
Liu Sisi suddenly took a breath and said, "Oh my God, is that making money like this?"

"Couldn't it?" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "The daily turnover is more than 200,000 yuan. It is indeed very profitable."

"It's more profitable than our clinic in a year!" Liu Sisi was speechless.

"First of all, the dishes here are very distinctive, and secondly, the surrounding students have high spending power." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Finally, the person in charge of this restaurant has great marketing tools. It is always able to attract surrounding residents to consume. "

Liu Sisi sighed and said, "It's amazing!"

Xiao Han secretly asked, isn't the person in charge of this restaurant himself? Is this the old Wang selling melons and boasting?

Liu Sisi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It shows that the person in charge of this restaurant is very capable. He can run such a large restaurant."

Soon, the dishes Xiao Han ordered came up one by one.

Looking at the domineering dishes, Liu Sisi seemed a little surprised. Facing the roast suckling pig, Liu Sisi said in surprise: "This... how do you eat this?"

"Eat the skin." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Dip it in sauce."

Liu Sisi followed Xiao Han's way, sandwiched a piece of roast suckling pig skin, and then dipped it in the sweet noodle sauce, and it tasted great. Liu Sisi couldn't help but ate several pieces in one go. She said with relish: "Awesome, it tastes very good."

"Not really." Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "This tastes really good."

"This piece of duck is also delicious." Liu Sisi hurriedly praised.

Although there are only four dishes, each one is the signature dish here, and each one is very expensive. Especially the roast suckling pig, this pig alone costs 388 yuan. A table of dishes is close to one thousand yuan. Such an expensive price is indeed unaffordable. Of course, the dish of roast suckling pig is rarely ordered if it is not a large-scale school gathering or dinner party.

When paying the bill, Liu Sisi was a little surprised to see the price of more than 800.

"So expensive?" Liu Sisi exclaimed.

"It's okay." Xiao Han paid the money, and then smiled: "It's getting late, shall I send you back?"

"Okay." Liu Sisi's face turned red, and then said, "It's a pity that there are so many dishes left. I'll pack it."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded. He immediately asked the waiter to bring two packing boxes. After all, there are only two people, but there are so many dishes, and Liu Sisi's appetite is relatively small, and he is full after eating some, and there is more than half of the dishes left on the table.

Coming out of the restaurant, it was already dim outside, and the street lights on the road were already on. Many people lined up in front of the restaurant.

"Xiao Han!" Suddenly, a voice shouted from the crowd.

"Zhang Feng?" Xiao Han looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng and Xiao Hua lined up to prepare to have a meal, and they saw Xiao Han coming out of the restaurant at a glance.

"I'll invite Xiao Hua to eat." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Have you eaten?"

"You're done." Xiao Han nodded, and said: "I will take the Sisihui clinic and talk about it when I come back."

"Sure!" Zhang Feng nodded, with a strange smile on his face.

All the way is smooth, and there is surprisingly no traffic jams on the road during rush hours. This made Xiao Han a little surprised.

Very smoothly sent Xiao Han back to the Corning Clinic.

"Xiao Han, thank you for your dinner today." Liu Sisi looked at Xiao Han happily, with a pair of beautiful eyes, as if he could speak.

"It's okay." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "We will eat together when we are free."

"Okay!" Liu Sisi nodded, but she immediately said, "Next time I will treat you."

"Also!" Xiao Han nodded when he heard it.

Later, Xiao Han drove away. Liu Sisi looked at Xiao Han's back. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. It was not until Xiao Han's car disappeared from the end of her vision that she turned around and entered the house.

Seeing his daughter's return, Dad Liu sighed and said, "Sisi, are you back?"

"Dad, have you eaten yet?" Liu Sisi asked hurriedly.

"Oh..." Father Liu glanced at his daughter and said, "Sisi, you can eat and drink well outside. Pity me eating carrot and cabbage at home. How pitiful."

Liu Sisi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Dad, didn't you leave something for you at noon?"

"It's all broken." Father Liu smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, I'll pack it for you." Liu Sisi walked in carrying the food packed from the Hanmen restaurant, and then said with a smile: "Look, they are all delicious dishes."

Opening the box, the fragrance of the dishes overflowed.

"What kind of dish is so delicious?" Daddy Liu was overjoyed.

"Roast suckling pig, and sliced ​​duck, and..." Liu Sisi said hurriedly.

Father Liu looked very happy. He hurriedly said, "Hurry up and get my wine, because my daughter has filial piety. These are all first-class snacks!"

