The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 444: Remember you

Although Yang Xiaoyan has always wanted to change something, things have moved in a direction beyond her control. Therefore, this made Yang Xiaoyan unable to turn off the flame. She is like a blazing flame, which cannot be extinguished.

Da Pang Li wanted to teach Yang Xiaoyan some lessons, which made Li Da Pang more angry. He gritted his teeth, grasped Yang Xiaoyan's legs firmly with both hands, and then started a crazy and grumpy attack.

Yang Xiaoyan couldn't enjoy any comfort at all, she could only feel her body being violently attacked by something, so that her body felt a scorching pain, and it was a mysterious place in her body that felt very intense. Tingling, this made Yang Xiaoyan extremely sad, she tried to struggle, but Li Da Pang had been holding on to him firmly, not giving her any chance to struggle.

"You let me go!" Yang Xiaoyan gritted her teeth and cursed: "Fatty man, let me go!"

"Shut up!" Li Da Pang glared at Yang Xiaoyan, and then said: "Today I have to kill you, don't you want to be **** by others, then I will satisfy you today and let you be **** happy!"

"Asshole. You let me go." Yang Xiaoyan almost roared.

Bang bang ......

In the room, there was a fierce sound, loudly, and the situation on the spot seemed very fierce. Li Dapang didn't have the gentleness and tenderness he used to be at all, but instead used all his strength. In front of Yang Xiaoyan, he did not have any tenderness at all. Anyway, there is no plan to continue to live with this woman, anyway, this woman has completely hated herself. That being the case, why should he give him not much gentleness? Even if you want to give it, you should give yourself the next girlfriend. As for Yang Xiaoyan now, she is completely the target of her vent.

A burst of ups and downs, a burst of hard fighting.

Big Fat Li spilled his anger, grievance, and mania into Yang Xiaoyan's body. At that moment, Yang Xiaoyan trembled all over, and she suddenly felt that her body was not her own.

" bastard!" Yang Xiaoyan cried, choking her sob. She didn't expect that her innocent body would be tainted by Da Pang Li. As everyone knows, the two did not know how many times they had done it before.

Yang Xiaoyan looked very painful, and her heart was very sad. For a woman, when she broke up with a man, her body once again returned to her innocence. Yang Xiaoyan just broke up with Song Qiaoen, so from the bottom of her heart, she is still innocent. At least in the case of her unwillingness and reluctance, she can only belong to the person who was **** by Big Fatty Li, not even voluntary. So, in the final analysis, she was still defiled by Da Pang Li.

Li Da Pang was soft and weak, and he had just spent a lot of energy just when he was weak.


Suddenly, Yang Xiaoyan kicked Li Dapang's belly.

"Ouch!" Big Fat Li suddenly fell backward. People rolled off the bedside, and Li Da Pang suddenly became angry: "Fuck, you dare to kick me and see how I kill you."

After that, Da Pang Li stood up and quickly rushed towards Yang Xiaoyan.

Yang Xiaoyan wanted to avoid Li Dafang, but how did you know that Li Dafang looked like a fat guy? This guy moved very fast and his movements were also very agile. Yang Xiaoyan had just climbed off the head of the bed, but was pulled back by Li Dafang by her hair.

"You bastard." Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly pulled her hair, which hurt when she pulled her scalp. She couldn't bear the pain at all. She could only beg Li Da Pang to let her go: "You let me go, you let me go!"

Da Pang Li's heart softened. After all, once in love, it doesn't hurt now. This woman used to be her favorite, but she has changed her heart now. Looking at this poor and embarrassed woman, Li Da Pang felt a little bit unbearable, and suddenly felt compassion.

For Li Dapang, Yang Xiaoyan is just a woman from her past. Putting yourself in a dangerous situation for a woman of the past, even reaching the point of breaking the law and committing a crime, is a very unworthy thing.

"Let's go!" Big Fatty Li gave Yang Xiaoyan a pitifully.

"Are you really letting me go?" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Li Da Pang incredulously.

"Yes." Li Da Pang nodded.

"Why?" Yang Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"Because they once fell in love, they are destined not to be enemies. Because they once hurt each other, they are destined not to be friends." Li Da Pang looked at Yang Xiaoyan earnestly. Seriously said: "The injury I gave you today is regarded as my revenge against you. If you want to call the police, you can call the police. With my patience, you can get out of the police station in minutes. However, I will never let it go easily. Pass you."

