Xiao Han felt it for a while, and found that the aura in his body had grown a lot, and even the meridians were much wider than before.

As for the physical strength, it is much stronger than before.

This made Xiao Han very happy.

Compared with the spiritual energy in the body, it is much more difficult to increase the physical strength.

Now that Xiao Han's physical strength has been improved a lot with the help of Phoenix Essence Blood, then Xiao Han's ability to resist attacks has definitely become stronger.

In this way, Xiao Han will fight against people in the future, even if he is head-to-head with opponents of the same level, he can at least crush most of his opponents.

This kind of improvement is what Xiao Han cares most about.

Next, Xiao Han carefully examined the situation inside his body, but found nothing unusual.

Xiao Han slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Lu, I would like to ask you one thing. Why didn't you see the young master sent by the Demon Sovereign this time at a gathering of two tribes, three schools, and four schools?"

"Devil Emperor? Why did you suddenly ask about this?"

After thinking about it, Lu Chen remembered that this might be Xiao Han’s personal matter, and he chuckled softly, “You’re right. The Demon Sovereign did not send anyone to attend this three-door four-sect gathering, not just The Demon Emperor, even the Demon Emperor did not send anyone to participate."

"Why didn't they send someone to participate this time?"

"After a while, it will be the ten-year election of the city lord of the Demon Imperial City. The Demon Emperor and the Demon Clan are preparing for this matter, so they did not send anyone to participate in this three-door four-sect gathering."

"The city lord campaign? Does the city lord of the Demon Imperial City still need to campaign? Isn't it held by the great figure of the Demon Imperial Clan?" Xiao Han asked with a surprised look.

Lu Chen explained softly: "The city lord of the Demon Imperial City needs to run for election. Although the Demon Imperial City is respected by the Demon Imperial Clan, the Demon Imperial Clan has never paid much attention to the position of the city lord. After the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, they will become immortal. Even if the city lord of the Demon Imperial City is not a member of the Demon Imperial Clan, no one can shake the demon Imperial Clan’s lofty status, unless it is the Golden Dragon Clan, but the Golden Dragon Clan is even more irrelevant. Something in the refining domain."

"How did you choose this city owner?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

Lu Chen laughed and said: "I heard that you were going to the Demon Imperial City. It's better to go there yourself. I might also appear in the Demon Imperial City after a while, and I will run for the lord of the Demon Imperial City. It is not just the competition of the big players, the younger generation also has the opportunity to compete."

At this time, Cao Ci smiled and said: "For many years, my master used to win the championship of the younger generation in the city lord contest of the Demon Imperial City. It can be said that it is highly anticipated. After that, my master became Guiyuan. The head of the faction."

"That's something from when I was young, why did you mention it?" Lu Chen smiled slightly, saying so, still showing a hint of pride on his face.

"That's it."

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said softly: "Well, I just happened to be going to the Demon Imperial City, so I can join in the fun. In that case, it's better to say goodbye to my friends and I have two friends in Xingyu. Wait for me near the mountains. I'm going to find them, so I won't be on the same road with Lu Zhangmen."

"I know you have your arrangements, but in the future, if you have the opportunity, you can come to our Guiyuan faction and walk around. The door of our Guiyuan faction will always be open for you."

"Thank you, Lord Lu, for your kindness." Xiao Chong Lu Chen bowed.

Seeing that Xiao Han insisted on leaving, the leader of the Guiyuan faction Lu Chen didn't say much.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han took out a jade card from the Qiankun bag, then handed it to Xiao Han, and said softly, "Xiao Han, you can bring this jade card with you. You can go to our Guiyuan faction in the future. Relying on it, and you carry this jade card with you, I can quickly determine your position. If you encounter a moment of life and death, I can sense the broken jade card."

"Head of Lu, how did Xiao Han accept such a big gift?" Xiao Han was stunned.

"Accept it, this is something that the elders of the Guiyuan Sect must carry with them, not a precious magic weapon, and you, as the honorary elder of our Guiyuan Sect, are qualified to carry this jade medal and walk in the demon in the future. Near the imperial city, with this jade medal, you can also save a lot of minor troubles."

Seeing that Lu Chen, the leader of the Guiyuan faction, had said that it was worth it, Xiao Han could only nod his head gently, and took the jade card handed by Lu Chen with both hands and put it into the Universe Bag.

Then, Xiao Han once again held his fist toward the head of the Guiyuan Sect, Lu Chen, and said, "Thank you, head of Lu Chen for your love."

The head of the Guiyuan Sect Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand, patted Xiao Han's shoulder with his palm, and slowly said: "You have the opportunity to get that Tianzhu, it means that you have a fate with our Guiyuan Sect. Your talent and roots will surely be limitless in the future, come on, boy."

Xiao Han nodded silently.

