The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 554: The trend is gone

Xiao Han felt that he was almost unable to move. His arm seemed to have lost consciousness. He didn't know if he thought he was numb, or he couldn't move because his arm had bleed too much.

"Hurry up and kill him!" Ye Shisan roared: "He can't hold it right away."

Nightingale's little brother launched a more ferocious attack for money.

Xiao Han was almost unable to support it. Although he didn't want to give up in his heart, his body really couldn't stand it anymore.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the door of the dungeon was knocked open. Then Zhang Feng rushed in with a group of people and shouted: "Xiao Han, I'm here to save you!"

"Zhang Feng!" When Xiao Han heard it, his eyes lighted, and he said excitedly: "Good brother, thank you."

In such a difficult time, in such a difficult time, suddenly saw a glimmer of light, Xiao Han suddenly felt a surge of power in his lower abdomen. His left hand suddenly grabbed a man who rushed up, and the knife in his right hand wiped the opponent's neck fiercely.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Han cursed almost gritted his teeth.

Xiao Han has never had any sympathy for these robbers.

When the knife went down, the other party immediately fell over his neck, and within a few minutes, the guy died.

"Kill...Kill!" At this time, the younger brother behind exclaimed.

"Asshole thing, what is it to die alone!" Ye Shisan roared: "Hurry up, kill him now, otherwise, you will all die in the future!"

Ye Shisan was a little panicked, and she was very frightened. If Xiao Han left here today, she would definitely face threats from Xiao Han in the future. Xiao Han is so strong, he will be restless in the future, sleeping and eating.

"I..." The little brother was stunned.

"Fuck me!" Ye Shisan yelled.

Behind, Zhang Feng rushed in with a group of people. These people are from the knife league. This time, the brothers of the Dao League are still strong. After Xiao Han entered, the Monkey King called and started to gather the people. Zhang Feng and the others didn't know how to get the news, and they also hurried to the Golden Island.

The Monkey King summoned more than one hundred people, ready to storm the Golden Island.

Zhang Feng proposed that he lead people to complete the first wave of attacks. The Monkey King naturally agreed. So the scene just appeared.

Zhang Feng grabbed the metal stick with one hand and shouted, "Xiao Han, your weapon!"

"Bring it!" Xiao Han hurriedly shouted when he heard it.

Zhang Feng threw it out smoothly, Xiao Han jumped up, holding the metal stick in both hands, suddenly looked extremely excited. The power in the body seemed to return all at once. I don't know if it's because of Machete's own brother, or because this metal stick has a certain special attribute.


Holding the iron rod, Xiao Han knocked the opponent away again and again. Just a few clicks and beat the other party to piss.


"It hurts me to death, help!"

The situation at the scene reversed all of a sudden, and they were beaten up and screamed at that time, making them scream.

Zhang Feng rushed in first, followed by Zhang Dagu. This guy Liu Bin hides behind him. He is not strong enough, but last time Xiao Han saved himself regardless of danger. This time he couldn’t say anything to death, so he followed, even if he was in the crowd. Also come in.

The originally crowded dungeon was suddenly crowded with more than one hundred people.

Ye Shisan saw this scene and immediately sighed: "It's over, it's over, the trend is over."

The best time to kill Xiao Han had been completely lost, so Ye Shisan knew that Xiao Han was destined to die today. The woman on the side hurriedly said: "Boss Ye, let's go quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late."

"Yeah!" Ye Shisan nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Shisan left the scene from another exit of the dungeon under the **** of three female masters.

Zhang Feng quickly rushed in with a group of people. The two sides launched a crazy fight.

From the moment the Sword League entered, Nightingale's aura was softened. Although Ye Shisan promised to reward him as long as he killed Xiao Han, no matter how much money he had, he had to spend his life. No life, what use is more money?

The two sides launched a crazy fight.

Holding the metal stick, Xiao Han rushed all the way, stupefied to beat the opponent.

"Xiaoyu, let's go!" Xiao Han dragged Lan Yudie.

"Okay, okay!" Lan Yudie nodded hurriedly, she was so frightened that everyone was in a trance. Being dragged by Xiao Han, she immediately stumbled and ran straight out.

