Huang Xiaobo came over from behind the younger brothers. Huang Xiaobo is the leader of Xiaobawang. I just don't study well, and I just mix up with people all day long. Bullying men and women, do no evil. Huang Xiaobo grinned, showing a row of Huang Ceng's teeth, and said: "Guan Xiaotong, do you know why he was beaten?"

"Why?" Guan Xiaotong asked sharply.

"It's not because of you!" Huang Xiaobo glared at her, and then said: "If it weren't for you, how could he be beaten? It is because of you that he would be beaten. I have said that you are me. A woman, if you agree to any man’s pursuit, then that man is my enemy. I have many ways to deal with my enemies."

"Fuck!" As a man of iron and blood, how could Liu Bin be so humiliated. What's more, the woman he likes is by his side, how can he easily admit defeat.

Liu Bin rushed out from behind Guan Xiaotong, a fist rounded the face of the man in the suspenders, and kicked another man's chest. This guy broke out. Upon seeing this, Huang Xiaobo said angrily: "What are you doing, give it to me!"

The men behind immediately jumped on.

Liu Bin is not tall, he is not strong, and he can't stand him a few times. In a few moments, this guy was **** down by the opponent.

"Fuck, your uncle." The man in the sling spit out **** saliva and greeted Liu Bin fiercely. Frozen is slapped his face swollen.

"Don't fight, don't fight." Guan Xiaotong hurriedly shouted.

Huang Xiaobo smiled, walked over, took Guan Xiaotong into his arms, and then said: "It's easy not to let him be beaten, as long as you promise to stay with me. I promise to let him go immediately, how about?"

"Xiaotong, you can't promise him." Liu Bin was severely stepped on the ground with his feet. He endured a breath of anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Even if you die, you can't promise him."

"Boy, your mouth is quite hard." Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly and said, "Give me a call!"

Then there was another violent beating.

Liu Bin was already weak, but he passed out after a violent beating.

"It's dead, it's dead." Someone shouted in the crowd.

"Fart!" Huang Xiaobo cursed and said: "A group of people who have never seen the world, Xiaosan, give him a pee to make him sober!"

Then, a big fat man walked out, took off his crotch, and **** on Liu Bin's face.

Liu Bin suddenly woke up and sprayed a big mouthful of urine.

"Fuck..." Liu Bin roared.

A man would rather die than be humiliated. Don't look at Liu Bin's weak body and softer personality. However, once he was humiliated by others, he would never be able to swallow this breath. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and refused to give in.

"Good boy, dare to be so arrogant?" Huang Xiaobo sneered, and he said: "Damn, give me a good deal of him."

"Yes!" The younger brothers nodded immediately.

When they were just about to start their hands, suddenly, a voice came: "Stop!"

Several people immediately turned their heads and looked at the voice. Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu hurried over.

"Dagu, Zhang Feng!" Guan Xiaotong jumped up excitedly as if seeing the savior.

Huang Xiaobo narrowed his eyes, looked at the two rescuers coldly, and said, "It turned out to be you?"

"Little Overlord?" Zhang Feng sneered, and said: "You kid dare to bully our brother!"

Huang Xiaobo and Zhang Feng knew each other. Of course, it was Xiao Han who impressed Huang Xiaobo the most. This guy Xiao Han beat himself twice. The last time he fought against Xiao Han and the others, he went to last year’s affairs. Last year, a brother’s girlfriend was bullied, so he spent money to invite himself out. Actually met Xiao Han and the others. The two sides were **** for a while, and they also suffered a boring loss. Later, although he asked his boss for help, his boss was also cleaned up by Xiao Han.

Since then, Huang Xiaobo never dared to trouble Xiao Han again.

Although Huang Xiaobo is afraid of Xiao Han, it does not mean that he is afraid of Xiao Han's roommate. He glanced at him, Xiao Han was not among them, so his tone couldn't help being tough: "Hehe, what about bullying? Just **** you guys, what can I do?"

Zhang Feng has a typical bull temper. Seeing Liu Bin being bullied like this, he naturally couldn't bear it.

"Let him go." Zhang Feng said angrily.

Liu Bin was trampled underfoot, where Zhang Feng could see.

"Hehe..." Huang Xiaobo smiled and said: "If you have the ability, you can come up to save people."

"Damn!" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth, and then said: "Look at how I clean up you!"

When Huang Xiaobo saw that the opponent had reinforcements coming, he naturally couldn't give up. He immediately motioned to his brother to call for help. I took five people in total, plus I only had six. It is estimated to be able to carry it for a while.

