"Do you already have a boyfriend?" the senior asked suspiciously.

"Ah yes!" Guan Xiaotong nodded hurriedly.

"When did you have a boyfriend?" The senior looked surprised and said: "Why don't I know?"

Guan Xiaotong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I always have, but not in our school."

"Which school is it?" the senior asked repeatedly.

"Yes." Guan Xiaotong was confused, and there was a cloud in her mind. In the end, a person's face appeared in her mind, that is, Xiao Han. She hurriedly said: "He is at Shuimu University, not far from us."

"That's it!" When the senior heard it, he sighed helplessly, who made himself just a third-rate college, while Shuimu University is a key university. There is a huge difference between the two schools. What's more between two students? Therefore, the senior was quickly discouraged.

Seeing the back of the senior leaving, Guan Xiaotong also let out a sigh of relief. Guan Xiaotong just wanted to ask him to help him put the post on top, and then let him help some people to hype the post. The senior is a talented student in the Department of Computer Science, and the forum of the School of Business is also managed by him. He has the management authority of the forum, and it is only a matter of minutes for him to put a post on the top. He is getting some navy to make a hype, and soon this post has become the focus of everyone's attention.

The next morning. There was no one at the door of the restaurant. On the other hand, the Hanmen restaurant, before it’s time for lunch, people have already entered one after another, and then they are ready to enjoy lunch.

Manager Li of the restaurant was sitting in the dining room. He also heard about the news circulating in the school, but in his opinion, this kind of thing should soon subside. Plus he is scratching his head and head for the poisoned guys now. I still have the mood to pay attention to the mess in the school.

"Manager Li!" At this time, a staff member rushed in.

"How's it going?" Manager Li asked hurriedly.

"It's okay." The staff hurriedly said: "There was news from the hospital just now that the person who was most poisoned had also been rescued. He is now awake and has recovered. He is in hospital for observation!"

"That would be great." Manager Li heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it.

Just as Manager Li let out a sigh of relief, a car from the police station drove over and stopped at the door. Afterwards, two police officers walked in from the outside with a straight look. The leader was a middle-aged man, followed by a young male policeman.

The headed middle-aged man has a deep face. Manager Li hurried up to greet him, smiling and dispelling the smoke: "Deputy Director Liu, why are you here in person?"

"There has been such a big case in this restaurant, how can I not take a trip myself?" Deputy Director Liu snorted, and then said, "Where is the person in charge of the restaurant?"

"I am!" Manager Li said hurriedly.

"Come with us." Deputy Director Liu replied.

"Ah? What are you going to do?" Manager Li hurriedly asked.

"Under investigation!" Deputy Director Liu took a cigarette, and then said: "We must investigate this matter clearly. In addition, the chef of the day will also come with us."

"It's fine if I go with you. If the chefs are all there, how can we do this business at noon?" Manager Li was anxious.

"It's this time, do you still want to do business?" Deputy Director Liu was angry when he heard it, "You have a poisoning incident in your restaurant. Not only did you not close the door to reflect, but you still want to do business. This is simply getting money. I’m here, I’m ordering you to take the chef and follow me to the police station immediately. The case must be investigated clearly!"

"Uh" when Manager Li heard it, there was no doubt in his tone, he had no choice but to nod his head.

On the way to the kitchen, Manager Li hurriedly called Fang Hao.

"Mr. Fang, it's not good." Manager Li sweated anxiously and said: "Something happened, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Fang Hao was sleeping, playing in the clubhouse last night, exhausted. I was awakened in a daze, with a fire in my stomach: "Old Li, let you manage a restaurant, why do you have so many things? If this continues, I will be replaced."

"No, no, President Fang, something really happened." Manager Li was extremely anxious. .

"Say, what's the matter?" Fang Hao immediately took it seriously.

"Someone in the restaurant was poisoned yesterday." Manager Li was very anxious, and then said: "Today the police station came to investigate. It is troublesome to take the chef away. The chef is taken away, so stop doing business today. And, now, all the major schools seem to be spreading rumors. It seems that this business cannot go on!"

"Naughty!" Fang Hao shouted, "Why don't you tell me earlier."

"It was just poisoned yesterday. I have handled it properly." Manager Li said hurriedly: "People are fine, now the police are entangled. Fang, can you find a relationship to settle this matter? Otherwise, ours Business can't be done."

