"We... can we really go?" the bold girl asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded.

In fact, when the forces on the Tao compete for a territory, isn’t it a resource? Among them, women can also be regarded as a resource. After many gangs have laid down other gangs, the women in the club will be taken away. They know this rule well. However, these people in front of them said that they would let themselves go, and no one knew if they were deliberately testing themselves.

Therefore, they dare not speak.

At this moment, the daring girl turned to look at her accomplice: "Let's go quickly!"

After speaking, she took the lead and rushed out first. After rushing out, the people behind saw that these men did not stop them, and they ran out. Dozens of girls ran out quickly one after another like canaries that opened their cages.

Seeing them escape, Zhang Feng sighed and said, "It's all a bunch of poor girls!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said, "This Ye Shisan is also a woman. Why is she cruel to women?"

"Maybe it was because I was framed by a woman in the early days." Zhang Feng smiled.

But Liu Bin didn't have the mind to care about the girls. He ran upstairs quickly, then looked for things room by room. It didn't take long for this guy to find Ye Shisan's office.

Night Thirteen’s office is on the top floor of Golden Island. There is a luxuriously decorated and very beautiful office on the top floor. This office is luxuriously decorated with carpets on the floor and several beautiful Western oil paintings on the walls.

After entering the office, Liu Bin immediately got in and started looking around.

In the office drawer, he found a roster with names and contact details on it. Not only that, Liu Bin quickly turned on Ye Shisan's computer. Although the computer had a password, with Ye Shisan's ability, she easily changed her password and found several encrypted folders inside.

This encryption method is not difficult to Liu Bin.

Liu Bin handled this encryption method very easily, opening those folders in minutes. Soon, a lot of top-secret information was found in the folder. There are not only Ye Shisan's secretly cooperating partners and the secret activities she has been engaged in recently. These things are easy and may not matter to others, but they are very important to Ye Shisan.

Soon, Liu Bin found another very secret thing.

A hidden folder contains a lot of videos. These videos are all shameful videos. There are more than one hundred copies, and most of these videos are used to control those girls. Once these girls dared to escape, Ye Shisan used these shameful video materials to threaten each other. And they released the information to her family, so these girls more or less could not bear such threats.

Liu Bin uploaded all these materials to his cloud space.

Later, Liu Bin began to look for some other hidden things. He quickly entered the other corners of the room to look for. Soon, he found something behind a painting.

"Fuck, safe!" Liu Bin was overjoyed when he saw this.

However, this huge safe uses a fingerprint decryption method, and you want to open it unless you get the fingerprint of Ye Shisan. At this time, Ye Shisan had no idea where to go. Besides, even if Ye Shisan was found, she would not give in easily. Therefore, Liu Bin could only find a way to open the code lock.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Bin started to work. First, he tried several mechanical unlocking, but there was no way. This safe is so powerful that there is no way to open it. Therefore, we can only start from other trouble spots.

Before long, Liu Bin immediately thought of a very good way.

He quickly found the transparent glue in the drawer, and then collected a complete fingerprint that Ye Shisan left in the office through the transparent glue. A complete fingerprint is left on the transparent glue. He easily collected the fingerprint, and then quickly simulated a fingerprint through silicone molding.

Holding this fingerprint, Liu Bin was extremely excited.

He walked slowly towards the safe and stuck the fingerprint on the fingerprint verifier.


With a crisp sound, the green light on the safe door came on. Then, the door of the safe opened.

"***!" Seeing that the safe was opened, Liu Bin almost jumped up with excitement. If he hadn't seen this decryption method on TV, I'm afraid he would never be able to open this safe.

Using this method to open the safe, Liu Bin felt **** happier than winning five million. He was very excited and excited.

He opened the safe with excitement, and inside it was a stack of banknotes, including RMB, US dollars, and British pounds. Liu Bin was not polite, he quickly swept all the money away, and took a woven bag from the cabinet on the side and threw all the money into it. Inside the safe, there are several yellow kraft paper bags. It is estimated that some files and the like are installed inside.

"It's so **** cool!" Liu Bin was excited.

