"No way, I have to resist." Zhang Dagu gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Han doesn't know when he can come."

"It's coming, it's coming." Zhang Feng hurriedly shouted.

"If you don't come again, we're probably going to explain here." Zhang Dagu smiled bitterly. A knife was taken on the back, and it felt hot, as if it was burned.

Huang Xiaobo looked from a distance, and a little brother firmly grasped Guan Xiaotong. Although Guan Xiaotong was very worried, she was helpless. I can only watch Liu Bin being stepped on by them, and watch Liu Bin's roommate being bullied by them.

Just when Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu were very passive.

Suddenly, a swift BMW car came galloping.

"Fuck, that car is so fast!" someone shouted in the crowd.

Huang Xiaobo immediately looked not far away, and sure enough, a handsome and sleek BMW was galloping here. Huang Xiaobo was stunned when he saw this scene. He said in astonishment: "This...is this too fast?"

"Brother, it seems to be coming towards us!" a man said hurriedly.

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaobo was stunned immediately, he shouted: "Fuck away!"

However, he didn't know that the driving person was Xiao Han. The reason why Xiao Han drove so fast, and the roar of the engine sound, was nothing more than trying to scare these guys and let them disperse quickly.

Unexpectedly, my plan really worked.


Just after Huang Xiaobo and the others dispersed, Xiao Han suddenly slammed his foot on the brakes, and the abs anti-lock braking system worked immediately. Moreover, the four-wheel drive system of this handsome and slender 7-series BMW also performed very well. Great effect. The car stopped immediately, and the wide tires rubbed a long trace on the ground.

Soon, bursts of burnt smell filled the air.

The surrounding crowd dared not say anything, and everyone was frightened. Especially Huang Xiaobo, this BMW is just for himself. Therefore, he was very angry inside. He glared at the BMW car. Although he didn't know who it was, he didn't dare to get angry at will. After all, someone who can drive such an expensive car is definitely not an ordinary person. What if he kicks his foot on the iron plate?

Everyone took a deep breath.

A pair of eyes stared at the cab. Everyone wants to see who is in the cab? Who is driving a BMW car in a rampage here, maybe the other party is really not small. Therefore, this has attracted the attention of many people.

Not long after, the door of the cab opened and Xiao Han got out of the car.

"Xiao Han!" Liu Bin had already got up from the ground, and the person who stepped on him was scared off by Xiao Han's BMW. He looked at Xiao Han in surprise, and said: "You are here, if you don't come again, I'm afraid we will explain here."

Xiao Han walked over slowly and said, "Dare to bully my brother, who is so brave?"

Huang Xiaobo looked at Xiao Han from a distance. Although his heart trembled, his dignity as the leader of Xiaobawang was still there. You know, this is his home court. If someone else takes the initiative, then he is still a fart?

"Boy!" Huang Xiaobo stood up and said: "It's me, how about?"

"It's you again?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "You weren't ruthless enough to teach you last time, right? Itchy skin again this time, so awful?"

"Xiao Han, don't be too proud." Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think you are amazing? I tell you, you are just a rookie in my eyes. You are just a little better than a three-legged cat. , I admit that I can't beat you, but I have so many brothers. You are not my opponent."

"Just rely on these wine and rice bags?" Xiao Han glanced at those people.

One by one looks fierce and evil, but in fact, these people have no strength at all. I am afraid that there is no problem with ordinary students, but if you want to use these people to deal with yourself, it is simply a joke.

"You are the wine bag and rice bag!" The man in suspender jeans couldn't help but hit back.

"Haha!" Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said: "Would you like to try?"

The man in the suspenders was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took a step back. No matter where he was Xiao Han's opponent, he did not dare to step forward, except for a symbolic protest just now, he did not dare to say anything. Because he knew Xiao Han's strength, and had suffered from Xiao Han's loss. So, where did he dare to quarrel.

"Xiao Han, don't be proud." Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly, and said: "Today I let you go around without eating."

After speaking, Huang Xiaobo personally went into battle, he took a machete from a younger brother.

"Hey, take the lead personally?" Xiao Han replied.

"Yes!" Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly, and said, "Brothers, come with me and clean up this bastard. I don't believe it. With so many of us, is it possible that we can't settle this kid?"

"Good!" everyone shouted.

Subsequently, more than a dozen people swarmed.

"Xiao Han, let's help you!" Zhang Feng shouted.

"No!" Xiao Han immediately looked back at them and said: "Don't come here, I want to let them know how good I am today!"