Zhang Feng quickly rushed up, pinched the arm of the suspenders with one hand, and pushed his knees toward the opponent's chest.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the other party was arching his waist and covering his chest with his hands. Immediately, Zhang Feng threw the opponent out fiercely.

"Ouch..." the man screamed.

Zhang Feng's strength is still good, although it is not as good as Xiao Han, but his strength is not a big problem for several people. After Zhang Feng got down, he immediately rushed towards the other person. high speed.

The other party didn't notice Zhang Feng's speed at all.


Zhang Feng flew with one foot and hit the opponent's chest with one foot. When he stepped down, he immediately broke the other's chest ribs. At that moment, the other party screamed again and again. Huang Xiaobo frowned and cursed: "You useless rubbish, quickly pick up and clean them up!"

Three other people swarmed.

After all, Zhang Feng is only one person. There is absolutely no problem if it is one-on-one. However, he can only take a step back because it is difficult for the enemy to retreat. Then, he rushed forward immediately.


Zhang Feng kicked it out and bumped with the foot of another man. The legs of the two collided. At that moment, the other party screamed immediately.


Suddenly, a man sneaked from behind Zhang Feng. A wooden stick in his hand hit Zhang Feng's back fiercely. Zhang Feng was bored at the time, and when the stick came down, he immediately staggered. The man rushed forward.

"Fuck!" Zhang Dagu behind him suddenly roared.

No matter where Zhang Dagu can see, Zhang Feng's blow just now, it is estimated that he will have a headache. Zhang Dagu thought Zhang Feng had a good skill, and he had no problem dealing with a few third-rate punks. However, he did not expect that these little gangsters would actually play insidious tricks, and that Zhang Feng was injured.

Zhang Dagu was very upset in his heart.

Zhang Dagu and Zhang Feng came together, and the other three were naturally not opponents. Seeing that the opponent was about to be **** by himself, suddenly, the opponent's reinforcements arrived. More than a dozen students armed with clubs and machetes ran out of the Business Academy.

"Brother, here we are." A group of people rushed over.

"It's over, trouble." Zhang Feng touched the back of his head and raised a huge bag.

"Fuck, fight with them." Zhang Dagu gritted his teeth and said, "I have to rescue Liu Bin from them for whatever I said today."

"Huh!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Zhang Dagu sniffed, patted the dust on the clothes with his hand, and then said: "Damn, these bitches, when will Xiao Han arrive?"

"I don't know either!" Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "Maybe soon."

"It seems we have to hold on for a while." Zhang Dagu gritted his teeth.

"Boy, you messed me up today." Huang Xiaobo looked at them coldly, and then said: "You guys don't want to leave here safe and sound today."

"What are you?" Zhang Feng glanced at the other side disdainfully.

Huang Xiaobo sneered and said, "I'm really not a thing, but today I will beat you guys even worse."

"The tone is very big." Zhang Feng glanced at Huang Xiaobo, and then said: "I forgot how I was beaten last time?"

"Last time?" Huang Xiaobo sneered: "Last time there was Xiao Han, and this time there was no Xiao Han. I will interrupt your arms to let you know what pain is, and let you know what Xiaobawang is not offending. of."

"Fuck!" Zhang Dagu couldn't help cursing.

"Give it to me!" Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly and said, "Cut off their arms for me!"

"Alright!" Behind him, more than a dozen strong men swarmed up.

The power of more than a dozen people is very large, and more than a dozen people are carrying weapons in their hands, and none of them is easy to provoke. These more than a dozen people rushed up all at once, and Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu could only resist.

The pressure between the two was great. Although Zhang Feng was able to resist the opponent's attack, Zhang Dagu seemed a little difficult. This guy has thick skin and hard flesh. After a few knives, his clothes were immediately stained with bright red blood. The blood immediately stained his clothes red.

"Damn, it's red." Zhang Dagu couldn't help cursing when he saw this.

"Fuck." Upon seeing this, Zhang Feng hurriedly knocked down one of the other's younger brothers. Then, he immediately grabbed an iron rod and rushed to rescue Zhang Dagu.

At this time, Zhang Dagu was surrounded by several men from the other side. These men violently gang fights around Zhang Dagu. Although Zhang Dagu has been fighting hard, the elephants can't stand the ants. It was a crazy gang fight.

Zhang Dagu couldn't stand it at all. Fortunately, at this time Zhang Feng rushed to rescue him in time.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"Fuck, it hurts me so much." Zhang Dagu said hurriedly.

"Damn, they are too many people." Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and said, "What should I do?"

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