The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 452: Home warning

"Are you really the person in charge of the Hanmen restaurant?" The girl looked at Xiao Han curiously.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I want to go to work in the Hanmen restaurant." The girl looked at Xiao Han shyly, and then asked: "The Hanmen restaurant lacks welcoming guests. I think I can be invited to be the welcome guest at the door. I wonder what you think?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Yes, I'll discuss this matter with the restaurant manager later."

"Okay." The girl nodded hurriedly, and then said: "Remember to notify me when there is news. This is my phone number."

After speaking, the girl hurriedly handed her business card to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was suddenly embarrassed with the business card handed over by the other party, because the name of Yuelai Restaurant was also printed on the business card. The other party used the business card of Yuelai Restaurant to change jobs. Thinking about it, I feel a little weird.

Xiao Han glanced at each other and smiled: "No problem."

At this time, the girl who had just entered the report hurriedly walked out. She smiled and said, "Sir, our boss said he is not here."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was taken aback when he heard it.

The girl also froze for a moment, as if she felt that she had said something wrong, but what she said was like splashed water, and she couldn't change it if she wanted to change it. She looked ashamed and flushed and said, "I'm sorry, we Zhang The boss doesn't want to see you."

The girl had no choice but to say to Xiao Han.

The reason why Boss Zhang didn't want to see Xiao Han was because Xiao Han was the owner of the Hanmen restaurant. In addition, Boss Zhang had already received the news that those guys had failed and even confessed themselves. Although those guys didn't tell Boss Zhang the news, Boss Zhang had already sent an informant to the scene to check the situation, and finally found out that the guys had confessed themselves so desperately. This really made him a little angry, and his thousands of dollars were spent again.

Therefore, Boss Zhang decided not to see Xiao Han. It's a pity that he doesn't decide whether to see or not. It was Xiao Han who had the final say. Xiao Han came to boss Zhang today because he was determined to come and give him a warning. If he is not given a warning today, it will definitely happen again in the future.

"Since he won't come out, I can only go in." Xiao Lian laughed.

"Don't!" The two girls hurriedly stopped Xiao Han.

"Why?" Xiao Han looked at the two in confusion.

"Because" the girl lowered her head and said awkwardly: "If you go in, the boss will definitely blame us for our poor work. We may be deducted from our wages at that time, and we will be fired if it is serious."

"If he fires your squid, then you come to work in the Hanmen restaurant!" Xiao Han smiled faintly.

When the two heard this, they couldn't help but let go. Afterwards, Xiao Han walked into the restaurant. There are no diners in the restaurant. Because this time is not a meal. In addition, this is a Cantonese restaurant, so there are fewer people dining. At this time, the diners of the Hanmen restaurant are still in an endless stream. It definitely makes people feel that the business of the two restaurants is not above the same level.

The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the box, and the third floor is the administrative office.

Before Xiao Han went to the third floor, he walked towards Boss Zhang's office.

In Boss Zhang’s office, Boss Zhang was smoking a cigarette and drinking strong tea. He was very annoyed and was holding a phone in his hand: "Old Li, you have to help me this time. This kid already knows we are behind. It's messed up. Now this guy is at the door of my restaurant and seems to want to come up to me to settle the account. What do you think is good?"

"Lao Zhang, don't worry!" Boss Li smiled, and then said: "He came as soon as he came, and he has no evidence of this. Just talk about it with a few people, who can guarantee them Telling the truth? Besides, isn’t there a rule in the current law? Who advocates, who gives evidence. Since he comes to trouble you, let him show evidence, otherwise, how can he easily condemn others?"

Boss Zhang thought for a while, and seemed to feel that there was some truth. He nodded and said, "Well, you have some truth."

While Boss Zhang was discussing countermeasures with several others, the door of the office was knocked suddenly. Boss Zhang looked impatient and cursed, "Didn't you tell him? Tell him that I'm not here. If something happens, let him Just leave it. If you want to have tea with me, wait until I come back."


Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open by Xiao Han.

Boss Zhang was taken aback, thinking it was the two girls who didn't have long eyes at the door. When he was about to yell at him, he suddenly saw a familiar figure. Boss Zhang suddenly felt that his blood pressure was rising, and his whole body was sweating frantically.

