The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 446: The trouble is coming

"Okay." The man nodded.

After speaking, the man jumped up, he immediately jumped onto the table and yelled, "My friends, this restaurant is too rubbish. I even ate bugs during my meal. Moreover, I am very sick now. This is simply a dirty restaurant, a restaurant that does not meet sanitation standards, and perhaps even puts waste oil in our meals."

The man's yelling made hundreds of people in the restaurant dumbfounded. Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This... what's going on?"

"Who knows!"

"is this real?"

Many people were talking on the spot. Obviously, it was the first time they saw the matter. Moreover, the hygiene of the Hanmen restaurant is obvious to all, and I have never seen any dirty things in the restaurant. The dining table and the chairs are also spotless. Therefore, suddenly jumping out of such a person, they are a little uncomfortable. Also a little at a loss.

A group of people looked at the scene curiously.

"Show me, if you make trouble again, I will call the security guard." Liu Xiaolei said very rudely.

"Dare to call me a security guard?" The man was even more furious when he heard it.

"Yes, if you don't end this behavior, I will call a security guard." Liu Xiaolei's expression was cold, and the man's actions were obviously destroying the image and reputation of the Hanmen restaurant. No one is willing to change.

"Humph." The man snorted coldly and said, "Unless you agree to my terms."

"You are blackmail!" Liu Xiaolei scolded angrily.

"You can treat me as blackmail." The man said disdainfully: "If you have the ability, you can call the police."

"You!" Liu Xiaolei looked helpless when she heard it. If she called the police, it would be even worse for the reputation of the poor restaurant. The entrance and exit of the police will soon attract the attention of many people. Once it is discovered, it will soon be passed to ten or a hundred. It's better to spend money, but if you spend money today, what about tomorrow? Wouldn't it cost money for something like this to happen tomorrow?

The man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I only need fifty thousand yuan."

Liu Xiaolei hesitated again and again, thinking for a long time, but finally did not agree to him. This is Liu Xiaolei's repeated decision.

Seeing Liu Xiaolei's hesitation, the man thought for a long time, he immediately said: "What? Are you refusing to agree?"

"Yes." Liu Xiaolei spoke suddenly, her tone very determined, and said: "Today I promised you, tomorrow will definitely be the tragedy of my poor restaurant."

"What do you mean?" the man said coldly.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Liu Xiaolei said, her eyes were full of disdain, obviously, she didn't quite believe what the man said. And she was very sure that the man in front of her was here to make trouble. So she would never agree to any request from him.

"So? There is no room for negotiation between us?" the man asked sharply.

"Yes." Liu Xiaolei nodded.

"Well, in that case, there is nothing to discuss between us." The man stood up and walked outside. As he walked, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, as if he was ready to greet people at any time.

The more so, Liu Xiaolei became less afraid of each other. In Liu Xiaolei's view, she is not afraid of being used cruelly by the other party, but afraid that the other party will come to Yin.

The man walked out of the restaurant, Liu Xiaolei looked at the other person's back, with a complex look in her eyes. She knew that there might be a storm coming, so Liu Xiaolei hesitated.

However, after hesitating again and again, she took out her mobile phone and decided to call Xiao Han to report. After all, if there are gangsters and gangsters, I am afraid that I can't handle it alone, even if I let the restaurant people go together, I'm afraid it can't be done. Therefore, Liu Xiaolei decided to inform Xiao Han, at least let Xiao Han make relevant preparations. If things go wrong, it will not affect the restaurant’s reputation.

"Xiao Lei, what's the background of this guy?" someone asked curiously.

"Where do I know!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head.

"Then we have to be careful." The male waiter on the side hurriedly said, "It's the end of the year now, and the more the end of the year, the more disputes."

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded, and said: "Let everyone be more vigilant. In addition, take out the video from the restaurant just now to see if the bug is in our food or whether this guy came to find the fault on purpose."

"Yeah!" The waiter nodded hurriedly.

** is installed in the restaurant, and it is all-round **, the whole restaurant has no dead ends, even in every box, ** is installed in the restaurant, if it is really a bug in your own dishes, this matter is at a loss, but , If it was the bug that this guy put in by himself, then he must not give up easily. You must kill the chickens and the monkeys, in order to behave like you.

Soon, the restaurant became busy. Liu Xiaolei also left the man's matter behind. But, I didn't expect that half an hour later, there was a loud noise outside the door. More than a dozen men with sticks entered the restaurant and began to beat them.

