The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2348: Destructively

The phoenix phantom that was originally condensed by a series of fierce Qi Jin, after it collapsed, the residual Qi Jin burst out in all directions with astonishing speed.

Every remaining energy contains a terrifying aura and unparalleled destructive power.

Although most of these remaining energy will be offset after encountering the shock wave of the sword energy bursting, and finally completely turned into nothingness.

But after the phoenix collapsed, there were still waves of terrifying shock waves, and the last remaining sword qi was used for consumption.

The fierce atmosphere on the court spread, making the entire square filled with smoke and dust, a mess.

Xiao Han's eyes were still staring at the place where the wasp broke, even if some residual aura passed by him with a fierce wind, Xiao Han didn't care.

After the body of that phoenix shattered, a thick smoke appeared around Ruan Qingqing's body, and Xiao Han's eyes were staring at the smoke.

After a while, all the smoke and dust suddenly shrank. Suddenly, a figure of Miao Man flashed out of the smoke and dust, leaving behind afterimages.

Looking at the direction of the figure flashing, Xiao Han knew that Ruan Qingqing wanted to escape.

Xiao Han was waiting for this moment, how could Ruan Qingqing leave easily?

At the moment when this figure just swept the smoke and dust, Xiao Han grinned, and the next moment, Xiao Han's body disappeared on the spot out of thin air.

Where Xiao Han passed, a series of afterimages appeared out of thin air.

And Xiao Han's figure chased after him with a terrifying speed.

When Xiao Han appeared behind Ruan Qingqing, he blasted out with a flat punch.

"Shoo, hoo..."

When Xiao Han appeared behind Ruan Qingqing and threw a punch, a soft whip with fierce vigor hit Xiao Han's face.

Xiao Han could clearly see that the soft whip was only half of it. It seemed that it was the soft whip that he had cut off with the Sky Sword before.

Xiao Lian laughed, and it was natural to deal with such a trick.

Reaching out and grabbing, Xiao Han grabbed the fast-attack soft whip, and pulled hard, Xiao Han's figure just took advantage of the force above to rush forward.

The whole figure was like galloping lightning, and it slammed into it like this.

Xiao Han could clearly feel his body hitting a soft body.

The swift force directly knocked the slim figure into the ground.


Ruan Qingqing yelled angrily, and his whole figure hit the ground like this.


The huge impact force directly smashed the ground out of a deep pit, and all of Ruan Qingqing's figure sank in.


Looking at Ruan Qingqing who was smashed to the ground by Xiao Han, there were screams of exclamation on the court.

Many people watched this scene blankly.

This Xiao Han is too uncomfortable with Xiangyu, right?

Then, a beautiful woman who is so beautiful, can she hit so hard?

Xiao Han really turned a deaf ear to Ruan Qingqing's scolding and these exclamations around him.

As soon as Ruan Qingqing was knocked down into the pit, Xiao Han grinned in midair.

Then, the whole figure flashed, and he stepped on it among countless gazes with shocked faces around him.

The people around couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Xiao Han actually stepped on Ruan Qingqing's head.

Is this... so cruel?

Looking at Xiao Han's posture, if Ruan Qingqing's head was trampled by Xiao Han, wouldn't it be blooming?

"Fuck it, smashing flowers?"

"Really cruel, this Xiao Han is too cruel."

"Nima, I am kneeling..."

Xiao Han's sudden and violent behavior made everyone around him look dull.

Xiao Han is going to kill him?

Regardless of Ruan Qingqing’s sect background, how can you give up after killing Ruan Qingxing’s Meteorite Sect?

Moreover, Ruan Qingqing has an outstanding appearance and appearance. Facing such a character stunner, Xiao Han is so cruel in people's hearts?

But now Xiao Han stepped on his foot fiercely. Seeing his straightforward fierceness, he stepped on like an ant without hesitation.

Xiao Han's ruthless move so straightforwardly made everyone present stunned.

Xiao Han shot... the speed of his kick was amazing, and he did not intend to give anyone a chance to come to rescue.

