"Let's go, if you are on the way, of course you have to see Lu Xuan." Xiao Han said with a wry smile.

In any case, since he knew that Lu Xuan was not far away, of course Xiao Han would go to meet him.

"Let’s go, go to meet your two friends first, and then we will rush to a nearby city with room for teleportation, and then we can go to the city where Lu Xuan is located. There is a direct route to Demon Imperial City. Space transmission formation." Chen Jinnan smiled.

Hearing Chen Jinnan's "friend" with a special tone, Xiao Han shook his head with a wry smile and waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's go, soldiers will block the water and cover the earth." Xiao Han smiled: "Anyway, I just think our Lu Xuan is definitely not the kind of woman with a small belly."

Chen Jinnan didn't bother to care about Xiao Han's self-comfort.

Then, Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan summoned their weapons, and then the two of them flashed away into the distance directly into a brilliant light.

It wasn't until the two figures completely disappeared into the sky that the surrounding mountains fell into silence again.


Here is a strange space.

Here, it seems to be above the clouds.

Located at the edge of this space is a towering mountain peak, the entire mountain peak is surrounded by thick clouds, making the surrounding look like a fairyland.

Moreover, the most surprising thing is that these clouds are actually much denser than those near the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool.

What is contained in the mist is the aura that is pure to the atomized heaven and earth.

If other human race refiners or monster beast masters were in it, they would definitely be ecstatic.

Cultivating in this kind of environment, it's normal to make rapid progress.

Being surrounded by this kind of rich aura all the time, wouldn't it be possible to improve the realm and strength of cultivation to a very terrifying point?

There are countless dangerous peaks around this mountain.

Above the peaks and ridges, a line of cranes will occasionally fly over, and the sky will show off from time to time, like the sky on earth.

Occasionally, there will be a few glorious lights passing by in the clouds, and the faint aura radiating from these glorious lights is very powerful.

Any human qi refiner and monster beast master who appeared here would be amazed by these powerful auras.

On the top of this highest mountain, a figure of Miao Man sat cross-legged, and the surrounding aura of the world slowly gathered, directly into the body of this figure.

This Miaoman's figure wore a white dress and mopped the floor. It didn't look luxurious, but when she was sitting casually, she exuded a breathtaking noble breath all the time.

Just this kind of breath that comes out of the body is like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world, and it is easy for people to have a sense of only being able to see and not being playful.

If Xiao Han were here, he would naturally recognize it at a glance. This woman was the ninth princess of the dragon clan that he thought about day and night.

The extremely rich aura of heaven and earth around her was slowly hovering around her as if being called, as if she was very close to half.

After a while, the beautiful eyes of the nine princesses that had been closed slowly opened.

She frowned slightly, seeming a little angry.

However, this appearance of dignity, on the contrary, set off her more otherworldly and elegant temperament.

She slowly stood up, Miao Man's figure was particularly charming against the white dress.

Turning and looking behind him, he suddenly whispered, "Uncle Mo, come out."

After the nine princesses made their voices, the surroundings were silent, and it seemed that no one had arrived here.

Only after a while, a space in front of the nine princesses suddenly began to gradually twist.

Then, a middle-aged man walked out of the space rift.

The man was tall and his face was not angry or pretentious.

But when he appeared in front of the nine princesses, he immediately put on a respectful face.

He bowed to the nine princesses and laughed softly: "Congratulations to the nine princesses for their cultivation level again. It seems that you have been retreating here for a while, and you have gained a lot. I am still traveling through the void, you have already noticed it. I am rushing."

"Uncle Mo came to me, shouldn't it be for this?" At the compliment of this person, the nine princesses smiled and asked: "If you have anything, just tell me."

"Hehe, the nine princesses are wise, if there is nothing important, how dare I disturb you in your retreat practice."

The middle-aged man called Uncle Mo by the Ninth Princess slowly raised his head.

"Don't bother me about the dragon world. As you know, I always don't care." The Ninth Princess said casually.

After returning to the golden dragon clan, the nine princesses rarely interact with other people in the clan, let alone take care of the affairs of the clan. This is well known.

Of course, it is estimated that no one except Xiao Han knows that the nine princesses are trying to prevent the old guys from the clan from seeing her body.

Mo Fan chuckled and said softly, "How dare I disturb the Ninth Princess with such a small matter? It's what you ordered me to have an eyebrow. I believe the Ninth Princess must be related, so I came to see you as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the eyes of the nine princesses, who had originally been calm and calm, lighted up, and asked with interest: "Hurry up and talk about it."

