However, to Fang Hao's surprise, people from several departments had all left, and no one posted a seal at the door.

As soon as the people from several departments left, Fang Hao immediately received a call from Li Honghua.

"Oh, Haozi, I can't help you!" Li Honghua complained helplessly: "That kid is also supported by someone behind him. It is said that the background is not small!"

"Do you know who it is?" Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

If you can figure out the person behind the other party, that's the best thing. Just talk to the person behind the other party, and maybe the other party won't give a platform to a student without background. Li Honghua hurriedly said: "Haozi, that kid said he is Mo Shaocong's brother of the barbarian. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It must be fake." Fang Hao immediately shook his head when he heard it, and said, "I know Mo Shao. I know whether he worships the brother brother. This kid deliberately confused us. He wants to climb Mo Shao. A big tree, hehe, I won't be fooled!"

"However, the other party does have some background." Li Honghua said awkwardly: "If you are familiar with Mo Shao, then you'd better ask him. See if he is really related to the Hanmen restaurant. If the Hanmen restaurant is Mo Drive less, then... isn't it troublesome?"

"Impossible!" Fang Hao shook his head, and then said, "Mo Shao can look down on such an industry. If he wants to open it, he will definitely open a five-star hotel. He will definitely not make such a small restaurant!"

"It seems that there is some truth to what you said." Li Honghua nodded when he heard it, and said, "Be careful anyway!"

"Yes!" Fang Hao nodded, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Hao stood in front of the restaurant. He looked in the direction of the poor restaurant. However, he soon discovered that there was a pair of eyes on the opposite side looking in his direction. It was a pair of very clear eyes. Looking at it from a distance, the other party seemed to have no resentment or hatred towards him. Just a pair of soft eyes looking at himself.

When Fang Hao saw Xiao Han, he was angry. He originally thought he could show some color to the Hanmen restaurant today, but in the end he let the other party escape. Fang Hao's face was gloomy. Both sides looked at each other.

Xiao Han didn't have any feelings at all. Because in Xiao Han's view, even though Fang Hao had a background, he was unworthy of being his enemy. The only enemy in Xiao Han's heart is the Jiang family, the Jiang family in Linjiang City. In the third year of high school, since Xiao Han was slapped by Mrs. Jiang, Xiao Han had made up his mind to bankrupt the Jiang Group. The Jiang family must become nothing. This is Xiao Han's inner goal.

Now, Xiao Han is working hard towards this day.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and Xiao Han actually showed a smile. And this smile in Fang Hao's eyes was particularly dazzling and uncomfortable. Fang Hao simply returned to the restaurant.

Kuang Dang...

After entering the office, Fang Hao grabbed an expensive flower and smashed it towards the ground. It was smashed to pieces on the spot, broken into several pieces. Fang Hao showed an angry face and cursed: "Fuck, what do you think you can change by opening a restaurant? Do you think you can fight me with a little background? Boy, you look up to yourself."

Didi di...

At this time, a phone ring rang.

Fang Hao answered the phone angrily: "Hey!"

"Yo, Xiaofang, who made you so angry?" A man's voice came on the phone.

"Brother Liu?" Fang Hao was taken aback, and said, "Brother Liu, what can you do with me?"

"Hey, I just learned about the afternoon." Liu Hao smiled and said, "I heard that your competitor is a person named Xiao Han?"

"Yes, Brother Liu, do you know him?" Fang Hao asked.

"Of course I know!" Liu Hao nodded and said, "This kid gave me a lot of embarrassment at the beginning. I heard that this kid robbed you of your business, so I can be considered a fellow. Are you free tonight? Come and sit in my office!"

"Okay!" Fang Hao immediately became happy when he heard it.

Liu Hao is a figure in the provincial capital. Although he is not as good as Qin Jun, at least Liu Hao also has a certain status in the provincial capital. However, Liu Hao's reputation in the provincial capital does not seem to be very good. Not only lust, but also greedy. His group company has a lot of blood money.

It is said that at the end of the previous year, Liu Hao's building was completed, and more than one hundred migrant workers gathered downstairs to collect debts. Liu Hao refused to settle the settlement, not only that, but also found a group of gangsters to besiege and attack the gang of migrant workers. In the end, two migrant workers were beaten and disabled. In order to collect debts, a migrant worker set fire to Liu Hao's office. When the matter got serious, Liu Hao couldn't hide it, so he had to settle.

