The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 445: Find the difference

"Because there is no way for the relationship between two people to exist on a phone line." There was a touch of compassion in Li Da Pang's eyes, her eyes were a little moist, and she said sadly: "It's a pity that we have gone to this day. There is no turning back."

"Forget it, since there is no turning back, why bother to look back!" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Yes, you're right." Li Da Pang nodded, with a smile on his face, and said: "So I am not sad now, I just feel a little sorry."

Xiao Han patted Li Dafang on the shoulder. It’s not far, because silence is better than sound. Da Pang Li naturally understood what Xiao Han meant. There was a big hug between the two.

The relationship between Li Dapang and Yang Xiaoyan is officially over. And also from today, the two people officially embarked on two different paths.

In a blink of an eye, New Year's Eve was near.

The end of the year is the best time for classmates and friends to gather. Hanmen Restaurant and Hanmen Technology ushered in the sales peak at the end of the year.

The more the end of the year, the hotter the business, and the business of the Hanmen restaurant reached a peak.

After the holiday, Xiao Han almost always helped in the Hanmen restaurant. Liu Xiaolei also seemed very busy. Between the two people is so busy that there is almost no time to talk. Liu Xiaolei was busy with the overall work of the restaurant, including some difficult customers, and it was basically Liu Xiaolei who came forward to solve it.

The success of the Hanmen restaurant has made many people jealous. There are several very good restaurants in the center of Linjiang City. Business used to be very hot, but since the Hanmen restaurant came, their business has plummeted.

Originally, they planned to sell the store when the business was booming at the end of the year, so that the transfer price could be raised. But they found that they were wrong soon. Because, by the end of the year, their business was still tepid. Although their voices were better than usual, they were far from reaching their expected goals.

"Fuck, do we just endure it like this?"

"Damn, always think of a way!"

"People die for money, and birds die for food. They stand in my way, what do you think we should do?"

The owners of several restaurants gathered to discuss countermeasures to deal with the poor restaurant, which became a problem they must solve immediately. The poor restaurant has become a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

A man with dyed yellow hair said, "Why don't you just talk to them!"

"What to talk about, how to talk about it?" A man with a black hat on the other side said, "They want to make money. They can't make less money for us."

"Yes, I agree with what he said." The man with the cigar in his hand was very upset. He shook his legs and said, "If you want me to say, just spend some money to find someone to make trouble at home. Or just give them some trouble."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly became interested.

It is obviously not feasible to spend money to find people to make trouble at home, but it is relatively easy to make trouble for the poor restaurant. For example, putting a cockroach in a meal or getting two bugs is enough to make the restaurant's reputation bad. In the catering industry, such methods are relatively common and common, and are used in some competitive methods in vicious competition.

It can be seen that the man is proficient in this way.

"Old Liu, tell me what to do with this matter?" Several other people looked at the man one after another.

The man called Lao Liu took a triumphant look at a few people, and then smiled: "Look back and find a brother and come home to have a meal. Then he gets two bugs in the meal. Then he makes the matter worse. In this way, he returns. The reputation of the restaurant will plummet. Then we will take advantage of the victory."

"Well, it makes sense." The yellow-haired man nodded.

"This method is better and safer." The man in the black hat also nodded.

Where's the meeting room? Several other people also nodded, seeming to think that Lao Liu's method is very good?

"Since everyone agrees to this approach, I will find someone later." Old Liu smiled.

"Old Liu, please speak up about how much money you need." The yellow-haired man looked at Old Liu seriously and said: "As long as it can make the poor restaurant stinky and ruin it. We are happy to spend any money."

"No matter how much money we spend, we are willing!" The others nodded.

Old Liu smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, I will contact you when I turn around. That guy is proficient in this, and he's more agile. Even if he fails, he will never betray us."

Several people discussed and conspired, and the case was immediately settled.


Liu Xiaolei is very busy every day, so busy that he barely touches the ground. The restaurant receives many guests every day. A mixed bag. He never pays attention to the words and deeds of every guest, let alone the behavior of every guest.

Kuang Dang...

Suddenly, the guests at table 23 stood up. He grabbed the plate in his hand and smashed it on the table.

"Fuck, what kind of broken restaurant is this?" the man roared.

