"here has!"

"There is under the bed!"

"It's also hidden in the box!"

Police officers reported their positions one after another, and soon all the illegal firearms were gathered together.

"Not bad, a great harvest!"

"Yeah, so many illegal firearms, how long do they have to shut them down?"

Several police officers laughed. Today’s harvest is great, and they are naturally very happy in their hearts. Tomorrow, the Police Headquarters will definitely commend themselves for breaking such a large arms smuggling case, and the staff of the Headquarters will definitely come down to investigate. At that time, I will be the one who has made the first effort.

Thinking of this, they are all happy.

However, the old fritters was a little unhappy: "Team Zhang, this case..."

"It's not easy!" Captain Zhang frowned.

"Yes!" Old You Tiao took a deep breath, and then said, "It's not easy to handle. With so many guns, it's definitely not just these two people behind it."

"It's not easy to bring the people behind." Captain Zhang nodded.

Several people pestered in the hotel room. Captain Zhang immediately notified other police officers from the police station to come to support, so many weapons, we need weapons experts to appraise and appraise these firearms. After appraisal, all these things must be preserved as evidence.

Soon, the entire police station was alarmed. Many people got up from the bed and rushed to the hotel quickly.

In the middle of the night, people gathered at the entrance of the hotel. This group of people gathered here and the entrance of the hotel was sealed off. People inside are not allowed to come out, and people outside are not allowed to enter. The warning lights at the door flashed. The owner of the hotel also hurried to the scene, hoping to investigate the situation clearly.

"This...what's the situation?" The boss looked anxious. Seeing so many policemen in his hotel, the manager of the hotel called to inform him, and he could only rush to check the situation anxiously. Seeing so many policemen appearing at the door, he was immediately stunned. Could it be that some murder happened inside? If this is the case, I am afraid that my hotel will suffer, and this business will not be easy in the future.

"It's okay." Captain Zhang smiled and said: "A gun smuggler is staying here, so we come to investigate."

"Ah, so that's the case?" The boss heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it, as long as it didn't kill anyone. Once a life is lost, I am afraid I will be unlucky. In this society, young people's ability to withstand stress is getting weaker and weaker. The main reason is that the pressure from this society is too great. Houses, cars, wives... these are all pressures, and the tremendous pressure makes these young people more and more unbearable. Therefore, some people choose to end their lives.

Jump from the hotel upstairs, or burn charcoal in the hotel room**......

These are practices that harm oneself and others. The boss generally chooses to spurn these people. Not to mention ruined his own life, but also ruined the hotel business. Not only destroys one's own family, but also destroys other people's families if you are not careful.

Weapons experts quickly identified all these weapons, and packed them all in black bags, each with a number on the door. These numbers correspond to weapons.

Soon, the weapon was taken away, and several people inside were also taken away.

Returned to the police station.

Zhang Dakai sighed with the impermanence of life. He did not expect to come to the police station twice in one night. The first time was in Captain Zhang's office, and the second time he appeared in the detention room in handcuffs. Captain Zhang walked slowly to the detention room where Zhang Dakai was detained, and then said with a smile: "Zhang Dakai, how about it? I said that we will definitely meet again, but I didn't expect to meet so soon!"

"Captain Zhang, I..." Zhang Dakai's face was gray. He sighed very helplessly, and then said, "I was wrong."

"Where did you go wrong?" Captain Zhang asked.

"I...I shouldn't meet them!" Zhang Dakai said hurriedly, "Actually...it...it's not my fault. It was them...they called me to find them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to Appear in that hotel!"

"Sophistry!" Captain Zhang sneered and said: "You can continue to whistle, do you think I will believe you?"

"Team Zhang, you have to believe me." Zhang Dakai hurriedly begged for mercy, saying: "I...I am really innocent."

"It's strange if you believe it!" Captain Zhang glanced at him disdainfully, and said: "I asked you to explain it honestly before, now? Are you a prisoner in the lower order?"

"Team Zhang, you... let me go!" Zhang Dakai hurriedly said: "I don't know them, I'm really innocent. They want to find me to cooperate, I... I actually refused, this is I'm fine!"

"Think about it first, and tell me tomorrow when you think about it." Captain Zhang smiled.

"Don't... don't!" Zhang Dakai hurriedly shouted.

"If you explain honestly, you may be able to give you a chance to alleviate your crime, but if you don't honestly explain, I tell you, you will wait in your cell for the rest of your life!" Captain Zhang sneered. Don't put Zhang Dakai in his eyes.

