"Haha..." Hearing the old fritters, he burst into laughter.

"Let's go, lead someone to keep up!" Captain Zhang laughed.

When Zhang Dakai was just interrogated in the office, the moment Captain Zhang got up and put on his hat and left, he threw a positioning device the size of a fingernail into Zhang Dakai's **** pocket. Such a subtle thing is difficult for ordinary people to find, let alone a big boss like Zhang Dakai?

Through **, you can see that Zhang Dakai has been moving. And the speed of movement is really not slow. It is estimated that this guy has already taken a taxi and left.

"Here, Jianshe Road..." Captain Zhang hurriedly instructed the driver in the co-pilot.

The three police officers in the back seat were also very nervous.

Afterwards, the driver immediately drove straight towards Jianshe Road. The three police officers behind stared at the road all the way, for fear that they might make a mistake. Captain Zhang carefully stared at the phone all the way. There was a map on the screen, and a red dot on the map was moving. This single point indicates the position of Zhang Dakai's movement. Zhang Dakai quickly moved from Jianshe Road to Zhonghuan Road and ran along Zhonghuan Road all the way towards Zhonghuan North Road.

After a while, the red dot stopped.

"Stop!" Captain Zhang said hurriedly: "Hurry up, Zhonghuan North Road, hurry up..."

He urged quickly, for fear that the other party would run away accidentally.

The driver slammed on the accelerator, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and it sprinted in the blink of an eye. high speed. All of a sudden he rushed. A few minutes later, the car quickly chased to the door of a hotel.

Captain Zhang frowned and said, "It's in this hotel."

"What to do?" the police officer on the side hurriedly asked.

"This..." Captain Zhang hesitated, and then said: "Listen to me, we will look for it according to the floor. One or two people are in charge of one floor, so you don't have to worry about missing it."

"Okay!" The police officer on the side nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Captain Zhang rushed in decisively with someone.

They did not seek support from the hotel, but sought it on their own. For them, if they inform the hotel in advance, they may be surprised if they are not careful. It's not easy to get rid of the grass by accident.

Several police officers are equipped with high-tech and low-frequency communicators between each other. A very small device, with a small headset pinned to the ear, and a microphone on the clothes. Both parties are in contact with each other carefully. If anyone finds the trace of the other party, they can immediately notify the other team members through the microphone.

Ten minutes later.

"Team Zhang, on the third floor!" At this time, the old Youtiao police officer on the third floor hurriedly shouted.


Randomly, the police officers on the other floors rushed out, swarming towards the third floor. After arriving on the third floor, the old You Tiao waited for his companion in the fire escape on the third floor. Several people greeted.

"Listen to me, he's in Room 303!" Old You Tiao gave a few people a low voice.

Captain Zhang hurried over: "Where!"

Old You Tiao pointed to the room, and then said: "Captain, how do you say we should act?"

Captain Zhang frowned and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Old You Tiao nodded and said, "I watched him enter that room with my own eyes."

"Don't worry!" Captain Zhang shook his head and said, "Let's stare at it first. We'll see the situation in ten minutes."

The old fritters hesitated, then said: "Okay, you have the final say!"

Afterwards, several people immediately got into the fire escape and then lurked.

Captain Zhang observed the opponent's situation through the crack of the door. This Zhang Dakai really is an old fox. He deliberately opened an empty room and stayed in the room for about ten minutes. He opened the door again and glanced left and right. After making sure that there was no one in the corridor, he immediately walked out of it and got into the elevator again.

"You run upstairs, I am staring at the elevator!" Captain Zhang saw this and hurriedly ordered: "I will keep you informed if there is a situation!"

"Yes!" The few people nodded as soon as they heard.

"Hurry up, act quickly!" Captain Zhang hurriedly shouted.

The elevator is going up to the fourth floor. After reaching the fourth floor, it does not stop, but continues to go up to the fifth floor.

Finally, the elevator stopped on the sixth floor.

"Sixth floor, hurry up, sixth floor!" Captain Zhang hurriedly shouted.

A group of people have reached the sixth floor. Although the elevator is more convenient and convenient. However, in terms of speed alone, I am afraid that the speed of the elevator is not as good as that of ordinary people. After all, people run upstairs on their own legs, and the speed of the elevator is limited. In addition, this small hotel has only eight floors, and only ordinary elevators are installed, not express elevators.

Therefore, the speed of several police officers was very fast, and they ran fast in the blink of an eye.

After arriving on the sixth floor, several police officers did not rush out the first time, but observed which room this guy entered.

