The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 475: Money in place

"Sister, what's going on?" someone asked curiously.

"Don't ask, let them come back for the meeting." Aunt Zhou hurriedly picked up the small notebook dedicated to the meeting. Then walked towards the back meeting room.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't keep asking, so they had to follow Aunt Zhou one by one towards the conference room. Everyone seemed extra curious and extraordinarily interesting. Someone said, "What's the matter?"

"Is there any great news?"

"Did the municipal party committee allocate funds to us? Or have the benefits increased this year?"

Everyone was talking curiously, and then walked towards the meeting room in twos and threes.

After entering the conference room, everyone seemed extremely high-pitched. Especially Aunt Zhou, her face was red, and she seemed to think that today's event was very memorable. It didn't take long before everyone heard the news, and soon the conference room was full of people. This conference room was originally small, a rectangular table, and all the employees of more than 20 neighborhood committees gathered together, including the employees of the family planning office of the neighborhood committee.

The crowd seemed extremely lively.

"Sister, if you have any news, you can tell me quickly."

"Yes, don't delay your work time."

Everyone said one after another.

Aunt Zhou smiled, and then said: "Comrades, I can tell you the good news that the Fuxing Road at the gate of our Fuxing Community will finally start to be repaired."


"No? We have no money."

"Yes, who pays this money? That's the point!"

Everyone was anxious when they heard that the road at the door was going to be repaired. After all, is this an expensive expense? Unless the municipal party committee pays for it, but the municipal party committee will definitely not pay for it. The group of people are very rigid and they are not in their charge, and they are not willing to pay a penny. The community has communicated with the people in the municipality many times, and they refused every time. The number of times is too high, and the community staff is not good to continue to come to do work. They can only watch the robbery cases happening on Fuxing Road stupidly.

"Don't worry, it's not our neighborhood committee that paid the money this time." Aunt Zhou smiled.

"Who pays the money then?" someone asked.

"You all know this person." Aunt Zhou raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said: "He is the pride of our revival community and a star in our community!"


"Li Yunpeng?"


A bunch of people talked.

Seeing that they couldn't guess who it was, they said, "I said Sister Zhou, just tell us directly, don't lose your appetite."

"Okay, then I'll tell you!" Aunt Zhou smiled and said: "This person is indeed a good person, a good boy. Remember last year's chess contest? He donated all the prize money to our community. ."

"Ah... it's him!"

"Xiao Han!"

When everyone heard it, they immediately reacted. Celebrities, besides Xiao Han, who else? ! He was chased by many well-known media throughout the country for interviews, and dozens of well-known key universities in China chased him behind his **** and wanted to draw Xiao Han closer to his school.

"Yes!" Aunt Zhou nodded immediately and said: "It's him, it's Xiao Han."

"Why did Xiao Han repair Fuxing Road?"

"Yes, where did he get so much money?"

"Don't all the scholarships you get for the college entrance examination buy a house, and the decoration is spent?"

Everyone seemed very curious, with questions constantly.

"Hey, I don't know about this." Aunt Zhou smiled and said: "In short, Xiao Han intends to repair the street lights on Fuxing Road. I have budgeted for it, about 200,000 yuan."

"So much?!" everyone exclaimed.

"On the five-hundred-meter road, almost every street lamp needs to be replaced, and there are still a lot of wire poles damaged." Aunt Zhou carefully calculated an account, and then said: "The end of the year, the cost of workers is also high. However, we must strive to get it done before the 30th day of the day after tomorrow."

"Time is too late, right?"

"No, when is this? Where is there still time?"

When everyone heard it, they exclaimed.

"Huh, we are a group of people who have struggled." Aunt Zhou sneered, and then said: "What is the difficulty of this. We will start to divide the work and cooperate now. The main task is to assign the work tasks."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

This is a good thing, a real thing. Once you have done this kind of thing, you can still ask the municipal party committee for credit. Maybe there will be extra rewards. Therefore, everyone seemed very interested. Expected expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "Everyone, we have to work hard this time. Try to finish the work by the end of the year."

"Sister, you can assign work." Everyone said.

"Okay!" Sister Zhou nodded and said, "Lao Li from the Family Planning Office, your team is responsible for the procurement of street lights. Xiaohong, you are responsible for finding workers. You must find a few more people as soon as possible and strive to complete the work before the end of the year..."

Sister Zhou hurriedly began to assign work.

