
He swallowed and nodded, "I know, I won't bother with poor restaurants anymore."

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded slightly.

When talking, Xiao Han poured a cup of tea from the teapot on the coffee table, took a sip, and then smiled: "Tea is a good tea, but it's a pity that people are not good people. In the future, whether you can correct evil and return to the right is up to you. If you dare to trouble the poor restaurant next time, I don't mind letting you break your arm."

"Yes!" Boss Zhang nodded repeatedly.

After speaking, Xiao Han stood up, then smiled: "I'm leaving, you don't have to send it."

Until Xiao Han left, Boss Zhang seemed to be in a dream, and he felt as if his life had been hit hard. He had been sitting on the chair as if he was a wooden chicken. After a long time, he came to his senses a little. He touched the hole on the table with his hand, and his sharp mouth pierced his fingers. If it wasn't for this knife on the table, Boss Zhang would still be unable to believe how clearly this incident happened in front of him.

About ten minutes later, Boss Zhang was relieved from his dream. He took a deep breath and said, "Fuck, today I was walking all night to pretend to be a ghost. I didn't expect this fellow Xiao Han. It turned out to be a practicing family. Damn, how come no one told me the news?"

After thinking for a long time, Boss Zhang quickly picked up the phone on the table and called Lao Li and the others.

"Lao Zhang, what's the matter?" Boss Li frowned and said, "You called me five or six calls a day. What are you afraid of? To such an extent, there is a small restaurant with a yellow hair. The restaurant opened by the kid, see what you are like."

"I" Lao Zhang heard that he originally wanted to tell them that Xiao Han was a practicing family, but when he thought about it, he immediately changed his mind: "No, I'm not here to complain, I just tell you, Lao Tzu decided Change evil and return to righteousness. In business, the emphasis is on honesty. From now on, I will put my mind on honest management and never do anything crooked. Therefore, if you want to deal with poor restaurants in the future, you don’t have to tell me, I I won’t fight against the poor restaurant in the future."

"Fuck, are you kidding evil?" Old Li was taken aback.

"No." Boss Zhang shook his head, and then said: "Okay, that's it. In addition, I tell you, this poor restaurant is not easy to mess with, so take your time."

After speaking, Boss Zhang immediately hung up the phone.

Xiao Han walked slowly out of the Hanmen restaurant.

The air outside is cold, deep winter is already here, but I don't know when it will snow. Looking up at the gloomy sky, there are dense clouds. In the overcast sky, it seems that there are thick layers of snow buried. Just wait for a sneeze when God. If God sneezes, it will inevitably snow.

Since the boy Jiang Xiaoliang was placed by Xiao Han during the classmates, he has completely held Xiao Han in his heart. Originally, since he went to Tsinghua University, he has broadened his vision and his mind has become more or less broad. However, when he saw that Chen Zihan still had such a good relationship with Xiao Han and his feelings were so deep, he was jealous. In addition, his pretending party was destroyed by Xiao Han. How could he be comfortable?

"Master Jiang, you are going to attend the company's annual meeting tonight." The housekeeper of the Jiang Group, a middle-aged uncle who has served the Jiang family for many years, knocked on the door of Jiang Xiaoliang's room.

"What annual meeting?" Jiang Xiaoliang frowned.

"The annual meeting of the Jiang Group." The middle-aged man said with a kind smile: "Before the wife refused to let you attend because you were still young. But now you have grown up, and once you go from Tsinghua After graduating from university, you will begin to take over the company’s various businesses. Moreover, the Jiang Group will let you take over sooner or later. Therefore, Madam decided to let you attend the company’s annual meeting and also show you the company’s senior management."

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaoliang nodded when he heard it, and said, "I see."

I planned to ask Chen Zihan to go for a walk and watch a movie at night. However, it seems that the appointment cannot be made now. However, Jiang Xiaoliang changed his mind, and he immediately thought of a better way to pretend that he would take Chen Zihan to his company's annual meeting. Didn't Chen Zihan's mother always want to match herself with her daughter? In this case, as long as you come to talk to Mother Chen yourself, you can believe that you can take Chen Zihan away from the Chen family on the spot.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaoliang's eyes lit up. He hurriedly said: "Uncle Liu, can I bring a female dancer to the annual meeting tonight?"

"Of course!" The middle-aged man nodded.

The middle-aged man has served the Jiang family for many years and once saved Mrs. Jiang's life. Therefore, it has always been reused by Mrs. Jiang, and his status in the Jiang family is also very high. Has always been respected by the Jiang family. Jiang Xiaoliang is also respectful to him. He would ask Uncle Liu when he did anything.

