Therefore, no one dared to make trouble here, even if they were to fight, they would definitely fight after going out of this door. No one would dare not give the black iron face.

A group of people seemed very energetic.

In the glass door of the nightclub, there are two rows of girls in red gauze skirts standing tall, with delicate faces, tall breasts, and slender feet.

At this time, a police car roared in.

Subsequently, two police officers got out of the car. The two security guards at the door were stunned, and one of them whispered: "I will hold them, you quickly go up and report to the black iron."

"Sure!" The other security guard nodded immediately.

Afterwards, the two moved quickly and rushed towards the upstairs. The speed was very fast, and disappeared at the top of the stairs in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, two police officers are coming to play too?" The security guard at the door hurriedly greeted him.

"Do you think we are here to play?" Old You Tiao frowned, Niang's, isn't this a slander?

"What's the resemblance? Yes!" The security chuckled, and said: "In this midnight, there are too many officials who come here to play. Our girl is absolutely wonderful, and she will definitely make you linger. How? Don't try it?"

"Go go!" Old You Tiao glared at him impatiently, and then said: "We are not here to play. We are here to find your boss Black Iron."

"Uh..." The security guard hesitated, and said: "It's so late, what's the matter with you, Brother Black Iron?"

"Haven't Hei Tie taught you?" Old You Tiao gave him a cold look, and then said, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't say if you shouldn't."

"I..." The security guard was immediately dumbfounded.

"Get out of the way!" Team Zhang shouted with a cigarette in his mouth.

"That won't work!" The security hurriedly blocked the door, and then said: "We only welcome customers who come to spend, but the police with batons are not welcome. So, if you don't come to play, don't come."

"We are the police handling the case, it is not your turn to refuse!" At this time, the old You Tiao immediately showed the police officer ID.

The other party was stunned, and immediately dumbfounded.

At this time, the security guard hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Don't scare me, I am a rural man, I have never seen the police."

The old fritters were in a hurry, and the guy in front of him was obviously delaying time and wasting his patience on purpose. Therefore, he was a little anxious. He rushed forward, pinched the collar of the other party with one hand, and said angrily: "You son of a bitch, hurry up and kill me!"

"Ah, help, the police beat someone." An angry roar resounded across the sky like a pig.

Especially in this quiet night, it is even more piercing and makes people's eardrums tingling. The old fritters did not expect that the other party would be even older than him, and even more stubborn. He immediately lost his temper.

"Let go of him!" Team Zhang replied, "This kind of person who hinders us from performing official duties will be locked up when we turn around. In accordance with the regulations on public security penalties, he will be detained for 15 days and be fined 5,000!"

The other party immediately became honest. The howling sound also stopped.

"Get away!" The old fritters pushed the stupid security guard away.

At this time, another security guard hurried down from the stairs. He opened the door and said, "Officer Zhang, our Big Brother Black Iron is waiting for you upstairs!"

"It seems that Hei Tie knew that I was coming." Captain Zhang sneered.

"No!" When the security guard heard this, he nodded hurriedly, and said, "Brother Black Iron has a good idea. I went to find him, and he expected you to come. So, please come with me."

Captain Zhang and Old You Tiao followed the security guard upstairs.

On the fifth floor of the nightclub, that is the office of the black iron, which is also the place where the black iron lives. Many people don’t know much about black iron. The only thing he knows is that Black Iron is a new force, which has risen very quickly and has swallowed many forces along the way. That's why the black iron is today.

Soon, Captain Zhang and Old You Tiao entered Black Iron's office.

Hei Tie was sitting inside, with a cigarette in his mouth, and a huge tea tray in front of him. The water has boiled, with white mist. Seeing Captain Zhang and the others come in.

He smiled at the corner of Hei Tie's mouth, and then said: "Team Zhang, I didn't expect you to come to the humble house."

"I have something to find you today!" Captain Zhang walked over, and then sat down across from the black iron.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Black Iron asked suspiciously.

"I caught a few gun dealers in the Golden Triangle today." Captain Zhang chuckled and said: "According to his account, I heard that you ordered a batch of guns in their hands. I wonder if that happened?"

"Nonsense!" Hei Tie immediately shook his head when he heard it, and said: "Team Zhang, don't you know who I am? I have always been a good citizen, and I have never done anything illegal or criminal. You should be better than me, right?"

"I don't know." Captain Zhang shook his head, then smiled: "I am here today to inform you to take over our investigation!"

"Yes!" Hei Tie nodded, and said: "No problem, you can investigate whatever you want. Anyway, my **** is clean, so I'm not afraid of being investigated!"

