"Come with me!" Hou Qingguo rushed up quickly. Behind, dozens of people also quickly rounded up the past.

Hou Qingguo is not tall and thin, but he is very skilled. The sensitivity is also very strong. This time, he didn't want to defeat Xiao Han, but wanted to find a way to hold Xiao Han and let his brother sneak attack from behind, so that he could subdue the opponent.

Thinking of this, Hou Qingguo immediately smiled triumphantly.

This trick is called slamming.

Hou Qingguo quickly fought against Xiao Han, and the two sides fought. Hou Qingguo felt a powerful force burst out of Xiao Han. Hou Qingguo can be described as a powerful fighter under Liu Sandao. It was one of several war generals, but he had a huge pressure on Zhan Xiao Han, and this pressure made him almost breathless.

"Fuck!" Hou Qingguo took Xiao Han's fist, and when the fist went down, Hou Qingguo almost fainted.

This fist hit Hou Qingguo's chest hard.

"One more kick!" Xiao Han shouted.

At this time, the shrewd little brothers behind them quickly rushed up while Xiao Han and Hou Qingguo were fighting each other. Holding a steel knife in his hand with a sharp blade, several people seized the opportunity. Raising the steel knife in his hand, he slashed at Xiao Han fiercely.

A gleam of light glided across the steel knife behind.

Xiao Han's ears trembled for a while, his left foot touched Hou Qingguo's body, and the person quickly turned around in the air.


The knife almost slammed against Xiao Han's back.


With two muffled noises, Xiao Han kicked his feet fiercely on the opponent's chest. This step kicked the two men away on the spot. Another man was planted in the green belt on the side. It's been a long time since people have come back.

"I... fuck!" A man was shocked and said, "It's **** amazing."

"It's amazing." Even the crowd onlookers felt Xiao Han's formidable. They looked at Xiao Han in amazement, as if they had seen Bruce Lee alive. That magical legwork, and that amazing movement. All people feel the magic and greatness of Chinese Kung Fu.

"Awesome!" everyone exclaimed.

Hou Qingguo suffered a kick, although it was not fatal, but with this kick, he almost fell apart. He rubbed his chest and said, "Fuck, this kid is really good. It's a tough one. Brothers, let's go together. Don't hesitate."


The crowd attacked again. This is a typical crowd tactic, and it is also a wheel tactic. Hou Qingguo knew that Xiao Han was great, but he believed that no matter how great a person is, his physical strength is limited. Dealing with so many people by one person is indeed shocking and shocking.

After repeated attacks, dozens of people on the other side still didn't get the slightest benefit. Xiao Han is very agile and agile. There is a general wind, which is very shocking. A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and said, "What kind of knife league is just a mob."

"You!" Hou Qingguo suddenly felt humiliated.

There is no way, the strength is not as good as the others, and nearly forty people are stupefied without taking any advantage. It's embarrassing to say this. Therefore, Hou Qingguo really did not know how to respond to Xiao Han's words. Because Xiao Han is qualified to say such things. People's strength lies there.

Moreover, Hou Qingguo himself said just now that only the strong have dignity, and the dignity of the weak is used to humiliate the strong.

This sentence just happened to be confirmed on his body. Hou Qingguo really felt the old face blush.

"Is there any trick, just use it." Xiao Han said.

Hou Qingguo was just about to greet people to go up again, but when he glanced over, all his brothers were lying, sitting, and kneeling on the ground. The first group was the most unlucky. The arms were chopped off and their bodies were dripping with blood. The second group was not much better. The ribs of their chests were kicked off. There were more than 30 people, and more than 20 had lost their combat effectiveness. The rest of the people were basically beaten. Reluctantly supporting.

Looking at this scene, Hou Qingguo suddenly felt a little puzzled.

Is this kid a robot? One person fought so many people in turn, but didn't feel tired at all.

In fact, Xiao Han himself wondered, when did he become so powerful? I remember the first time I hit Liao Zhijie at the school gate. At that time, there were only three or four people, and he completely collapsed. Kneeling completely. But now, playing against more than 30 people, I don't feel any fatigue at all. In addition to breathing quickly, in addition to a hot sweat, I feel that I can have another round.

"Xiao Han!" At this time, the brothers in the dormitory hurried over.

Holding a steel bar more than one meter long in his hand, Zhang Dagu quickly rushed towards Xiao Han. Liu Bin was also wearing a vest, beach pants, and flip-flops on his feet. Among the three, Liu Bin ran in the end. Zhang Feng was the first one.

