The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 342: Track all the way

"Oh?" Xiao Han hesitated, but he didn't expect it was not sent to Fang Hao's room. However, Xiao Han was not discouraged. Instead, he smiled and said, "Wait for the four or six boxes to ask for drinks. If you ask me to deliver them, I will give you this thousand yuan. How?"

"Why?!" The man was suddenly wary. Although he was greedy for money, he also understood the importance of things. If the other party wants to make trouble, oneself certainly can't agree to his non-discriminatory request. In case you lose your job, it will be troublesome.

"Because..." Xiao Han blinked his eyes and said, "Because my girlfriend is inside, so... I want to go in and check if it's her."

"Oh!" When the man heard it, he smiled and said: "Then wait a while. If they need drinks, I will let you go."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded. After speaking, he put the money in his pocket.

The man hurriedly said, "Didn't you say to give me the money?"

"Then you have to let me in!" Xiao Han smiled.

The man frowned and said, "Then if the other party doesn't order drinks tonight, how can you get in?"

"Then you can't blame me." Xiao Han shook his head helplessly, and then said: "After all, my money is not from the wind, but from my own hard work, right?"

The man hesitated, then nodded, and said, "Well, wait for me to inform!"

After speaking, the man pushed the wine trolley away.

This guy began to wonder how to make the four and six boxes called drinks. After thinking about it, he patted his brain and cursed: "Oh, why am I so stupid. A group of beer is only two hundred yuan. I can just send them a group of beer."

The man immediately became awakened. Besides, a set of beer was bought for two hundred yuan, but if he needed it, wherever he needed two hundred yuan, he could get it up to one hundred yuan. One thousand yuan would still have 900 yuan left. . Thinking of this, the man suddenly became ecstatic. After sending the drinks to the bread box, he immediately took another set of beers, and then quickly pushed them over.

"Is it here?" Xiao Han was taken aback.

The bartender chuckled and said, "I gave them this drink. You send it to them now!"

"Haha, you are really smart!" Xiao Han was overjoyed when he heard it.

"What about the money?" The bartender looked at Xiao Han warily.

"Don't worry, a penny will not lose you!" Xiao Han hurriedly handed the money to the bartender.

The bartender counted carefully, and it turned out to be ten, and every one of the money was real. He smiled and put the money into his pocket and said, "I wish you success. But I also hope that the girl is not yours. girlfriend."

"Can you get me a set of clothes? Including masks and hats!" Xiao Han smiled.

"No problem" the bartender nodded.

Afterwards, the bartender took a set of clothes that his colleagues had placed in the cleaning room. Xiao Han quickly put on his clothes, hat, and mask. He compared a scissors hand to the bartender. Then he took out a pair of black-framed eyes from his pocket and put it on the bridge of his nose.

Zhang Feng on the side hurriedly said: "Very good, great, not at all like him."

Xiao Han didn't talk nonsense, and walked toward the box while pushing the car.

Knocked on the door and entered, there was a little chaos in the room, and several men and several women clamored together. Fang Hao pressed Li Ruobing under him, kissed frantically, and got his hands into her clothes, touching frantically. The other hand got into her short skirt and stroked it. It looks very messy.

In the corner of the sofa, two other men are holding two women who are accompanying the wine and kissing each other. One guy even started to work on the corner of the sofa. The woman let out a burst of sweet breaths. The room was full of explosive music, covering up the woman's screams, and also covering up Li Ruobing's screams.

Xiao Han put the drink on the table and placed a pinhole in a pot of flowers on the coffee table. The pinhole is hidden in the petals of a flower. The direction is facing the direction of Fang Hao and Li Ruobing.

"Fuck, you did it?" Liu Bin's voice came from the headset.

"Where, where?" Zhang Dagu asked excitedly.

After Xiao Han gave the wine room number, he said: "This set of beers is provided by our bar free of charge. Welcome!"

After speaking, Xiao Han turned and left.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Fang Hao scolded.

Xiao Han was stunned. He turned to look at Fang Hao, and said, "What else do you need?"

"Go and bring us two good red wines." Fang Hao replied in an angry voice, "Who cares about this beer? It's not a worthy thing."

"Uh..." Xiao Han was taken aback, nodded hurriedly, and said, "Yes, I'm going to get it now!"

"Hurry up!" Fang Hao waved. Turned around and continued to hug Li Ruobing and kissed him. I couldn't see that Li Ruobing was unwilling at all, or even a little bit delicate. The face was red, and the spring breeze was rippling. It makes people look very comfortable.

Xiao Han frowned, disappointed in his heart. I didn't expect Li Ruobing to be such a profuse girl.