Zhang Feng and the others attracted many people, so the pressure on Xiao Han was quickly released. Xiao Han still swept toward the opponent despite the quarterly physical overdraft. Not long after, Xiao Han rushed out of the opponent's defense with Lan Yudie. He rushed out in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Han!" Zhang Feng looked very excited when he saw Xiao Han had broken through the opponent's siege. He grabbed Xiao Han's arm and asked excitedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head.

The Lan Yudie on the side was very dissatisfied and said: "Zhang Feng, anyhow I am also your teacher, why don't you ask me first?"

"I..." Zhang Feng looked at Lan Yudie awkwardly, and said with a smile: "This... isn't this all the same. What do you and Xiao Han divide between you and me?"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed.

Xiao Han looked very excited, and after breaking through the encirclement, he finally retreated safely. Just a few minutes ago, Xiao Han thought that he was going to be unable to sustain it, but Zhang Feng and the others would actually come in, which made Xiao Han very moved.

"Go, kill them." Xiao Han shouted.

"Kill!" Zhang Feng leaped down the steps, kicked a little brother with one foot, and then shouted: "Kill him with a pee in his ass. Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

The brothers of the knife league rushed out quickly.

Nightingale's little brother panicked and ran away along the path of Ye Shisan's retreat. No one dares to stay.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "This time, Nightingale is dead."

"Xiao Han." At this time, the Monkey King came in from outside.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Ye Shisan ran from behind!" The Monkey King said hurriedly.

"Then I will chase it!" Xiao Han immediately said when he heard it, "You help me take care of Xiao Yu, I must bring this vicious woman to justice today!"

After speaking, Xiao Han rushed out with a kick.

Ye Shisan retreated from the back door and was already behind the Golden Island when he came out. She never expected that she would lose power so quickly. What made her most depressed was that the people from the Blade League actually intervened, which really did not occur to her. Moreover, there are so many people from the knife league. Wasn't there only more than twenty people before?

"Boss Ye, let's go quickly!" The woman on the side said hurriedly.

"Really unwilling!" Ye Shisan gritted his teeth.

"Yes, but the reality is already like this." The woman said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's go!" Ye Shisan gave a wry smile.

The people of the knife league are frantically slaughtering the people of Nightingale.

More than a hundred people fled nearly a hundred people at once, leaving twenty or thirty people trembling at the scene. Don't dare to move. One by one squatted on the ground, no one dared to squeak. The brothers of the knife league took control of the scene.

In the dungeon, there are also several iron cages, inside which are closed.

"How do these people deal with?" Zhang Feng looked at the gangbang, looking a little nervous. The first time I saw such a beautiful woman, it was still naked. There are some evil thoughts in my heart. Although Zhang Feng was shy, he couldn't help but take a few glances. Hope to remember the plump looks of these women.

"Let it go." Zhang Dagu on the side looked at them pitifully, and said: "These people Shiyou** were obtained by the banshee Ye Shisan. And it was obtained illegally. So, we still let it go. They, they blame the poor."

"Huh!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Soon, they released all the girls inside. These girls were either bought by Ye Shisan from some impoverished places, or they were abducted from college. These girls are very pitiful. Zhang Feng gave them some clothes and then gave them some money to sell tickets home.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"We are going to the police, and we are going to make them pay!"

These girls were moved to tears.

"Forget it." Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "Go back now and don't compete with them. Since these people are engaged in this industry, it means that they have the ability behind them. If you still go to the police, it does not mean Did you throw yourself into the net?"

The girls were trembling with fear. They nodded again and again: "You are right, then we can only leave!"

After letting go of the girls, Zhang Feng took someone to sweep the Golden Island, and found a group of girls in a room in the corner of the first floor. These girls hid inside tremblingly, afraid to move, for fear that they would be killed by the opponent accidentally.

The faces of these girls are full of fear, fear.

"Are you all working here voluntarily?" Zhang Feng asked.

They didn't dare to make a sound, each huddled in the corner, daring to talk nowhere.

"No one speaks?" Zhang Dagu frowned. This group of people who had been enslaved, at this moment indeed looked a little nervous and a little scared.

At this time, a slightly bolder girl said: "We...we are forced!"

"Then don't hurry up." Zhang Feng glared at them and said, "I have to wait for them to clean up you?"

The group of people were dumbfounded, looking at each other, no one dared to move.

Among them, some have been imprisoned for several years. In the past few years, their scope of activities can only be on this golden island. Even if you want to go to the streets on vacation, some people follow along. Each of Nightingale's little brothers trained like a scout.

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