The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 328: Blue Rain Butterfly's worries

"I'm going too!" Zhang Dagu said, holding the steel bar, "Fuck, I'm going to come and let them see me."

"Crazy, crazy, are you all lunatics?" Liu Bin looked at a few people anxiously, and then said, "Don’t you know that there are a group of murderous demons in the Sword League? They all eat people without spitting out bones. People. How dare you come to find fault?"

"Zhang Feng, Dagu, it's fine for me to go alone." Xiao Han patted the shoulders of the two of them, and said, "You don't need to follow me. It's too dangerous."

"Xiao Han, we are all brothers!" Zhang Feng said solemnly, looking at Xiao Han with solemn eyes, and said: "If you treat me as a brother, then take me. Although my skill is not as good as you, at least I can deal with it. Three or five people."

"I can too!" Zhang Dagu patted his chest and said: "My skill is not as good as you, but I am a tall man and can be a meat shield!"

"Fuck!" Liu Bin heard it and said, "I...I won't go anymore, my skill is not good, and I don't have much meat. If I go, I will die!"

"You stayed in the dormitory!" Zhang Feng glanced at Liu Bin and said, "If we don't call you within two hours, you can call the police for me and collect a dead body for us by the way!"


Lan Yudie took a breath, she looked at these small children in disbelief, they were all several years younger than herself. But I don't want to, there is no panic or fear over such a major event of life and death. Moreover, he is extremely calm and calm, even talking and laughing.

"You... are you all crazy?" Lan Yudie looked at a few people in astonishment, and then said: "Don't you know whether this is life or death?"

"Teacher Lan." Zhang Feng glanced at Lan Yudie, and said: "Life is light and heavy, or lighter than a feather or heavier than Mount Tai. To live for brothers and die for brothers, this is my life motto of Zhang Feng Since I have handed over the brother Xiao Han, I will always treat him as a brother. Now that he is being hunted down, how can I turn a blind eye?"

"Hey, I won't say big things." Zhang Dagu smiled and said, "Anyway, I recognize Xiao Han as a brother. The last time Xiaomei was bullied, Xiao Han helped me. Now Xiao Han is in trouble, I will never Retreat!"

Seeing the firm eyes of the two, Xiao Han was slightly moved.

There is no regret in life if there are brothers.

"Fuck!" Liu Bin hurriedly stood up and said, "I have said so righteously, I also want to go. Isn't it just death? Eighteen years later, he will be a hero again."

Liu Bin was moved by what Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu said. That's why I rushed my head with enthusiasm and stood up and let out bold words.

"Are you a keyboard man, do you have a time to beat him?" Zhang Dagu patted Liu Bin on the shoulder.

"Don't underestimate me!" Liu Bin glared at Zhang Dagu and said, "I know how to martial arts too."

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

The solemn atmosphere finally eased.

"Let's go." Xiao Han said.

Blue Raindie hurriedly picked up the scattered commodities, and several people took a taxi and left the scene. Return to school to discuss plans.


Regret to school, Lan Yudie still has some lingering fears.

Xiao Han asked Zhang Feng and the others to go back to the dormitory first, and he took Lan Yudie to the teachers' apartment.

In the teachers' apartment, many teachers met Lan Yudie and Xiao Han and went upstairs intimately. In fact, the affairs of Xiao Han and Lan Yudie in the past two days have been full of storms and everyone knows. Therefore, everyone saw Xiao Han and Lan Yudie go upstairs, nothing surprised. Just one by one behind the scenes of discussion.

"No face and no skin."

"It's so shameless that I got together with a male student."

The teachers behind are all talking about it, it seems that Lan Yudie has done something condemned by heaven. Of course, there are also many teachers who are in favor of Lan Yudie and Xiao Han. The teachers who support Lan Yudie are young female teachers.

"Mr. Lan, are you back?" A female teacher came to face her and greeted enthusiastically.

"Yeah." Lan Yudie nodded.

"You...what's wrong with you?" The female teacher asked curiously: "How did you find something wrong with you?"

"No... it's okay!" Lan Yudie shook her head hurriedly, and said: "I'm okay, I just received some frights!"

"Xiao Han, you don't know how to take care of others?" The female teacher said with a smile, "How can we scare our goddess?"

"I..." Xiao Han looked embarrassed. If it hadn't been done to clean up the blood on his body, I'm afraid that female teacher would jump up in shock.

"Okay, send her up." The female teacher smiled: "Don't bully her."

After speaking, the female teacher went downstairs and left.

Xiao Han sent Lan Yudie into the apartment. Lan Yudie's room was not big and the room decoration was very warm. Although not big, but very comfortable. The lights in the room are very bright, and there are many lovely pictures on the surrounding walls. It looks very beautiful.

