The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 556: you are crazy

"I'm not interested in you!" Xiao Han gave her a disdainful look.

"You!" Ye Shisan was instantly angry, this is simply an insult to himself. The other party looked down on himself so much, and Ye Shisan was even more angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "Come on, **** him."

"Yes!" The two women immediately showed their short swords.

"Only you two?" Xiao Han looked at them with disdain.

"Yes!" The woman nodded and said: "We may not be your opponent before, but now that you are exhausted and injured, we can take you down!"

"Okay, let me try if you have the ability!" Xiao Lian laughed.

Xiao Han was carrying an iron rod in his hand. Don't look at the iron rod floating in Xiao Han's hand, but this iron rod was extremely powerful. It weighs more than twenty kilograms. It is difficult for ordinary people to hold it, but it seems to be fluttering in Xiao Han's hands.

"Kill!" The two women had good looks, but when a hideous color appeared on their faces, the beauty of the two disappeared. It was replaced by brutality.

This night Thirteen is also considered formidable, there are more than a dozen female soldiers under her hands, and these people have been trained as thugs by her. It can be regarded as Ye Shisan's bodyguard.

Seeing the two women rushing up, Xiao Han was not nervous. Dealing with two women is simply a breeze for him.

Seeing that the two of them were about to rush forward, Xiao Han thought, and the iron rod in his hand immediately smashed towards each other.

Xiao Han's attacks have always been unexpected.

Although the other party saw it, there was no way to react.


When a stick was smashed, the opponent leaned back and fell down. He was unconscious on the spot.

Seeing this, another woman leaped up, and the short knife in her hand slashed towards Xiao Han's skull.

"Good job!" Xiao Lengren snorted.

Xiao Han held the iron rod in both hands, a section of the stick was a little on the ground, and the person quickly rose into the air. Xiao Han's right leg swung toward the other side.


With a muffled sound, this kick hit the opponent's head fiercely. The woman fell down.

"Ouch..." Although the woman fell down, she did not pass out. She struggled to get up, and gritted her teeth and said, "Asshole, you are so cruel, you even attacked women!"

"You are not a woman, you are my enemy!" Xiao Lian laughed.

"You!" The woman glared at Xiao Han.

At this time, Ye Shisan walked over slowly and said, "Xiao Han, let's talk about it!"

"What do you want to talk about?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Twenty million, you let me go!" Ye Shisan said.

"Sorry!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I can't let you go!"

Letting her go is equivalent to letting the tiger go. This time I was lucky to be able to rescue Blue Rain Butterfly, but what about next time? Who knows if he can catch up in time? Even twenty million won't buy the life of Blue Rain Butterfly.

Xiao Han definitely can't let him go easily.

"How much do you want?" Ye Shisan asked.

"I want your life!" Xiao Han replied calmly.

"You!" Ye Shisan was stunned when she heard it, her face immediately sank: "Are you a lunatic?"

"I am not!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I am not a lunatic."

"Do you think you can kill me?" Ye Shisan looked at Xiao Han coldly.

"I don't think there is any problem!" Xiao Han glanced at her and said, "Killing you is just a sentence."

"Then you try!" Ye Shisan walked towards Xiao Han, closing his eyes.

In fact, Ye Shisan was very frightened inside. She was gambling, a gambling, a big deal of losing her life. Besides, Xiao Han should know the severity and know that killing is illegal. At first, she was also worried in her heart that Xiao Han, a fledgling teenager, would be born with a calf and not afraid of tigers. What if he is beaten to death by himself?

"Do you think I dare?!" Xiao Han walked forward quickly, lifting the iron rod high in his hand.

"Wait!" Ye Shisan hurriedly stopped the other party.

"What? Are you afraid of death?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes, I admit that I'm afraid of death!" Ye Shisan nodded and said, "Xiao Han, there is one sentence I don't know when to say it!"

"Say!" Xiao gave him a cold look.

"I'm telling you, now the Dao League treats you as a friend. Once the Dao League gains power, you will be the first to get rid of it!" Ye Shisan looked at Xiao Han seriously, and then said: "Cross the river and demolish the bridge, kill the donkey and unload the mill... …This kind of thing happened so many times. You killed me today. It was profitable to the knife league, but nothing harmed. At first, for you, there was no harm to all."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Do you think that if you say that, I won't kill you?"

"It doesn't matter if you kill me or not." Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and then said: "But, you kill me will definitely not do you any good."