Dad Liu loves liquor, but although he likes to drink, he never overruns it, and is never greedy. Drink alcohol as appropriate. Overdose is bad for the body. As a doctor, he knows these things very well.

"You drink less!" Liu Sisi fetched white wine and a glass for his father.

Daddy Liu looked very happy.

There are some people in the clinic who are getting injections and watching TV boredly.

At this time, an old lady who was idle and okay came over and said, "Lao Liu, does your girl have a boyfriend?"

"No!" Dad Liu shook his head.

"Why... I'll be a matchmaker for you?" The old lady hurriedly said, "I know a nice boy, who looks good, has a house and a car, and the conditions at home are good. Would you like to consider... …"

"Don't think about it!" Liu Sisi on the side heard it, and hurried over, saying: "I have a boyfriend."

"Ah..." The old lady was taken aback, and said: "Sisi, don't you be too repulsive to matchmaking. This is our tradition. Matchmaking has the advantage of being a matchmaking. These are people who understand each other, unlike those who know each other. Men are not people who know each other, and they don’t know the roots..."

Liu Sisi was very disgusted when the old lady called.

"Old lady, are you here to come to see the doctor or to be a matchmaker?" Liu Sisi frowned, as she had put on a white coat at this time.

"I..." The old lady hesitated.

"Okay, sit down quickly." Liu Sisi smiled: "I'll take your blood pressure and show you how it is."

"Okay!" The old lady nodded immediately.

Liu Sisi dislikes these people the most, and he has nothing to do with him. This old lady has a son of her own, now in her thirties, and she doesn't even have a girlfriend. She doesn't worry about her son's affairs, but instead is concerned about others. Therefore, Liu Sisi was very impatient. I also don't want to be worried about such things.


Xiao Han drove back to the school.

The car parked in the teacher's parking lot, and then walked back to the dormitory from the parking lot.

Just arrived at the door of the dormitory, but was stopped by a voice: "Xiao Han..."

A voice came from behind, Xiao Han hurriedly froze, turned his head to look, it turned out to be a familiar face. Xiao Han said in surprise: "Liu Yiyi?!"

"I haven't seen it in a few days." Liu Yiyi was wearing a white dress with a smile on his face, still with that long hair like a waterfall, tall and handsome, with a goddess headband on his head. Maybe it was because of learning dance since childhood, so people stop there, the temperament is very outstanding. Usually girls will be overshadowed and ashamed when they are around her. With a smile on Liu Yiyi's face, she walked towards Xiao Han slowly.

"You... what are you looking for?" Xiao Han asked.

"I want to talk to you!" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han seriously.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Han was somewhat indifferent. Obviously, when he saw Liu Yiyi again, Xiao Han had lost that kind of affection in his heart. There is no end of the stunning and admiration that was when I first met her.

Since the last time I saw Liu Yiyi in the dining hall surrounded by Qin Xiaotian chasing stars and holding the moon, after huddling her, Xiao Han's favor for her has completely disappeared. Therefore, when Xiao Han saw Liu Yiyi again, he only complained.

"You have a prejudice against me." Liu Yiyi glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Can't you give me a chance?"

"What opportunity?" Xiao Han looked at Liu Yiyi curiously.

"An opportunity to explain." Liu Yiyi said.

"I'm curious, why do you want to explain to me?" Xiao Han looked puzzled and said, "I am not a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I can't even talk about friends. What do you need to explain to me?"

Xiao Han's words completely disappointed Liu Yiyi. Liu Yiyi's face showed a touch of 100,000. She looked at Xiao Han, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Xiao Han's eyes. After a long time, she said: "I really didn't expect that I always regarded you as a friend. And in your heart, I am not even a friend. It seems that I am being passionate... I'm sorry to disturb you!"

After speaking, Liu Yiyi actually bowed to Xiao Han, then turned and left.

The moment she turned around, Liu Yiyi covered her red lips with her hand. Obviously, Xiao Han's words hurt her.

In my mind, the image of that prince charming seemed to collapse instantly. To be honest, Liu Yiyi's impression of Xiao Han is actually very good. Even if there is no full score, it is definitely a high score of ninety points. From this point of view, Xiao Han's impression in Liu Yiyi's mind is very good.

Especially from that college or department orientation party, Liu Yiyi admired Xiao Han's guzheng performance and his ability to paint with ink. Since that time, Xiao Han has left an indelible impression in Liu Yiyi's mind. Moreover, Liu Yiyi wanted to chat with Xiao Han many times. However, taking into account her own body, and even more concerned with her relationship with the Qin family, she has never had this courage.


Suddenly, a sharp brake sound came from beside him.

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