Originally, I only planned to take some money away. Later, because I was too excited, Liu Bin took away all the information inside.

He came downstairs carrying a woven bag.

"Liu Bin, where did your kid go?" Zhang Feng stared at Liu Bin.

"Hey..." Liu Bin was ruddy and smiled: "It's nothing, I'll go up and see if anyone is hiding at the door!"

"Where did you get the bag?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Oh..." Liu Bin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I found a notebook and plan to get it back and study it!"

When Zhang Feng heard it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Liu Bin, who is from the computer department, was very fascinated by computers in the dormitory. Now he found a good computer here and it is normal to bring it back. Zhang Feng didn't say anything, but exhorted: "Just relax, don't run around, what if you get hurt?"

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded as soon as he heard it, and said, "I see!"

"That's good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Zhang Dagu on the side got out of the room and said, "Everyone is gone, let's retreat too!"

"Let's go and see how Xiao Han is going!" Zhang Feng said.

Then, a group of people ran out quickly.

At a distance of fifty meters from the Golden Island, a black Mercedes-Benz galloped.

"Stop!" Xiao Han swiftly chased after him.

The car didn't mean to slow down at all. Seeing that the car was about to turn right from the traffic light in front and escaped. Xiao Han quickly ran towards the shortcut.

"Hurry up!" At this time, Ye Shisan shouted: "If you don't leave, he will catch up!"

"Yes!" The driver nodded and slammed on the accelerator. The car scraped all the way. All the cars along the way suffered, of course, Ye Shisan's own Mercedes-Benz also suffered.

At the traffic light, the driver ignored the traffic light at all, but slammed to the right.


The car made a violent friction on the ground. In that blink of an eye, the car rushed out quickly.

However, Xiao Han also caught up at this critical moment.

"Damn, he rushed over!" the driver shouted.

"Crash and kill him!" Ye Shisan roared.

"Yes!" The driver nodded.


The engine has exploded with maximum horsepower and maximum torque.

The front of the car slammed into Xiao Han with a force of several thousand jin.

Xiao Han rushed forward, and he did not slow down either. Rush up at the fastest speed. The relative movement is always the fastest. Once they collide, Xiao Han will inevitably be broken.

However, what everyone did not expect was that this guy jumped up, holding a black stick in his hand, and knocking it down on the glass of the Mercedes-Benz.


With a loud noise, the front windshield of the Mercedes-Benz exploded with a loud noise, and the glass suddenly turned into beads and shattered. The glass cracked and fell off piece by piece. The driver was hit by the huge force and passed out into a coma.


The front of the car hit the guardrail on the side. The car stopped at that time.

Xiao Han was not well, the car was too fast. Although he broke the glass with this knock, the whole person lost the center in mid-air. The person turned over in mid-air and fell heavily. On the ground.

"Ouch..." Xiao Han landed on his butt, and his tail bone almost cracked. He was so painful, he limped when he stood up, rubbed his **** with his hand, and said, "Mom!"

The front of the Mercedes-Benz was severely deformed, the airbag in front had been ejected, and the driver was unconscious.

Although Ye Shisan and the other two women were not unconscious, they also suffered a huge shock.

"Get out of the car!" The woman hurriedly pushed open the car door.

"Damn it." Ye Shisan roared and said, "Xiao Han, this bastard, I must kill him."

"Kill him!" The woman beside her roared.

"Yeah!" Ye Shisan nodded.

The three people got out of the car, Ye Shisan was still in shock, and she locked all of her hatred on Xiao Han. Xiao Han limped and saw a few women come down. He hurriedly stood up straight and said, "If you have the ability to continue driving!"

"Xiao Han, why bother?" Ye Shisan gritted his teeth.

"I warned you a long time ago." Xiao Lengchun laughed and said: "You can do anything to me, but you must never attack the people around me, let alone my beloved woman. You have committed a taboo. , I can’t blame me for forcing you hard!"

"You!" Ye Shisan glared at Xi Oh, yelled, and then said, "Isn't it just a woman, if you follow me, I will get you what kind of woman you want, even if you are attracted to me , I will also put down my body to serve you."

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