The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 309: Nothing more

Fang Hao returned to the messy restaurant with a gloomy face.

"Hurry up!" Fang Hao said angrily.

The waiter headed by "General Fang" looked at Fang Hao awkwardly and said, "I want to quit my job."

"You!" Fang Hao was stunned when he heard it.

"Can you settle the salary for me?" The waiter looked at Fang Hao awkwardly.

"Fuck, get out if you want to, and want to find Laozi to settle your salary!" Fang Hao looked at the waiter angrily.

The lead waiter was so brutalized by Fang Hao that he almost didn't kneel down. He was frightened and ran out. Seeing that the leading waiter was scared away, the other five or six waitresses also fled and ran out, regardless of Fang Hao's hysterical scolding behind his back.

"Fuck, you guys eat something inside and out!" Fang Hao looked at each other's back angrily. These employees who were respectful and respectful to him at the beginning have now left. Thinking of this, Fang Hao's heart was suffocated. He gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole, asshole, I'm so angry."

The restaurant is empty and messy. A mess.

It seems that the restaurant can't continue to operate anymore, and even if it is reopened, there will be no customers. In addition, there is a Hanmen restaurant on the opposite side of it, and it may be even more difficult to make a restaurant here. Moreover, the surrounding schools have basically blocked the restaurant. There are bad rumors everywhere in the school. Therefore, Fang Hao has decided to abandon this restaurant.

However, even if you really want to abandon this restaurant, you must not condone the murderer behind it.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao immediately took out his cell phone to call the police.

Not long after, Deputy Director Liu rushed to the scene with the male policeman. The two looked surprised. Deputy Director Liu said in astonishment: "Xiao Fang, what's going on? This restaurant was fine yesterday, how come it has become like this today?!"

"It's not thanks to you!" Fang Hao snorted coldly.

"Xiao Fang, rice can be eaten at random, but you can't talk nonsense!" Deputy Director Liu looked at Fang Hao seriously, and then said: "This restaurant has become like this, it has nothing to do with us!"

"If you didn't intervene in the investigation, it wouldn't be like this!" Fang Hao shot back.

"We just act impartially!" Deputy Director Liu said hurriedly.

"Okay, do things impartially!" Fang Hao raised his mouth slightly and said, "Now this police is reported by me. Someone has robbed my restaurant. The loss is heavy. Deputy Director Liu, should you help me find out? The real murderer, and then investigate it!"

"Ah?!" When Deputy Director Liu heard this, he looked at Fang Hao in astonishment and said, "What's going on? It turned out to be robbed?"

"Yes!" Fang Hao nodded, and said, "I suspect that someone is pushing behind the scenes and encouraging students to come to my restaurant to rob. So, please come to investigate and investigate, help me find the culprit and recover the loss."

"Okay!" Deputy Director Liu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "You can tell me the situation clearly. Besides, what about the surveillance in the store?"

"The monitored computer was moved away long ago." Fang Hao sneered, and said, "You can retrieve the current situation through the monitoring of the restaurant opposite."

Deputy Director Liu wandered around the scene. With his years of experience, he can conclude that this was definitely not a crime committed by one or two people. Moreover, the scene is so messy that it should be a robbery completed within a period of time. Therefore, there should be many people at the scene of the robbery. Moreover, it can be concluded from the footprints of the scene that the number of people will not be less than 20

After collecting certain clues, Deputy Director Liu immediately took the police to the opposite restaurant to collect evidence.

However, the monitoring of the opposite restaurant is indeed under maintenance. Moreover, it was reported to the police when the monitoring was overhauled. And it is overhauled by police technicians. In other words, there is indeed no power to the surveillance of the Hanmen restaurant today.

"Director Liu, I am cute and helpless!" Xiao Han shrugged helplessly.

"It's okay!" Deputy Director Liu shook his head and said, "However, don't you think all this is a coincidence?"

"The world is so big, there are more coincidences." Xiao Han smiled.

"Yeah!" Deputy Director Liu slowly walked out of the poor restaurant with a cigarette in his mouth.

Looking at the back of Deputy Director Liu, Xiao Han raised a weird smile. All this is in my calculations. Fang Hao came to monitor, and the police came to investigate and all this was under his control.

The police had no clues, and the only waiters who witnessed the truth were also run away by Fang Hao. Therefore, this case has also entered the stage of the neck. There are no eyewitnesses, plus hundreds of students at the time. It is not easy to find the murderer from it?

