving, Tang Daguo took a deep breath and said, "Little girl film, don't you know that there is a saying in this world? It's called Jiang or Lao Di Lao. Do you think it's so easy to delete?"

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