The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2375: Get all the proceeds

The benefits that Li Longji can get from the Lu family in the future are absolutely indispensable.

As for the Qi family...

It is because the people from the Qi family are too useless, so why should he do?

Li Longji exchanged a few words with Lu Xuan with a smile on his face, and his attitude was kind and unspeakable.

This is completely different from the cold look of Li Longji who stood in the Qi family camp and faced Lu family before.

After a while, Li Longji's gaze turned to Xiao Han who was standing beside Lu Xuan again.

Li Longji slowly walked forward and smiled at Xiao Han's offensive and defensive very politely: "Little brother is really young and promising. With your talent and roots, your future achievements will be limitless."

"Elder Longji has praised, and I will rely on you old seniors for your support in the future." Xiao Han smiled slightly and arched his hands at Li Longji, regarded as a courtesy exchange.

Xiao Han is also very comfortable with this kind of harmonious small chat.

However, Xiao Han knew very well that it was only because of his powerful strength as a backing that others could look up to it.

Elder Li Longji smiled and said: "It's incredible how little brother Xiao Han can reach this height at such a young age. This is the first time this old man has seen this in so many years. I don't know who the little brother Xiao Han is from?"

Li Longji is inquiring about the origin of Xiao Han.

After all, Li Longji knew that even if Xiao Han's talent and roots were amazing, there must be a famous teacher behind him. Otherwise, it would be difficult to cultivate to the present level at such a young age.

Since Li Longji wanted to solicit the opponent, he naturally had to find out the origin of the opponent.

"I came from the Xiaoyao Sect, and I don't belong to the forces in the Ten Fang Refining Domain. It's just a remote village. There is no way to compare with your Huangquan Sect such a behemoth." Xiao Han smiled slightly and randomly found a Xiaoyao Sect to throw it out.

Li Longji's face changed slightly, a moment later he smiled again.

This is the second time he has heard of Xiaoyao Sect, and Qi Yu, the head of the Qi family, had mentioned it the previous time.

It seems that Xiaoyao Sect is indeed not a force in the Ten Fang Refining Domain.

But these are not important, what is important is that Xiao Han's strength lies here.

Seeing that Xiao Han didn't want to go deeper on this topic, Li Longji laughed and stopped mentioning it.

Although he is an elder of Huangquanmen, he is also a strong man in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, but it will be difficult to improve his realm in the future.

An old guy like him who has practiced for hundreds of years is different from a young guy like Xiao Han. Both his potential and his future achievements have already been tapped.

So even if he was leaning against Huangquanmen with his back, he still had to be polite to a young genius like Xiao Han.

"Haha, Patriarch Lu, the space teleportation formation of this Cloud City will be handed over to you Lu Family. Every year in the future, the proceeds will be delivered to the Huangquanmen on time. The 60% of the income of our Huangquanmen is not allowed. Less." Li Longji turned to look at Lu Xuan, with a friendly smile on his face.

"Longji elders don't worry, 60% of the income from Huangquanmen must be handed in by the Lu family on time. As for Longji elders..."

Having said this, Lu Xuan lowered her voice and said softly: "Our Lu family is willing to spend 10% of the proceeds to pay filial piety to the elders of Longji. I hope that the elders of Longji will take care of her in the future."

"Haha... Patriarch Lu is polite, Patriarch Lu is really too polite."

Hearing this, Li Longji was taken aback for a moment, and then he was happy to bloom.

We must know that the space teleportation formation of Cloud City can generate a considerable amount of income every year.

If the Lu Family can permanently control the space teleportation array, then the benefits that Lu Family can obtain in the future must be considerable.

Even if 60% of the proceeds of that space teleportation formation had to be turned over to Huangquanmen, the remaining 40% was quite considerable.

Sixty percent of the proceeds must be turned over to Huangquanmen. This is the rule that Yunwu City has continued for hundreds of years.

As long as it can guarantee 60% of the income of Huangquanmen, Huangquanmen will not care about how the remaining Qi and Lu families distribute the remaining 40%.

Now Lu Xuan is willing to take 10% of the 20% of the income they grabbed from the Qi family to honor Li Longji, making Li Longji almost laughing.

The first layer of benefit of the space teleportation array is a great wealth.

It can be said that Lu Xuan is very willing to give it away.

Of course, Lu Xuan's purpose is very clear. If Elder Li Longji of Huangquanmen accepts a layer of benefits from the spatial teleportation array, he will definitely try to maintain Lu's family in the future.

Even if the Qi family still wants to take back their rights, Li Longji will probably be the first to oppose it.

As the elder in charge of the affairs of the mountain in Huangquanmen, Li Longji still had great authority.

As long as he doesn't nod his head, no one can take away the space teleportation formation in Lu's hand.

Hearing this, Qi Yu's face was pale as paper.

Originally thinking of being able to grab 20% of the proceeds from the space teleportation array in the hands of the Lu family, I didn't expect that stealing chickens would not be a counter-attack.

