"Mom, you...what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han looked at his mother nervously.

"I'm fine." Xiao's mother shook her head.

"Begin, you...you cried!" Xiao Han said nervously.

"Mom, this is crying for joy!" Mother Xiao's tears were even more, and she hurriedly wiped her tears with her hands. I waited for this day for too long, too long. She never expected that her son would grow up without knowing it. Moreover, when he didn't know it, he suddenly grew into a towering tree. A towering tree that is enough to hide yourself.

"Mom, are you okay?" Xiao Han looked at his mother getting more and more excited. He didn't know what to do. He trembling hurriedly took out a bank card from his pocket, and then Said: "Mom, this... these are all my money, now you will take care of it."

Mother Xiao reached out and took the bank card in Xiao Han's hand, her hand trembling. You know, there are tens of millions of funds in that bank card. Mother Xiao asked nervously, "Xiaohan, how much money is in it...?"

"There are more than 20 million." Xiao Han hurriedly replied.


Mother Xiao's hand trembled for a while, and the bank card actually landed. She turned pale with fright, she squatted down quickly to pick up the card. For fear of losing myself, I lost the money in the card. He was frightened and picked it up quickly. She asked nervously: "This... so much money?"

"Not much." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I am planning to form my company into a group company next year, and strive to be listed within three years."

"Listing?!" Xiao's mother was taken aback.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "In the three years to go public, as long as it goes public, the company's money can increase exponentially. At that time, you can have any money you want.

"Okay, okay." Mother Xiao was even more excited when she heard it.

She held the bank card tightly in her hand, for fear that it would run away if it got out of her sight. In fact, she didn't want this bank card, but felt that the meaning of a bank card was too extraordinary, and the meaning of this bank card was too different. This represents the first step towards success for his son, and it represents his son's success and glory.

Xiao's mother had been standing there and didn't move, and Xiao Han was silent. He couldn't bear to disturb his mother's meditation and was silent.

After a long time, Xiao's mother's face returned to a solemn look. She swallowed.

"Xiaohan, come with me." Mother Xiao said.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded honestly.

In the world, no one can believe him, but he has to believe his mother. Your mother is your own heaven and your own land. People all over the world can betray, but only the mother who cannot betray. This is a firm belief in Xiao Han's heart.

Mother Xiao walked to the living room, before the portrait of Father Xiao.

"Kneel down!" Mother Xiao said solemnly.


Xiao Han knelt down without hesitation. Then he looked up at his father's portrait and at his father's spiritual card. Mother Xiao on the side hurriedly lit the lamp and lit some incense. She paid homage to her father first, holding the bank card in her hand, and said excitedly: "Old Xiao, our son is promising. Have you seen it in the Spirit of Heaven? Our son is finally promising. ."

Xiao Han knelt down in front of the incense candle and said nothing.

Thinking back to his father's death, Xiao Han has always been brooding. Back then, he personally watched the car slammed into his father. His father drew an arc in the air like a broken kite, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Mother Xiao muttered in front of Xiao's father's portrait, talking about some homely practices. Today, what she said the most was that her son was finally promising. Xiao Han was able to mix to this day, thanks to his father Xiao, there is no doubt about this. At least the role of Potential No. 2 played a lot in his brain. If it weren't for this Potential No. 2, I'm afraid Xiao Han would not know how many times he died.

However, since my father injected Potential No. 2 into his body, it means that his life has undergone a tremendous change, and he can control his life and his world. Moreover, he can avenge his father.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's mind was filled with hatred anger.

Now, he really has a very powerful ability, although he has been hiding now, I don't know what the secret enemy is. However, Xiao Han understood that the other party must be a person with a lot of background and background. Even the genetic research team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be persecuted by them, so it can be seen that the other party is definitely not small. Before Xiao Han had grown up in his own strength, he could not easily expose his identity.

However, the current self is still too small and lowly, it is estimated that the other party will not pay attention to his existence.

"Xiao Han." After the mother said, "Get up."

"Mom, don't cry." Xiao Han looked distressed.

