The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2376: Huangquan's plan

At the very least, as long as Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan speaks, Wang Qiaoqiao of Danxia Sect, Cao Ci of Guiyuan Sect, Ruan Qingqing of Xingyu Sect and others will not refuse, right?

Li Longji smiled and said: "In fact, in addition to setting up the formation for Huangquan Sect this time, another important reason is that our Sect Master wants to get to know some young geniuses and maintain a certain degree with us in the future. Friendly relations will do."

Hearing this, Xiao Han was also slightly taken aback.

It seems that the master of Huangquan Sect is not small.

Although it is said that some young masters at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period are all from the sect, it is still a great advantage for Huangquan Sect to have some friendship with some experts at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

The younger the master at the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, the higher his future achievements.

When he grows up in the future, he must be the powerful man who controls one party.

If you leave a little friendship, you will be able to eat more in the future.

What's more, with the background of Huangquanmen, you can take out some gifts and give it away. The other young masters who have crossed the peak of the Tribulation Period will definitely be grateful.

Li Guiyuan, the master of the Huangquan Gate, thought very far.

The more you go to a veteran force like Huangquanmen, the more you need to make friends with some masters.

In the area near Demon Imperial City, networking is also a very important thing.

If you walk the rivers and lakes and have a wide network, other people still have to show some face.

This was done by Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, and it was also a great help to the reputation of Huangquan Sect.

"If this Huangquan Sect really wants to make friends with young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period, if I go, then Li Guiyuan should not tear his face to deal with me." Xiao Han muttered to himself. Tao.

In fact, Xiao Han didn't have a bad impression of Huangquanmen.

If it wasn't for Li Chen who wanted to kill Chen Jinnan on Xingyufeng, Xiao Han would not be willing to shoot Huangquanmen at all.

Moreover, for Xiao Han, it would be great if he could successfully cultivate Biluohuangquan Palm.

If it is possible to successfully cultivate the set of Blue Yellow Spring Sect Xiao Han obtained by chance, Xiao Han's combat effectiveness will inevitably increase a lot in the future.

Even if Xiao Han encounters a powerhouse of the level of Sect Master Shi Jingtian in the future, Xiao Han may be able to compete head-on.

The strong in Demon Imperial City are like clouds, and the upcoming election for Demon Imperial City City Lord is estimated to have more masters.

Moreover, Xiao Han needed to rescue his father from the Demon Emperor, so he had to improve his combat effectiveness as quickly as possible.

Xiao Han had just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, so naturally he did not expect to be able to survive the Triple Tribulation in a short period of time.

So if Xiao Han wants to increase his strength, he can only practice more exercises.

Or it might be to increase the combat effectiveness of the Little Monster Beast Wangcai as soon as possible.

"Elder Longji don’t worry. Since I have promised before, I won’t regret it, but can I go to Huangquanmen one or two days later? I just got together with my friends and want to save some time to contact me. Feelings..." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and smiled softly at Elder Li Longji.

Li Longji naturally saw the relationship between Xiao Han and Lu Xuan, the master of the Lu family. He laughed, hugged Xiao Han, and smiled: "It's okay, the old man is waiting for the little brother to come by at Huangquan Gate. , I'm leaving now."

With that said, the elder Li Longji of Huangquanmen flashed his body, and his whole body swept towards the sky, and then his body disappeared.

"Xiao Han, are you really planning to go to Huangquan Gate?" Seeing that Elder Li Longji had disappeared, Chen Jinnan looked worried.

Of course, Chen Jinnan knew that Xiao Han had come to Huangquan Gate because of the Biluo Huangquan Palm.

But Chen Jinnan is more aware of the entanglement between Xiao Han and Huang Quanmen.

If at that time, Li Guiyuan, the master of the Huangquan Gate, found out that Xiao Han had brought him to the door, I am afraid Xiao Han would be in trouble.

"I must go to die, I think Huangquanmen shouldn't embarrass me too much." Xiao Han nodded softly and said softly.

As the saying goes, if you don't get into a tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger, and you don't take any risks, how can Xiao Han successfully cultivate Biluohuangquan palm.

The cultivation techniques of Huangquan Sect Xiao Han hadn't seen them before, and they were similar to the set of blue yellow spring palms left by Xiao Han in the ancient ruins.

Although Xiao Han is also very clear that the other party's impression of him is not very good.

However, now that Huang Quanmen is so anxious to recruit young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han believes that Li Guiyuan should not be willing to deal with himself as long as he is not dazzled by hatred.

Moreover, Xiao Han had a good relationship with Huang Quanmen.

Huang Quanmen wants a young opponent at the peak of the Tribulation Period, or a young friend at the peak of the Tribulation Period, I believe the other party will consider it clearly.

