The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 557: Treat wounds

"No need!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I will send you back to school first, and then I will treat the wound!"

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded.

Xiao Han drove to Shuimu University.

After arriving at Shuimu University, Xiao Han sent Lan Yudie to the teacher's apartment building. When he was about to leave, Liu Bin said, "Xiao Han, I found something on Golden Island!"

"What is it?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment.

"Look!" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

After speaking, Liu Bin immediately poured the contents of the woven bag on the back seat.


A lot of brand new tickets fell in the back seat.

"Fuck, so much money?" Zhang Dagu was taken aback.

"Oh my god, you...what did you do?" Zhang Feng asked in astonishment.

"Hey, let me tell you secretly!" Liu Bin grinned and said, "I grabbed the monkey king and opened the safe, and I put all the money and information in it. They went back and opened it, and it was an empty box. Haha ..."

"So handsome!" Zhang Dagu was overjoyed.

"It's better for us to hold it than to the knife league, right?" Xiao Han smiled.

Everyone was happy.

Liu Bin and Zhang Feng started counting the money behind, and Zhang Dagu was in the co-pilot. He kept turning his head to watch the money counting behind him, as if he was afraid that they two had clicked the wrong one. Seeing them count the money, they seemed to be drooling.

Liu Bin had already ordered the car before the Corning Clinic.

"A total of more than 200,000 yuan, and more than 30,000 dollars and pounds." Liu Bin said excitedly: "It should be more than 400,000 yuan."

"That's it?" Zhang Dagu asked suspiciously.

"Do you think it's a lot?" Liu Bin glanced at Zhang Dagu, then said, "Who would put too much cash in the safe?"

"Then what do you do to get a safe?" Zhang Dagu replied angrily.

"It must be to store some materials!" Liu Bin smiled and said, "In my opinion, these materials should be much more valuable than the money in our hands."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Let's go to the clinic first, and go back and study these materials!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded.

The money has been counted, and everyone knows it. As for the information, they decided to go back and study it again. Let's take a look at the usefulness of the information stored in the safe by Ye Shisan.

Corning Clinic.

Now it seems to have become Xiao Han's place to treat wounds and sterilize stitches.

When she arrived at the Kangning Clinic, Liu Sisi understood what was going on. However, when she approached, she realized that Xiao Han was covered in blood. Her expression changed and she said in astonishment, "You...what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "It's just a little bit of skin wounds."

"Come in!" Liu Sisi was wearing a white coat, and she hurriedly dragged Xiao Han into the back room.

The back room is an operating room.

Liu Sisi hurriedly took off Xiao Han's clothes. Because of the blood stains on the clothes and the long time no treatment, they soon became scarred, and the wounds were condensed with the clothes.

"Oh, it hurts..." Xiao Han screamed.

"Look at you, it took such a long time to treat the wounds, and I don't know how to do it sooner!" Liu Sisi didn't bother to dissuade him from everything. Now she can only carefully treat Xiao Han's wounds before talking. .

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes, I'm procrastinating, I'm not right."

"You don't know." Liu Sisi replied without angrily, and then said: "Wait for me to treat the wound for you, and see how I can clean you up."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

Because Xiao Han knew that Liu Sisi was a girl with a knife-mouthed tofu heart. When the wound is dealt with, Xiao Han said two more good words. It is estimated that she will become like a docile cat again.

Xiao Han had three wounds on his body, all of which were relatively deep. Although the wound is coagulated, it does not mean that the wound will be healed. If this wound is not treated, it is easy to cause inflammation as the weather gets hot, and once inflammation occurs, it is easy to cause problems.

Xiao Han couldn't take off his clothes anymore, so he could only cut little by little with a scalpel, and then deal with it around the wound. Liu Sisi was very careful. Zhang Dagu and others on the side were holding their breath and daring not to say anything, for fear that a word of their care would cause Liu Sisi's hand to tremble.

Three wounds, it took more than half an hour to get the clothes off.

Then he sutured, and it took more than an hour for Xiao Han's wound to be processed. The thread on the wound was stitched up neatly. The stitches are densely packed, appearing very serious and careful. Several guys around looked envious.

"Sisi, you are so careful!" Zhang Dagu hurriedly said, "I am so happy to be here to treat the wound."

After speaking, Zhang Dagu hurriedly walked over and said: "Next it is my turn!"

Liu Sisi glanced at him, then said, "Lie down."

"Ang..." Zhang Dagu nodded.

"Here, bite!" Liu Sisi handed him a wooden stick.

