Therefore, Huang Xiaobo's charges cannot be escaped. As for Zhang Dakai, he must be in prison. With the character of Captain Zhang, he must be upset by Zhang Dakai. Therefore, Zhang Dakai's charge is definitely a heavier punishment.

Business College.

"Great, Huang Xiaobo was arrested."

"real or fake!"

"The news is coming out, this kid eats his own bad luck, weird."

Many students from the School of Business rushed to report. Run between each other. It seems that Huang Xiaobo has been arrested. For them, it is as excited and happy as the New Year.

Guan Xiaotong's dormitory.

"Xiaotong, good news, great news!" At this moment, Zhang Xiaomei hurried in.

"What's wrong?" Guan Xiaotong asked suspiciously.

"Caught, caught!" Zhang Xiaomei said excitedly.

"What was caught?" Guan Xiaotong frowned.

"That villain Huang Xiaobo was arrested." Zhang Xiaomei was very excited, and said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, he was arrested. It's great, great."

"Really?!" When Guan Xiaotong heard this, her original silent expression became excited, and she hurriedly asked: "Are you sure you've been arrested? Didn't you get it in and release it?"

"No, he can't get out this time!" Zhang Xiaomei smiled, and then said: "This time he is dead. Haha..."

"Why?" Guan Xiaotong asked suspiciously.

"Illegal holding of guns has something to do with gun dealers." Zhang Xiaomei smiled, and then said: "This thing is definitely not that simple. To me, this guy must be sentenced. Even if he is not sentenced, he will definitely detain a few. month."

"That's great," Guan Xiaotong said excitedly.

"The best news is that the School of Business and Commerce has now announced the expulsion of Huang Xiaobo from school." Zhang Xiaomei laughed and said: "At this point, Huang Xiaobo can no longer stand up. Even if he comes out, the School of Business and Commerce will not accept him. Up."

"Great, this is how it should be to deal with this bully." Guan Xiaotong sneered.

"No!" Zhang Xiaomei was excited.

This day is their happiest day.

However, Huang Xiaobo was arrested, Zhang Dakai was imprisoned, and even Hei Tie was warned by the police. The news spread quickly.

Knife League.

Big Regal Entertainment Club.

Liu Sandao was sitting with Monkey King in the office, and the two of them looked deep. This time Zhang Dakai was arrested, which can be regarded as a wake-up call for them.

"Brother, it's fortunate that you didn't come into contact with that kid." The Monkey King smiled and said: "I said at that time, it is better to touch less guns and ammunition. Since the country has explicitly banned it, we should be gangsters. alert."

"You're right." Liu Sandao nodded and said: "That kid is of unknown origin, and no one knows whether he is a gun dealer in the Golden Triangle."

"Yes!" The Monkey King nodded and said: "If you are a reliable person, it is okay to cooperate, but the other party is not reliable at all. No one knows the other party's origin. Right?"

"No!" Liu Sandao snorted coldly.

At this time, Bai Hu hurried in.

"Big Brother!" Bai Huhu, sitting on a chair, drank a large glass of water, and said: "I just learned that the batch of goods requested by Black Iron has been returned, and we can't get their handle. ."

"It's okay!" Liu Sandao shook his head and said, "It's okay to go back, at least it won't pose a threat to us."

"But, the plan we made?" The Monkey King hurriedly asked.

"Hehe..." Liu Sandao smiled, and then said: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. It's normal, isn't it?? This time we can't defeat the black iron, we can defeat him next time.

"What the big brother said!" Bai Hu nodded.

"Hei Tie is still vigilant." Liu Sandao smiled.

A smile was raised at the corner of Bai Hu's mouth. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "So, we need to be more vigilant."

"What is Xiao Han up to now?" Liu Sandao asked curiously.

"This kid?" Bai Hu chuckled and said, "I'm busy with nothing, I'm busy picking up girls."

"Haha...Men, don't everyone feel good about this." Liu Sandao laughed and said, "Although Xiao Han is a genius, does genius have physical needs?"

"However, Xiao Han may be in big trouble!" Bai Hu's face suddenly condensed.

"Oh?" Liu Sandao was taken aback for a moment and asked, "What's the trouble?"

"This kid is stealing women from Qin Jun." Bai Hu sneered, then said, "There may be unexpected troubles."

"Yes!" Liu Sandao took a deep breath and said, "This kid is really courageous. Even Qin Jun's woman dares to **** it. He is crazy!"

Bai Hu frowned, and then said, "Yes, Qin Jun is an extraordinary person. Most people would never dare to offend him. With the background of the Qin family, who would do him? Almost the entire Z province business is monopolized by the Qin family. Who would dare to challenge Qin Jun?"

