The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 476: Come to talk

This is a person's bottom line, and it is also the bottom line of Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou has been in the Fuxing community for so many years and has been innocent and fair. I have never taken a penny from the organization, nor have I ever collected any needle or thread from the people. This has always been the pride of Aunt Zhou, and it has always been the pride of Aunt Zhou.

The work of the neighborhood committee soon became busy.

Aunt Xiaohong is responsible for contacting workers. It's the end of the year and there are many workers. Most people come back from vacation. He quickly contacted three groups of people, more than a dozen people in total. These more than ten were all electricians born. Moreover, more than half here are people from the revival community. Since it is Fuxing Road that needs to be repaired, it is natural to use one's own people.

"Yo, what's the matter?"

"Did the sun come out from the west? This Fuxing Road is going to be replaced by street lights!"

The residents of the community saw that the electricians were ready to change the street lights, and they all watched curiously. This made them feel very surprised. It also made them feel extremely surprised. They were shocked.

"Really have to change the street lights, great!"

"This group of people has done a good job for us. This year's New Year can finally take a bright road."

The residents cheered.

Standing at the gate of the Fuxing Community, Xiao Han saw that the residents of the community came out to watch. Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, he immediately showed a smile. Smiles are overflowing, full of happiness. Xiao Han felt extremely happy. It seems that the 200,000 pay is really worth it.

"This is a good thing." Uncle Liu, wearing a military coat, stood in front of the factory with a dry smoke in his mouth, and said: "For more than ten years, no one has ever managed this street light. Now someone is standing there. I have come out to change the street light, and I have been on the night road for almost ten years!"

"Yeah, finally we can take a bright path."

"In the future, there will be no robbery or **** cases on the Fuxing Road?"

Everyone was talking about it, and everyone seemed particularly happy. One by one is not enough.

Mother Xiao looked at everyone's happiness, and she also showed a knowing smile. With Xiao’s mother’s character, he would definitely not tell everyone that his son paid for the replacement of the street lamp. Mother Xiao is a very reserved person. She would only be proud of her son in her heart and would never say it.

Suddenly, Xiao's mother saw a familiar face in the crowd. She hurriedly walked towards the man.

"Uncle Liu, what are you doing?" Mother Xiao asked curiously.

"Isn't this going to change the street light?" Uncle Liu smiled, took a breath of dry smoke, and said: "I'm here to take a look, and I am also happy. The Chinese New Year is about to come, and we can finally see a bright and spacious one. The way."

"No!" Mother Xiao nodded, and said, "The government's policies are good, and they are not bad for us."

"Yes!" Uncle Liu nodded and said: "The policy is better and our living standards have also improved."

"Uncle Liu, I want to discuss something with you." Mother Xiao's face turned red.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Uncle Liu was stunned and looked at his old neighbor curiously. What could make her so shy. Uncle Liu is an experienced old fox. Even so, he couldn't guess Xiao's mother. Thoughts.

"That... can we take a step to talk?" Xiao's mother said hurriedly.

Uncle Liu naturally wouldn't mind, he hurriedly moved a few steps to the side and left the busy crowd. The two moved under a tree, where there is no sun. In the winter, this group of people gathered in the sun to bask in the sun, and then they looked very happy when they watched the workers changing the street lights.

Under the tree, Uncle Liu asked curiously: "Tell me, what's the matter. Have you encountered any trouble?"

"That's not true." Mother Xiao shook her head and said: "I...just want to ask, did your Liu Xiaolei find a boyfriend?"

"Huh?!" Uncle Liu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It doesn't seem to be there."

Uncle Liu is a ghost. After listening to Xiao's question, he immediately understood what Xiao's mother wanted to say. A smile of relief appeared on his face, as if he had an answer in his heart.

"Then...I want to talk to Xiao Han about a marriage, do you see?" Mother Xiao looked at Uncle Liu awkwardly.

"Haha..." Uncle Liu heard it, and then said: "My family Xiaolei hates people telling her about marriage, so...I'm not easy to agree."

"You are his father, the words of the matchmaker by the orders of your parents." Mother Xiao is still a traditional Chinese woman in her bones, so she said this.

"Xiaomei, what you said is wrong." Uncle Liu shook his head, and then said: "Now children are more open-minded and more independent. Regarding marriage matters, we adults should not interfere, and let us develop freely. After all. Marriage is a lifelong matter. Where can we adults be suitable and who is not?"

"Didn't all of our generation come here like this?" Mother Xiao said helplessly.

"But it's different now." Uncle Liu shook his head and said, "Society is progressing, and our thinking will also improve, right?"