"let's go......"

Qi Yu took the Qi family away in disgrace.

With a smile on Li Longji's face, he didn't pay attention to Qi's family at all.

A small Qi family, Li Longji has not yet paid attention to it.

"Lu Jiazhu, rest assured, as long as the old man stays at Huangquanmen for a day, the management right of this spatial transmission formation is in your hands." Li Longji laughed.

Li Longji's guarantee gave Lu Xuan a lot of relief.

As long as Li Longji guarantees the Lu Family's management rights over this spatial transmission formation, he can guarantee that 10% of the profits in his hands can be obtained.

Lu Xuan smiled and nodded. She naturally knew that if she wasn't willing to make 10% of the income, if it wasn't for Xiao Han's strength, Li Longji wouldn't be so polite to him.

Li Longji smiled and looked at Xiao Han and said, "Now that this space teleportation formation is under the control of the Lu family, and it is still a permanent authority, then the matter is over. When will the little brother Xiao Han have time to follow? The old man go to our Huangquanmen for a trip?"

Li Longji came to Cloud City this time, but came with the task of Zongmen.

Zongmen's instructions to him were to look everywhere for masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and they must also be young masters.

Zhang Quanzong, who was found by Li Longji's Qi family, was very satisfied.

But now, Zhang Quanzong has been arrested by Xiao Han.

It seemed that Xiao Han would not hand over Zhang Quanzong so easily.

Besides, although Zhang Quanzong said that he was also at the peak of the Tribulation Period, his combat effectiveness was a bit weak.

Now that Quanzong Zhang is half destroyed, Li Longji will naturally target Xiao Han.

Now if Xiao Han didn't go to Huangquanmen with Li Longji, then Li Longji would not be able to deal with each other.

Hearing this, Xiao Han pondered for a moment.

Originally, Xiao Han was very interested in Huangquanmen.

Of course, the main reason for Xiao Han is still because of Bi Luo Huang Quan Palm.

Xiao Han had always wanted to practice Biluohuangquanzhang, but he couldn't find a way to get started.

The Huangquan Sect is inextricably linked to the Huangquan Sect thousands of years ago.

If Xiao Han wants to complete the practice of Biluo Huangquan Palm, he must go to Huangquan Gate.

What only made Xiao Han very curious was what Huangquan Sect had to do to recruit so many masters at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

And it must be a master of the peak realm of the tribulation period of the younger generation.

First of all, although Xiao Han said that he was very interested in Huangquan Sect, he would never be solicited by Huangquan Sect. If it was like Guiyuan Sect, who had a name or an honorary elder, Xiao Han would not refuse. , As for staying in the Yellow Spring Gate for a long time, then forget it.

And there was an unpleasant experience between Xiao Han and Huang Quanmen.

Xiao Han didn't know if it was Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, whether he would act irrationally.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, thought for a while, or asked softly: "Elder Longji, I don't know what you Huangquanmen are going to do to recruit the younger generation of peak realm masters during the Tribulation Period?"

Xiao Han has always been curious about this question, and the same is true for the surrounding Lu Xuan and others.

To say that among Huangquanmen, the younger generation of masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period is not without them. With the background and strength of the Huangquanmen, why should it be necessary to solicit experts from the peak of the Tribulation Period?

Li Longji looked around, and then lowered his voice, "I’m telling you, it’s actually the master of our Huangquanmen who wants to set up a high-rank formation. This formation can strengthen our Huangquanmen mountain protection formation. power.

It's just that if you want to set up this set of formations, according to the requirements of that set of formations, you must cooperate with several masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and the younger the better, the better.

Little brother Xiao Han, don't worry. With your strength, it is not difficult at all. After the formation is set up successfully, we at Huangquan Sect will be rewarded heavily. "

"Set up the formation? Strengthen the mountain protection formation?" Hearing this, Xiao Han was even more puzzled.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, had been seen by Xiao Han before in Xingyizong.

Although Xiao Han did not fight against Li Guiyuan, Xiao Han could feel that Li Guiyuan's strength would certainly not be weaker than that of the master of Xingyuzong Shi Jingtian.

Moreover, even Shi Jingtian and other Huangquanmen masters could not complete the formation, I am afraid it is very strange, and the rank will not be low.

In addition, Xiao Han is not good at such things as formations, how can he help?

Moreover, Xiao Han and Huangquanmen had troubles before. Even if Xiao Han was willing to help, would Huangquanmen feel relieved to let Xiao Han help?

"Elder Longji, with your Huangquan Sect's background and strength, coupled with Li Sect Master's sky-reaching methods, how come you need other people's help to set up a formation?" Xiao Han suddenly asked with surprise.

If it's just for setting up a set of formations, why should Huangquan Sect be so troublesome, just let out the news, and thanks to a lot of money, there must be a lot of young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

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