The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 326: Defeat the Monkey King


Suddenly, Xiao Han twisted his body in a strange posture. He kicked Hou Qingguo's chest with one foot.

When Hou Qingguo turned around and was about to rush forward, he was shocked to find that Xiao Han had already judged his actions and had taken the lead. That foot, when it was too late, it was fast. When the foot was on Hou Qingguo's chest, Hou Qingguo immediately felt a tingling pain in his chest. The man fell back suddenly.


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was shocked.

Everyone was shocked. Someone said in surprise: "Oh my God, he...he actually defeated the Monkey King."

"It's terrible!"

"The Monkey King has met his opponent."

Many people talk about it.

The brawny man who had just knocked off two front teeth by Xiao Han was dumbfounded, and he hurriedly crawled in the direction of the crowd.

"Stop!" Xiao Han yelled.

The strong man was dumbfounded. He looked back at Xiao Han, swallowed a spit, and said courageously: "Boy, you... don't be proud, I tell you, the sword league is not something you can fight against!"

"Today your right hand must be broken!" Xiao Han said word by word.

"You, you are presumptuous!" said the strong man gritted his teeth.

Xiao Han walked towards the strong man step by step.

Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han with a stunned mouth. She saw Xiao Han's grim scene for the first time. Faced with the besieging of the nearly forty opponent, he was not afraid at all, but was bent on cutting off the opponent and hitting himself hand. Blue Yudie was moved inwardly, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Brothers from the knife league have listened to me." At this time, Hou Qingguo shouted: "Give it to me!"


The dozens of people surrounded Xiao Han at the same time.

Holding a watermelon knife in his hand, Xiao Han glanced at the other contemptuously, and said disdainfully, "It's up to you?"

"Boy, do you really think you are a god?" Hou Qingguo sneered and said: "I have seen anyone who can fight, and I have never seen a person who can fight forty people."

"Then you can come up and try!" Xiao Han grabbed the machete and glanced at dozens of others.

Nearly forty people at the scene surrounded Xiao Han. Fortunately, there are rules, and there are ways to steal. They targeted Xiao Han and did not make things difficult for Blue Yudie. Lan Yudie held her red lips to the side, completely ignoring the things scattered on the ground. At this moment, she just wanted to leave this place safely with Xiao Han.

"Go!" Hou Qingguo shouted.

The Monkey King realized that the immature looking guy in front of him was not easy to provoke. After fighting on the battlefield for so many years, Hou Qingguo could tell the enemy's strength at a glance. He had just fought against Xiao Han, and the strength that Xiao Han showed really made him feel extremely shocked, and it also made him feel very shocked. A person of such a young grade, with such agility, capable of possessing such a strong strength, really made him feel shocked.

The Monkey King is the left and right arm of the Dao Master. This time, the Dao Master sent the Monkey King out, which is enough to prove that the Dao Master is a dead end. Asking the Monkey King to bring out the 30-odd brothers, just to deal with a student boy, it can be seen that the Dao Master is determined. It is estimated that Lord Dao is waiting for the Monkey King to give him a happy report at this time.

It's just that this time no one expected that such a big change and deficit would happen. People feel very surprised.

Xiao Han watched all directions and listened to all directions, holding a machete in his hand, coming one to cut one, and two to cut a pair.

The scene was a **** battle.

"My God, my God!" Lan Yudie exclaimed again and again from the side.

Even the Monkey King was horrified. Xiao Han's skill, and the posture of hacking people, definitely didn't look like an ordinary student. Such a shocking scene makes people feel extremely horrified. He raised the knife and fell without hesitation. With a single cut, the white flesh was rolled up, blood vessels ruptured, and bones were broken.

"Good fellow!" The Monkey King squinted his eyes with a look of horror, and said, "This guy is simply a natural **** of war."

The Monkey King looked at Xiao Han with admiration.

With the aura displayed by Xiao Han and the fierce aura, no one would think that he was just a student boy.

More than 30 people surrounded Xiao Han and attacked frantically. However, no one can get close to Xiao Han's body. Xiao Han grabbed the machete with one hand and split left and right. Several brothers from the Sword League attempted to sneak attack from behind Xiao Han.


Xiao Han's machete struck the arms of several people as if it had eyes. On the spot, let their arms become **** and let them fall down with their arms. Xiao Han is not only very good at swordsmanship, but also very sturdy fists and kicks.

After slashing the knife in his hand, the blade rolled up, completely losing the ability to attack. Therefore, Xiao Han simply raised his fist and began to attack wildly. After a crazy onslaught, he was stunned to slap the other side and pee.