"How about it, are we late?" Zhang Feng shouted out of breath.

"It's not too late!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"I'm a god!" Zhang Dagu exclaimed at this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked stunned. Liu Bin panted and asked dumbfounded: "This...what's going on? Isn't it a movie?"

"Xiao Han, this... you did all these people?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Hey, is it possible that they lie on the ground by themselves?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

"Impossible!" Zhang Dagu exclaimed.

"This...Who are these people?" Liu Bin asked curiously.

"People from the Sword League!" Xiao Han replied.

"I... fuck!" Liu Bin was softened at the time, and fell into Zhang Dagu's arms.

"What...what's going on?" Zhang Dagu hurriedly helped Liu Bin and asked: "Why is your kid so scared?"

"Don't mention it." Liu Bin looked like a bitter gourd and smiled bitterly: "The Knife League is the largest gang in the provincial capital, with thousands of members and masters like clouds. I...I'm afraid..."

"Look at your unpromising appearance." Zhang Dagu replied without angrily, and then said: "It's such a bit of a mess, and you are afraid of it. Wait... the knife league? It was the last week. Expose, cut someone's hands and feet, and then put them into chemical barrels to pour cement. In the end, that person was tortured for seven days and nights and died in the knife league?"

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded.

"It's over!" Zhang Dagu was also very scared.

Hou Qingguo saw Xiao Han's reinforcements, and his troops were indeed seriously injured. He had to order to retreat.

"Withdraw!" Hou Qingguo shouted.


Dozens of people quickly got into the van, and then whizzed away.

"Xiao Han!" At this time, Lan Yudie hurriedly rushed into Xiao Han's arms and choked up: "Xiaohan, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head.

"But, there is blood on you!" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"This is the blood of others!" Xiao Han replied.

Blue Yudie gritted her teeth, held back her tears and said, "I am all to blame. I have to go shopping at this time, otherwise nothing will happen."

"It has nothing to do with you!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said, "They came for me. Even if they didn't do it today, they will do it sooner or later. So, don't blame yourself."

"Why should they start with you?!" Lan Yudie finally thought of the key to the problem.

The Knife League is a military group, occupying half of the sky in the provincial capital. How can such a huge gang attack a student? This makes Blue Raindie a little puzzled. In fact, let alone Lan Yudie can't figure it out, even Xiao Han can't figure it out.

Liu Bin hurriedly said: "To let the knife alliance go out and kill people, this... this is not a small trick."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I heard... the Knife League is not easy to shoot." Liu Bin said hurriedly: "It's not a small price to get the Knife League to do it. It costs 800,000 to get the Knife League to do it without one million. Moreover, the Knife League does not cost one million. Don't miss it easily. This time the Knife League misses, I'm afraid there will be a second counterattack. So, be careful."

"What to do? What to do then?!" Lan Yudie was anxious and seemed to be crying.

"Call the police!" Zhang Dagu said hurriedly.

"It's useful to call the police!" Liu Bin said, "You think there was such a big noise during the fight. Can the police station near here know? Hehe, the knife alliance is so powerful. Even if the police are here, I'm afraid There will be no results."

"You can't just be bullied for nothing, right?" Zhang Dagu said.

"I think we must first figure out what happened." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "Why did the Dao League act on you? Who hired the Dao League person. Maybe it's not necessarily because the Dao League found the wrong person. If you find it. The wrong person makes this matter easier."

"You have injured so many people on the other side, do you think it is easy to handle?" Zhang Feng interrupted.

"Uh..." A group of people fell silent immediately.

"Xiao Han, you'd better go out to avoid the limelight." Liu Bin smiled bitterly and said: "No one would dare to provoke this alliance, let alone you, even the brother of the provincial capital, Mo Shaocong, would not dare to confront the alliance. Not to mention ordinary people."

"It's a gentleman's way to solve it." Xiao Han glanced at a few people. He took off his coat and threw it close to the trash can, saying, "Don't worry, I will go personally. A trip to the Sword Alliance to figure this out."

"You are crazy!" Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, and said: "You can't hide now, you still want to come home?"

"You can hide from the first day of the junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth." Xiao Han smiled faintly, and then said: "Since you can't hide, why not come to the door to make things clear."

"When to go?" Zhang Feng asked: "I'll go with you!"

"Just tomorrow." Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie and said: "Tomorrow is the weekend. Tomorrow night."

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