When he arrived at Huangquan Sect, Xiao Han believed that as long as he was more careful, it should not be difficult to shake hands with Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect.

Besides, Xiao Han has the practice technique of the blue and yellow spring palm on his body. I believe that Huangquan Sect will be interested in the blue and yellow spring palm.

Moreover, as long as Xiao Han is willing to share that set of Biluo Huangquan Palm, I believe that it shouldn't be difficult for Xiao Han to obtain those cultivation techniques from Huangquan Sect.

Lu Xuan said with a smile: "Xiao Han, I heard that there are many young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Stage that have been recruited by Huangquan Sect this time, and they all have some background characters. If the law setting is successful, coupled with their Huangquanmen deliberately win over the hearts of the people, it is estimated that the rewards they will give will be considerable.

"Yes." Lu Yao, who was next to Lu Xuan, also smiled: "With the background of Huangquan Sect, it is very simple to come up with something good."

As an affiliate of the Huangquan Sect, the Lu family naturally understood the background of the Huangquan Sect.

Xiao Han nodded. He wasn't interested in how impressive the so-called rewards Huang Quanmen could offer.

What Xiao Han wanted was to be able to take advantage of this opportunity to start the practice of Biluo Huangquan Palm.

After all the dust settled, the Qi family had already evacuated in despair.

The rest of the field are the masters of the Lu family.

As for the crowds onlookers around the square, seeing that there was no excitement to watch, they began to evacuate.

The Lu family survived the storm without risk, and even had unexpected gains.

Starting today, the space teleportation array in Cloud City has truly been managed by their Lu Family.

Moreover, with the exception of 60% of the benefits of the entire space teleportation array, which had to be turned over to Huangquanmen as usual, the remaining 40% of the benefits belonged to their family.

With the 20% income of the Qi family, the whole Lu family will definitely become more and more prosperous.

And all of this was because of Xiao Han who suddenly jumped out.

Everyone can see that Xiao Han has a very close relationship with their Patriarch Lu Xuan.

As soon as Xiao Han appeared, Patriarch Lu Xuan flew directly into Xiao Han's arms. Is this not obvious enough?

If it weren't for Lu Xuan, the "future husband", it would be their Lu family who retreated dingy this time.

"Everyone should return to their posts without error."

Lu Xuan began to give orders, and all the Lu family members evacuated, leaving only those Lu family masters who were on guard missions around the stone platform.

Lu Xuan turned her head to look at Xiao Han with a smile, and she noticed that there were two attractive women standing beside Xiao Han.

One of them, even Lu Xuan secretly praised.

When Lu Xuan looked at Empress Yumei, Empress Yumei happened to look at her.

The two looked at each other like this, but an invisible spark flashed in the air.

The atmosphere on the court was a bit awkward for a while.

Chen Jinnan rubbed his forehead without making a sound.

Chen Jinnan didn't want to participate in this kind of thing at all.

Xiao Han laughed dryly: "Lu Xuan, let me introduce to you. This is Miss Yumei, and this is Sister Luoluo. I knew each other in the Shifang Refining Domain."

There was silence on the court.

Lu Xuan did not speak, and Empress Yumei did not speak either, the two of them just stood there, leaving Xiao Han on the side with embarrassment.

Why is this silent?

Even if they were angry with each other, Xiao Han could stand up and ease the relationship.

If you don't speak like this, how can Xiao Han know what to say?

At this moment, Lu Xuan and Empress Yumei all smiled at the same time.

Then the two walked towards each other.

"Hello, my name is Lu Xuan."

"Hello, my name is Yumei."

Then he shook hands very friendly.

"Sister Yumei, I guess you are older than me, I'll call you Sister Yumei." Lu Xuan smiled like a flower.

"Sister Lu Xuan is too polite, I just live a few years longer than you, and I am not a human race, I am embarrassed to make it." Empress Yumei blushed.

Then, Empress Yumei and Lu Xuan actually began to get together and whispered in a low voice, leaving Xiao Han alone.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han was stunned on the spot.

Chen Jinnan handed the unconscious Zhang Quanzong he was holding to a master of the Lu family. Then he walked over and laughed softly: "Haha, don't you understand this? Neither of them are women. I am willing to behave like a small belly in front of you, so I can only get to know each other in a friendly way. Otherwise, what else can I do? Have a big fight and then cry to you? They are not so stupid."

"Fuck it, as if you know it well." Xiao Han rolled his eyes and smiled: "Big brother, you have been single for many years."

Seeing Chen Jinnan's unpredictable appearance, Xiao Han didn't fight.

Anyway, he has been in love for so many years. Like Chen Jinnan, maybe he is still a virgin?

But seeing that Lu Xuan and Yumei Niangniang did not target each other, Xiao Han was finally relieved.

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