Cang Dang!

The two huge blue and white porcelain glasses at the door were quickly broken by them. The black inside suddenly fell all over the place. Not only that, the tables and chairs on the side were also knocked over by a few people.

"Fuck, the person in charge, come out quickly." The leading man yelled.

After a group of people came in, they looked very arrogant. Each of these guys appeared to be very fierce. Flesh appeared on his face, and after entering the door with the stick in his hand, he banged around, as if he wanted to drive out all the consumers in the restaurant.

Several men behind screamed: "The idlers and others will get out of here immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to the innocent."

When everyone heard it, they left.

Those who didn't pay the bill also ran away in disgrace. Some people were flustered, and some were ecstatic. They seem very nervous. After leaving the scene, they immediately ran away dingy.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaolei immediately walked out of the box on the second floor. The hall downstairs has become a mess. More than a dozen men were blocking the door. The hall was in a mess and mess. The leading man was wearing a black cotton-padded jacket with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. He looked at the scene coldly, his eyes suddenly falling on Liu Xiaolei.

"Yo, what a beautiful girl?" The man smiled and said, "What? Is it possible that you are in charge here?"

"That's right!" Liu Xiaolei nodded and said: "I am the one in charge here, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, my brother is eating here, and you make him sick." The man sneered, and then said: "You can tell me how to compensate now?"

"Compensation?" Liu Xiaolei said disdainfully: "You mean him?"

When Liu Xiaolei spoke, she pointed to the man behind him. That person is the guy who just ate bugs in the restaurant. Obviously, this guy got this group of people. The man hurriedly stood up and said confidently: "Yes, it's me."

"You still have a face out?" Liu Xiaolei sneered, and said: "I have checked the surveillance just now. If you want to see it, I don't mind letting you take a look, and let everyone know your dirty behavior. . You put that bug into the dish yourself. Do you think we don’t have surveillance here?"

The man seemed to have known that Liu Xiaolei would say this. Instead, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he said calmly, "What video? Even if there is, the video was processed by you, right? Do you think I am illiterate? Video can't be used as evidence at all!"

"You!" Liu Xiaolei didn't expect this guy to say that at all, so she was confused all at once.

"You deliberately slandered me and you also provided false evidence. What's the guilt?" The man bit back and Liu Xiaolei was completely dumbfounded.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Liu Xiaolei glared at the man.

"Today I called my brother to give me a comment." The man snorted coldly, and said, "If you don't give me a reason today, I won't leave today. Believe it or not, my brothers in the dozens of numbers will depend on you. !"

The man also distinguished the importance. After smashing the two flowers at the entrance of the restaurant and smashing a few tables and chairs, he did not dare to continue beating them because the damage was too great, but only Able to carry out his crime. Therefore, he can only stand in the restaurant honestly and shame.

Liu Xiaolei will never succumb to the evil forces in front of him. This group of guys is simply a typical unreasonable riot. The evidence in his hand was used by the other party as a reason to bite him back. Liu Xiaolei was almost out of breath.

But facing the other party's unreasonable troubles, she was helpless. There are many people on the other side, but he is alone. If you really want to use force, I am afraid that he is not the opponent's opponent. So Liu Xiaolei could only delay as much as possible.

"You are making trouble out of nowhere." Liu Xiaolei snapped.

"We didn't make troubles unreasonably, we just made normal demands." The black-clothed man in the lead said, "My brother was eating here, and there were bugs in the food. We need compensation. This is natural. But you said we made trouble unreasonably. Let me It’s unreasonable to see you making trouble, right?

The man actually took another bite, and Liu Xiaolei was a little at a loss. She could only secretly look forward to Xiao Han's arrival.

"In this case, then I can only choose to call the police." Liu Xiaolei can only resort to assassin. Liu Xiaolei's attitude is very clear, in the final analysis, it is three words, not losing money.

"Okay, you call the police!" The man sneered without fear, "Even if we were arrested by the police today, you will never want to open this restaurant in the future."

Faced with the men's threats, Liu Xiaolei was even more hesitant. As the saying goes, strong dragons do not crush ground snakes. In any place, the black forces will always belong to the ground snake. Although Liu Xiaolei did not understand the background of the men in front of him. However, she slightly guessed that even if the people in front of her weren't the local snakes, they would definitely be the local ruffians.

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