"All right." Mother Xiao looked disappointed, she suddenly asked: "Uncle Liu, do you dislike our family's poor conditions?"

"No." Uncle Liu hurriedly shook his head and said: "In fact, I hope that our two children are together. After all, they are all people who know the bottom line. At first, Xiao Lei was too individual and too self-seeking, so I didn't Ways to promise you. I'm afraid that if she doesn't agree, the relationship between our two families will be frozen."

When Xiao's mother heard it, she smiled and said, "Why don't help me to test it tonight?"

"Yes!" Uncle Liu nodded and said, "Actually, I hope that the children of our two families can come together."

"Hmm!" Mother Xiao nodded.

The street light work at the entrance is still busy, and it is expected to be completed within three days. The staff of the neighborhood committee were almost fully engaged in this battle, and they were busy inside and out. Lao Li took a group of people to find the best quality and best price bulbs in the decoration market. And you need bulbs that are always durable. Although the price is slightly more expensive, but the tube has a long life, so it is relatively cost-effective.


It was nine o'clock in the evening.

Liu Xiaolei rode a small electric donkey back from the restaurant. Because the street lights were repaired, Fuxing Road was even darker. The circuits on this road were all switched off. There were still a few light bulbs on, but now it is completely dark. However, the light in the Hanmen restaurant more than 100 meters away is bright.

Liu Xiaolei returned home by bike.

The conditions at home have improved slightly. Liu Xiaolei's eldest brother Liu Dajun works in Linjiang City. He does a good job. He has five to six thousand a month. Recently, he found a girlfriend. I guess I will bring it home in a few days.

"Big brother, when will you bring your girlfriend back?" Liu Xiaolei said pretty when he arrived home, "Didn't you say the end of the year last time? Why haven't you brought it back?"

"What's the hurry?!" Liu Dajun couldn't help but flushed his face and said, "There are still a few days before the end of the year."

"In a few days, New Year's Eve is two days away." Liu Xiaolei said.

"That's not in a hurry." Liu Dajun shook his head.

Uncle Liu's body gradually became tougher, and Grandma Liu's situation is still not optimistic. I lay on the bed every day, served by Uncle Liu every day, pooping and peeing. This makes people feel very pitiful. However, people who are sick in bed can only be taken care of. This is also no alternative.

Uncle Liu finally served his wife and drank a bowl of porridge, and then walked out tremblingly with his urinal.

"Xiao Lei, are you back?" Uncle Liu asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

"Put, little girl, ready to eat." Liu Dajun walked out of the kitchen.

The house is very crowded, and the living room is the dining room. Liu Dajun revealed his cooking skills. On the table were braised fish, braised pork, and a braised chicken. Several dishes are very delicious, indicating that the New Year’s Eve seems to be approaching.

Uncle Liu was busy with everything, and then sat down at the table.

After Uncle Liu took a seat, Dajun Liu and Xiaolei Liu sat down. A family of three is happy. Although there is no news about the second brother Liu Xiaojun and his sister-in-law, in fact, both Liu Dajun and Liu Xiaolei know that their father wants to kiss his granddaughter Linlin.

"Army, when will you take Linlin over?" Uncle Liu asked.

"This..." Liu Dajun was taken aback for a moment, and said embarrassingly: "Tomorrow I will call the child's mother and ask about the situation."

"Okay!" Uncle Liu nodded, and put the dry smoke in his hand aside, and said: "Then let's start eating."

Liu Xiaolei nodded, and she hurriedly served Uncle Liu a bowl of rice.

Uncle Liu looked up at Liu Xiaolei and said, "Xiao Lei, someone called me today and wants to tell you a marriage."


Liu Xiaolei put the table and chopsticks on the table, and then seriously said: "Dad, I can decide my marriage by myself. No need for others to worry about. You just tell them to find another girl, although my girl is poor, but , There is no need to be reduced to the point of selling women."

"Look at what your child said." Uncle Liu was displeased when he heard it: "Although my old man Liu is poor, I definitely have no intention of selling my daughter. I just think that when my daughter is older, I should start a family. "

"I'm not too big." Liu Xiaolei shook her head hurriedly and said: "This is only twenty-five, it's still early to thirty."

"Twenty-five is already big." Uncle Liu sighed.

Liu Xiaolei hurriedly put a piece of braised pork for Uncle Liu, and said, "Dad, eat it quickly."

Liu Dajun also persuaded from the side: "Xiao Lei, you really should think about your personal marriage. You are not young anymore."

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