"Okay, well said." Hei Tie clapped his hands and applauded as soon as he heard it. "Ye Shisan, your idea is very good."

"But, how can I get the Blue Rain Butterfly out of the school?" A solemn color appeared on Ye Shisan's face, and then said: "We can't swagger into school, so we can only find a way to get Lan Yu When Die Nong came outside the school, he had a chance to start."

"That's true." Hei Tie hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Leave this to you. I believe you shouldn't be troubled by this problem. Right?"

"Yes!" Ye Shisan nodded.

For Black Iron's orders, she must obey 100%.

"Then go!" Black Iron said.

"Yes!" Ye Shisan nodded immediately.


A few days later.

Lan Yudie is busy working in the office. The new semester has started for more than a month. The work has been carried out with turmoil and the weather is predominantly warm. Early summer is approaching. The trees on the campus are also lush. It seems very comfortable.

At noon, there was a gust of south wind, making people very sleepy. As the saying goes, spring is sleepy and autumn is lack of summer and dozes. Now is the time of spring hardship. Blue Rain Butterfly was listlessly correcting this test. The grades of students in the class generally have a downward trend. Last semester, everyone had just entered university from the third year of high school, and they still maintained the hard work they had in high school. After a semester, this struggle quickly went down.

Everyone also relaxes. Relax in study and relax in spirit. Obsessed with online games, indulged in falling in love.

Although the university should be relaxed, but it always feels too indulgent.

The boys in the class are almost crazy about online games. Some even go to Internet cafes to play games all night. People in the dormitory often play games all night long. Generally speaking, the atmosphere of the 101 dormitory is good. Although Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu can play games, they basically fall asleep before one o'clock in the morning. Other dormitories often stay overnight, and the dormitory often reflects this problem to himself.

As for those who fall in love, let alone, almost half of the people in the class are beginning to fall in love, including a group of people who are about to fall in love.

The atmosphere of learning gradually faded.

Therefore, Blue Rain Butterfly has a vigilant heart. After all, she is just a class teacher, so she believes that students should focus on learning. Instead of dating and games.

Ding Ding Ding...

Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated.

Lan Yudie glanced at the screen and found that there was an unfamiliar call on the screen.

"Hey..." Lan Yudie answered the phone.

"Mr. Lan, hello, Xiao Han had a car accident at the entrance of the school." A hurried voice came from the phone.

"Ah?!" When Lan Yudie heard this, his mind went blank.

"Come here quickly." On the phone, the voice seemed unquestionable, loudly: "Otherwise, we don't know what to do!"

At that time, Blue Yudie had no idea what to do. She hung up the phone, thinking about running to the school gate.


After running two steps, my high heels immediately crumbled.

Lan Yudie kicked off the high heels on the spot, then found a pair of slippers in the office, and ran out wearing them. When she heard that Xiao Han was in an accident, she was scared to death, and her mind went blank. The whole person almost collapsed.

Wearing slippers on his feet, he ran all the way. I almost fell a few times. Because of Xiao Han's condition in her mind, she almost ran non-stop all the way. Never thought that all this might be a scam. However, under the circumstances at the time, everyone would probably just run out. Not only because of the special circumstances, but also because this thing happened at the gate of the school.

Although the call was an unfamiliar call, the person on the phone called himself Teacher Lan. Therefore, Lan Yudie judged that this person's top ten is his student, and happened to encounter this incident at the school gate.

Blue Raindie hardly dared to think about it, running wildly.

I thought I would meet a lot of people when I got to the school gate. However, when she ran to the gate of the school, she realized that there were not many people at the gate, and there were no people gathered together for the students coming and going.

"Could it be..." Lan Yudie frowned and said, "Is it already sent to the hospital?"

Blue Rain Butterfly looked around.

She hurriedly walked to the road, then grabbed a boy and asked, "Classmate, did a car accident happen here just now?"

"Huh?" The boy was taken aback, and said: "I...I don't know, I just came out, or you can ask other people!"

Blue Yudie hesitated, and then said, "All right."

Lan Yudie hesitated again and again, she walked around the road specially, wanting to see if there is any blood on the road teeth. If there was a serious car accident, there would definitely be traces of blood on the road, but after a lap, she still didn't find any traces of blood on the road.

