"They are gone!" Zhang Feng said awkwardly.

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Wait for me!"

After speaking, Xiao Han quickly walked towards the security guard on the side.

The security guard looked at Xiao Han and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Big brother, ask you, did you just see a man bringing a young girl in?" Xiao Han hurriedly asked, "Which room did they go to?"

"You...what do you want to do?" The security guard frowned.

Xiao Han hurriedly said: "Don't worry, that's my friend. I have something to do with him."

While speaking, Xiao Han hurriedly took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into his hand. The security guard looked around, then quickly put the money into his pocket, and then said relaxedly: "They went up to the 21st floor. As for which room I don’t know, but if you give another two hundred yuan, I will go to the front desk. Check it for you!"

Xiao Han gave him two hundred yuan without hesitation.

The security quickly collected the money and went to the front desk.

"Two hundred and eight." The security guard smiled, and then said: "This is the room. The man's name is Fang Hao, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly and said, "Thanks."

Just as Xiao Han was about to leave, the security guard came over again: "Do you want a room card?"

Xiao Han's footsteps stopped immediately. He looked at the security guard in astonishment and asked, "This...is this all right?"

"Pay!" The security guard smiled and said: "At least 1,000, provide you with a room card to catch the rape!"

The security guard is no stranger to this kind of thing. Now that he has encountered a big man, he is naturally willing to create more income. The other party is catching the rape. Since they are catching the rape, they must have a way. The common way is to break in. Under normal circumstances, the hotel will ask them for compensation. Now, I can save the hotel from losing a door, and also let the other party catch the **** easily, which is naturally the best thing.

"No problem!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Pay the money with one hand, and deliver the goods with the other!"

"Sure!" The security swiftly approached the front desk.

Then he came over with a chip card in his hand. That is not a hotel card, but a chip card, a small blue card. It is also magnetic. Just lean on the door to unlock it.

Xiao Han took the card and immediately handed it one thousand yuan.

Immediately, Xiao Han walked in quickly toward the elevator. Zhang Feng followed closely behind. The two quickly entered the elevator.

"Is it reliable?" Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han.

"It should be no problem!" Xiao Han smiled: "Looking at the security guard, it shouldn't be the first time to do this kind of thing."

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng smiled.

The elevator reached the 21st floor, and the two of them walked out of the elevator. The corridor is very spacious. On the ground is a brown carpet with gold edges. The environment is very good. Although there is no four-star standard, it is definitely an international three-star standard.

"Here!" Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

Room 208 is at the end of the corridor. It is a suite in the hotel, with a room area of ​​more than 50 square meters. The facilities are also very good. It also seems to have a lot of space. Very good. Xiao Han glanced at it and said, "Go in!"

"Don't!" Zhang Feng hurriedly shook his head, and then said: "Go in now, I can't catch it."

"When is then?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"At least wait for them to start?" Zhang Feng said awkwardly: "If it hasn't started yet, they will deny it vigorously."

"Huh!" Xiao Han nodded slightly when he heard it, and said, "It makes sense!"

Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han seriously and asked, "Xiao Han, don't you have feelings for this Li Ruobing?"

"How do you say?" Xiao Han looked up at the sky, and then said: "Speaking of which, I think she is a good girl, at least when I first saw her. At that time, Qin Xiaotian drove a supercar. To molest her, she was unmoved and even fought back severely. Instead, she took me to sign up. At the time she thought she was a very sacred girl. But now it's different."

"People can change." Zhang Feng sighed, then said: "Especially women."

"You are right, people will change." Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "Not only women will change, men will also change."

The two squatted in the fire escape and waited for about ten minutes.

Xiao Han stood up and said, "Be prepared to act."

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Wait no matter what you see, you must calm down, you know?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Don't worry, I am not an impulsive person."

The two quickly moved closer to 2108.

Zhang Feng is holding his room card, and Xiao Han is holding a high-definition porn.


The door of the room rang softly, and then the two rushed in quickly.

In the room, Li Ruobing gasped for breath. Fang Hao lay barely on Li Ruobing's body and worked hard to plow the field. When Xiao Han and Zhang Feng rushed in, Fang Hao and Li Ruobing didn't notice at all, they were still fighting on the bed.

Xiao Han held the ** and directed the crazy shooting of the two.

