The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 568: Disappointed

"Then what to do?" Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"Comfort and comfort him." Zhang Dagu said.

"No." Liu Bin shook his head and said: "This time you should let him sleep well. When he wakes up tomorrow, he might forget everything, right?"

"Okay." Several people nodded.

Early the next morning.

A few people found the problem after getting up.

"Why is Xiao Han missing?" Zhang Feng rubbed his eyes.

"It's weird." Liu Bin frowned and said: "It was fine last night. How can I say it will disappear."

All of them felt very curious, and also seemed very puzzled and surprised.

When they were about to get up, Xiao Han ran back from outside in the morning.

"Xiao Han, are you back?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, his face was red and sweaty after the exercise. Since the last time Lan Yudie was kidnapped, Xiao Han felt that his physical strength was regressing seriously. Therefore, he made up his mind to exercise his physical fitness. After all, it is not enough for Sora to have a super brain. He also needs a strong physical support. It's like building a tall building. You have to have strong pillars to support it, right?

"Are you okay?" Liu Bin asked.

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Then you yesterday..." Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han awkwardly.

"I said what I thought yesterday." Xiao Han took a sip of water, and then asked, "Right, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" The three of them leaned forward curiously.

"Which department does Liu Yiyi belong to?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"It seems to be from the Department of Commerce." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "Yes, it is from the Department of Commerce, because she is the first person on the school flower list, and also the most mysterious one. I know this better."

"Do you know which class it is from?" Xiao Han asked again.

"It seems to be from Class Two." Liu Bin thought for a while, and then said very confidently: "Yes, it's from Class Two, I remember."

"Okay!" Xiao Han took another sip of water and said, "I'm going to have breakfast."

After talking, Xiao Han turned and left.

Several people behind him looked at Xiao Han's back inexplicably.

"Hell, what the **** is going on with this guy?" Liu Bin said in shock, "Why did you suddenly ask about Liu Yiyi?"

"Didn't you say that he was broken in love?" Zhang Feng said.

"It must be!" Liu Bin nodded hurriedly, and said: "This guy must be broken in love, so he was looking for news about Liu Yiyi. He must have wanted to find Liu Yiyi because Lan Yudie dumped him, so He went after Liu Yiyi to prove his charm is unabated!"

"Fuck you!" Zhang Dagu replied without angrily, and said: "Whoever finds a woman when he breaks up in love."

"A lot." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "Don't you know that the best way to heal your pain is to start the next relationship?"

"Go!" Zhang Dagu replied angrily.

The three of them immediately started to wash, then procrastinated to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. I was late after eating breakfast. Lan Yudie’s class just happened to have a school meeting recently to rectify the discipline of college students. Zhang Feng immediately became the target of public criticism. Including Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu have become typical targets.

"Zhang Feng, why are you so late?" Lan Yudie frowned.

"Ah..." Zhang Feng looked embarrassed and said: "I...I slept too late."

"Then you just stand at the door!" Lan Yudie's face was stern.

"Good!" Zhang Feng nodded when he heard it.

Liu Bin was also punished to stand. As for Zhang Dagu from the physical education department, he was punished to run ten laps around the playground.

The corner of Zhang Feng’s mouth raised a sneer, and said, “No wonder Liu Bin said that Xiao Han was broken in love, and that Lan Yudie’s mood was bad. Alas... I’m so stupid, knowing that they broke up, I’m sure to be upset. Okay, but it happened to hit the muzzle at this moment!"

After school at noon, Xiao Han ran out quickly. Then headed straight for the business department. He needs to stop Liu Yiyi when his business classmates are in the classroom.

However, when he arrived in the second class of e-commerce in the Department of Commerce, he found that the other party's people had already gone more than halfway. He glanced at the other party's classroom and found no trace of Liu Yiyi.

"Classmate!" Xiao Han hurriedly grabbed a boy and asked: "By the way, did Liu Yiyi not come to class today?"

"Liu Yiyi?" The boy was taken aback. He seemed to be unfamiliar with this person's name. He smiled and said, "Liu Yiyi doesn't come to class often. He only comes to class occasionally."

"Ah..." Xiao Han was taken aback, and said, "Is there anything like this?"

"This is specially approved by the school." The boy smiled.

"I...I understand." Xiao Han nodded.

Returning disappointedly from the business department, he did not expect that Liu Yiyi did not often go to school, but came to school occasionally. This made Xiao Han a little surprised. There are such people at Mizuki University?