"That's OK." Jiang Xiaoliang hurried out of the house, and then hurriedly ran straight out of the villa.

Coming out of the house, he quickly jumped into his car and drove straight towards the Chen family.

Chen's home is some distance away from Jiang's home, about half an hour by car. The Jiang family’s villa area is in the Chengnan District, while the Chen family’s residential area is in the Chengbei District. One north and one south are naturally far apart.

After driving for more than half an hour, Jiang Xiaoliang's car stopped in Chen Zihan's residential quarter. He rushed straight upstairs quickly.

The doorbell rang.

It was Chen Zihan who opened the door. Chen Zihan wore pajamas, with long hair like ink, sprinkled on his shoulders, without a bra. However, the two arrogant **** looked particularly attractive, and they seemed to be able to see the two through the clothes. Bumpy buds.

Jiang Xiaoliang's eyes were straight.

Chen Zihan seemed to realize that something was wrong with her. She hurriedly covered her chest with her hand and frowned: "Jiang Xiaoliang, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I" Jiang Xiaoliang immediately realized that he was a little gaffe, he took a deep breath and eased his high-pitched emotions, and then said: "Zihan, the Jiang Group holds an annual meeting in the evening, I hope I can invite you together Go. How about you being my female dancer?"

"Not interested!" Chen Zihan shook his head and said, "You can find someone else."

After speaking, Chen Zihan was about to close the door.

At this time, a voice came from the room: "Zihan, is Jiang Xiaoliang here?"

"Auntie, it's me!" Jiang Xiaoliang seemed to have encountered a lifesaver, and he yelled.

Mother Chen hurriedly walked out of the room with a book in her hand and a smile on her face: "Xiaoliang, why are you here? Come in and sit down."

"Okay, thank you Auntie!" Jiang Xiaoliang was about to go in, but was blocked by Chen Zihan at the door. Jiang Xiaoliang was a little embarrassed. Mother Chen was really looking at her from the side, she glared at Chen Zihan and said, "What are you doing blocking the door, let me come in soon."

Chen Zihan was so impatient that he gave way. After seeing Jiang Xiaoliang coming in, Chen Zihan turned and walked towards his room. And closed the door, and then locked it.

Mother Chen was slightly embarrassed when she saw this scene. She laughed and said, "This girl is in a bad mood, don't blame her."

"I didn't blame her." Jiang Xiaoliang pretended to be a gentleman, and he hurriedly said: "Auntie, I came to Zihan today because the Jiang Group holds an annual meeting in the evening. I want to invite Zihan to be my female dance partner at the party. ."

"Yes!" When Mother Chen heard this, she was overjoyed and said: "This is a good thing. Let my girl go to see the big scene. Presumably, there must be a lot of celebrities at night, right?"

"Right right!" Jiang Xiaoliang nodded hurriedly and said: "Several big corporate bosses in Linjiang City will come, and several important leaders of Linjiang City will also come. If Zihan goes, he can also broaden his horizons, saying I may know a few celebrities, and I will make great progress in her life and career in the future."

"Yes, yes!" Mother Chen nodded repeatedly.

Chen Zihan hid in the room, she changed into a thick suit. She was planning to call Xiao Han, but she was interrupted by her mother. The sound of knocking on the door continued, accompanied by the voice of my mother calling at the door: "Zihan, come out quickly, how will you greet your classmates when they come?"

"I don't want to come out." Chen Zihan shook his head and refused.

"Look at what you said?" Mother Chen became angry when she heard it: "Quickly open the door, otherwise I will open it with the key."


Chen Zihan reluctantly opened the door and said, "Mom, what do you want?"

"People Jiang Xiaoliang is also kind, how can you?" Mother Chen frowned and said: "As for the high-level party, it will be good for you. Get to know a few celebrities and a few high-ranking officials. Great help, understand?"

"I don't need it!" Chen Zihan shook his head.

"I ask you to go!" Mother Chen said.

"Mom, how old I am, and what kind of social activities I need to participate in, I know in my heart!" Chen Zihan looked helpless.

"Haha" Mother Chen showed a touch of frost on her face, and then said, "Do you know how to discriminate? If you know how to discriminate, how could you still have contact with that poor boy? I advise you to let go, how nice is Jiang Xiaoliang? A young man, why don't you choose him?"

"Mom!" Chen Zihan was a little angry.

Jiang Xiaoliang in the living room listened very proudly. There was an intoxicated smile at the corner of his mouth.

A fierce quarrel between the mother and daughter finally ended with Chen Zihan's submission.

"Dress up at home in the afternoon, and then go with Xiaoliang." Mother Chen's face was gloomy, obviously, her anger had not disappeared.

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