"Xiao Han, are you sure you want to do this?"

Zhang Quanzong looked at him being surrounded to death in all directions, and he was shocked and angry in his heart.

Who knew that Xiao Han suddenly turned his face.

There were three people around him and a monster beast. Among them, the men and women were not a big threat to him, and Zhang Quanzong could easily deal with it.

But that little monster...

Although Zhang Quanzong didn't notice any powerful aura in that little monster, but I don't know why, among three monsters and one monster, it was this little monster that brought great pressure to Zhang Quanzong.

In front of this little monster beast, Zhang Quanzongzhi felt a trace of danger.

Zhang Quanzong didn't even feel this feeling in Xiao Han.

"Do you think you can stop me just by doing this?" Zhang Quanzong's expression began to become ugly.

Xiao Han was holding the Sky Sword and slowly walking towards Zhang Quanzong, while laughing softly: "Maybe you still don't understand what is right, then I will tell you, my three friends are indeed not your opponents, and they are also It's just responsible for delaying your footsteps when you run away.

It is not me who is really responsible for dealing with you, and I don't need to do it myself, it is it who does it with you. "

With that, Xiao Han pointed at the little demon beast Wangcai suspended in mid-air not far away with the sky sword.

Zhang Quanzong turned his head to look, his eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "Only this monster beast can deal with me, so you are too naive, right?"

Don't say it was Zhang Quanzong. Even the others on the court didn't understand. Xiao Han wanted to deal with a master of the peak realm during the Tribulation Period with a little monster. This is too whimsical, right?

Only the elder of Huangquanmen Li Longji stared at the little monster beast.

Although he said that the fighting power may not be as good as Xiao Han, but his eyesight is the best old guy on the court.

He could tell at a glance that something was wrong with the little monster beast, and even when he looked at the little monster beast, he could vaguely detect a trace of danger.

"Don't underestimate it, it's not an ordinary monster, it's a high-grade spiritual weapon, it's more powerful than me, and it's enough to deal with you." Xiao Han grinned.

"You..." Zhang Quanzong was speechless immediately.

A high-grade spiritual weapon.

That little demon beast is actually a rare high-grade spiritual weapon.

Many people have never seen this kind of magic weapon.

Not to mention the onlookers around, even the elder Li Longji of Huangquanmen had not seen the legendary high-grade spiritual weapon with his own eyes.

"Now, can you stay with peace of mind?" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

Seeing Xiao Han's smile, Zhang Quanzong only felt terrified.

Before Zhang Quanzong felt that even if he couldn't win, he could still escape by his means.

After he recovers the Demon Imperial City, he will notify the Demon Emperor and mobilize his hands to rush to this Yunwu City for a shame.

But now, looking at the little monster beast, Zhang Quanzong suddenly felt that he might really not be able to leave today.

Xiao Han was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhang Quanzong, anyway, he must stay with Zhang Quanzong today.

Unless the Lord Demon Sovereign came in person, Xiao Han must capture Zhang Quanzong. ""

As soon as Xiao Han thought, the little monster beast swooped up.

Xiao Han took this opportunity to witness with his own eyes how much progress the Little Demon Beast Wangcai has made after so many upgrades.

Having absorbed so many thunder poisons in the Heavenly Thunder Pool, and later swallowed so many magic weapons, even Xiao Han did not know how much the little monster beast's combat effectiveness had grown.

But looking at Wangcai's whole body shape is a circle bigger, it is estimated that it should be improved a lot.

At this time, Little Monster Beast Wangcai had already started fighting with Zhang Quanzong.

Soon, all the talents on the field were shocked to discover that in front of a high-grade spiritual weapon, Zhang Quanzong, who was at the peak of the Tribulation Period, had almost no power to fight back.

Wangcai's speed was amazing, and his attacking power was amazing. What made Zhang Quanzong desperate even more was that the little demon beast Wangcai could not die, would not be injured, and would not be tired.

Therefore, Zhang Quanzong was suppressed to death in front of the little demon beast Wangcai with his strength in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

The battle on the field only lasted less than a minute and ended.

Zhang Quanzong was about to perform the demon clan's exercises, but the little monster beast bit his throat and fell to the ground with blood stains on his face.

Xiao Han saw this scene. First, he felt very satisfied with the fighting power of the little demon beast Wangcai. Second, he felt that after all human race refiners had taken refuge in the demon clan, although some people had practiced the demon clan’s techniques, the fighting power was not good. Ascending and descending, it seems that the terrible aspects of the Demon Clan's exercises cannot be fully displayed.

With the heat of Xiao Han's cultivation of the Demon Clan's exercises, I am afraid that he can easily suppress this Zhang Quanzong?