Coming out of the box, Xiao Han's face was gloomy. It is false to say not to be angry. After all, Li Ruobing was the first girl he met after coming to school, and she was also a student in the Department of Finance. However, if you think about it seriously, she and she are just ordinary friends. Although she liked herself at the beginning, she was tactfully rejected by herself, so it was only natural for Li Ruobing to find a boyfriend.

However, Li Ruobing approached Fang Hao, which made Xiao Han uncomfortable. Who is Fang Hao? Such people are very unreliable. Xiao Han had an idea in his heart, and he had to talk to Li Ruobing another day.

Liu Bin has already turned on the video recording function. All the scenes in the room were recorded. Don't underestimate this pinhole**, not only has a wide angle** of 270 degrees, but it can also be remotely adjusted by 30 degrees.

In other words, if Fang Hao and Li Ruobing move their positions, Liu Bin can control this *** through remote control and take pictures of the situation on both sides.

"Good fellow, my eyes are so bright in this room!" Liu Bin's voice kept coming from the communicator.

In the dormitory, Liu Bin stared at the screen intently, and enlarged the picture, staring at Fang Hao’s hand deliberately. Following Fang Hao’s hand, he got into Li Ruobing’s short skirt. The light was very dim, but it was so clear. The rate is super high, and you can see clearly. The movements of the fingers are also very clear.

"Damn, are you watching pornography?" Zhang Dagu cursed.

"It's much better than that." Liu Bin said with a smile: "Come back and let you enjoy it. My director is definitely making a good film."

"Liu Bin, you have to take a good picture of Fang Hao's characteristics!" Xiao Han exhorted: "Otherwise, who knows it is Fang Hao."

"Don't worry, for sure." Liu Bin nodded seriously.

Xiao Han and Zhang Feng left the clubhouse, and then quickly walked towards the car on the opposite side of the road. Then there is a long wait, no one knows how long they are going to play.

In the car, the atmosphere was a little silent.

Zhang Feng finally broke the silence: "Oh, what's so angry, Li Ruobing, the woman's reputation in school is not very good."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said: "This woman is not worthy of you, don't think too much. Blue Yudie is so good, you must not be angry because of such a woman!"

"I'm not angry!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Really?" Zhang Dagu asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "The relationship between Li Ruobing and I is just an ordinary friend. Don't think too much."

"That's right." Zhang Dagu patted Xiao Han on the shoulder, and said: "This woman is not good, Blue Yudie is so beautiful, she has a great body, and her appearance is definitely one in a thousand. Moreover, she is ours. Teacher. How many men have a teacher dream in their hearts. Even I miss our junior high school English teacher. I can’t wait to press her under me and let her breathe!"

"You beast!" Zhang Feng cursed.

"Hehe!" Zhang Dagu smiled.

Waited for about an hour and a half. Zhang Feng was already asleep in the back seat of the car, while Xiao Han was sitting in the passenger seat thinking about problems. Not long after, a voice came from the headset: "Xiao Han, they got up and left, you hurry up to get the **, ready to continue tracking!"

When Xiao Han heard it, he immediately opened the door and rushed across the road.

After taking away the sex, Xiao Han quickly went downstairs. Zhang Dagu drove the car at the entrance of the bar.

"They've already gone in that direction!" Zhang Dagu hurriedly stepped on the oil to catch up.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten that their car has our tracker?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Zhang Dagu suddenly realized when he heard it.

Liu Bin kept reminding Fang Hao's position in the communicator, and Zhang Dagu followed the reminder to chase him out. After about half an hour, the car stopped in front of a hotel. Liu Bin said, "They are nearby. Look for them carefully!"

"There!" Zhang Feng's eyes were sharp and he saw a red Ferrari parked in the corner of the hotel parking lot. You know it is Fang Hao's car by looking at the license plate.

"They came to the hotel?" Zhang Dagu exclaimed.

"Hey, after drinking, what can a man and a woman do in the hotel?" Zhang Feng grinned.

Xiao Han's face became more gloomy, saying that he didn't care, it was absolutely false. No matter what, my feeling for Li Ruobing still stayed where she did not fear Qin Xiaotian and helped herself. Therefore, Xiao Han had more or less thoughts in his heart. Perhaps, all this was just Fang Hao forcing her.

"You wait here, let's follow up!" Xiao Han said immediately.

Afterwards, the two quickly followed the hotel.

This is a four-star hotel. The hotel lobby is still barely. The lobby is five or six meters high, and a huge crystal lamp descends from the sky, making the lobby of the hotel very open and bright. It also looks very bright.

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