Zhang Dakai wanted to explain, at first, he didn't know anything at all. The reason why he ran to inform the other party was entirely because he did not want to be implicated. However, now Zhang Dakai suddenly found that he was not only implicated, but also felt as if he was completely entangled by the other party. Not only that, he suddenly found himself confused. Even if the yellow mud falls into the crotch, it is not **** but shit.

"Team Zhang, I... I told you everything I know!" Zhang Dakai said hurriedly, "I really have nothing to do with them. You have to believe me. We have known each other for so many years. Don't you still believe me? "

"Didn't you also say that you didn't contact them before?" Captain Zhang replied with disdain, and said, "If it wasn't for me to have an eye for these two bad guys, I'm afraid you would let them go?"

"I..." Zhang Dakai was anxious: "I really didn't mean it, I...I just don't want to be implicated."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Captain Zhang replied with disdain, and then said, "Do you think I will believe you?"

After speaking, Captain Zhang put on his hat and left the detention room directly.

"Team Zhang, don't go, don't go!" Zhang Dakai was even more anxious. He struggled to chase him, but he found that his hands were handcuffed to the chair beside him, and he couldn't move at all. So, he Can only be very helpless, and very painful sitting on the straw mat on the side. There was deathly quiet outside, unbelievably quiet.

On the other side, work in the interrogation room is ongoing.

The two suspects were held in solitary confinement and interrogated separately.

Soon some useful clues were pulled out of their mouths. It turned out that they were a group of gun dealers active in the Golden Triangle. However, their guns were all produced by their own workshops. And this gun dealer group is a mechanical engineer who has returned from abroad. A long time ago, he liked to browse the mold drawings of some firearms on foreign websites. Later, he downloaded all these mold drawings, and then set up a workshop in the Golden Triangle to make firearms. Sniper rifles, automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles, pistols... They can even make military daggers.

A small workshop quickly became the source of weapons for the entire Golden Triangle. This workshop soon became a factory.

However, after a joint patrol of the three countries in the Golden Triangle, the business of the factory plummeted. In desperation, they can only explore the domestic market. Unexpectedly, they fell into the hands of the police by Huang Xiaobo.

"Team Zhang, this is troublesome." The old fritters on the side frowned and said, "This is considered an international criminal case. Their den is in Myanmar, so the Burmese police will have to investigate it!"

"Don't worry about this!" Team Zhang shook his head and said, "Even if the old nest is taken away, it has nothing to do with us. What we have to do now is to quickly ask how many firearms are flowing out of our place and what they are going to. Where to go!"

"Yeah!" The old fritters heard that it should be. As the saying goes, things have priorities. If a large number of firearms appear in their jurisdiction, it would be a very scary thing. Especially in places there are automatic rifles. You know, the police equipment is nothing more than a few pistols. Fighting with the opponent's rifle with a pistol is simply hitting a rock with a pebble. court death!

Besides, if there is a shooting incident on one's own site, the police should be held responsible.

After a night of interrogation and a surprise interrogation, the opponent's psychological defense soon collapsed. They quickly explained the tray.

"It turns out that their target this time is Black Iron?" Team Zhang frowned and said: "With the character of this kid, Black Iron will definitely buy a large number of guns."

"Yes!" Old You Tiao nodded and said, "What can I do now?"

"It seems that I have to visit him personally for a while." Team Zhang squinted.

"Team Zhang, this is dangerous!" Old You Tiao hurriedly reminded.

"No." Team Zhang shook his head and said: "Hei Tie is a man of wit, and his power is basically in the provincial capital. If he dares to head-on with our police, he is looking for death. This time the gun incident, no matter what There must be a perfect ending."

"Yes!" Old You Tiao nodded and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Yes!" Captain Zhang nodded.

The two gun dealers were quickly locked up, and the police officers from the police station went home again. Several police officers were left on duty at the police station. Everyone else went home to rest.

Captain Zhang and Old You Tiao hurried to the headquarters of Hei Tie.

Hei Tie's headquarters is in a nightclub in the west of the city. The business is very good, but this horrible place is really anyone with a third-rate and nine-teaching class will come. Therefore, this place is very messy. Hei Tie's little brother is wearing a bullet-proof vest, holding a plastic baton in his hand, standing at the door with an eye-catching look. If anyone dares to make trouble in this nightclub, they will definitely go out and interfere the first time. No matter who is right or wrong, it is a violent beating.

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