Mo Fan nodded, and then slowly said: "The news I just collected, the human youth named Xiao Han has just left from the Star Meteorite Sect in the past few days. He seems to have some conflicts with the Star Meteorite Sect. The look has been resolved."


The figure of the Ninth Princess trembled slightly at this moment, with an expression of excitement on her face that could not be concealed.

The Ninth Princess took a deep breath and quickly asked: "Can you be that Xiao Han?"

"It should be the guy the Ninth Princess asked me to pay attention to. This person has recently become famous near Demon Imperial City, and he has turned the entire Star Meteorite Sect upside down." Mo Fan smiled.

Hearing this, the nine princesses' fresh and elegant face suddenly revealed a rare surprise.

"Uncle Mo, sit down and tell me how the guy named Xiao Han is so famous."

The nine princesses at this time, compared to the noble and elegant before, a bit more feminine and feminine.

When the nine princesses heard of the conflict between Xiao Han and Xingyizong, two lights flashed in their eyes.

She pondered for a moment, then said softly: "Uncle Mo, I need you to do me a favor."

The middle-aged man named Mo Fan hurriedly bowed and said, "Please tell me the nine princesses."

The nine princesses' complexion sank, and she whispered: "You help me send someone to the Star Meteorite Sect and knock those who don't open their eyes. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Subordinates obey."

After a while, the middle-aged man named Mo Fan disappeared out of thin air again, leaving only the nine princesses standing there.

After pondering for a while, the Ninth Princess looked up at the clouds and mist above her head, and sighed faintly, "You bad guy, how long will it take to find me..."


In the endless sky, two brilliant lights flashed past.

"I know the small city you are talking about. It is a place called Liushuang City on the edge of the Xingyi Mountain Range. It was originally not far from Xingyifeng Peak, but the route that Lu Zhangmen and the others took was the same as Liushuang. The city is just the opposite, so it takes about half a day for us to fly like this with a sword."

While on the way, Chen Jinnan who was walking in front suddenly turned back and said to Xiao Han.

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry, it's getting late, we can just find a cave here to stay overnight." Xiao Han nodded.

Anyway, Empress Yumei and Luoluo were waiting in Liushuang City, not in a hurry.

"There is no need to rest, there is not much distance left."

Chen Jinnan suddenly reminded: "Xiao Han, you said that although we have deliberately bypassed the Xingyi Mountain now, shouldn't you dress up again? What if Xingyi Sect wants to secretly attack you? Are we too? Beware?"

"What you said makes sense."

Xiao Han naturally agreed with Chen Jinnan's proposal.

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan faction before, also reminded this.

Although the Star Meteorite Sect announced in front of everyone that their grievances between Xing Meteo Sect and Xiao Han had been wiped out, who could guarantee that Xing Meteorite Sect would not secretly act?

And although this is not the site of the Xingyi Sect, it is not far away, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be discovered by the people of the Xingyi Sect.

Xiao Han has just left Xingyifeng, so it is better not to be discovered by the people of Xingyizong at this time.

Xiao Han took out the dough left by Cao Ci from Qiankun's bag.

"If you want me to tell me not only I want to disguise myself, people from the Star Meteorite Sect also know you, or do you have one too?"

With that, Xiao Han stopped slowly and handed Chen Jinnan a piece of dough.


Chen Jinnan stretched out his hand to take a piece of dough from Xiao Han's hand, then poured aura into it, wiped it on his face, and changed his appearance.

Although this kind of skin is easy to be dismantled in front of some powerhouses in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, it is still very effective to confuse those Human Race refiners and monster masters below the Tribulation Period realm.

Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan changed their appearances at the same time, looking at each other very strangely.

The two laughed.

After an hour, the sky was getting darker.

At the end of the sight of Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan, a city outline faintly appeared.

The city is not very majestic, but its walls are strong, and it seems that its popularity is not weak.

"Xiao Han, the Frost City is ahead, let's speed up a little bit, or it will get dark after we wait."

Then, Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan once again increased their speed to the peak, and flashed away to the distant Frost City.

Although Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan had been able to faintly see Frost City at the end of their sights before, Chen Jinnan's speed was much slower than Xiao Han, and Xiao Han could only fly at the speed of Chen Jinnan's sword.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan rushed to the outside of Frost City.

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