The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 451: Pay for lessons


When the man heard this, he took a breath. A pair of eyes stared roundly. Why didn't he expect it? Da Pang Li will speak loudly. Twenty thousand yuan is not too much, but less is not too much. You know, I only took 10,000 yuan from Boss Zhang, but the other party asked him to pay 20,000 yuan in an instant. Where can men afford it? He hurriedly said: "Brother, take less, 20,000 yuan is too much."

"******, are you too much to ask you to pay 20,000 yuan?" Li Da Pang looked unhappy, with a touch of coldness on his face, he said coldly: "Believe it or not, let you out immediately Two hundred thousand?"

"Don't, don't...Don't." The man shook his head hurriedly, for fear that Da Pang Li would sit on the floor and raise the price. Twenty thousand yuan is already an unbearable price for him, let alone two hundred thousand? If he was really asked to put out two hundred thousand, he would rather be beaten. The man hurriedly said: "I am willing to pay 20,000 yuan."

"Then you **** interesting? Get the money quickly!" Li Da Pang glared at each other, a very unhappy expression on his face.

"Yes, I'll take the money!" The man nodded hurriedly. He hurriedly took out a bank card from his body, then turned around and handed it to the little brother who was aside, and exhorted: "Hurry up and take the card to withdraw the money. Fifty thousand yuan, you take twenty thousand yuan out of it, and the password of the card is my birthday. There is a construction bank across the road. Go and get back."

"Yes, elder brother." When the younger brother heard this, he hurried out with his card.

A bunch of people squatted on the ground. The leading man in black was just squatting honestly, where would he dare to sit? These guys held their heads with both hands, staring at their soles, and didn't dare to move at all, for fear that they might accidentally get hit by the other's stick.

"Xiao Han, do you really let them pay 20,000 yuan in compensation?" Li Dapang asked from the side.

"Otherwise, how much do you think is appropriate?" Xiao Han glanced at Li Da Pang, and then said: "They are unwilling to pay 20,000 yuan, do you expect them to pay more?"

"That's true." Li Da Pang thought for a moment, then scratched his head and smiled: "I didn't think so much. I just think these guys are really hateful. They should be taught a bit more serious lesson. Ten thousand yuan is too cheap for them. Looking back, they find a place to collect protection fees, and they can collect these protection fees in minutes."

While Xiao Han was chatting with Li Dapang, the little brother who took his bank card to withdraw money, was running back frantically at this time. He was holding a cowhide envelope bag in his hand. The cowhide envelope bag contained thick banknotes, which seemed to contain 20,000 yuan.

He ran up to the man out of breath, then hurriedly returned the money and bank card in his hand to the other person, and said, "Big Brother, this is your card and money."

The leading man in black took the card and the money. He carefully put the card into his pocket, and then handed the leather envelope bag to Xiao Han: "Little brother, here is the 20,000 yuan that I just took out. Give it all to you, and treat it as a loss to the restaurant."

Da Pang Li walked up slowly, took the envelope bag from the opponent's hand, and then tore off the kraft paper on the surface. A thick renminbi was exposed inside, two wads in total, 10,000 yuan each. Moreover, the 10,000 yuan packaging strip has not been removed. Li Dapang turned his head and glanced at Xiao Han, as if asking what Xiao Han meant. Xiao Han nodded slightly, and then said: "Let them go, it's no use keeping them, anyway, I already know the supporters behind them, and have already received compensation."

"Yes!" Li Da Pang nodded, he turned to look at the man, and then said: "You guys get out of here, or don't make me regret it, or it will make you feel uncomfortable."


Several men ran out one after another. At this time, the guys who pretended to be injured also got up one after another and ran faster than anyone else.

"****!" Seeing this scene, the black-clothed man in the lead was immediately annoyed, and he cursed: "A bunch of bitches, **** eyes, didn't they all hurt just now? Why did you run this time? Faster than Lao Tzu!"

Looking at the back of the other person leaving, Da Pang Li looked a little worried.

"Xiao Han, what I was worried about really happened." Li Da Pang looked sad, he looked at Xiao Han, and then said: "The business of the Hanmen restaurant is so hot, it has attracted the attention of many people, and it has also caused it. Many people are jealous. We can't help but pay attention to this matter, and we must also beware.

"You're right." Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "It seems that I have to come and talk to them."

"Who are you looking for?" Da Pang Li frowned.

"What do you say?" Xiao Han smiled, with a wise light in his eyes, and smiled: "For now, what do you think of our competitors?"