Zhang Dakai was very insidious and cunning. The guy glanced left and right, then walked to the door of the first room on the sixth floor, and knocked on the door. When knocking on the door, Zhang Dakai looked around. The door of the room opened suddenly.

"Who are you looking for?" A big man in the room.

"Ah, sorry, I knocked on the wrong door." Zhang Dakai hurriedly apologized.

"Bang!" The door was immediately closed.

Several police officers huddled in the fire escape.

"It's so risky, I almost rushed out."

"Yeah, it's really dangerous."

Several people patted their chests in a hurry. If it weren't for you to pull me, I'm afraid I would rush out and grab him and the people in the house.

"Be careful, this big Kai is more cunning than the fox!" The old fritters sneered on the side, and then said: "No one can fight him. So, we still have to be careful."

"Yeah!" The officer on the side nodded hurriedly.

Seeing that there was no one, Zhang Dakai walked to the third room with confidence and knocked on the door. There is a rhythm when knocking on the door. Three quick knocks, two short knocks. Three times in a row. The door to the room finally opened.

"Are you here?" said a young man in a peaked cap in the room.

"Yeah!" Zhang Dakai nodded and said, "Something happened."

"Come in and talk." The peaked cap hurriedly let Zhang Dakai in.

After Zhang Dakai entered, the peaked cap looked at the door twice. Then he squeezed in quickly. After entering, the policeman hidden in the fire stairs immediately got out of it. Several people sneered, and said: "Fox is still not a hunter after all."

At this time, Captain Zhang came out from the stairwell: "Where is the person?"

"In the third room!" Old Youtiao smiled: "Team Zhang, what do you think?"

"Get the hotel staff to open the door quickly!" Captain Zhang narrowed his eyes and said, "In addition, the bullet is loaded, ready to fight at any time!"

"Yes!" The faces of a group of people became serious immediately.

Having been with Captain Zhang for so many years, it was the first time I saw him so nervous and demanding that the bullets be loaded. Isn't this too sensational? A group of people took out the bullets one after another, and the youngest police officer said with an embarrassed expression: "Team Zhang, today...is there going to be a fight today?"

"Just in case!" Captain Zhang opened his mouth and glanced at him.

"Ang!" The young police officer swallowed, and then said, "Okay."

Not long after, the staff hurried out of the elevator.

"You immediately help us open the door!" Captain Zhang said, "Besides, don't disturb the people inside!"

"Yes!" The staff nodded hurriedly.

Afterwards, the staff walked towards Room 3. When he walked to the door of Room No. 3, the hotel staff was already in a cold sweat. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. The look in his eyes was a little erratic, and I always felt that I was going to explain here today.

He had never seen such a battle before. I've only seen it on TV. When on TV, the police held a gun against the drug dealers in the hotel, which might turn this into a world of guns and bullets at any time, so he was frightened.

"Is it okay?" The staff took out the room card.

"Don't worry, you open the door and walk away immediately." Captain Zhang said.

"Okay... OK!" After listening, the staff let out a sigh of relief.

He took the room card carefully, and swiped it on the door card sensor in the room.


A crisp sound.

Then, the door of the room opened immediately. The staff member of the hotel was so frightened that he hurriedly avoided. It dodges all at once.


Captain Zhang raised his leg and kicked on the gate. The door of the hotel opened immediately. The four police officers behind quickly rushed in.

"Don't move, raise your hand!" the police shouted.

In the room, several people ran around in fright. One guy panicked and went straight into the toilet. The other guy turned to the window, ready to jump out. At first, without waiting for him to jump out.


There was a loud noise. The bullet exploded on the aluminum alloy beside the window, splashing a ball of sparks. It made people feel extremely shocked and surprised.

"Damn, it's terrifying." Zhang Dakai hurriedly lay on the ground, then raised his hands high.

The guy who jumped out of the window squatted down in fright, and the three were subdued. Captain Zhang walked in, took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed the guy who jumped the window directly. The guy in the toilet refused to come out all the time.

Several police officers kicked the door open with their feet together, and the guy squatted in the toilet, shaking. There is a bit of spirit.

Several people were frightened.

"Search it!" Captain Zhang snorted coldly.

"Yes!" Several police officers nodded immediately.

Afterwards, a blockade search was conducted on the scene immediately. Before long, the closet, under the bed, and two people's suitcases were all filled with various weapons. There is a miniature submachine rifle hidden in the closet, a semi-automatic rifle and a sniper rifle hidden under the bed. Others are some pistols, including Type 54, Type 62, and some revolvers.

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