There are countless things like this.

Why Li Xiaoya disdains entanglement with a role like Liu Hao is because this person has a wrong mind.

Fang Hao learned that there was hatred between this guy and Xiao Han, so he immediately had a ghost idea in his heart. He wanted to use Liu Hao's hand to get rid of Xiao Han. The corner of Fang Hao's mouth raised a weird smile. Before the evening, Fang Hao hurriedly left, and drove to Liu Hao's company to discuss ways to deal with Xiao Han. If you can work with Liu Hao against Xiao Han, that would be the best thing.


After experiencing this time, Xiao Han also understood some things. Dealing with potential enemies must not be soft. Originally intended to live peacefully with Yumei Restaurant, but now it seems that there is no need to tolerate each other.

Since you want to put the other party to death, you must never let the other party have a chance to resurrect.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han immediately found Yang Lu.

Yang Lu was taken by Xiao Han and entered the office. Along the way, Yang Lu's face was reddened and she looked very excited. The hand held by Xiao Han felt a little hot sweat seeping out. The whole person seemed extremely excited.

"Xiao Han, you... are you looking for me?" Yang Lu lowered her head, looking shy. His face flushed.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Sister Yang, I have an idea!"

"What do you think?" Yang Lu felt even more uneasy when he heard it. Does this guy Xiao Han want to do that kind of thing with herself? If he really wants to be like this, should he refuse or accept it? Thinking of this, Yang Lu's face became even more red.

"I..." Xiao Han stood up suddenly, then walked to Yang Lu, he leaned over, staring directly at Yang Lu.

Yang Lu was startled. She stepped back again and again, and blurted out: "Xiao Han, you...what are you doing?"

Yang Lu's heart was almost as scared as a deer, pounding wildly.

"Nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Sister Yang, why is your face so red?"

"I...I didn't!" Yang Lu shook her head hurriedly. She turned her head away, not daring to look at Xiao Han, and said hurriedly: "You...what are you going to tell me? Say it quickly."

"I want to say, I plan to bring down the meeting restaurant!" Xiao Han squinted his eyes and said, "Since the other party is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"Ah?!" When Yang Lu heard this, she was immediately dumbfounded. She looked at Xiao Han in astonishment and said with an embarrassed expression: " want to break the other party?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "If this thing hadn't happened today, maybe I would be kind, but since they chose to do it, then naturally I can't be polite."

"Yes!" Yang Lu's complexion immediately returned to normal, she nodded slightly, and said: "Since you have chosen to tear your face, then you can only die. Xiao Han, I support your approach, can I do it? The other party collapsed?"

"Humph." Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Although Fang Hao is a senior, he has no social experience. He must be no better than me when it comes to methods!"

"Ah?" Yang Lu said awkwardly when he heard it, "Xiao Han, you are not just a freshman, what can you do!"

"Hey, never underestimate a person who lives at the bottom of society." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Especially don't underestimate a young man living at the bottom of society. His potential is endless."

"Hehe!" Yang Lu pursed her lips, and then said: "How are you going to deal with them!"

"No compromise!" Xiao Han squinted his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The cold light made Yang Lu couldn't help but get goose bumps. Yang Lu never expected that Xiao Han would have such a cold and cruel side in his heart. However, this is exactly the style of the big talents in the shopping malls. Treat friends with the utmost sincerity. Xiao Han is a typical mall wizard with a very good business mind.

Xiao Han has made up his mind to destroy the meeting restaurant, so he will never show any mercy. However, if you want to deal with Meet Restaurant, you have to fight against Zhang Dakai. Last time because of Zhang Xiaomei and the others, Zhang Dakai and Zhang were torn apart. Although Zhang Dakai hasn't bothered him, but this time, it would be difficult for him to deal with the restaurant. Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Han decided to take the initiative to come to Zhang Dakai and say something.

Pirates are also right. I have to deal with Meet Restaurant, mainly to let Fang Hao know how good he is. If Fang Hao hurt Zhang Dakai's interests, this was not Xiao Han's intention. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to take the initiative and ask the opponent to make it clear.

That night.

Xiao Han drove to the urban area alone.

Although most of Zhang Dakai's site is in the university town, his most profitable thing is in the urban area. An entertainment club. The so-called entertainment club is nothing more than a men's health club. This kind of industry that is at odds with the law is a gray industry. In other words, this is a black industry. No matter where you are from, these things are always invisible.

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