The Blue Rain Butterfly sat curled up on the head of the bed.

Xiao Han brewed instant coffee to refresh her. Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han, and she suddenly spoke after she hadn't spoken for a long time: "Xiao Han, you...have you been fighting like this before?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head.

"But, I see how you look today, it's not like the first time!" Lan Yudie said.

Today, Xiao Han's performance is not like the first time. He is calm, composed, recruits and controls the enemy, and is startling every step. Moreover, Xiao Han's appearance was very hideous, and he also appeared exceptionally sophisticated. There is absolutely no fear and fear that a student should have.

If it was another student, I'm afraid it would be scared to cry. Not to mention being a student, even her teacher was too scared, her whole person was a little soft, and her body was trembling as if she didn't listen to her own orders. Not only was Xiao Han not afraid, but he turned around to comfort himself.

Thinking about it now, Lan Yudie still feels something is wrong.

"I instructed that instead of being scared, it is better to confront the opponent!" Xiao Han said seriously: "I understand my own strength. These people are not my opponents at all. I am adding that the opponent underestimates the enemy and is careless. So, I There are even more opportunities."

Blue Yudie was taken aback for a moment, frowned, and then said: "You have thought that if you accidentally miss your hand, maybe you are facing death."

"However, if I don't resist, I will still die!" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie seriously.

"Promise me, don't do this in the future." Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han pleadingly.

"I promise you!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "However, if I don't take the initiative to bully others, others will take the initiative to bully me. People are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves."

"Asshole, is this rivers and lakes?" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han and said: "This is a society under the rule of law. You have to call the police and learn to use the law to protect yourself."

"The law only protects the powerful class, not the civilian class like us!" Xiao Han said helplessly.

"Trust me, the law is fair." The thought that Lan Yudie has accepted since childhood is the thought of legal system. The ruling class has been instilling such thoughts into the surnames of the bosses since elementary school. Of course, it is true. In this society, fairness is only relative. When a case involves the ordinary people and the powerful. The law naturally favors the powerful and the elite, there is no doubt, let alone in China, even in Western society.

"I believe the law is fair." Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie hugged Xiao Han, and the two cuddled together.

Xiao Han kissed Lan Yudie's forehead, and then said, "Get some rest early and don't think about it."

"Well, so are you." Lan Yudie nodded.

The Lan Yudie was almost coaxed, Xiao Han turned and left the teacher's apartment. After all, this is a teacher's apartment, and Lan Yudie is a girl. It is better to be a boy in it for a long time, and the impact on Lan Yudie at school is not good.

Return to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Zhang Feng and the others are discussing countermeasures.

"I can get a gun." Liu Bin said earnestly: "When I was a kid, I used to make firecrackers. I can use gunpowder to make broken pieces of iron. I can kill rabbits at a distance of ten meters."

"Fuck, you can't beat dogs with that stuff?" Zhang Dagu replied.

"I downloaded some pistol drawings on a foreign gun-making website." Liu Bin said hurriedly: "We can use the drawings to find several mold factories to help us make the parts. What do you think?"

"How to solve the bullet?" Zhang Dagu asked.

"Fuck, do you think you really want to fire a bullet?" Liu Bin replied to Zhang Dagu in an annoyed manner, and said: "For the gunpowder, nails in the gun chamber are enough. The lethality is also very strong. It is much more than an air gun. "

"Is this illegal?" Zhang Feng asked weakly.

"Do you think it is not illegal to use a machete?" Liu Bin snorted coldly.

At this moment, Xiao Han came in from the outside, and the three of them immediately surrounded him, and Liu Bin said his thoughts to Xiao Han. Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's not impossible. The gun can be used for self-defense. We can use it to retreat if we have to."

"That's right." Liu Bin nodded and said: "Unless you have to, let's not light the gun lightly."

The next day, Liu Bin took the drawings and found several mold factories in the provincial capital respectively, hoping that they could help process several sets of molds, all of which were relatively simple. However, because the number is not large, the charges are more expensive. In order to defend himself, Liu Bin also spent a lot of money. In order to get a few sets of ***, he froze for more than 20,000 yuan.

"Are you building a gun structure?" A master craftsman glanced at Liu Bin.

"Don't talk nonsense, making guns is illegal!" Liu Bin trembled when he heard it.

"Hehe, a lot of people on the black market come to us to build." The master smiled, and then said: "There is nothing shameless. However, there is something wrong with your structure. I will help you improve it. Later you will install gunpowder and Steel nails are also more convenient. Otherwise, it will easily explode."

"Uh..." Liu Bin nodded immediately and said, "Thank you."

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