"Okay, I will call their office!" Fang Hao said hurriedly.

Soon, Fang Hao called Deputy Director Liu.

"Uncle Liu, do you think you can raise your hand in this matter?" Fang Hao said hurriedly. They are all officialdom, and the circle of the provincial capital is so big. Therefore, everyone knows each other. Fang Hao's father and Deputy Director Liu also have a relationship. In terms of seniority, Fang Hao just called him uncle.

"Haha" Deputy Director Liu smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Fang, this is not because I don't help you, but because it puts pressure on me. I can't help but do something. If you want to find it, go to the General Administration. Over there put pressure on our office."

"Ah?!" Fang Hao was anxious when he heard this: "Who?"

"I heard that it is the deputy director in charge of the executive work!" Deputy Director Liu whispered back, "I will take away the people first. If you can do the work above, I will put your people back. Don't worry, I will never use any means against them."

"Let's do it!" Fang Hao nodded helplessly.

The relationship with the General Administration is not easy to find. My father is in charge of the work, which seems to be somewhat opposed to the police. Therefore, if Fang Hao wants to make a move, it might be a little difficult. Unless you let your father go. However, this makes a lot of noise, and it is impossible for my father to be willing to do anything for himself. Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Fang Hao finally decided to ask Liu Hao for help.

After Liu Hao heard a call, he agreed.


After hanging up the phone, Liu Hao threw the phone away. Angrily replied: "It's really **** useless, what about the person that father is? Isn't it useless to fart, this kind of fart comes to me!"

After speaking, Liu Hao continued to fall asleep.

Fang Hao let out a sigh of relief there. Since Liu Hao agreed to help, there shouldn't be a big problem. However, after thinking for a moment, Fang Hao decided that he could not rely on others at all. He decided to go to the deputy director of the General Administration in person.

The third floor of the Hanmen restaurant.

Xiao Han was sitting in the office, and Yang Lu was sitting on the opposite side. Da Pang Li leaned on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hehe, the kid surnamed Fang is finished now." Li Da Pang said with a smile.

"By the way, things are seamless, right?" Xiao Han asked seriously.

"Don't worry." Li Da Pang nodded, and said: "We found someone to replace those dishes from their kitchen. The pesticides were sprayed on them. The most important thing is that the pills that those guys took were only pills to induce vomiting. The vegetables they eat do not contain large amounts of pesticides, which are not enough to cause great side effects on their bodies."

"That's good." Xiao Han listened and heaved a sigh of relief.

Xiao Han came up with this idea, and I am afraid that only someone with such a high IQ can come up with such awesome ideas and methods. Everything looks perfect. The food in the kitchen is exactly the same as the toxicity in the poisoned person's stomach. Even the police investigation will definitely not cause any problems. If this matter is really investigated, no one will have any doubts.

"Xiao Han, I'm afraid it won't be so easy if I want to ruin the meeting restaurant!" Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han seriously, and said, "Don't think Fang Hao is just a student, but his background is very strong. Moreover, he Also has a wider network of contacts. So"

"Don't worry, I didn't say I would destroy him!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "I just want to make the restaurant stinks. It is not that easy to destroy Fang Hao. Things have developed so far. Everything is in our expectations. So, you don't have to worry too much!"

"Then what's your next plan?" Yang Lu asked.

"The next step is to continue to expand public opinion!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "I have asked Li Xiaoya to help me contact the reporter. It is estimated that the reporter will come here to investigate this afternoon. As long as the media reporter's fermentation, hehe, this meets the restaurant. Don’t even think about turning over forever.”


Yang Lu suddenly took a breath.

At this moment, Yang Lu understood Xiao Han's plan. As Xiao Han said, he was not trying to bring down Fang Hao, but to ruin the encounter restaurant. If you encounter a restaurant that stinks, no one will eat there in the future. For a restaurant, if it loses consumers, that is a truly terrible thing. If there is no business, then there will be no income. If there is no income, what is the point of opening this restaurant?

"Awesome!" When Li Da Pang heard this, his brows raised.

In the afternoon, media reporters began to interview the restaurant. The person in charge of the restaurant is not there. Where can the waiters dare to call the shots, they can only close the door and dare not open it. The reporter saw that the interview failed, so he could only visit and investigate the surrounding students.

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