"That's best." Captain Zhang nodded and sneered: "You are now the subject of our police's focus. If you have any trouble, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Absolutely not!" Hei Tie shook his head.

"We will conduct a secret investigation of you!" Captain Zhang smiled, and said, "You can do it yourself."

After speaking, Captain Zhang stood up, turned and left.

The old fried dough stick on the side also hurriedly stood up and left with Captain Zhang.

Seeing the back of Captain Zhang leaving, the smile on Hei Tie's face quickly sank. Until they went downstairs, a security guard hurriedly walked over and said, "Brother, what can I do?"


Hei Tie slammed the tea cup in his hand severely, and slammed it heavily on the opposite wall. At that moment, it shattered on the spot. Hei Tie's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Mal Gobi's, I'm so angry."

"Brother, the guns in Myanmar will probably arrive in a few days." The security guard said hurriedly.

"Notify them, return it!" Black Iron gritted his teeth and said, "We don't need the money!"

"Yes!" The security nodded.

Seeing that this batch of firearms was about to arrive, he would have the strength to fight Liu Sandao. I didn't expect that something happened at this juncture, which really makes people feel a little speechless.

Seeing that he was about to take the upper hand, he was finally put on one side. It is really annoying.

"Big brother, don't be angry!" The younger brother on the side comforted: "Fortunately, it didn't cost much, only more than 500,000 yuan. It's not too expensive."

"Yeah!" Hei Tie shook his head and said, "I don't care about money, I care about things. There is something wrong with this knot. I really don't know who the **** did the good thing."

"Looking back, I'll let someone check it!" The little brother said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Hei Tie nodded.


Mizuki University.

In the early morning, the birds and flowers are scented, and in spring, the trees are shaded, the flowers bloom, and the birds sing together. The campus is very comfortable. Winter has completely passed, the warmth of spring is ushered in, and the comfort of spring is ushered in.

On the sports field, many people are running and many people are exercising.

However, a few slackers in the 101 dormitory were still lingering on the bed and refused to get up.

Xiao Han returned from exercising outside. To be honest, Lan Yudie also called this morning to ask him to accompany her to exercise. However, the morning exercise was really comfortable, I sweated comfortably and came back to take a shower. Refreshing.

"Don't you need to get up?" Xiao Han roared and said, "Class will start soon."

A few people just turned over and got up lazily.

"Oh, class is uncomfortable." Zhang Dagu stretched out, and then said helplessly: "When will I be absent from class?"

"You want to be beautiful." Xiao Han replied.

Liu Bin browses his mobile phone habitually.

Suddenly, the guy screamed: "Ah!"

"Why?" Zhang Dagu replied, "Does anyone want to **** you?"

"Just now there was a message from!" Liu Bin said excitedly: "Said that the Provincial Public Security Bureau has cracked a large-scale firearms smuggling case. It seems that Huang Xiaobo is in it, this guy is unlucky!"

"No?" Several people leaned forward.

Sure enough, on the homepage of, a piece of news was very eye-catching. When I clicked on the news, I found that Huang Xiaobo's photo was inside, wearing a prison uniform, standing aside to take a photo with a height ruler, and his hair was flattened. The expression looked very embarrassed and depressed.

"Fuck, this kid has today too!" Liu Bin immediately clapped his hands and applauded, which was very pleasant.

Who made this kid bully himself, the most hateful thing is that this **** even dared to bully Guan Xiaotong. Thinking of this is a fire in my stomach. Originally, I was thinking about how to teach this bastard, but now it's all right, God helped himself to teach him. This is enough.

Thinking of this, Liu Bin couldn't help laughing: "Haha..."

"Evil is rewarded." Xiao Han laughed.

"Yes, good is good for evil and evil is for evil. It's not that the time has not come." Zhang Feng on the side also nodded.

Huang Xiaobo is considered to have entered, and from then on, the reputation of Xiaobawang will probably be famous from the university city. Not only Huang Xiaobo was arrested, but also Zhang Dakai was also arrested. Since then, the two figures of Huang Xiaobo and Zhang Dakai have disappeared in the university town.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Dakai is fine. After all, he is just a crime of sheltering. From a light point of view, he is ignorant and does not understand; from a more serious point of view, he is a crime of sheltering and must be sentenced. Therefore, this kind of crime can be light or heavy, depending on whether the relationship is in place. If the relationship is in place, everything is easy to operate, if the relationship is not in place, it is a felony sentence.

But Huang Xiaobo is different. Huang Xiaobo is a typical crime of illegal possession of a gun. The most important thing is that this guy also fired a gun and lost two bullets. Although according to Huang Xiaobo's statement, he hit a dog and let go, but who knows?

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