"No, I'm not crying!" Mother Xiao shook her head and said: "I am happy, I am very happy. My son is promising, I am so happy!"

"Then you..." Xiao Han pursed his lips.

"Well, I'll return this bank card to you." Xiao's mother smiled.

"Mom, I plan to let you take care of my money!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Stupid boy, you earn all this money, so you should manage it yourself." Mother Xiao smiled, and then said: "Besides, I'm old too and don't know how to manage money. There is so much money in it, how can I I know how to manage it. So, I will return this card to you."

"Mom!" Xiao Han was reluctant to answer.

If the son is promising, he should naturally share it with his mother. Just seeing his mother's excitement, Xiao Han felt that the hard work he had put in was worth it. At least he thinks so. However, his mother was unwilling to share happiness with herself and the fruits of happiness, which made Xiao Han a little sad.

"Stupid boy." Mother Xiao smiled: "Do you know what my biggest wish is now?"

"What?!" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"My biggest wish now is that you can quickly find a woman who can manage the money for you." Mother Xiao said bluntly: "Although you are only in your freshman year, I think this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. You think Liu How is the girl at home?"

"Who?" Xiao Han was taken aback.

"Liu Xiaolei." Mother Xiao said.

"Ah?!" Xiao Han said awkwardly when he heard it, "Sister Xiaolei... she's pretty good."

"Then...I will come to tell you about the marriage before the end of the year?" Mother Xiao smiled and said, "Although the Liu family is poor, it is the same as ours. Moreover, the Liu family knows everything. , If you find a woman outside, you have to take time to understand. Don’t you?"

"Mom, don't you think all this is too early?" Xiao Han frowned.

"It's not early, it's not early!" Xiao's mother hurriedly shook her head, and said: "The old people were thirteen years old and will get married when they are 15. You are now 21."

"Mom, I'm only twenty years old this year!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"The false age is twenty-one." Xiao's mother hurriedly argued, and then said: "In a few days, you will be twenty-two."


When Xiao Han heard it, he almost took a sip of water and said, "I'm not full at twenty-one, so why is it twenty-two."

"In a year, you will be one year older." Mother Xiao looked at her son lovingly.

For many years, she has been hoping that her son will grow up soon, hoping that he will be able to grow up sooner and be able to spread the leaves for the old Xiao family. You know, there is only one child in my own family, and all hopes and everything are pinned on Xiao Han. Therefore, Xiao Han is under great pressure, and Xiao Han's responsibilities are also heavy.

"That can't be done like that." Xiao Han looked helpless.

"Well, you can go out and play." Mother Xiao looked at her son with a smile, and then said, "I want to clean up the hygiene at home."

"Mom, I'll help you!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Okay, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the house hygiene needs to be cleaned up again." Xiao's mother said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao's mother is a person who knows how to be satisfied, and because her son has made money, she has to live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car. She is still willing to live in the Fuxing community. Moreover, she is very satisfied with her son, and also very satisfied. She is grateful to the current society. At least she is now considered a career. One month's salary is not only enough to support herself, but also save a lot, and the welfare during the holidays is also very high.

The mother and son started cleaning the house.


Renaissance community neighborhood committee.

Aunt Zhou hurried back to the office, where everyone was still at work. Both public institutions and state-owned enterprises need to work until New Year's Eve. Moreover, the holiday is only available on the morning of New Year's Eve. It was the end of the year at this time, so everyone didn't want to go to work anymore and wanted to have a holiday.

Aunt Zhou returned to the office, panting, she took a sip of water first.

Everyone looked at Aunt Zhou curiously, with a curious look, not understanding why Aunt Zhou was so excited.

"Sister Zhou, why are you so excited?" a elder sister asked curiously.

"Good news, comrades, good news." Aunt Zhou said hurriedly: "The great news is coming!"

"What's wrong?" Everyone stood up from their seats.

"Quickly, gather all the other comrades, we are going to have a meeting." Aunt Zhou had a meeting early in the morning, which surprised everyone.

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