"Why?" Zhang Dagu asked curiously.

"Let you bite and bite, why are there so many from here?" Liu Sisi replied angrily, and then said, "Hurry up, otherwise I will be replaced!"

"Yes!" Zhang Dagu nodded hurriedly.

"Get down!" Liu Sisi ordered.

"Hmm!" Zhang Dagu had a 20-centimeter wound on his back. The skin and flesh were cut open and needed to be stitched up. The condition is similar to Xiao Han, the wound and clothes are condensed together and can only be separated by scissors.

However, what Zhang Dagu didn't expect was that the girl Liu Sisi walked over, pinched the clothes with one hand, and pulled hard.


Zhang Dagu suddenly took a breath. He originally planned to shout, but when he shouted, his mouth immediately bit the wooden stick, and his teeth were deeply submerged in the stick, which seemed extremely painful.

"I... my goodness!" Liu Bin on the side saw it, dumbfounded.

The clothes were torn off, and blood immediately poured out.

"Don't move!" Liu Sisi scolded immediately.

Zhang Dagu could only grind his teeth on his stomach, not daring to move. Liu Sisi hurriedly used a cotton ball to stop the bleeding, and then sprinkled the hemostatic medicine, and then suture the wound with needle and thread, although the movement was light and the needle thread was light. However, the thoughts spent on Zhang Dagu were obviously not as much as on Xiao Han.

Treating the wound, plus stitching and dressing time, add up to less than ten minutes.

"Okay!" Liu Sisi said.

"Just... it's all right?" Zhang Dagu turned his head and glanced at Liu Sisi, the pain made his forehead sweat.

Liu Sisi smiled, and then said: "Yes, it's all right."

"Hmm." Zhang Dagu nodded hurriedly.

Subsequently, Zhang Dagu got up. Liu Sisi glanced at Liu Bin and Zhang Feng. Said: "Next!"


Zhang Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He touched the wound on his arm and smiled: "I...I'll forget it. The wound is not serious. After I go back, I will just take a little medicine."

"I'm fine, I have no wounds!" Liu Bin said hurriedly at this time.

"It's all okay, right?" Liu Sisi glanced at the two of them and said, "That's fine, save me trouble."

After speaking, Liu Sisi put away everything.

Xiao Han was relieved from the pain of the stitches just now. He glanced at the clinic and asked curiously: "Sisi, where is your dad? Why isn't he in the clinic?"

"My dad went out for a doctor." Liu Sisi replied, and then said: "I am the only one in the clinic."

"With so many patients, are you busy?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Why can't you be too busy?" Liu Sisi glanced at Xiao Han and said, "I'm still taking care of it all by myself."

"Yes." Xiao Han nodded.

"By the way, I have passed the medical qualification certificate." Liu Sisi smiled.

"Really?" Xiao Han was shocked when he heard this, and said: "You have passed the test for such difficult things?"

"Of course!" Liu Sisi nodded, and she raised her mouth with a smug smile.

The doctor’s qualification certificate is issued by the Ministry of Health after passing the national unified qualification examination for practicing physicians and assistant practicing physician qualification examinations. It is recognized in medical technology and proves that the holder has the technology and ability to independently engage in medical activities. The certificate Permanent. The doctor’s practice certificate is issued by the local health bureau. It indicates that you are allowed to practice medicine in a certain hospital and stipulates the scope of your practice. This is an administrative approval. If you commit any problems, you can revoke your license. If you change a hospital to practice medicine, you must change your practice license again. To practice medicine, a doctor must first take the qualification examination for practicing physicians and obtain a physician qualification certificate. Then bring your doctor’s qualification certificate to the health bureau where you are working to register and obtain a doctor’s practice certificate. Only when you get both certificates can you be qualified to practice medicine.

Among them, the physician qualification certificate is the most difficult to test. It takes a lot of effort and perseverance to get it.

"Awesome!" Xiao Han praised.

"Hehe, don't look at how many years I have taken the exam!" Liu Sisi smiled and said, "I took the exam for three consecutive years before I got it."

"Some people may not be able to pass the test even if they are thirty years old!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"That's..." Liu Sisi smiled slightly, and the triumph in that smile became even stronger.

Liu Sisi finally won the doctor's qualification certificate and is considered a full-fledged doctor. Because Liu Sisi's father has no sons, his only career can only be pinned on Liu Sisi. Although Liu Sisi graduated from the nursing school, but with his own ability and amazing perseverance, he passed the doctor's qualification certificate. This is simply an inspirational story.

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