The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 308: Rights protection

As the saying goes, everyone pushed the wall down.

"Meeting that the hygiene of restaurants has not been very good, I don't like them very much. I like poor restaurants better.

"Yes, we also like the Hanmen restaurant. The staff at the restaurant are not polite or friendly at all. The most important thing is that their dishes are so expensive that the average student can't afford it. The Hanmen restaurant is much cheaper than them. ."

When it comes to meeting restaurants, public opinion is almost overwhelming. Among the dozen or so students interviewed, none of them had a good evaluation of the restaurant, and they were basically critics. Either they are unhygienic, or their waiters are very cold, the prices of the dishes are expensive, and the consumption is high, which does not meet the consumption level of the general public.

As soon as the interview came out, the entire provincial capital knew about it.

Fang Hao was very anxious. The most troublesome thing for him was that his classmates who played well in school sent him WeChat and sent him the link to the Mizuki University forum. On the forum, almost all the things that met the restaurant were exposed.

Several posts are also on the top, the top is the news about restaurant poisoning. Behind is some gossip and revelations. Some even sneaked into the kitchen of the restaurant to take some pictures in the dark.

These days, the restaurant does not have a business, plus the chef is taken away. Therefore, the kitchen is messy and messy, and some leafy vegetables are also withered. These scenes were photographed and posted online.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect it to be like this in the restaurant kitchen?"

"It's horrible and disgusting."

"Oh my god, look... there are mice!"

In the comments, many students were filled with indignation. What Fang Hao can't stand most is that people with good deeds started to form a group called "Consumer Rights Protection" on the forum. They claimed to go to meet the restaurant at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to make a claim. They claimed to have invoices for consumption at the restaurant and demanded that the restaurant pay ten times the compensation in accordance with the law.

Fang Hao was in a hurry.

"No, I have to press down on this matter quickly!" Fang Hao swallowed, and he hurriedly started calling the school's teacher in charge of network management.

"Fang Hao, I can't help you with this!" The teacher told Fang Hao clearly.

"Why?" Fang Hao heard it and said hurriedly: "I can contribute 100,000 yuan to help the school maintain the network."

"This teacher really can't help you!" Fang Hao sighed, and then said, "You also know that public opinion is now one-sided. At this time, if I suppress the school public opinion, I am afraid it will only be counterproductive. At that time, not only didn't help you, but took me in!"

"No!" Fang Hao hurriedly shook his head and said, "Teacher, you have to help me. It is very troublesome to encounter a restaurant now."

"Sorry, I really can't help you!" the teacher said helplessly.

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone. Fang Hao held the busy phone with a dull expression on his face. The teacher who can't wait to be close to him on weekdays actually hung up his phone.


Fang Hao grabbed the phone and threw it out. The entire phone fell apart on the spot.


At this time, Fang Hao was full of fire besides his anger. And furious.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, the organization of ‘Consumer Rights Protection’ at the Shuimu University Forum called on more than one hundred students to meet the restaurant to defend their rights. Walking along the way, they turned into two or three hundred people. Many of them are good people, and most of them are watching the excitement. If they can take the opportunity to make a claim, they will also step in. Although they do not have an invoice, they have also used meals in the restaurant. They also hope to get their money back.

Not only Jellyfish University, but also the School of Commerce and Technology also organized students to rush to meet the restaurant to defend their rights. Students from several schools will browse each other's forums, although they usually just go around and chat on other people's forums occasionally, and occasionally spy on the beauties of other schools. However, at this time they appeared unprecedented unity.

Five or six hundred people from several schools surrounded the meeting restaurant.

Upon seeing this, the service staff inside dared to stay wherever he was, took off his work clothes and quietly left the restaurant from behind.

"Since they don't give us an explanation, let's move things to repay the debt!"

"Yes, move things by yourself!"

The leaders shouted.

Then, a group of people started ramming the door of the restaurant.

Cang Dang!

The locked glass door was torn down at that time, shattering glass dross.

Xiao Han and Yang Lu were standing on the third floor of the Hanmen restaurant. Xiao Han looked at this scene solemnly. The scene before him was what Xiao Han had expected. But Yang Lu on the side looked a little uneasy. The hundreds of students on the opposite side seemed to be mad and rushed to the door of the restaurant. Among these crowds, Da Pang Li and more than a dozen brothers were at the forefront. They instigated hundreds of students on the scene to looting inside.

The computers, the cash in the cash register, the drinks in the restaurant, and even the tables and chairs inside were all looted.