"Are you threatening me?" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Li Da Pang questioningly.

"No, this is definitely not a threat." Li Da Pang shook his head and showed an indifferent smile, then said: "Do you think I can have today, will there be no relationship between **** and Bai Dao?"

Yang Xiaoyan thought about it seriously, and felt that what Li Da Pang said was not unreasonable. In fact, she was determined to call the police at the beginning. Because it is a kind of shame that Da Pang Li hurt himself. So Yang Xiaoyan was angry inside. However, when she heard what Li Da Pang said, she couldn't help feeling a touch of compassion. This world is a world that pays attention to relations and a world that pays attention to background. If it doesn’t matter, it’s hard to move, if there is no background, it’s destined to be bullied.

"Li Da Pang, do you think you are great if you are related?" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Li Da Pang angrily. Even if he can't use the weapon of law to severely punish him, he can pick up the weapon of language to attack him.

"Yes." Li Da Pang said calmly. If you have a relationship and a background, you can cross the world.

Yang Xiaoyan stared at him with a deep bitter look. She hated not only Li Dafaang, but also the real society, and the secular society.

"Take it to me, Da Pang Li, you will regret it." Yang Xiaoyan scolded angrily.

"I will not regret it now, and I will never regret it in the future." Li Da Pang looked at Yang Xiaoyan coldly, and then said: "The thing I regret most in this life is being with you."

Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly put on her clothes, and then left the room impatiently. Before leaving, Yang Xiaoyan looked back at Li Dafang, and severely dropped a sentence: "Li Dafang, I will remember you."

"It is best to remember, for a lifetime." Li Da Pang replied coldly.


The door of the room was closed heavily by Yang Xiaoyan.

Fatty Li's lower body was naked, and he sat down on the head of the bed. Looking at the door with blank eyes. To be honest, he still has feelings for Yang Xiaoyan, which he did not expect to develop to this day. Because I once fell in love, I never thought about today's hurt. To abuse Yang Xiaoyan is not Li Dafang's original intention. It was a catharsis from his heart.

"Hey..." Li Dafang sighed heavily.

Once the sea is hard to be watered, but Wushan is not a cloud. No one thought that two people who once loved each other so much have come to where they are today.


A good reunion of classmates hurt several people at once. Jiang Xiaoliang originally wanted to show off his strength and background, but Xiao Han had found it through. Then Song Qiaoen broke up with Yang Xiaoyan because of Li Dafa's appearance.

In a sense, this was a very unsuccessful gathering. But in a sense, this is a successful gathering.

Da Pang Li's status in the minds of his classmates suddenly improved a lot. Since entering society, both boys and girls have experienced social influence and become somewhat materialized.

Especially now boys and girls born in the 90s, the pursuit of materiality is above all else. For them, the criterion of success is money income. Da Pang Li is now able to earn millions of dollars a year, as if he was already a rich boy. Compared to those boys who have successfully entered key universities, Li Dafang is more attractive.

After Li Dapang's identity was exposed, some of the former girls in the class even winked at Li Dapang. It's a pity that Li Dapang's vision has improved and he has no interest in them at all.

"Big fat, don't be sad." Xiao Han comforted.

"No, I am not sad." Li Da Pang smiled frankly, and then said: "On the contrary, I am very happy."

"I'm very happy if you can think like this." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Where there is no grass in the end of the world, why do you have a single flower. A man should not give up a forest because of a woman. Besides, you are now A typical diamond celebrity, how many women can't wait to pounce on your bed."

"Hehe." Li Dafang smiled and said: "Yes, there are indeed many women who want to be able to date me. It's a pity that I am not interested in them."

"Why?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Because these women are only interested in my money, I hope to find a woman who truly loves each other." Li Dapeng smiled bitterly, and then said, "Why do I like Yang Xiaoyan? It's because she didn't hesitate to turn back when there was no money. Follow me."

"But, he also left you because of the money." Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "Isn't he?"

"Xiao Han, you are mistaken." Li Dapang shook his head firmly and said: "The reason why we broke up was not because of money, but because of the distance between time and space."

"Oh?" Xiao Han looked a little confused.

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