"Fuck, what else? Isn't it just the restaurants across from us?" Li Da Pang's voice seemed a bit sharp and high-pitched. The tone was full of disdain and dissatisfaction. Those restaurants are no longer the opponents of Hanmen restaurants. The current Hanmen restaurant is not what it used to be. Today, the sales of the Hanmen restaurant in one month can be worth the other party's sales for a year. No wonder Boss Zhang and Boss Li will jump the wall in a hurry.

As the saying goes, the rabbit bites in a hurry.

Boss Zhang and Boss Li were completely forced by Xiao Han and others to have no retreat. Therefore, they can only make the best move, hoping to succeed. As long as this method is successful, their restaurant can be resurrected from the dead. The failure of the Hanmen restaurant is the best news for them. Taking 10,000 steps back, if this method is not successful, then, for them, there is no loss.

"Yes, it's them." Xiao Han nodded.

"What are you going to talk to them?" Li Da Pang looked at Xiao Han with a puzzled look.

"For the first time, be a warning at the door!" Xiao Han replied with Da Pang Li.

"Warning?" Da Pang Li was taken aback.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "It is necessary to come to the door to warn once, if you dare to do it again, you can summon your friends and teach them a lesson."

"Hehe, I can't wait a long time ago." Li Da Pang smiled, and asked: "When will you come to negotiate with them?"

"Now!" Xiao Han said.

"Then take me there." Li Da Pang said hurriedly.

"Why?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and said: "You just stay in the restaurant, I will come back when I go. Besides, there needs to be a place in the restaurant. Moreover, you don't need too many people to talk to them. I can handle it alone."

"Let's do it." Da Pang Li nodded when he heard it.

Xiao Han was right. The Hanmen restaurant is now in a mess, and it really needs someone to clean it up here. I'm afraid the waiters alone won't work. These people are now shocked, and two of the restaurant chefs have been injured, and it is estimated that they will be unable to work for a while. This is a loss for the poor restaurant.

After thinking about it, Da Pang Li finally decided to stay.

Xiao Han decided to act, so he naturally started to act immediately.

The closest restaurant to the Hanmen Restaurant is Boss Zhang’s Yuelai Restaurant. Yuelai Restaurant is a Cantonese-style restaurant. The style is completely different from that of the Hanmen restaurant. The reason why their family’s turnover has declined is actually not much related to the Hanmen restaurant. It is just because they did not make money, so they put all their anger Blame it on the poor restaurant. The owner of Yuelai Restaurant believes that as long as the Hanmen Restaurant is destroyed, the business of Yuelai Restaurant will naturally become popular.

However, he never thought about improving the restaurant's service attitude, improving the restaurant's taste, and improving the restaurant's environmental hygiene. Boss Zhang put all his energy on the two vicious competition. I have never thought of increasing my turnover through healthy competition.

It's no wonder that the business of Mr. Zhang's Yuelai restaurant is getting worse and worse. He doesn't care about business and doesn't put all his mind on healthy competition. He is destined to gradually go bankrupt in his restaurant.

Boss Zhang’s Vietnamese restaurant is located in the southeast corner of the Hanmen restaurant. The distance between the two restaurants is about 100 meters. Because of this close distance, the competition between the two restaurants is even more doomed. fierce. Xiao Han walked past the Hanmen restaurant and walked for about three minutes.

When I arrived at Yuelai Restaurant, there were two waitresses standing in front of the restaurant, wearing maid costumes, looking very attractive. Xiao Han walked to the door, glanced at them, then smiled and asked, "Is Boss Zhang there?"

"Hello, who are you?" A female service girl looked at Xiao Han with a puzzled look.

"Oh, I am the person in charge of the Hanmen restaurant." Xiao Han looked at the two with a smile.

The two were stunned. In fact, they knew more or less about the competition between Hanmen Restaurant and Yuelai Restaurant. Because Boss Zhang complains about this in the restaurant almost every day, complaining that the business of the Hanmen restaurant is too hot, and if this continues, Yuelai restaurant will collapse sooner or later.

In the past, Yuelai Restaurant was able to generate tens of thousands of turnover a day, but at first, it doesn’t work anymore. Nowadays, the daily turnover barely maintains around 10,000. A turnover of 10,000 yuan is not enough to cover expenses. Opening his eyes every day, Boss Zhang thought in his mind that he would have thousands of expenses today. Rent, water and electricity, labor, and cost... all these are money. If the turnover of the brow continues to fall, I am afraid that it will be closed after a few months.

"Then...then I'll go talk to the boss." The waiter nodded hurriedly when he heard it, and then ran in quickly.

Xiao Han nodded slightly. He stood at the door with his hands in his pants pockets. There was a harmonious smile on his face. Another waitress with a peach blossom smile, her eyes were torch, as if she wanted to refuse, Xiao Han asked: "Little sister, do you have anything to tell me?"

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