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu, who had originally planned to rush up, were immediately stunned. The two stopped in their tracks and froze in place.

More than a dozen people from the other side have surrounded Xiao Han. Although these people are not very powerful characters, they are all punks who have been on the road. Fights are more fierce, and now that there are so many people on the other side, they naturally seem very proud, and there is a feeling of anger in their hearts, fighting for a victory. They decided to lay down Xiao Han, and then took off his arm.

Huang Xiaobo was the first to take the lead, but when he rushed, the kid drew back.

Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully when he saw this scene.


Xiao Han's fist hit the door of the little brother who rushed up first. The other party suddenly lost the weapon in his hand, then covered his face and fell heavily. Screaming again and again, he yelled: "Ah, it hurts... it hurts me to death."

"Fuck, kill him!" Huang Xiaobo shouted from behind: "Go together, go together!"

Only when we went together did we have a chance to subdue Xiao Han, at least Huang Xiaobo thought so. If you can't go together, how can you subdue Xiao Han? One by one, they can only be cleaned up one by one by the other party. The so-called wheel tactics were of no use to Xiao Han.

Huang Xiaobo frowned, then looked at each other coldly. He was playing guerrilla outside, making people mistakenly thought that this guy had to rush forward, but after a long time, this guy didn't even go up in the crowd.

The onlookers also saw that the kid Huang Xiaobo was playing mystery.

"Fuck, this kid is afraid of death!"

"The so-called little overlord is nothing more than that, greedy for life and fear of death!"


A group of people nodded one after another, they could see through to Huang Xiaobo. He was usually fierce, thinking he was someone who was not afraid of death, but now I know that this guy is also a greedy person who is afraid of death.

Xiao Han slipped under his feet and suddenly flickered.


People rushed out of the crowd immediately. Huang Xiaobo just prepared to avoid.

"Hey, want to run?" Xiao Lenglin snorted.

Huang Xiaobo was stunned, he ran away, he knew what the consequences of falling into Xiao Han's hands were. However, before he could run two steps, Xiao Han had already caught up. Xiao Han leaped into the air, and his toes slammed toward Huang Xiaobo's back.


This foot seems very light, but it is full of strength.

After Huang Xiaobo took this kick, he flew out immediately. He rolled several times on the ground, and finally hit a flowerbed not far away before stopping.


The crowd onlookers couldn't help taking a breath. This gram hurts. The pain of the light fall was already painful, and he still rolled so many laps on the ground, and finally hit the flowerbed, which really made people feel painful.

Huang Xiaobo screamed: "Fuck, I am so painful. If you are paralyzed, beat him to death."

Huang Xiaobo worked hard to support his body, then leaned back on the flowerbed, his whole body was exhausted and very collapsed. When I just hit the flower bed, I was completely confused. It seems fragmented.

Huang Xiaobo clenched his teeth and said, "Damn, I'm so angry. I really want to kill you right away."

"Big brother, are you okay?" A younger brother hurried up.

"It's okay!" Huang Xiaobo shook his head and said: "Leave me alone, go and teach that kid first!"

"Yes, big brother!" When the little brother heard it, he immediately jumped on it.

Huang Xiaobo was sitting on the ground. Although it was painful just now, he was not injured. This made Huang Xiaobo a little relieved. At least it's fine without injury. The arm hurts a bit, but there is no dislocation, and the head hurts, but there is no bleeding.

The scene was in chaos.

More than a dozen people danced with their hands, holding a machete in their hands, wishing to rush up to cut Xiao Han into several chunks. Unfortunately, these people are not Xiao Han's opponents at all.

Xiao Han stood among the crowd. not moving at all.

More than a dozen people from the other side rushed up together.


Xiao Han moved suddenly, and he jumped up, kicking countless shadows with his legs in the air. The shadows kicked on the opponent's chest.

Bang bang bang...

Several people flew out in a row, and three shadows landed and rolled.

A group of people were stunned with fright. Such strength is really powerful.

"This guy is amazing."

"How to do?"

The two younger brothers were whispering. The suspenders on the side said angrily: "You two shut up for me, and rush to me immediately."

"Yes!" When the two heard it, they could only cower and rush forward.

More than a dozen people are not Xiao Han's opponents, let alone these two people? The two of them looked gray and scared. The two of them looked at Xiao Han timidly. They were already scared. At this time, they wanted to win without any hope. Both of them were dumbfounded.

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