Xiao Han suddenly hesitated.

Killing Ye Shisan means that the sword alliance has one less enemy. The Dao League is still the largest gang in the provincial capital. If Ye Shisan is lost in the provincial capital, then Nightingale is bound to be in chaos. Knife League is estimated to take this opportunity to win Nightingale in one fell swoop. Once the power of the knife alliance grows, it seems to be of no benefit to him. After all, no one wants to have a powerful person around him. And this person can threaten his life at all times.

After thinking about all this, Xiao Lun laughed and said, "You are right!"

Ye Shisanyi heard a flash of joy in his eyes, and said, "So, you promised not to kill me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Great." Ye Shisan was overjoyed and said: "As long as you don't kill me, I will owe you a favor. If you ask me to do anything for you, I will do what I say."

"Just listen to what people like you are saying." Xiao Han replied with disdain, and then said, "Although you are inevitable for death and sin, you cannot escape for life."

When talking, Xiao Han rushed up.


Suddenly, Xiao Han raised the iron rod in his hand and hit Ye Shisan's arm with a stick.

"Ah!" Ye Shisan screamed, and he fell down on the spot.

"Boss Ye!" The two women on the side rushed up, and then helped Ye Shisan up.

"I... my hand!" Ye Shisan screamed, "Send me to the hospital!"

"Yes!" The two women nodded hurriedly. One of them stopped a private car and dragged the driver from the car.

"Don't... don't grab my car." Upon seeing this, the driver hurriedly shouted.

The short knife in the woman's hand slashed over and hit the man's arm with one knife, saying: "If you dare to catch up, I will kill you!"

The man fell in pain, lying motionless on the ground. I can only watch the woman drive her car away.

The man looked helpless.

Xiao Han didn't bother to pay attention to this scene. Turn around and leave.

When returning to the Golden Island, the Monkey King walked over anxiously and asked, "Xiao Han, you killed Ye Shisan?"

Xiao Han glanced at him and said, "Do you want me to kill her?"

"Of course!" The Monkey King hurriedly nodded, and said: "As long as you kill him, this provincial city will lose a force, and the black iron will be equal to a broken arm. This is very beneficial to our knife league. Maybe. We can take advantage of this to take down the Nightingale!"

"Then I am afraid I will disappoint you." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "I didn't kill her, I just taught her a lesson!"

"Why didn't you kill her?" The Monkey King said anxiously.

"Why should I kill her?" Xiao Han asked suddenly.

"She acted on your favorite woman." When the monkey king heard it, he became anxious: "Didn't you say you want to kill her? You let her go now. You made the Golden Island like this. This is for you. It’s not a good thing. Sooner or later she will attack you or the people around you. You can guard it this time, can you guard it next time?"

"I can kill her once, then I will definitely be able to kill her a second time!" Xiao Han replied.

The Monkey King frowned, somewhat unbelievable, as if he felt that Xiao Han had changed too much before and after. Even made him somewhat unacceptable.

"Okay." The Monkey King was immediately speechless. Since Xiao Han didn't kill her, everyone had already left, and he couldn't catch up with her. Therefore, the Monkey King can only let people start a large-scale raid on this golden island. Unfortunately, nothing was found.

"Brother, there is a new discovery!" The younger brother hurried down from the stairs.

"What did you find?" The Monkey King asked suspiciously.

"I found a safe in an office on the fifth floor!" The little brother hurriedly said, "The safe is hidden behind a picture. I guess there should be good things in it!"

"Really?" When the monkey king heard it, he became interested.

Afterwards, a few people immediately went upstairs and found a safe inside.

"Brother, this safe can't be opened!" The younger brother tried to crack it with violence, but unfortunately he couldn't open it at all.

"That's easy!" The Monkey King smiled, and then said: "Move this safe away and find someone to open it."

"Yes!" The boys nodded.

Five or six people carried the safe out together, and everyone was tired and sweated before they moved the safe to the car outside.

Liu Bin was stunned when he saw this safe.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Feng pushed him aside, and then said, "It's not yours that there is money in it."

"Yes!" Liu Bin smiled, and then said: "It doesn't matter if I have money."

"That's not it." Zhang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Let's go, let's go back."

"Go go!" Liu Bin nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Han nodded immediately. He took Lan Yudie's hand and said, "Go, let's go back."

"But, your injury!" Lan Yudie was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Should I go to the hospital for treatment?"

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