The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2357: News from Lu Xuan

"Don't worry, this Xiao Han is definitely not that easy to deal with. You see him at Xingyufeng this time. Even the high-grade aura was not used, and he still defeated Ruan Qingqing. It is conceivable that he has a lot of hole cards. And his strength is definitely stronger than what appeared on the surface, so Xiao Han should be able to survive this journey without risk." Guiyuan faction leader Lu Chen calmly analyzed.

Hearing this, Cao Ci thought for a while and nodded again. The Star Meteorite Sect was indeed very profound. If he had a mind to deal with Xiao Han, Xiao Han estimated it would be a little troublesome.

However, Cao Ci believed that with Xiao Han's strength, coupled with the fact that Xingyizong did not dare to deal with Xiao Han openly, there shouldn't be any major problems.


"Chen Jinnan, what do you plan to do next? Are you following me to the Demon Imperial City, or are you going alone?"

After Lu Chen left with Cao Ci, Xiao Han turned and looked at Chen Jinnan next to him.

Of course Xiao Han knew that this guy had always been used to being alone. Although Xiao Han wanted Chen Jinnan to follow him to the Demon Emperor City to meet the world, he should first ask Chen Jinnan for his meaning.

If Chen Jinnan intends to go with him to Demon Imperial City, it would be the best, and there will be a support along the way.

If Chen Jinnan intends to venture through these ten refining domains alone, Xiao Han will not force it.

"Xiao Han, if you go to Demon Imperial City, shouldn't it be more than just a visit?" Chen Jinnan looked at Xiao Han.

Chen Jinnan asked for a reason.

Before in Xiaoyao Sect, Chen Jinnan still had some impressions of the grievances between Xiao Han and Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian.

At that time, Xiao Han seemed to have some conflicts with the demon clan. Otherwise, Xiao Han would not be so concerned about the demon clan.

Moreover, the Demon Emperor Xiao Han asked about in front of Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, was obviously also a big figure in the Demon Race.

If Xiao Han hadn't had any special connection with the Demon Race, he shouldn't attach such importance to Demon Race matters.

Xiao Han thought for a while. There was no secret that his father was likely to be captured by the demon king of the demon clan.

Originally, Xiao Han would not tell anyone about this, but Xiao Han felt that Chen Jinnan was a reliable person.

"Next I will find a way to go to Demon Imperial City, and then start investigating the whereabouts of my father, how about you?"

Xiao Han looked at Chen Jinnan and said softly.

Chen Jinnan pondered for a moment, and said: "I had no purpose, as long as I was in these ten refining realms, it was enough, but now I am a little moved, I want to follow you to the Demon Imperial City to lie down. Let's go, I'll follow you first. If nothing happens, I'll go to Demon Imperial City with you. If it doesn't work, I'll go with you and see the situation."

"Which city is the Demon Emperor you mentioned? Are you sure it is in the Demon Imperial City?" Chen Jinnan smiled.

Xiao Han laughed dryly: "I don't know this. Actually, this is the first time I have entered the Shifang Refining Domain. By the way, are you familiar with the Demon Imperial City in the Shifang Refining Domain?"

Chen Jinnan nodded, "I haven't been to Demon Imperial City, but I've been near the Xingmei Mountain Range before to get some information."

From this point of view, Xiao Han must not have as much knowledge about the area around the Demon Imperial City as Chen Jinnan.

"How about you lead the way?"

So Xiao Han looked around and asked Chen Jinnan with embarrassment on his face.

Xiao Han only knew that the center of the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain was the Demon Imperial City, and the Demon Imperial City was located around the Xingyi Mountain Range where they were located. As for the exact location of the Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han really didn't know.

"So you don't know where the Demon Imperial City is?"

"The Demon Imperial City is about fifteen days away from the Star Meteor Mountain Range. I once went deep into the Demon Imperial City five days away, but I heard that the Demon Imperial City is the number of masters in the entire ten-party refining domain. In the most places, whether it is Human Race Refiners or Monster Beast masters, there are as many as feathers.

Within a thousand miles of the Demon Imperial City, the Demon Imperial City’s sphere of influence is covered. The distance from the Demon Imperial City here is actually quite far away. Even if we use the spatial teleportation method, it will take at least fifteen days at least. "Chen Jinnan said softly.

"Since you know more than I do, it would be best. Let's first find a city with a space teleportation formation, and then take the space teleportation formation there to drive to Demon Imperial City." Xiao Han smiled.

Although Xiao Han has a map of the area around the Demon Imperial City, it is definitely much more convenient to have a guide who knows the route around him, and it saves Xiao Han from having to look for it here and there according to the map's instructions.

Although there is still some time before the official start of the city lord campaign in the Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han must rush to the Demon Imperial City as soon as possible.