"Why did you come in?" Boss Zhang looked panicked.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Han smiled, a weird smile appeared on his face, and then said: "What bad things have you done, do you need me to remind you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, please go out immediately." Boss Zhang said sharply.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, and then sat down on the chair in front of Boss Zhang. He gently tapped Erlang’s legs, put his fingers on Boss Zhang’s desk, and tapped his fingers gently on the desk, sending out There was a sound of clattering.

Xiao Han’s light wind and calm clouds made Boss Zhang feel very frightened. It was a silent intimidation, and it was a voice from hell. Boss Zhang felt the sweat on his forehead dripping down. Mao, he was very nervous and very scared, his eyes were staring at Xiao Han, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Boss Zhang swallowed.

Da da

Xiao Han was still tapping the table unhurriedly, tapping his fingers on the table lightly, making a burst of clattering sounds. The sound was not loud, but it made people feel cold from the heart. Boss Zhang is permeated with a cold sweat. He swallowed several saliva in a row. The expression on his face became more complicated, and he asked again: "Xiao Han, what on earth do you want to do? Don't think that you can scare me like this. Let me tell you, I'm not so **** scared."

"Of course I know that Boss Zhang was not scared." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I came today just to give you a warning. What happened in the Hanmen restaurant today, I think Boss Zhang should It’s better than anyone else. They have already shaken things out about you, and I hope you can do it for yourself."

"I don't know what I'm talking about." Boss Zhang looked at Xiao Han nervously with erratic eyes. He dared not look directly at Xiao Han's eyes. Instead, staring at the orchid on the table, he said nervously: " Why do you think that what happened in the restaurant today has something to do with me? I don't remember this pot. If you have to let me remember, then I can't help it."

Boss Zhang’s explanation might not even be convinced by him. Not only is there a lot of contradictions, but the tone is full of tension. Xiao Han stared at each other’s eyes. Boss Zhang hurriedly avoided Xiao Han’s eyes. He originally thought that Xiao Han would be furious. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han showed a gentle smile, and said without rush, “Since I dare If you come to find you, it means that I already have evidence in my hand. If you have to tear your face with me, I don't mind showing it out, I'm afraid you will kneel and beg me at that time."

"Since there is evidence, then take it out." Boss Zhang waited and laughed. After soaking in the mall for so many years, he is already an experienced old fox. If he doesn't show evidence, just rely on Xiao Han's words. , I’m afraid it’s not enough to overwhelm the opponent. Years of pampering him had already formed a strong psychological shield in his heart, so he was not afraid of Xiao Han at all. Not only that, he also took a bite back: "Xiao Han, at that time you were all poor restaurants. But you robbed a lot of our business. What kind of competition did you use? I don't need to say more, I think you know better than me. "

"Really?" Xiao Han asked back, and then smiled: "Don't think that you will let you go if you change the subject. If you don't give me an attitude about today's affairs, your shop won't have to go on."

Xiao Han's words were definitely not joking, but serious.

Boss Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and he decided to keep the topic crooked: "Xiao Han, I suspect you have poppy shells in your restaurant."

"Don't talk nonsense to me." Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said: "If you found poppies in my restaurant, but you have already called the police, why wait to tell me now? Lao Zhang, you are so careful It should be used in the management of your restaurant, not in intrigue, you die or die."

"You!" Boss Zhang was taken aback for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "What do you want?"

"Today you must give me an attitude!" Xiao Han said.

"What attitude?" Boss Zhang was a little compromised. In fact, he didn't put Xiao Han in his eyes at all at the beginning. The reason why he was nervous and panic was because he had done something wrong. As the saying goes, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. It's better now. I have done something wrong, so I am naturally afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Xiao Han's arrival makes him more afraid than ghosts.

"Don't bother with my poor restaurant in the future." Xiao Lian laughed, and then said: "This time, because we are neighbors, I will spare you. If you dare to have another time, I decided not to let you go."

"I" Boss Zhang hesitated.


Suddenly, Xiao Han picked up the fruit knife in the fruit basket from the coffee table and threw it out. The fruit knife in his hand was unbiased, and it happened to be pierced between the opponent's fingers, no more, no less, I am afraid it would be pierced on the back of the opponent's hand if it was more, and it would be stuck on the other's finger.


Boss Zhang suddenly took a breath, his face was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. It almost didn't pass. His eyes were fixed on the knife between the fingers. This fruit knife was very sharp. At this moment, he didn't even dare to move his hand for fear that he might be cut through his flesh by the blade. . Boss Zhang hurriedly pulled the knife from the table with his other hand.

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