"Are you here to die?" Xiao Han asked.

"No...no..." The two shook their heads hurriedly.

"Get out!" Xiao Han suddenly yelled.

"Ah!" The two turned around in fright and ran.

The suspender trousers didn't hit a spot, and roared: "You two trash, stop me!"

The two stopped again, looked at the suspenders tremblingly, and said: "We...we can't beat him."

"Asshole thing!" The suspenders scolded angrily: "You two useless things, quickly put them on me."

"Spare, spare!" the two begged.

"Trash, I'll settle the account with you later!" The suspenders turned pale with anger.

The two let out a sigh of relief.

This time, the suspenders took the person to battle. At this time, Huang Xiaobo stood up, he was ready to sneak attack from behind. Sneak attack is his useful trick. Whether it's dealing with Xiao Han or dealing with other people. He likes sneak attacks on enemies stronger than himself.

Xiao Lengren snorted, and they rushed up facing the suspenders. He didn't care at all, he turned around and turned his legs back.


The suspenders were kicked off, and the others rushed up quickly.

Xiao Han's reaction speed was different from that of ordinary people. He swept over a dozen other people at a speed that could not cover his ears. More than a dozen people didn't get any benefits in Xiao Han's hands. Everyone was hit by Xiao Han and fell to the ground one by one.

At this time, Huang Xiaobo had already seen Xiao Han rushing up from behind. He has a hideous face, and the machete in his hand has been raised high. This time, Huang Xiaobo believed that he had succeeded in the sneak attack. Moreover, this guy was obviously desperate. From his murderous eyes, it can be seen that today he is determined to kill Xiao Han. If not, I am afraid he would not be so cruel. Eyes.

"Ah!" Guan Xiaotong exclaimed at this time. She covered her red lips and shouted, "Xiao Han, be careful!"

"Xiao Han!" The others also exclaimed.

Huang Xiaobo is close at hand. And Xiao Han still turned his back to him. Obviously, he could not react, at least in the eyes of ordinary people, such a distance could not be reflected at all. Therefore, some people are covering their eyes, where they dare to look directly at each other.

Seeing the other side is going to be unlucky.

Huang Xiaobo took a deep breath. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go to hell!"

Unexpectedly, not only was Xiao Han not in a hurry, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Xiao Han leaned back, supported the ground with both hands, his legs were like two bamboo poles, and kicked at the attacker behind him.

This time, Xiao Han had spent his thoughts on fighting back.

Huang Xiaobo saw Xiao Han leaning back with his own eyes, and he was stunned, no matter what, under the influence of the huge inertia, the knife in his hand still slashed towards Xiao Han fiercely. In other words, he couldn't stop at this moment.

Xiao Han's instep slammed against Huang Xiaobo's Sky Spirit Cap, the force was so great that Huang Xiaobo could not bear it.

"Ah!" Huang Xiaobo screamed suddenly.

A huge force poured down from the top of his head, and that force almost made him unable to resist. The strength went from head to toe, and at that moment, he felt his knees soft.


The whole person knelt down heavily.


After Xiao Han's blow, he landed on both feet, knelt on the ground with one knee, and supported the ground with both hands. It seems to be a king falling from the sky.

Xiao Han's blow was shocking and weeping. Everyone seen around was stunned. This move is only dared to be used on martial arts TV. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered it in real life, which shocked them a little, a little horrified.


"My God, is this Xiao Han a martial arts champion?"

"He is better than any martial arts champion, right?"

The crowd onlookers talked a lot. Some people who had just been timid and covered their eyes hurriedly opened their eyes. But I saw an amazing scene.

Xiao Han stood straight in place, but Huang Xiaobo knelt behind Xiao Han in surprise.

"This... what's going on?"

"Huang Xiaobo actually knelt down?"

Those people exclaimed, and some even took out their phones and started taking pictures. They took this amazing scene one after another. Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Han slowly turned around, then looked at Huang Xiaobo, and asked, "How about? Do you think you are still my opponent?"

Huang Xiaobo felt that his knees were about to shatter, causing pain. He didn't even have the strength to stand up. He tried to get himself up, but he failed to get up a few times.


Suddenly, Huang Xiaobo fell forward and fell so heavily. On the side, a few younger brothers who stood up did not dare to step forward to help Huang Xiaobo, for fear that they would be beaten by Xiao Han accidentally. Therefore, they can only stand aside cautiously.

"You..." Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth.

"What are you?" Xiao Lengchun laughed and said: "Bull my brother, I can't let you go."