Can't we take all these hundreds of students away? Although from a legal perspective, these hundreds of students who participated in the robbery were all guilty. However, the law does not blame the public. It is impossible for Deputy Director Liu to arrest all these hundreds of students, but they are sent to prison.

"Deputy office, what about this case?" the young policeman behind him asked curiously.

"What can we do?" Deputy Director Liu sneered, and then said: "Fang Hao just wants a statement, but we can't give this statement. How many students participated in it, could it be that we arrested them all? "

"Uh" the young policeman was stunned. He said embarrassingly: "So many people are involved, there must be an organization behind this. I think we can check from within several schools. For example, several school forums. Look at the Internet. Is there an organizer on the website!"

"Well, this proposal is good!" Deputy Director Liu nodded immediately.

The two drove away from the university town, and Fang Hao sat alone in the dining room. I have worked hard to run a restaurant for three years. I watched the restaurant grow. Moreover, this restaurant earns millions in profits every year. It's a bit reluctant to say you want to give up. However, things can only give up now. The loss of a restaurant is nothing to Fang Hao. After all, Fang Hao still has his own business outside. Even if your own industrialization turns into a bubble, you still have your father and mother to rely on.

"Oh" Fang Hao sighed heavily, he smoked a cigarette alone in the restaurant, then turned and left.

On the second day, a notice was posted at the entrance of the restaurant to sell the store.

"Xiao Han!" Yang Lu called Xiao Han excitedly.

Xiao Han was sleeping in the dormitory. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Yang Lu's call made Xiao Han wake up. Xiao Han said in a lazy voice: "Sister Yang, what's the matter? I was taken aback!"

"Fang Hao surrendered!" Yang Lu said excitedly: "Yu Mei Restaurant is finally going to be transferred."

"Ah!" When Xiao Han heard this, he exclaimed, and immediately sat up, he hurriedly asked: "When is the matter?"

"Just around eight o'clock this morning." Yang Lu said excitedly: "I met the landlord of the restaurant and posted it. Fang Hao is no longer renting. And he owed him two months' rent and didn't pay it. So. ,look"

"Contact the landlord immediately!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Take down the house."

"Yes!" Yang Lu nodded and said: "I'll stop the landlord now, come here quickly."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Han hurriedly got up from the bed.

In the dormitory, several other people are still sleeping, and the dorm is quiet.

After a brief wash, Xiao Han quickly left the dormitory. And drove straight to the outside of the school.


Just coming out of the school gate, suddenly, a figure stopped in front of Xiao Han.

"Blue Rain Butterfly!" Xiao Han was taken aback.

Lan Yudie opened the car door, looked at Xiao Han with an angry expression, and asked, "Didn't you say that this car was borrowed by someone else?"

"Uh" Xiao Han was a little embarrassed when he heard: "I"

"Give me the driving license!" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han handed over the driving permit honestly. Lan Yudie glanced at it and sneered: "Well, Xiao Han, you would lie to me!"

"I" Xiao Han said helplessly: "Teacher Lan, listen to my explanation."

"Let's say, driving your beautiful BMW car early in the morning, where are you going to go?" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han coldly.

"I have something." Xiao Han was a little anxious, and Yang Lu had already connected with the landlord. Just waiting for himself to talk, Xiao Han's tone was a little anxious: "It's really urgent."

If there was no emergency, Xiao Han would not have come out in such an eye-catching car. It will not be encountered by the blue rain butterfly at the school gate.

"What's the matter?" Lan Yudie smiled and looked at Xiao Han. The more Xiao Han was like this, the more curious she became. She smiled and said: "Take me, I want to see what you are doing mysteriously outside. Things. Good class is not available."

"I" Xiao Han looked helpless.

Regardless of whether Xiao Han agreed or not, Lan Yudie went directly to the co-pilot.

"Are you really going with me?" Xiao Han saw that he couldn't get rid of Lan Yudie, and said, "You have to promise me one condition!"

"Well, you guy, dare to negotiate terms with me!" Lan Yudie was full of anger.

"If you don't promise me, I won't take you there!" Xiao Lenglin snorted.

"Tell me, what are the conditions!" Lan Yudie asked curiously.

"You are not allowed to tell anyone what you see or hear today." Xiao Han looked at Blue Yudie with a solemn expression.

"Okay!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "The God of God is mysterious. Let me also see what you are doing outside."

"Okay, then I will assume you have promised me!" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Promise you!" Lan Yudie nodded.


Xiao Han slammed the accelerator. Afterwards, the 30's engine exploded with a powerful torque, and the huge horsepower pulled the car quickly out. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the entrance of the school. Such a slamming car and such a loud sound attracted many students' curiosity.

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