Zhang Quanzong, who collapsed on the ground with a languid aura like a dead dog, picked it up, and Xiao Han used an aura to seal Zhang Quanzong's meridians to death.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Han once again poured a magical energy into it, and came with a double insurance.

When he sensed that there was demon energy in Xiao Han, Zhang Quanzong, who was already confused, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Han in disbelief.

He tremblingly pointed at Xiao Han: "You...you are what the young master said..."

"Yes, it's me, but you are only reacting now, it's too late." Xiao Han smiled slightly and slapped Zhang Quanzong directly to death.

"Brother Chen, help me look at this guy first, don't let him die." With that, Xiao Han directly threw Zhang Quanzong to Chen Jinnan like a sandbag.

"Don't worry, you can't die." Chen Jinnan laughed and took it.

Then, Xiao Han clapped his hands and finished work.

With this gain, Xiao Han can find time to interrogate Zhang Quanzong and find the place where his father was detained.

Finally, among everyone's stunned eyes, Xiao Han turned his head to look at the elder Li Longji of Huangquanmen, and said with a smile: "Elder Longji, Zhang Quanzong is already like this now, so the test between me and him should be Has it ended?"

After hearing Xiao Han's reminder, Li Longji gradually recovered.

Just now Xiao Han used a high-grade spiritual weapon to destroy the ancients and cleaned up a master who was not inferior to his peak level of the Tribulation Period. He was deeply shocked by the scene just now.

Only then did Li Longji discover that the Xiao Han in front of him had the strength in his hands, and he could just ask him to clean up his old fellow.

Li Longji noticed Xiao Han's gaze and shuddered for no reason.

He looked at Zhang Quanzong, who was carried in his hands by Chen Jinnan not far away, with an ugly smile on his dry face.

He nodded: "The little brother is extraordinary in strength, and Quanzong Zhang is not your opponent at all. I announce that this spatial teleportation array of Cloud City will be managed by the family forever, and the 20% of the benefits of the Qi family of Cloud City will also return home. all."

After hearing the words of Huangquanmen elder Li Longji, everyone in the Qi family was ashamed.

Patriarch Qi Yu's face is also ugly to the extreme.

However, Qi Yu previously accepted Xiao Han's challenge and approved Xiao Han's conditions.

Now in front of the people in such a cloudy and foggy city, how can Qi Yu dare to go back?

Moreover, Xiao Han's strength was so strong that it was simply not something that the Qi family could deal with. Even if he was not reconciled in his heart, Qi Yu did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

In addition, this matter was approved by Huangquanmen Elder Li Longji himself, and the Qi family could only accept this result.

Qi Yu looked at Lu Xuan and the other Lu family members with a gray face, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Qi Yu also knew that the reason why the Lu family was able to come back this time was also because the guy named Xiao Han suddenly appeared.

Without the appearance of Xiao Han, the Lu Family would have been unable to reverse this defeat.

But now that the overall situation is set, Qi Yu is always afraid of everything, so what can he do.

Xiao Han's strength is far surpassing that of the average tribulation period peak realm master. With his strength, he may be able to deal with one or two, but how can the Lu family stand by?

Coupled with Xiao Han's side with a spiritual weapon with a fighting power that was very likely to be of high grade, Qi Yu really didn't dare to cause trouble.

He can only bury that monstrous hatred deeply in his heart.

In addition, Li Longji, the elder of Huangquanmen, received the money but messed up the matter, but he couldn't even say no to me, which made Qi Yu's hateful teeth itchy.

However, whether it is Xiao Han or Huangquanmen elder Li Longji, it is not Qi Yu that can provoke him.

He knew very well that Li Longji represented Huangquanmen, and Huangquanmen could squeeze their Yunwu City Qijia to death with just one finger.

And Xiao Han, a master at the peak of the Tribulation Period with a very abnormal combat power is already terrifying. If you add a high-grade spiritual weapon with a more abnormal combat power, it will be even more difficult.

The expressions of Qi Yu and all his family members were ugly.

Compared with the Lu family, they almost jumped up excitedly.

Not only did the loss that was about to be lost regained it, but also won 20% of the benefits of that space teleportation formation from the hands of Qi family.

Although the Qi family must be afraid, but this matter has been recognized by Huangquanmen, and the Qi family can't make any waves.

Lu Xuan also looked surprised. She slowly walked to Xiao Han's side, bowed to the elder of Huangquanmen Li Longji, and said sternly: "Thank you, elder Longji, we will have a good return in the future. ."

"Hahaha, Patriarch Lu is polite. The old man has been in friendship with your Lu family for many years. It is also very happy to see your Lu family resurgence." Li Longji laughed.

Of course, what makes Li Longji most happy is what Lu Xuan said must be rewarded.

After today's incident, in order to stabilize the position in the cloud city, the Lu family will definitely treat him with respect.

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