The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 344: Bargaining chip

"Yes, I did it, how?" Fang Hao gritted his teeth and admitted.

"Hey, nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "I have a principle and bottom line for being a human being, that is, if a person does not offend me, I will not offend. You. I must post this video online."

"You're crazy!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth: "Don't think that you ruin me and I will be fine. You will also ruin yourself. You spread the video, you are suspected of publicizing other people's **, and this is also considered openly ** Video. You are going to be sentenced."

"Are you stupid?" Xiao Han smiled disdainfully: "I pay a few hundred yuan, and a lot of people are willing to upload it for me. This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"You're so mean, you're so shameless!" Fang Hao's face suddenly became dark.

"On despicableness, there are people who can match you?" Xiao Han said disdainfully: "On shamelessness, there are people who can catch up with you? Your previous girlfriend had miscarried four times for you, or was kicked by you. . You said you are a dogged thing. Li Ruobing is already miserable enough, why do you still bear to deceive her?"

Li Ruobing looked at Fang Hao tremblingly.

"Cheating her?" Fang Hao smiled disdainfully: "I'm favoring her. There are too many girls in school who want to chase me. It is her honor to be able to choose her. Besides, if not, Me, can she ride a Ferrari? She knows what a cliff romantic restaurant is? How can she see a five-star hotel?"


Suddenly, Li Ruobing slapped it.

"Enough!" Li Ruobing stared at Fang Hao, and said, "So what you told me before was all lie!"

"Hey, that's just a love story for chasing women!" Fang Hao smiled and said: "Li Ruobing, don't you really think that Fang Hao will like you all my life? I tell you the truth, I treat you It’s just for fun. I’m so young now, how can I be tied to a woman for the rest of my life? You think too much!"

"You!" Li Ruobing almost vomited blood, ignoring that she was naked, and then rushed towards Fang Hao.

The two actually fought in the hotel room.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Han stepped back.

"Okay, finish work!" Xiao Han replied, and then left indifferently.

Zhang Feng also chased it out quickly.

Holding the ** and walking downstairs, Xiao Han has been silent. Zhang Feng hurriedly said: "We really don't care? Li Ruobing and Fang Hao will definitely suffer!"

"If you don't suffer, how can you grow up?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Perhaps, with this opportunity, she will grow up."

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Let's go back and sort out the information. Fang Hao will take the initiative to talk to us!"

"Huh!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Afterwards, the two quickly got in the car, and then quickly left the door of the hotel.

When he returned to the dormitory, Liu Bin's face was full of excitement. Today's follow-up and follow-up drama is almost like a TV show, very exciting. People feel a different kind of stimulation. Liu Bin said excitedly: "Fuck, it's really wonderful."

"Hey..." Zhang Dagu smiled, and then said, "Unfortunately I didn't see it."

"Xiao Han, what should I do next?" Liu Bin hurriedly asked, "Is it time to upload the video next? Then Fang Hao made verbal criticism!"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"That..." Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han suspiciously, and said: "I'm already ready to contact Push Hands, and I'm going to let them help in the hype. I'm going to make Fang Hao popular all over the country and let him go out of the universe. Haha..."

"This approach can only cut our back!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "This is not the best choice for us. This is a way of breaking the net."

"Are you planning to use video as a bargaining chip?" Liu Bin immediately understood Xiao Han's intentions.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Now we seem to have to do this. As long as we have a bargaining chip in our hands, then we don't have to worry about the other party not listening to us. On the contrary, if we post this video online, This will irritate Fang Hao. No one knows what unreasonable things he will do. We can only use this video as a threat right now. Then slowly coerce him. Let him listen to us obediently."

"Yes, this method is good!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "I agree with this even more."

"I agree too!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said: "If you turn your face with him, we may be unlucky in the end. After all, Fang Hao's background is there!"

Several people discussed it, decided to keep the video, and then waited for Fang Hao to come to negotiate.

Xiao Han's idea is relatively simple.

In the hotel, Fang Hao slammed the door after beating Li Ruobing painfully. Li Ruobing was crying in the hotel alone. The whole person almost collapsed, and he did not expect that the man who had been talking sweetly to him turned out to be a liar. Although Fang Hao has been rumored to have a bad reputation, he thought he had come to his senses. Sure enough, that sentence is confirmed, the IQ of a woman in love is zero.

Fang Hao knew that his life might be over.