A few hundred students have unprecedented strength. Although most of the people inside are watching the excitement, once they go crazy, no one can stop them. Just like now, no one can stop their attack. The scene was tragic.

In the dining room, scattered chopsticks, spoons, and overturned refrigerators, wine cabinets...

Several hundred students, after the completion of the ‘robbing’, they dispersed in a rush. The waiter lurking far away returned to the restaurant and suddenly screamed.

"It's over, it's over, the restaurant is over!"

"What about our salary?"

"The money was taken away by them."

Seven or eight waiters looked disappointed. They looked at the looted scene, and they were all confused. At this moment they never thought of calling the police.

"Quick...Call Manager Li!" Someone woke up in a hurry.

"Yes, yes, call!" The leading man hurriedly started calling.

Manager Li went home directly after leaving the police station, and several chefs were temporarily detained at the police station because they were facing charges. Manager Li received the call and drove to the restaurant immediately. When he saw the messy restaurant, he sat down on the ground.

"It's over, this time is really over!" Manager Li looked panicked.

Damaged reputation can be restored. Economic damage can also be remedied. However, now the entire restaurant is rammed by the students and emptied. There is nothing left now. Students are their own food and clothing parents. Now, their own food and clothing parents have emptied themselves. Even if the restaurant reopens, I am afraid that the fate will be very sad.

Manager Li was silent for more than ten minutes. He smoked several cigarettes before calling Fang Hao slowly.

"Old Li, how is the police station going?" Fang Hao hurriedly asked.

"President Fang, I'm resigning!" Manager Li sighed, and said, "Thank you for your continued care. I don't need the salary for this month. From now care!"

"Wait!" Fang Hao hurriedly shouted.

Before he could speak, Manager Li had already hung up the phone.

Fang Hao felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly drove to meet the restaurant. Seeing the messy scene, Fang Hao seemed calmer instead. He went around in the restaurant and all the valuable things inside were emptied.

"Who did it!" Fang Hao asked calmly.

"It's students from several schools nearby!" The waiter looked at Fang Hao helplessly.

"Have you seen clearly who took the lead?" Fang Hao asked again.

"!" The waiter shook his head.

"What about monitoring?" Fang Hao decided that he would not let him go easily. He must find out the leaders and bring them to justice.

The waiter smiled bitterly: "The computers have been moved away by them, and all the monitored content is in the computer's hard drive."

Fang Hao took a deep breath, he turned his head and glanced outside. The surveillance of the Hanmen restaurant is intact at the door, and the surveillance on the opposite side can also capture the entrance of the restaurant. Therefore, as long as today's surveillance video can be obtained from the poor restaurant, then the leading students can also be caught and taught them a little lesson. At least put them in prison.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao immediately walked out.

"President Fang, what should I do now?" the waiter hurriedly asked.

"Wait for me to come back!" Fang Hao gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes!" The waiter nodded hurriedly.


Hanmen restaurant.

Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han nervously, and said hurriedly: "Xiao Han, he is here!"

"What are you afraid of!" Xiao Han smiled disdainfully: "Let him come to my office."

When Yang Lu heard this, she nodded repeatedly: "Okay!"

Not long after, Fang Hao came up from below, and went straight to the subject: "Xiao Han, do nothing but go to the Three Treasures Palace. I came to you today to get the surveillance video of the Hanmen restaurant!"

"Fang Hao, today you are afraid that you will run for nothing." Xiao Han shook his head helplessly.

"Why?" Fang Hao asked suspiciously.

"The monitoring in our store happened to be overhauled today!" Xiao Han shook his head helplessly, and said, "The monitoring was powered off all day, and the wiring was being rearranged. Because the monitoring wiring conflicted with our original circuit, so I had to... ...Unexpectedly, it happened to be today."

"You!" Fang Hao didn't believe Xiao Han a word. In Fang Hao's view, Xiao Han did it all on purpose. He took a deep breath and said, "So, you just don't want to show it to me?"

"It's not that I don't want to. It's really not!" Xiao Han said helplessly.

"Okay, I can do it!" Fang Hao snorted coldly.

Fang Hao has always been particularly angry when he comes out of the cold restaurant. This anger stems from his inner madness. So far, he doesn't know what is going on. On the surface, all this seems to be caused by the restaurant poisoning incident. However, after calming down and thinking about it, Fang Hao felt that there seemed to be someone behind it. If it weren't for someone to fuel the flames, how could things develop into what they are now?

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