Xiao Han suddenly remembered that Liu Yiyi’s ‘shaky’ bald head, could it be...

Suddenly, a bad premonition floated in Xiao Han's heart. There are two reasons why people become bald. The first is man-made, and the second is because of illness. With Liu Yiyi's beauty-loving character, she would definitely not shave her hair artificially. Therefore, there is only the second possibility, being sick.

If it is alopecia, the whole head will not fall out. In other words, there is only one possibility, and that is to get sick. And it is a serious illness. There is a disease in Xiao Han's brain: Leukemia!

Chemotherapy for leukemia will cause strands of hair to fall off, and it will end up like Liu Yiyi.

"No, it's impossible!" Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head and said, "It is impossible for Liu Yiyi to get such a terminal illness."

Xiao Han's heart has always been hoping to develop in a good direction. The only thing he wants to do now is to quickly find Liu Yiyi and ask her what is going on? At the same time, I also apologized for what happened last night.

However, he did not find Liu Yiyi.

Xiao Han was very disappointed, even more disappointed than not finding Liu Yiyi last night.

Return to the dormitory.

"Xiao Han, why are you unhappy again?" Liu Bin smiled bitterly: "We should be the unhappy people. We have all been punished."

"Why?" Xiao Han asked.

"What do you mean?" Liu Bin sighed and said, "I have been modeled."

"How could this be?" Xiao Han laughed.

"The school has been focusing on discipline recently, and the few of us are out of luck." Liu Bin said helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Han's phone rang.

It was a call from Zhao Lizhong.

"Xiao Han." Zhao Lizhong was full of spring breeze, and then smiled: "Are you free this afternoon?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hanmen Mining and Hanmen Foreign Trade Company have done it." Zhao Lizhong smiled: "In addition, the bank loan side has been down, and the personnel recruitment has been implemented. I want you to come to the company."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

I have been busy with school affairs recently, and I forgot that I still have a mine. Zhao Lizhong should be busy these days, running on both ends alone, and also doing all kinds of miscellaneous things. Although Mo Shaocong said hello to the provincial party committee and gave the green light all the way, but this kind of thing also needs to run. Zhao Lizhong is not at ease with others, everything is done by himself. It is harder.

At around two in the afternoon, Xiao Han drove to an office building in Zhonghuan Road.

I saw the offices of Hanmen Mining and Hanmen Trading Company in the lobby of the office building. The two companies work together.

Zhao Lizhong rented two offices, one with more than 100 square meters and two with more than 200 square meters. Together, harmony is pretty good. The office building is also good, there are properties under management in the lobby, and other people need to register in.

Xiao Han made a registration and then went up to the twelfth floor.

The two innermost offices on the twelfth floor were rented by Hanmen Mining. It took half a month to renovate. Office equipment is also in place. The office is very new. Employees are also just recruited. The vice president of the company to the employees of the company, of course, some of the people in the mining company are people who the company was willing to stay.

As soon as Xiao Han arrived at the office, Zhao Lizhong saw Xiao Han at a glance.

"Everyone, everyone stand up and welcome our boss!" Zhao Lizhong hurriedly shouted.


Everyone stood up, everyone looked at the direction of the door with a curious and surprised look.

In everyone's mind, the boss of this company is at least a middle-aged uncle in his forties, right? After all, behind this mining company is the provincial party committee. Everyone knows that Mo Shaocong once endorsed this company. Moreover, the investment in this company is not small, with tens of millions of funds and hundreds of millions of assets.

Everyone suddenly saw a young man appear at the door.

"This...who is this?" The vice president of the company was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Young man, did you go to the wrong door?"

"I..." Xiao Han flushed, seeing so many people standing up to welcome him.

"No, no, this is our company’s boss, Xiao Han!" Zhao Lizhong hurried over and said awkwardly: "Don’t look at Xiao Han’s young age, but he is very capable. I admire him very much. I watched him personally. Slowly from a restaurant to now..."

When the vice president heard this, his face turned pale. It seems that I really have eyes but do not know Taishan.

"Xiao... President Xiao, I'm sorry!" The vice president of the company looked embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head and said, "I will take what you said just now as a compliment to me!"

"Ah..." Everyone was stunned.

"Didn't he praise me for being young?" Xiao Han laughed.

Everyone suddenly realized that they also laughed.

Xiao Han didn't have any pretensions, and he had such an achievement at a young age, and everyone admired him very much. People admire capable people, not rich people. Xiao Han's ability is obvious to all.

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