After the assignment was completed, Lao Li from the Family Planning Office said: "Sister, is the money in place? If the money is not in place, how can we be responsible for purchasing? We can't let us pay for it ourselves!"

"Don't worry, it will be in place soon." Sister Zhou laughed when she heard it.

Although Xiao Han didn't give himself money, Aunt Zhou believed in Xiao Han from the heart. Because Xiao Han grew up when she was a child, this child has no heart, and he is well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. There is absolutely no need to make jokes about this kind of thing. Therefore, Aunt Zhou has already determined that Xiao Han will give herself money.

Sure enough, this meeting hasn't finished yet. There was a roar of locomotives outside.

Not long after, Da Pang Li came in with a bag.

"Auntie Zhou!" Li Dafang shouted.

"Who!" A staff member of the neighborhood committee hurried out.

"Where is Director Zhou?" Li Da Pang asked.

"We are in a meeting, what do you want?" The staff member hurriedly said, "What kind of work are you going to do?"

"Oh, I'm here to give you money!" Li Da Pang smiled, and then said, "Didn't Xiao Han agree to give you money and use it to repair the street lights on Fuxing Road at the door? I'll bring it to you. Two hundred thousand."

"Really!" Upon hearing this, the staff hurriedly shouted towards the conference room: "Sister Zhou, Xiao Han's money is here."

When everyone heard it, they ran out one after another. When Li Dapang saw this, he was very scared. Especially when I saw Lao Li, his face changed slightly in fright. Since childhood, Li Dapang’s mother used the family planning office to frighten him. Because Li Dapang was disobedient since he was a child, Li Dapang’s mother deliberately used the family planning office to scare him. Da Pang Li has also seen the methods of family planning, coming to grab things, smashing...anything can be done. Da Pang Li has also been afraid of people from the neighborhood committee since he was a child. If he wants to go to the neighborhood committee for anything, he dare not go.

"Fat, are you here?" Aunt Zhou saw this and hurriedly took the money. Two hundred ten thousand bills in it were neatly placed on the table.

Da Pang Li smiled and said, "Aunt Zhou, I can deliver the money. Give me a receipt."

"Good, good." Aunt Zhou nodded immediately. She hurriedly handwritten a receipt, and then affixed the official seal of the neighborhood committee. Da Pang Li took this receipt and left the neighborhood committee with a smile. After leaving, he rushed.

"This child, seeing us is like seeing a ghost!" Aunt Xiaohong said with a smile.

"That's not the evil done by the Family Planning Office!" the staff member of the neighborhood committee laughed.

"What nonsense!" Lao Li of the Family Planning Office was naturally unwilling to take the blame: "What does this have to do with us!"

"You didn't do your job well before." The staff member smiled: "Which child in the community is not afraid of you? I have been staring at the birth of those children since childhood. I am afraid that one of them is superbirth. I guess no one knows our revival better than you. The population of the community."

"Who made us take care of family planning?!" Old Li sneered. Replied with disdain.

"Okay, we have to unite and work hard now." Aunt Zhou said hurriedly: "This is not the time for infighting, Lao Li, the money is already in place, so you can go shopping quickly. You can get the invoice and report to the financial statement. ."

"Okay!" Old Li nodded hurriedly when he heard it.

Just as Lao Li was about to leave, Aunt Zhou hurriedly said, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Old Li listened.

"Old Li." Aunt Zhou said suddenly and earnestly: "The money is all from Xiao Han's heart. You know the situation of their family. They used to be poor and couldn't open the pot. Although the situation has improved, but here is Every penny is in exchange for Xiao Han’s sweat. I hope that every penny in this can be used on the blade and on the tip of the knife. If there is excess money here, we will refund the Xiao family Go back; if the money here is not enough, we will use the funds of the neighborhood committee to make up."

"I..." When Old Li heard this, his face turned red, and he nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, I understand. I know how serious things are."

"That's good." Aunt Zhou said with a solemn face, "Don't let down the expectations of every resident in the Fuxing community. This time, if there is a problem with the accounts, I will absolutely punish it!"

This is the first time Aunt Zhou has said such heavy words in so many years in the neighborhood committee. Because Aunt Zhou was moved by Xiao Han's kindness. People show kindness to the community, so naturally they cannot be greedy. Forget what happened before. After all, it was the country's money. There were big corrupt officials at the door, and the people below took a bite. Aunt Zhou didn't bother to take it to heart. But this time is different. If Lao Li dared to steal a penny during the procurement process, Aunt Zhou would definitely turn his face on him.

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