This roar immediately attracted most of the guests in the restaurant. The waiter hurriedly walked over and asked: "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

"Fuck, there are worms in this dish, I ate half of it." The man glared at the waiter, and then scolded, "Do you want to sicken me or poison me?"

The waiter was stunned and dumbfounded for a while, because he had worked here for more than a year and had never encountered such a situation.

"This... how could this be?" The waiter was dumbfounded, looking dumbfounded.

"See for yourself, is this half a bug?" the man roared.

Sure enough, there was half a cabbage worm hidden in the leaf of that plate of lettuce. The whole dish looked very disgusting.

The waiter didn't know what to do for a while.

"Go and call your boss." The man patted the table and said loudly, "I always thought that the Hanmen restaurant was a very good restaurant, but I didn't expect it to disappoint me so much."

"Yes, I'm going to call our manager here." The waiter hurriedly said nothing.

Liu Xiaolei had already noticed the movement here. Before the waiter came to find herself, she had already walked over.

When the waiter saw Liu Xiaolei, there was a look of excitement in his eyes, as if he saw a lifesaver. He hurriedly walked over and explained the situation on the scene.

After listening, Liu Xiaolei nodded, indicating that she had understood the situation.

Liu Xiaolei hurriedly walked towards the man. The man still slapped the table and yelled, seeming very angry. Liu Xiaolei has worked in Shenzhen Hotel for many years and Linjiang City for more than a year. Encountered more complicated situations than this, so she walked over with confidence.

"Sir, I'm really sorry for causing you such trouble." Liu Xiaolei looked at the man apologetically, and then said: "I will waive your meal expenses today. Can you?"

"Haha! Can I afford to pay more than a hundred dollars?" The man looked at Liu Xiaolei disdainfully.

Liu Xiaolei frowned immediately, obviously the situation in front of her was more complicated than she had imagined. She still kept a calm smile: "Then...Would I give you another two hundred yuan coupon?"

"You're sending a beggar!" The man sneered, and then said: "If you don't give me 100,000 yuan today, I can't think of solving this matter."

"Sir, you are wrong." Liu Xiaolei was not scared by the man's lion's big mouth. Instead, he smiled faintly: “First of all, I’m not sure if this bug is in our food. Second, let’s take a step back and say. Even if the bug is really in our food, don’t you think the compensation cost of 100,000 yuan? Is it too high?"

"Sitting on the floor and bargaining, it is the law of the market." The man smiled lightly, and then said: "If you think it's expensive, you can bargain."

The man is sinister and cunning, once Liu Xiaolei counter-offers? That means that the bugs in the restaurant's dishes have been implemented. Obviously Liu Xiaolei will not be fooled.

"It's fine with the counter-offer." Liu Xiaolei said disdainfully: "I wanted to solve this matter privately. It can be regarded as a face to your husband. But, since you want to rip off your face, let's go to court!"

The man was taken aback, he did not expect Liu Xiaolei's attitude to be so determined. This also shaken his confidence. After hesitating for a while, he said, "How about this!"

"Tell me!" Liu Xiaolei seemed very calm. Since the man is willing to give in, it means that this matter is not yet unsolvable. Especially after the man gave in, Liu Xiaolei immediately caught the opponent's complicated eyes. Obviously, this guy has a problem in his heart.

"I just said one hundred thousand in one breath because I was more angry." The man smiled and said, "If you are willing to compensate fifty thousand yuan, it will be fine. What do you think?"

Fifty thousand yuan is nothing to Liu Xiaolei, nor is it to Hanmen Restaurant. However, Liu Xiaolei is absolutely unwilling to condone the other party's illegal crimes, and is absolutely unwilling to condone the other party's wanton trouble.

"Don't think about it!" Liu Xiaolei said disdainfully: "Don't want to lose a penny. We are a place to make money, not a place to pay. Under my power, I can only save you this at most. Meal money, plus a meal coupon worth five hundred yuan. If you don’t want it, then forget it.”

When the man heard this, his face changed slightly, and he said, "So you can't talk about it?"

The man knew that Liu Xiaolei would say that. Moreover, the man did not come here for compensation at all. His purpose today is very clear, that is, to make trouble, to smash the signs, and to destroy the business of the cold restaurant. Therefore, even if Liu Xiaolei does not lose money today, the man does not matter. If you can't make money in the Hanmen restaurant, you can make money from Lao Liu and the others.

"Yes, there is no way to talk about this!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

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