At this time, Zhang Feng and others came over.

Liu Bin was wounded all over, with blood on his face. Zhang Dagu on the side said: "Liu Bin, this kid is bullying you, now it's your turn to beat him."

"Damn it!" Liu Bin held the fire in his stomach, not because he couldn't beat him, but because the kid Huang Xiaobo dared to have an idea about Guan Xiaotong. Just at this, he couldn't swallow this breath, so he walked over and confronted Huang Xiaobo with a crazy beating.


Punching and kicking, Huang Xiaobo let out a muffled snort. Hold his head with both hands.

Everyone was stunned. Is this still the domineering bully? Today I was abused. Thinking about it makes people feel exciting. They watched with excitement, and some people secretly took out their phones and started taking pictures.

Liu Bin was so exhausted that he sat down.

"Liu Bin, are you okay?" Guan Xiaotong hurried over.

"It's okay!" Liu Bin shook his head and said, "It's just a little collapsed."

"Then go back." Guan Xiaotong said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Liu Bin nodded.

Later, Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu hurriedly helped Liu Bin to leave. Xiao Han walked up to Huang Xiaobo and said, "I dare to do this next time, I will interrupt your dog legs!"

After putting down this cruel remark, Xiao Han immediately got into the BMW car.

The BMW slowly left the scene.

Everyone got into the BMW car, and Zhang Dagu ignored his injuries and said excitedly: "Damn, I have been in such a luxurious BMW in this life. My God, Xiao Han, where did you get this car from?"

"Just borrowed it." Xiao Han replied, "How else would I find you?"

"Hey, let my brothers enjoy the blessing." Zhang Dagu smiled, and then said: "This car must be expensive, right?"

"At least five million or more." Liu Bin on the side seemed to understand. He held Guan Xiaotong in one hand, and touched the left and right with the other. The interior and some other things in the car were touched by him, and said: "This car is not an original model, but a customized one. The glass is bulletproof."

Everyone exclaimed: "Who, buy such a luxurious car?"

"There are too many rich people to go." Liu Bin smiled: "For the rich, this kind of car can guarantee their safety."

"That's true." Zhang Feng and Liu Bin nodded.

Soon, the car arrived at Corning Clinic.

Liu Sisi saw Xiao Han getting off the car from a long distance. There was a look of joy on her face.

"Xiao Han, why are you here?" Liu Sisi was wearing a white nurse's uniform. Now that the spring is blooming, he no longer has to wear a thick down jacket inside, and a white nurse uniform on the outside. It looks like a dumb bear. Liu Sisi was wearing short sleeves and a short skirt on the inside, and a nurse's uniform on the outside. His figure was suddenly revealed, especially the slender thighs.

"A friend was injured." Xiao Han replied.

"Come in!" Liu Sisi said hurriedly.

Zhang Dagu had a knife on his back, and Liu Bin's head was also torn, and his mouth was not shallow. Need stitches and even break the cold.

Liu Sisi hurriedly treated the wounds for them, and then carefully stitched them. After all, she was Xiao Han's friend, so she worked very seriously and carefully. The wound was sutured carefully and neatly, as if it were a thread cut by a sewing machine. Very beautiful.

After working for more than an hour, the wounds on the two people were finally treated. Liu Sisi also put down the suture tools: "Okay, let's get an injection."

Both had a tetanus.

"How did you do it?" After doing it well, Liu Sisi asked why.

"Fighting with people." Xiao Han replied.

"Huh?" Liu Sisi was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked: "Are you fighting with others too?"

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded.

"You..." Liu Sisi was anxious: "Then are you injured?"

While speaking, Liu Sisi started looking for a wound on Xiao Han's body, but fortunately, she did not find a wound. Her hanging heart was immediately let go.

"I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Who can still hurt me?"

"How did you get hurt last time? How did you get hurt last time?" Liu Sisi asked.

"I..." Xiao Han was speechless.

"Okay, don't worry." Liu Sisi smiled.

On the side, Liu Bin and others looked at Xiao Han in surprise. They didn't expect that Xiao Han could be liked by women everywhere. Guan Xiaotong's eyes were complicated, and he held Liu Bin with his hands, but his eyes kept falling on Xiao Han. There was a bitter look in his eyes.

"Okay, we should also go." Xiao Han said hurriedly.


At the entrance of the School of Commerce.

The two younger brothers hurriedly helped Huang Xiaobo up. Huang Xiaobo injured two knees and couldn't stand up at all. His legs were trembling, and if no one supported him, he would immediately fall down. The whole person will fall.

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