Of course, first of all, Xiao Han had to join Luoluo and Yumei Empress.

"Walk around, I will take you to find two of my friends, they are waiting for me near the Starfall Mountains."

With that, Xiao Han took Chen Jinnan to the small city where she had agreed to meet with Empress Yumei.

While on the way, Xiao Han briefly explained the situation and introduced the situation of Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

They all met Xiao Han in the Shifang Refining Domain, so Chen Jinnan didn't know each other.

"Two beauties?" Chen Jinnan was obviously taken aback when he heard Xiao Han's introduction.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han looked puzzled.

"You... are you sure one of them has become your woman? And that woman is still a seventh-order monster?" Chen Jin has a different color on the south face.

Xiao Han just didn't hide his relationship with Yumei Niangniang from Chen Jinnan.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Is it possible that you still have a prejudice against monsters?" Xiao Han looked confused.

Chen Jinnan admitted that Xiao Han was so refreshed, and said with a smirk: "Haha, you're done, Xiao Han, now you're done."

"No, you can tell me clearly, how come I'm done?" Xiao Han was even more inexplicably engaged by Chen Jinnan.

"Forget it, I won't tease you, let me tell you the truth, do you remember Lu Xuan?" Chen Jinnan smiled.

"Lu Xuan? Are you nonsense?" Hearing this familiar name, Xiao Han also showed a smile on his face.

How could he not remember Lu Xuan?

It has been two years since I saw this silly woman, Xiao Han still missed her strangely.

It's just that Xiao Han entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain, while Lu Xuan remained in Xiaoyao Sect.

After all, in addition to being a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, Lu Xuan also has the identity of the island owner of Penglai Island in the secular world, and sometimes needs to go to the secular world to deal with some things.

Chen Jinnan smiled and said: "Aren't you curious at all? Lu Xuan's talent and roots are among the best in our Xiaoyao Sect, so do you know her true identity?"

Xiao Han was stunned, and shook his head with a puzzled look.

Xiao Han was already curious about Lu Xuan's true identity before, but Lu Xuan didn't mean to talk about it, and Xiao Han didn't plan to ask further.

Anyway, Lu Xuan thought that Xiao Han was just an ordinary person from the secular world, with no backing or background.

So, he is a big man, is it possible that he still goes to study Lu Xuan's origin?

"Although Lu Xuan is a sect disciple of our Xiaoyao Sect, she was born in a city in the Ten Fang Refining Domain. Their Lu family is in a city not far from the Demon Imperial City, and I sent Chen Xiao and others back. After Xiaoyao Sect, Lu Xuan received a letter from the family saying that some changes had occurred in the family, so she and I left Xiaoyao Sect at the same time and entered the ten-party refining domain together."

Having said this, Chen Jinnan looked at Xiao Han, who had begun to change his face, and said softly: "I guess she should be in the family for some time. If we want to go to the Demon Imperial City, we may have to pass through the city where their family is located."

"Really? Really? What you said is true?"

Hearing this, Xiao Han was overjoyed and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Lu Xuan is also in the Shifang Refining Domain, and not far from Xiao Han?

In this case, Xiao Han might be able to see Lu Xuan soon?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help but feel excited.

I haven't seen Lu Xuan for two years, and said that I didn't want it to be fake.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly reacted. Why did Chen Jinnan look funny just now.

I provoke another Yumei empress in the Shifang Lianyu Room. If Lu Xuan found out, would there be a fire in the backyard?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly felt a pain in his head.

Seeing the change in Xiao Han’s expression, Chen Jinnan laughed and said: "Hahaha, I can’t help with this kind of thing. You can only handle it by yourself. If it doesn’t work, either you don’t want your jade Miss Mei meets Lu Xuan, or you just ask for more blessings."

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head. After a while, Xiao Han said softly: "You think too much, our Lu Xuan is not the kind of woman with a small belly."

Xiao Han said this insincerely, because he didn't know how Lu Xuan would react after seeing Empress Yumei.

"I hope so." Chen Jinnan said with a smirk.

"You guy, you can't say something good." Xiao Han couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Lu Xuan never forgets you. After entering the Shifang Refining Domain before, she specially reminded me that if there is a chance to meet you in the Shifang Refining Domain, she told you to go to their house. I guess It's meant to let you come to the parents." Chen Jinnan smiled.


Hearing this, Xiao Han looked bitter.

See the parents?

Take another woman to see the parents?

Isn't it a bit troublesome now?

And what Xiao Han was going to take this time was not a woman, besides Empress Yumei, there was another Luoluo.

This made Xiao Han suddenly a little drumming in his heart.

Empress Yumei and Luolu waited for him in that small city, and couldn't help but meet.

It's really not good, I can only bite the bullet.

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