My life is about to usher in a low period. Back at school, Fang Hao told Zhu Dawei about the matter. Zhu Dawei said guiltily: "Haozi, I can't help you this time. They threatened me with my girlfriend!"

"Don't blame you!" Fang Hao patted Zhu Dawei on the shoulder, and then said: "I blame me this time and trouble you!"

"Then what should we do now?" Zhu Dawei said worriedly: "They took your video, and based on their personality, they will definitely spread it around. Moreover, they will use their usual methods to invite the navy to hype, and the media will affirm it. You will also be involved, and you will be over. Moreover, your identity is special. Once you get involved, with the current Chinese boss’s surname Qiu Fu and the mentality of the official, they will definitely let the media expose your dad. If your dad It's not clean, it's over!"

When Zhu Dawei reminded him, Fang Hao's expression became even more ashen.

"Fuck, why didn't I think of this?" Fang Hao looked sad, and said, "What can I do? Damn, isn't this driving people on the road to the end?"

"Haozi, you'd better take the initiative to talk to them!" Zhu Dawei said hurriedly: "Hold the other party first, don't let them send the video. Then find a way to find the other party's handle, and then check and balance each other. Don't be afraid. They are."

"Well, you make sense!" Fang Hao nodded.

After all, the prospect of the father is more important, and Fang Hao dare not neglect.

At noon the next day, Fang Hao hurriedly found the 101 dormitory.

It was noon, Xiao Han and several people were eating in the dormitory. This is the peak time for meals. The computer department left school early today, so Liu Bin used his advantage to help the brothers in the dormitory prepare meals.

As soon as they arrived at the dormitory, they saw the hot meal, and they were extremely excited.

"Yo, the distinguished guest is here!" Zhang Dagu saw Fang Hao coming in from outside at a glance. He grinned and said, "What a rare guest."

"Hehe..." Liu Bin smiled.

Fang Hao's face was pale, he walked in, then looked at Xiao Han, and said straightforwardly: "Xiao Han, what do you want?"

"Fang Hao, your way of speaking is wrong?" Xiao Han casually started picking fish bones again.

Since the last time I saw Xiao Han eating fish, Liu Bin knew that Xiao Han liked to eat fish, so he simply bought him some braised crucian fish. Although crucian carp is delicious, it has a lot of bones. Therefore, you need to eat carefully and slowly when you eat. Xiao Han didn't even lift his head.

Fang Hao said coldly: "You! What do you want?!"

"Please!" Xiao Han smiled faintly.

"You bastard!" Fang Hao just got ready to fist.

Liu Bin on the side hurriedly said: "Don't hit someone, don't blame us for being impolite if you hit someone."


Zhang Dagu was the closest to the door, and he closed the door quickly, and then said: "You are not our opponent in the fight!"

"Fang Hao, since you come to ask for help, you should have a begging look!" Zhang Feng persuaded me with all his heart.

"Asshole, don't think I'm afraid of you!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid of you. Do you think a video can threaten me? Haha, it's naive, let me tell you..."

Before he could finish his words, Xiao Han smiled and said: "Of course I am not threatening you, I am threatening you and your dad. Can a *** cadre clean his butt?"

"You!" Fang Hao's expression was suddenly cold, but Xiao Han had thought of so much. Xiao Han's words were undoubtedly not hit above Fang Hao's seven inches. Fang Hao immediately left nothing to say. Fang Hao's tone immediately softened a lot, and then he said, "Just tell me, how can you return the video to me!"

"You think too much." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Now you are only qualified to wait for us to put forward a bargaining chip, instead of thinking about trading with us."

"Then tell me, what do you want, can I satisfy you!" Fang Hao asked.

"It's very simple!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Listen to me honestly in the future, I promise that the video will not be spread online."

"Are you planning to control me for a long time?" Fang Hao asked coldly.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "This is very reasonable."

"Not at all!" Fang Hao shook his head and said, "I need a one-time solution. For example, I can compensate you one million or even two million. As long as you return the video to me, it will do. How? "

"Impossible thing!" Xiao Han still carelessly said: "The video can't be returned to you. You go."

"Then tell me, how can you not post the video online!" Fang Hao said hurriedly.

"First, compensate Li Ruobing with a compensation of 500,000 yuan; second, send an apology letter to the Shuimu University forum, indicating that you are behind the scenes of the previous forum turmoil." Xiao Han glanced at Fang Hao and said: "Well, these two are not excessive, right?"

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