Little Monster Beast Wangcai is very important to Xiao Han, and the head of the Guiyuan Sect, Lu Chen knows that the high-grade spirit tool once belonged to their Guiyuan Sect, but he has no strange thoughts.

Judging from the actions of Cao Ci and Lu Chen, Xiao Han can naturally clearly feel that this Guiyuan School has a decent manner and is a sect worthy of association.

Moreover, what the Guiyuan School valued was his talent and roots, as well as his potential in the future, which left some friendship.

Xiao Han also needs to make more friends as he grows up.

The growth of the strong is extremely boring, and Xiao Han gritted his teeth and carried it all alone.

Since his consciousness awakened, Xiao Han was able to cross the river alone by touching the stones and growing to the present level step by step. The hardships and difficulties encountered by Xiao Han are unimaginable for ordinary people.

Xiao Han was a casual cultivator from beginning to end, with no backing and background, working hard alone.

He is not like Li Chen, Ruan Qingqing, Wang Qiaoqiao, Cao Ci and others, who have a huge sect force behind them.

It is undeniable that the talents and roots of these geniuses are indeed outstanding, but Xiao Han's ability to fight his own skills step by step until now can surpass these big sects, it can be said that it is not easy.

Xiao Han is also very happy to be able to befriend a behemoth like the Guiyuan School.

The head of the Guiyuan Sect Lu Chen laughed softly: "When I return to the Guiyuan Sect, I will explain your matter to the other elders clearly. From today on, you will be our honorary elder of the Guiyuan Sect. Jianghu, if you need it, you can act under the banner of our Guiyuan faction. I believe you are a person."

Xiao Han nodded, of course he knew what to do.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't use this status as an honorary elder of the Guiyuan School.

Although the Guiyuan faction's overall strength is very strong, whether it is the Demon Clan or the Demon Emperor, they are not fuel-efficient lamps.

In particular, the Demon Sovereign hides so deeply that Xiao Han can't be sure of the opponent's true strength.

If Guiyuan was accidentally involved, it would be bad.

In any case, Xiao Han did not want his personal affairs to adversely affect the entire Guiyuan Sect.

"Well, since you have decided to go, I will not keep you, but I still want to remind you the following, you should be more careful when you walk outside. According to my estimation, I am afraid that the Star Meteorite Sect will not be so easy. It’s written off with you, and some small actions in private are affirmative, so even in the Demon Imperial City, you have to pay more attention to it. After all, the background of the Star Meteor Sect is very scary, and even our Guiyuan faction should be a little jealous." Lu Chendao, head of the Guiyuan faction.

"Thank you, head Lu, and brother Cao Ci, there will be some time later."

Xiao Han nodded slightly, then thanked Lu Chen and Cao Ci, the leaders of the Guiyuan faction.

After that, Xiao Han cast a wink at Chen Jinnan on the side, and the two of them flashed before they rushed directly out of the back of the flying behemoth and went into the forest.

Looking at the backs of Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan leaving, Lu Chen, head of the Guiyuan Sect, also let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Chen looked in the direction of Guiyuan Sect and muttered to himself: "Master, there is news about Tianzhu Shenjian. Don't worry, this time the master chosen by Tianzhu will definitely not let you down."

"Ci'er, let's go back."

As he said, Lu Chen stretched out his hand and the flying beast that was crawling on the top of the mountain immediately lifted off again, vibrating its giant wings, and quickly disappeared into the sky at a very fast speed.

Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan flashed down from the back of the flying behemoth. After a while, they both landed in a valley below.

Xiao Han looked up and watched the giant flying beast carrying Lu Chen and Cao Ci, the leaders of the Guiyuan Sect disappear into the sky.

Xiao Han lightly breathed a sigh of relief, this time the trip to Xingyizong finally passed smoothly.

It was enough to leave some incense with the Guiyuan Sect, and the rest was to rely on Xiao Han himself.

Arrived here, not far from Demon Imperial City.

In the next step, Xiao Han was about to set off directly in the direction of Demon Imperial City.

On the way to the Guiyuan faction, Lu Chen and Cao Ci were silent at first.

"Master, do you think Xingyizong will let Xiao Han go?" Cao Ci, who stood behind Lu Chen, pondered for a moment before thinking about it and asking softly.

"I know Shi Jingtian's personality very well. Although that guy seems to be very talkative on the surface, in fact, among the heads of the three sects and four sects, he is the most difficult to talk." Guiyuan faction head Lu Chen has a face. The violent anger on the upper hand also slowly receded, and he indulged for a moment, and said: "So I think the Star Meteorite Sect must not just let it go. I dare not mess around on the bright side. There must be small actions in private. Xiao Han goes to the demon. The imperial city, it is estimated that you will meet the people of Xingyizong again."

"Will Xiao Han be in danger?" Cao Ci said with some worry.

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