The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 567: The only friend

Liu Yiyi turned to look at the BMW car beside her, with tears in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Get in the car!" Xiao Han stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the co-pilot, and said, "If you want to get in the car, let's talk about it."

Liu Yiyi hesitated for a moment, she immediately got into the co-pilot, and then quickly closed the door.

Xiao Han stepped on the accelerator. After the car came out of the school, the speed dropped, and Xiao Han kept moving forward at 30 yards. Walk on the far right side of the road.

"What do you want to tell me." Xiao Han asked.

"I want to tell you, actually, that day was not what I wanted to do." Liu Yiyi bit his red lips, and then said: "I don't want to be either. It's just that Qin Xiaotian has been chasing me, so...that's why I deliberately Exciting him like that. I didn't expect him to act like that."

"Oh..." Xiao Han nodded and said, "You don't just want to tell me this, do you?"

"Yes!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

"Then I don't think you need to tell me this at all." Xiao Han smiled.

"Why is it unnecessary?" Liu Yiyi looked forward and said, "I don't want my image to collapse in your heart."

"Why do you care so much about my opinion of you?" Xiao Han looked puzzled.

"Because..." Liu Yiyi bit her red lips and said, "Because you are my only friend."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was taken aback, and then said, "The only one?"

"Yes!" Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "At least for me, you are my only friend."

"But, we don't seem to understand each other, right?" Xiao Han looked surprised.

"You don't know me, but I know you!" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han seriously.

"Talk about it." Xiao Han smiled.

"You are from Linjiang City, and your father is a worker at the Fuxing Factory. Your father had a car accident and left when you were fifteen years old. You were the champion of the high school entrance examination in Wangjiang District. After high school, your grades plummeted..." Liu Yiyi flicked out Xiao Han's information, and then said: "In the third year of high school, your grades were a blockbuster, and the college entrance examination won the national college entrance examination champion... and I know that your current girlfriend is Lan Yudie... "


Xiao Han suddenly took a breath and said, "Are you investigating me secretly?"

"I didn't." Liu Yiyi shook his head and said: "Aren't these things known to many people?"

"You..." Xiao Han frowned.

"You don't have to worry about me, and I won't be against you." Liu Yiyi smiled, and then said: "So, you don't have to look at me like this."

"But I don't know anything about you." Xiao Han smiled and said, "You make me very scared."

"What do you want to know?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"All of you." Xiao Han smiled.

"Okay." Liu Yiyi nodded, and then said: "My name is Liu Yiyi. I am the only daughter of the Liu family. My father is the founder of Huasheng Group. In the provincial capital, Huasheng Group is nothing but Qin. The group’s attachment. After leaving the Qin Group, the Huasheng Group may not be able to survive. I signed a marriage with Qin Xiaotian when I was fifteen. I will get married when we graduate from university, but..."

At this point, Liu Yiyi's words stopped abruptly.

"But what?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Nothing." Liu Yiyi smiled, shook his head and said: "Nothing. Actually, Qin Xiaotian and I were just begged for marriage. However, the Qin family will soon regret the marriage. It may not be long."

"Why?" Xiao Han looked surprised.

"I won't say much about this." Liu Yiyi shook his head, and then said: "Anyway, you know it."

"If you don't tell me, how do you let me treat you as a friend?" Xiao Han smiled and said provocatively, "Since you are a friend, you should know the bottom line, right?"

"If I said, would you really want to be my friend?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Then if I told you, would you despise me?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han seriously. There was some flickering in those pure eyes, it was a touch of complexity, it seemed that Liu Yiyi's heart was very contradictory.

This makes Xiao Han even more curious, a girl with such a complicated heart, what can she hide from herself? Xiao Han was very curious in his heart, and said: "Why would I despise you? You are so beautiful, I'm afraid all the boys at Shuimu University want to make friends with you, right?"

"Xiao Han, I know you are a special boy." Liu Yiyi sighed and said: "But if I tell the truth, maybe you will be like everyone else and avoid me, right? "

"Nonsense." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "You tell me, I want to see, what is it?"

"Forget it, let's not say it." Liu Yiyi shook his head and said, "I am looking for you today. I just want to tell you. I'm really sorry about what happened that day. Qin Xiaotian is my fiancé in name. I think I must I apologize to you, I'm really sorry!"

"You don't have to say I'm sorry!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "It's not you, but Qin Xiaotian!"