There were more than 30 people, half of them all fell to the ground and screamed and cried. The remaining a dozen people besieged and did not attack, and this group of people had been completely impressed by Xiao Han's kung fu. I've never seen a person who can hit so much. Facing the siege of nearly forty people alone, he didn't fall into the wind. Not only did he not fall into the wind, but he didn't suffer any injuries.


One and One Dormitory.

Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu are playing games in the dormitory. The two of them are still enthusiastically turning on the super **** mode, and they are crazy online in the world of League of Legends.

Suddenly, Liu Bin's phone rang.

"Fuck, who, call this time!" Liu Bin was very impatient. When he saw that it was Zhang Feng's call, he had to answer the call and stopped the operation. Angrily said: "Zhang Feng, if your kid is not important, I will tear you back when you come back!"

"The big thing is not good." Zhang Feng said hurriedly: "I just received news that Xiao Han and Lan Yudie were besieged in the pedestrian street. The two of you hurried to take a taxi. I am now on my way!"

"Really?" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"I watched the video on WeChat, it's true!" Zhang Feng was very anxious, and said: "When is it all, stop playing games."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Bin ignored his vest and beach pants. Pulling Zhang Dagu's arm, he ran out.

Zhang Dagu hurriedly shouted: "Fuck, don't pull me, I'm fighting!"

"Don't fight, Xiao Han and Lan Yudie were bullied on the street!" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

When Zhang Dagu heard this, he said, "What?!"

"I'm stuck in the street and being beaten." Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"Fuck!" Zhang Dagu hurriedly returned to the dormitory and pulled out a steel bar more than one meter long from under the bed, which was the thickness of a thumb. Said: "I want to take the guy."

The two rushed out quickly, and then stopped a taxi at the school gate.

At this moment, the two people's computers are gray. A curse popped up in the lower right corner: Fuck, the pupils are on holiday? stupid teammate!

A refreshing screen.

However, the two of them didn't care so much at this time, and they didn't even see them. Instead, they got into a taxi and left the school quickly.

On the street.

After a fierce battle, Xiao Han was sweating profusely. Xiao Han was covered with blood, and he was carrying a watermelon knife with a curled horn in his hand. He looked up to the sky and screamed: "Haha, cool. !"

It's really cool. When the suppressed **** in the human body is released, the spirit seems to be released.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "Is there anyone else going on?"

Hou Qingguo squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, you can't help but admit that you can really fight."

"Are you going to go?" Xiao asked coldly.

"But, don't forget, hang up again and fall down with one shot." When Hou Qingguo spoke, his hands were already in his pockets. It seems to be ready to take a gun.

Xiao Han squinted his eyes and stared at the opponent's hand closely. Once the opponent's hand moves, he will act immediately.

Just when Xiao Han's heart was tense, Hou Qingguo took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette in his mouth. He smiled and said, "Seeing you are good at it, why don't you... join our knife league? , Follow me in the future, make sure you drink spicy, how about it?"

"Not interested!" Xiao Han refused without hesitation.

"Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine!" Hou Qingguo glared at Xiao Han.

If it weren't for Xiao Han for showing strong combat effectiveness, with Hou Qingguo's arrogant character, how could he throw an olive branch against Xiao Han? Moreover, with the influence of the Knife League, no one can refuse the olive branch thrown by the Knife League. However, Xiao Han was so immortal that he refused Hou Qingguo's invitation.

Originally thought he extended an olive branch, Xiao Han would agree without hesitation. After all, to reassure Xiao Han is a step for both sides. I don't want to, this guy is so shameless, and so shameless. Xiao Han refused Hou Qingguo's invitation in the presence of so many younger brothers, which obviously didn't give Hou Qingguo face. No wonder Hou Qingguo was angry.

"I have no interest in any gang!" Xiao Han glanced at Hou Qingguo with disdain, and then said: "Besides, you are uneasy and kind things. Why should I trust you!"

Hou Qingguo squinted his eyes and said, "As the deputy leader of the Sword League, what I say absolutely counts. As long as you are willing to join our Sword League, I will definitely give you the best courtesy. How?"

"Not interested!" Xiao Han still chose to refuse.

Hou Qingguo sneered and said, "So, you are seeking your own death?"

"Want to kill me?" Xiao Han said disdainfully, "It's not that easy."

"Two fists are hard to beat four legs." Hou Qingguo sneered: "I know you can fight. But, do you think you can really get out of here alive?!"

"Try it!" Xiao Han smiled.

Hou Qingguo decided to take people into battle himself. This time, he decided to choose to hold Xiao Han, and then let people surprise from both sides and behind. In this way, even if Xiao Han is strong, he can't beat many people, right? Hou Qingguo had calculated that although he could not defeat Xiao Han with his own strength, he still hoped to hold Xiao Han. Therefore, Hou Qingguo would adopt such a strategy.

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