At this time, ten meters away from Blue Rain Butterfly, a gray Ruifeng commercial vehicle. There were several people in the car, among them, Ye Shisan was the co-pilot.

"Boss Ye, shall we act?" the two strong men behind asked.

"Don't worry!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "There are more people at the school gate. If you rush to do this at this time, you will definitely be discovered by others."

"If you don't do anything, she will call." The strong man looked a little anxious.

"Yeah." Ye Shisan nodded and said, "Then do it."

It seems that I can't wait for the best time. At this time, I can only take a risk. If it is completed, the matter will be completed successfully; even if it fails, it does not matter, at most there will be more obstacles in the next action. Not without opportunities.

Ye Shisan ordered the action. The car drove slowly towards the blue rain butterfly.

Lan Yudie couldn't find Xiao Han, and when disappointment was imminent, she immediately began to call Xiao Han.

Just when she pressed the dial key.

Suddenly, two brawny men in black vests got off the commercial vehicle. They took advantage of Lan Yudie's attention when they suddenly picked up the Blue Yudie and threw it into the commercial vehicle.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie was panicked, and the mobile phone in her hand fell to the ground. The whole person's eyes turned dark, and she immediately found herself lying in a car. Just as she was about to get up and shout for help.


Suddenly, the two strong men got in the car immediately and drew the door.

The whole process lasted less than two seconds and was almost instantaneous, which was thrilling and thrilling.

Lan Yudie screamed: "You...who are you!"

"Hey..." At this moment, the co-pilot's Ye Shisan turned to look at the blue rain butterfly, and said: "Tsk tsk...I am much more beautiful than the photo. If I put it in my place, it will be at least a top brand. Is there any Interested in coming to work at my place?"

Blue Yudie was already terrified by this sudden scene. Where did she want to listen to each other's words, she hurriedly said: "You...who are you, what are you doing!"

"What are you doing?" Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and then said, "Guess what I'm going to do?"

"I...I don't know." Lan Yudie finally calmed down, and she observed the surrounding environment. There are people in the cab and the co-pilot. It seemed that the woman in the co-pilot seemed to be the leader of these people. The most important thing was that there were people on both sides of her, and two strong men surrounded her, making herself unable to understand. Blue Yudie frowned, and then said: "What the **** do you want to do? If you kidnap me for money, then I tell you, it will disappoint you!"

"No!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "We are not for money!"

"Then what are you for?" Lan Yudie asked.

"For revenge!" Ye Shisan said coldly.

"Vengeance?" Lan Yudie was taken aback, and then said: "This...is this too exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all!" Ye Shisan shook his head.

"But, I have no grievances with you. Did you tie the wrong person?" Lan Yudie hurriedly said, "Hurry up and put me down."

"Impossible!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "How could we tie the wrong person?"

"Then what do you want?" Lan Yudie asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, we absolutely did not tie the wrong person." Ye Shisan smiled and said: "Of course we are not looking for trouble with you as a woman, we are looking for trouble with Xiao Han. However, seeing you are so beautiful, I Suddenly I found that I didn't tie the wrong person, hehe..."

Lan Yudie was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Why are you looking for trouble with Xiao Han?"

"You don't need to ask more about this." Ye Shisan glanced at her and said, "You should worry about your safety."

Blue Yudie immediately rang the words in front of the woman, and her heart was nervous: "You...what are you going to do to me?"

"I have a lot of night markets in Z Province." Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and said: "Just to make men's money, I trained many girls, who specialize in pleasure of men. You are so beautiful, there should be many men like it. Hey... You said, should I train you? You will definitely become my cash cow."

"You!" Blue Yudie became anxious when he heard it.

Ye Shisan smiled indifferently, and said, "Don't be nervous, am I doing this for you?"

"I don't want it." Lan Yudie shook his head.

"It's up to you to decide if you want it or not!" Ye Shisan snorted coldly.


At this time, one and one dormitory.

Xiao Han was preparing for a lunch break by the bedside. After reading a few pages, he became even more sleepy. Suddenly, the phone rang. Xiao Han saw the missed call, it turned out to be Lan Yudie's call. Xiao Han immediately answered the phone.

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