Zhang Feng on the side watched this scene with great interest. This kid was enjoying Li Ruobing's perfect figure with great interest.

When Li Ruobing was confused, she suddenly saw a familiar figure, she felt that it was not so real, but the person in front of her was indeed so like Xiao Han. She couldn't help exclaiming: "Xiao...Xiao Han!"

"Smelly... whore. Son!" Fang Hao slapped the face and cursed: "You are a stinky lady, you have **** with me, you dare to call Xiao Han by name!"

"No!" Li Ruobing was shocked, she hurriedly pushed Fang Hao away. Then quickly covered his body with a bedding.


Because of excessive force. Fang Hao suddenly fell from the head of the bed. The whole person lay reclining on the ground.

Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly found that Xiao Han was holding a **** behind his back. He was shocked suddenly. Fang Hao quickly got up. He turned and stared at Xiao Han. He thought that all this was just a dream, but he didn't want to think that all of this turned out to be true. Xiao Han was behind him.

"Xiao...Xiao Han, how did you come in?!" Fang Hao looked at Xiao Han in astonishment.

Xiao Han held the ** and smiled: "Fang Hao, say hello to our audience friends in front of Shuimu University and online media!"

"You!" Fang Hao was shocked, and he immediately realized that he was naked. Fang Hao hurriedly covered his key areas with his hands, and then cursed: "Fuck, you bastard, who let you in, you...you dare to shoot that, hurry up and give it to me!"

Fang Hao panicked, he couldn't help but panic. If this matter spreads out, the problem will be serious. When this video goes out, he has no face to behave. If the younger brother is a little older, that's fine, but his younger brother is too small. If it spreads out, others will definitely laugh out loud. The most important thing is that the video of opening a house by oneself is exposed, how will you behave in the future?


Zhang Feng on the side quickly shot, and punched Fang Hao in the face.

"Fuck, dare to move!" Zhang Feng snorted coldly, and said, "You kid must be honest with me!"

"You!" Fang Hao covered his face. He felt that his nose was sour and he almost collapsed. The body also shivered. He gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Feng incredulously: "You...do you dare to hit me?"

"How about hitting you?" Zhang Feng glanced at Fang Hao disdainfully, and said: "I'm still light when hitting you. Humph!"

"What do you want to do!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Han.

Now, he is regarded as the fish on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered by the other party. Fang Hao didn't understand why Xiao Han treated himself like this, but he could guess that it was more or less because of the restaurant. However, things in the restaurant didn't take advantage of themselves, but instead made Xiao Han cheaper. If it is because of the forum turmoil some time ago. Xiao Han didn't know it, and it was impossible to find himself because of this.

After thinking about it, Fang Hao finally came to a conclusion that it was Li Ruobing. The reason why I soaked in Li Ruobing was entirely because of Xiao Han. There is an unclear relationship between Xiao Han and Li Ruobing. In addition, Li Ruobing is indeed naturally beautiful, so Fang Hao has a kind of conquer. He would find a way to conquer every woman Fang Hao liked. It doesn't matter to be beautiful, it must be able to provoke Fang Hao's sex. This is the key to attracting Fang Hao.

The reason why Li Ruobing was able to attract Fang Hao was entirely because of Xiao Han. And Fang Hao also planned to get rid of Li Ruobing after getting tired of her.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen today. This made Fang Hao caught off guard.

"What are you doing?!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "I intend to let all the students in the school see the glorious deeds of Xiao Hao. I will definitely post this video on the Internet. Let everyone know about the provincial party committee* *****The son of a certain cadre turned out to be such a person. Haha..."

"You!" Fang Hao's face turned blue. He gritted his teeth and said: "Why did you do this? Where did I offend you!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han suddenly sneered when he heard it, and said: "Fang Hao, if you don't know what you can do, do you still need me to remind you of the good things you do?"

"You!" Fang Hao stared at Xiao Han.

"I don't bother to care about you either." Xiao Lian laughed and said: "You did the rumors in the previous forum? Don't you think I don't know?"

"How do you know?" Fang Hao was shocked, and immediately he suddenly said, "You have found Zhu Dawei?!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "So obvious traces, who doesn't know. Forum posts can only be deleted as an administrator of Zhu Dawei. Therefore, we followed this clue and found Zhu Dawei, who knows that Zhu Dawei is the same. A cartilage, before he hit him, he took the initiative to recruit."

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