"I... fuck!" Xiao Han was shocked.

However, attacking the opponent at this time is clearly one behind. Therefore, Xiao Han rushed forward decisively. Without hesitation, he put his arm on the back of Lan Yudie's head. Lan Yudie noticed Xiao Han's abnormality, and she turned her head to look. But saw a silver dangling machete close at hand.


A burst of blood splashed, and a few drops of blood fell on his eyes.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie was so scared that she almost fell.

Xiao Han hurriedly supported her from behind, for fear that she would fall.


Xiao Han received a knife with his left hand, and his right hand struck the man's neck without hesitation. The blood splashed three feet high. The knife went down and directly struck the artery. The man was clutching his neck, but blood still came out of his fingers.

"Ah!" the man screamed again and again.

The man's cry obviously shocked the others. All of a sudden, other people were confused. Everyone dared not move forward.

Xiao Han supported Lan Yudie, and then hurriedly said: "You...are you all right."

"Xiao Han, your arm!" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"Fool, it's nothing wrong with this!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"But!" Lan Yudie looked at the wound on Xiao Han's arm, blood pouring out of his clothes. Fortunately, Xiao Han's muscles are strong. If it weren't for the strong muscles, I'm afraid that his arm would be severed if the knife went down. The other party resorted to the power of the milk to slash it down.

"It's okay, let's go!" Xiao Han helped Lan Yudie and said: "I want to see, who else dares to stop me!"

After talking, Xiao Han walked out decisively.

No one on the side dared to stop Xiao Han.

"Stop him!" Ye Shisan shouted angrily.


The gang launched a siege again. More than 20 people dealt with one person, and this person was also carrying a procrastinator. If all this can't be beaten, then how can you mess with the road in the future? I am afraid that Nightingale's reputation will plummet in the future, and she will never be able to lift it up from now on?

Xiao Han's injured left hand held Lan Yudie, his right hand carried a machete, and he slashed towards the opponent fiercely.

After a few knives, I was shocked to chop the opponent.

Xiao Han did not dare to mess around, nor did he dare to move at will. He can only go head-to-head with each other. Because he used other moves, the Blue Rain Butterfly was unprotected.

Just when Xiao Han was about to walk towards the steps, suddenly, a lot of people swarmed in again. Dense crowd. Ye Shisan had already ordered people to call for support. Ye Shisan had already made up his mind. Even if Xiao Han was killed today, he would never be allowed to leave here alive.

"Xiao Han, don't blame me for being polite!" Ye Shisan gritted his teeth.

Xiao Han killed a three-in and three-out in the crowd.

There is no way to move the steps. Because the steps are full of people, unless you kill all the way out. Otherwise, there is no way to get out. The only way now is to retreat and find a place where there is only one side of the enemy, protect the blue rain butterfly, and then wait for the people of the knife alliance to come to rescue.

"Kill him!" Ye Shisan roared.

"Kill!" Dozens of people swarmed up.

Xiao Han pulled the blue rain butterfly back.

Xiao Han quickly pushed the blue rain butterfly onto a wall, and then blocked the blue rain butterfly with his back. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Xiao Yu, don't worry, I will protect you."

"Xiao Han, I'm not afraid!" Lan Yudie swallowed. Hiding behind Xiao Han, looking up at that tall and mighty figure, she felt so safe behind Xiao Han for the first time.

The figure in front of him is just his own student. She has always believed that this student needs her own protection, and she needs to protect herself. The teacher is a hen, and the student is a chicken. However, now she found that her thoughts were completely reversed. Xiao Han is the mountain in his life, protecting his mountain. With him, he is very safe and secure, and nothing will happen.

Looking at this figure, Lan Yudie was very calm.

Xiao Han was not afraid of the enemy, his right hand hacked the opponent frantically. The opponent's horses continuously pounced towards him. However, Xiao Han was not afraid at all. He was holding a machete in one hand, as if there was a realm where one person is a master.

"Boss Ye, this kid is too powerful." The woman watching the battle said in horror.

"Yeah!" Ye Shisan nodded, and said, "That's why I always want to win him. If we can win him, we Nightingale won't have to depend on the black iron, and we won't have to be obedient to him. ."

"Yeah!" The woman nodded and said, "Unfortunately, this person is not used by us. It's a pity."

"Even if he is not used by us, then we must not let him go easily." Ye Shisan nodded.