"However, this Qin army is also a character." Liu Sandao dipped his cigarette, and then smiled: "Qin's achievements and the world are almost the result of Qin's fight."

"Indeed!" Bai Hu nodded.

For Qin Jun, many people in the provincial capital know his name. I also know that Qin Jun made great contributions to the Qin family. Any capable person is of course highly respected by others. Qin Jun is like this, many people in the provincial capital adore Qin Jun very much.

The Qin Jun has laid down a large area for the Qin family, and now the Qin Jun has firmly grasped the rights of the Qin family, so almost everyone in the outside world believes that the Qin Jun must be the successor of the Qin family in the future. They identified Qin Jun.


It was unfortunate as well as lucky for the black iron to suffer this disaster. Unfortunately, the plan was planned for so long, but now it was broken. Fortunately, his black iron was not targeted by the police. Especially that batch of munitions, once that batch of munitions enters the provincial capital, then his black iron will definitely become the target of the police. Once this guy is wanted by the police, it is estimated that the forces of Dark Iron will soon fall apart.

With the ability of the police, the power of the black iron can be broken down, defeated, and defeated in minutes.

The ability of the police is unquestionable. Once caught by the police, any powerful dark forces will be defeated. The first reason why Hei Tie has not been targeted by the police is because he has not done anything illegal or excessive. Once the guns and ammunition appeared in the hands of the dark iron people, they would definitely be bitten by the police.

Ye Shisan, who had a good relationship with Hei Tie, heard the news and rushed to Hei Tie's headquarters.

"Black Iron, what's the matter?" Ye Shisan asked hurriedly.

"Oh..." Hei Tie sighed, and said, "It's also unfortunate, Huang Xiaobo that bastard...broken my good deeds!"

"How do you say?" Ye Shisan asked hurriedly.

"This kid actually moved the gun. Damn!" Black Iron gritted his teeth and said, "It's really a **** thing. I lost more than half a million yuan. Money is a small matter, and it affects my next plan!"

"Are you going to fight with the swordsmen?" Ye Shisan asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Hei Tie nodded and said, "Although the Sword League is still in the mountains, but the strength is still there, there is no doubt that the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Moreover, killing a thousand enemies will harm yourself by 800. So, I decided to do a big vote. Simply put the other party down at once. In this way, no one in this provincial city would dare to stop my black iron."

"Aren't you afraid of the police?" Ye Shisan said cautiously.

"Fear!" Hei Tie smiled, and then said, "So what? Spend some money and manage the relationship. Sooner or later we will have to earn it back."

"That's true!" Ye Shisan nodded, and said, "However, this relationship might cost a lot of money!"

"It's okay, once you monopolize the status of the provincial capital, this little money will be earned back sooner or later!" Hei Tie smiled slightly.

"Oh..." At one o'clock on Ye Thirteen, I didn't know what to say. Hei Tie is self-sufficient and has always been independent and professional, so the people below generally cannot dissuade him from anything. Including this thing. Ye Shisan could only sigh helplessly, there was no way, who would prevent him from listening to others? However, even though Hei Tie can't listen, she still needs to persuade her: "Hei Tie, don't be too extreme as a human being. The wind will destroy it if the wood is beautiful in the forest."

"I know!" Hei Tie nodded, and then said: "However, I must dominate the provincial capital."

Ye Shisan frowned and said, "Okay, then you can do it yourself."

"Thirteen, when will your plan to deal with Xiao Han begin?" Hei Tie asked.

"I..." Ye Shisan frowned, suddenly wondering how to answer.

Ye Shisan has never found a good opportunity. She had already sent someone to find Xiao Han. According to Ye Shisan's intention, she originally wanted to win over Xiao Han, but this fellow Xiao Han refused. Although Ye Shisan was upset, he never made up his mind to find Xiao Han to settle accounts.

The corner of Hei Tie's mouth raised a weird smile, he smiled, and then said: "Thirteen, don't forget your mission."

"I won't!" Ye Shisan nodded hurriedly.

Ye Shisan is a black iron woman, but there is no doubt about it, and she must obey the black iron's orders. Who made Nightingale a subsidiary of Dark Iron? It has always been. It used to be, it is now, and it will always be.

"Tell me about your plan!" Black Iron said.

"I plan to start with the woman next to Xiao Han." Ye Shisan said, "Xiao Han's girlfriend seems to be his female teacher. Therefore, I plan to start with his female teacher, as long as we hold her That female teacher, he still has to obediently listen to us?"

"Well, it makes sense." Black Iron nodded.

"When he falls into our hands, hehe, he is like the fish on our chopping board, let us kill it." Ye Shisan said triumphantly.

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