"Park, I'm going home." Liu Yiyi said.


Xiao Han pulled over and stopped immediately.

Xiao Han turned his head to look at Liu Yiyi, and said, "You really don't tell me?"

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi shook his head.

After speaking, she pushed the car door to go down.

Xiao Han immediately reached out and grabbed her hand and said, "If you really treat me as a friend, just tell me. Otherwise, after you get off this car, we may never be friends!"

Liu Yiyi trembled all over, she bit her pale red lips and closed the door again.

There were tears in her eyes, but a faint smile on her face, and said: "Guess what?"

"I can't guess!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Did you see my hair?" Liu Yiyi gently stroked her hair.

"Very beautiful hair." Xiao Han smiled and said: "When I first saw you, I was attracted by your hair."

"Actually, I used to have such beautiful hair..." The smile on Liu Yiyi's face was even better. Her eyes had been staring at Xiao Han closely, and there seemed to be a touch of unwillingness in her eyes, a touch of victory over everything* *.

"You..." Xiao Han was stunned.

Doesn't Liu Yiyi have such beautiful hair now? Why did it exist before? Xiao Han's heart was underestimated. I feel very surprised and curious. He asked suspiciously: "You... don't you have it now?"

"No!" Liu Yiyi shook his head.

When she was speaking, she gently tore off the wig on her head. Under the lush black hair, there was a bare skull without a trace of hair. It's like a mirror.


Xiao Han was startled when he saw this scene suddenly.

Although Liu Yiyi is still so beautiful after removing her hair, it's just a different kind of beauty. However, he suddenly changed his appearance, which really shocked Xiao Han. Xiao Han was dumbfounded and dumbfounded, and said, "This...this is..."

"I know, you can't avoid vulgarity just like other men..." Liu Yiyi saw it, tears burst into her eyes, she grabbed her hair and quickly jumped out of the car.

At this time, a black Audi car drove over.

Liu Yiyi quickly got into the black Audi car and left quickly.

Xiao Han had been stunned and dumbfounded. He continued for several minutes. When he reacted, Liu Yiyi was nowhere to be seen. He hurriedly jumped out of the car and looked around, but he searched the whole world as if disappeared.

"Liu Yiyi..." Xiao Han shouted loudly.

However, no one around responded to him.

Xiao Han also felt that his exaggerated expressions and movements just a little irritated Liu Yiyi. When he reacted, he wanted to apologize to her, and wanted to make up for it. However, the person has disappeared. As if all of this disappeared, the whole person was gone.

Xiao Han was dumbfounded. He shouted: "Liu Yiyi, where are you, where are you? Come out."

However, what responded to him was echoes from all around the empty space. Xiao Han was a little anxious. Suddenly a girl disappeared. It was really worrying, nervous and at a loss.

Xiao Han was speechless. He hurriedly shouted: "Liu Yiyi, don't hide, I know you are here, I apologize to you. I'm sorry!"

However, there was still no trace of Liu Yiyi around.

Xiao Han looked around. This was the countryside of the road. A girl can't run too far.

Xiao Han hurriedly jumped into the car and drove around to search. The search lasted more than an hour.

In the end, Xiao Han dragged his tired body back to the dormitory.

After arriving at the dormitory, Xiao Han fell asleep.

"It's weird, there is something wrong with Xiao Han today." Liu Bin was playing King of Glory.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Dagu asked curiously.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Bin cast a look at him, and said, "Xiao Han used to read a book or cell phone when he came back, so why did he fall asleep as soon as he came back?"

"Oh, maybe people are tired." Zhang Dagu replied.

Li Bin hurriedly said: "Fuck, it's only past nine o'clock, how can someone go to bed so early? When does Xiao Han go to bed at eleven or two?"

"That's the same." Zhang Dagu nodded, he hurriedly jumped off the head of the bed, then walked towards Xiao Han, and said: "Xiao Han, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Thinking about things!"

After speaking, he fell asleep with his head covered.

This unusual behavior aroused the curiosity of several people in the dormitory even more.

"It's broken, isn't it a broken love?" Zhang Feng said awkwardly.

"Perhaps." Liu Bin was shocked when he heard this, and said, "Blue Raindie dumped him?"

"It's over!" Zhang Dagu patted his forehead and said: "This is broken."

All three people in the dormitory looked very surprised.

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