The fighting has continued, and the severity of the fighting is beyond imagination. A man on the other side was cut open by Xiao Han, and his intestines dripped down. He dragged his place with his hand, and tremblingly stuffed it into his abdominal cavity.

This scene scared many people, and many people couldn't help but step back when they saw this scene. If it weren't for Ye Shisan staring at the back, I'm afraid these people have already run away. The reason why these people can stand here all the time is because there is Ye Shisan in the town here.

"Hurry up, kill him." Ye Shisan became more alarmed and scared as he watched.

Xiao Han used his own strength to withstand the offensive of so many people on the scene. This ability is really shocking, and it makes people feel extremely cruel. From the current point of view, Ye Shisan felt that Xiao Han's existence was a great threat. Therefore, if Xiao Han is not eliminated today, that name will probably be harassed by Xiao Han throughout his life. She definitely didn't want to leave herself with such a powerful future.


Suddenly, the opponent's knife tore a hole in Xiao Han's shoulder. The clothes broke all at once, and a gap of more than 20 centimeters was torn open from the shoulder to the chest. Blood poured out from inside.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie was frightened.

"I'm fine." Xiao Han hurriedly appeased Lan Yudie.

However, what effect did the light soothing? Lan Yudie saw Xiao Han's stab with his own eyes, and saw the knife cut Xiao Han's body with his own eyes. Blood poured out from inside. Blue Raindie was shocked and terrified inside.

"You...you are bleeding." Lan Yudie exclaimed.

"It's okay." Xiao Han soothed again, and said: "A little wound, nothing will happen."

Lan Yudie forced herself to remain calm, for fear that she would be intimidated by the sight before her carelessly.

Xiao Han's physical strength was gradually draining, and he didn't know how many people came from the other party. In short, from Xiao Han's perspective, the other party's men and horses had already crowded the dungeon, and there were still some reserve personnel standing on the steps. These people seem to be able to replace those who are in the forefront at any time.

There are more than one hundred people densely packed. These people can fight against Xiao Han continuously.

However, Xiao Han had only one person, and he had to protect Blue Rain Butterfly.

At this moment, Xiao Han finally felt the power of the number of people. He used to think that his strength was so great that he could be invincible in the world. However, it is different now. He found that his physical strength was also limited, and, with the passage of time, his physical strength showed a geometric trend of decline. Now Xiao Han can only rely on his willpower to support his beliefs. How much he hopes to protect the Blue Rain Butterfly all the time.

"Very well, put more effort." At this time, Ye Shisan shouted: "He is almost unable to hold it, continue to beat me!"

Under Ye Shisan's yelling, everyone increased their strength.

However, Ye Shisan always felt that his people were not strong enough. Therefore, she roared hard, "Listen to me, the first person to hack Xiao Han, my mother will reward him with two million!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

As the saying goes, under the reward, there must be a brave man. So, so, they even rushed forward.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

This group of people crowded and rushed forward as if they were crazy. They wished to carve up Xiao Han's body immediately, and wished to kill Xiao Han immediately.

Everyone worked hard.

Xiao Han's pressure is getting greater and greater, and as time goes by, his wounds are getting more and more. Mistakes are also increasing.

"Xiao Han, you..." Lan Yudie hid behind her, panicking. Xiao Han was almost unable to hold it. Lan Yudie clearly felt that Xiao Han's movements were already a little slow.

That's right, Xiao Han is really good.

However, how strong can a person be? He can defeat ten people, but he cannot defeat a hundred people; even if he can defeat a hundred people, he cannot defeat a thousand people... After all, the power of one person is limited.

"Xiao Han, do you want to surrender?" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"No!" Xiao Han replied firmly, the steel knife in his hand was still chopping wildly. Although the speed is a lot slower than before, but it can still play crazy.

At this moment, Xiao Han really has more than enough energy but not enough energy. His arm is now moving like a machine, let alone a human being, even if the mechanical arm is waving, there will be metal fatigue. Xiao Han's hand was too tired to lift it up, but he knew he had to persist. If he didn't persist, he would probably be finished. Not only will he be buried here, but even the Blue Rain Butterfly may be unlucky.

He would rather die by himself than he would never want the blue rain butterfly to be domesticated by them and become the cash cow of the Golden Island.

However, physical strength is gradually being consumed, and strength is gradually being lost. He almost felt like he was about to collapse. Body functions are also declining. Xiao Han's heart was about to collapse: Oh my god, is the sky going to kill me Xiao Han? Isn't the sky unwilling to help me?

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