Even the Sect Master Shi Jingtian, who was sitting at the top, was stunned on the spot.

After a while, Xiao Han's foot slammed on Ruan Qingqing's head.

At this moment, the audience was dead.


Xiao Han stomped Ruan Qingqing's head with the soles of his feet, but there was no picture of blood splashing in his imagination.

Xiao Han stepped into the deep pit, and the soles of his feet passed directly through Ruan Qingqing's body.

It turned out that when Xiao Han stepped on Ruan Qingqing's head, Ruan Qingqing's entire figure had gradually turned into nothingness.

This sudden change on the court made everyone look astonished.

Many people did not react for a short time, what happened on the court.

This series of things just happened between the electric light and flint, and there was not enough time to think.


With the soles of his feet stomping on the air, Xiao Han didn't have a trace of surprise on his face.

Before Xiao Han's figure crossed the afterimage left by Ruan Qingqing and fell into the pit, Xiao Han's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, Xiao Han directly appeared in another corner of the field, and without hesitation, he slammed a punch into the space in front of him.

With this punch, Xiao Han seemed to be hitting the air, but with the extremely fast speed and unparalleled strength, even the surrounding space had cracks.

When Xiao Han's fist was about to be completely missed, in front of Xiao Han's fist, a figure of Miao Man suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"how is this possible?"

Ruan Qingqing exclaimed. She really couldn't understand why Xiao Han could predict her trajectory in advance?

But at this time Ruan Qingqing had no time to think about it. Xiao Han's punch would take her straight to the face, if it was true. Ruan Qingqing's jade face is about to be ruined.

Unable to defend himself, Ruan Qingqing could only subconsciously push his palms forward.

It just happened to collide with Xiao Han's punch.


With a low muffled sound, Ruan Qingqing only felt that two domineering forces came from between his arms.

This force directly blasted Ruan Qingqing's figure.

The whole figure flew out several tens of meters and fell directly out of the field.

After finally reluctantly stabilizing her figure, Ruan Qingqing's face flushed, and a trace of scarlet blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.


The audience was in an uproar.

Xiao Han was able to crush Ruan Qingqing.

With this punch just now, even Ruan Qingqing couldn't dodge it.

Ruan Qingqing was injured, and it seemed that his injuries were not minor.

"Could it be that you forgot? I also practiced Fengyun Transformation Body, and my Fengyun Transformation Body is not worse than yours."

Xiao Han smiled at Ruan Qingqing, whose face turned from flushing to pale in an instant.

Being able to predict his own trajectory in advance, this proves that Xiao Han's cultivating situation is very changeable, and there is no need for Ruan Qingqing to be weak, or even stronger.

Seeing this scene, all the sect disciples of the Star Meteorite Sect on the field looked dumbfounded.

No one would believe that the Xiao Han in front of him had only been practicing Fengyun and transforming his body for less than three months.

Ruan Qingqing looked at Xiao Han with a smile on his face.

Today’s battle was the worst defeat for Ruan Qingqing once he became famous.

Moreover, it was still defeated by Xiao Han, who was still unknown a month or two ago.

Ruan Qingqing didn't expect that, in front of Xiao Han, he didn't even have a chance to escape.

In the scene just now, Xiao Han was chasing her and hitting, and she could not resist the seemingly ordinary punch from the other party.

This caused Ruan Qingqing to humiliate.

That kind of unwillingness and anger rolled in Ruan Qingqing's mind.

She is the heavenly daughter of Xingyizong, a genius in everyone's eyes, she can't just be defeated like this.

Thinking of this, Ruan Qingqing's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce look.

Although the injury was not light, Ruan Qingqing's combat strength was still there.

Just when Ruan Qingqing was about to urge all the remaining spiritual energy in his body to attack again, Ruan Qingqing suddenly stiffened and a look of surprise appeared on Ruan Qingqing's face.

A figure appeared behind Ruan Qingqing like a ghost, and a cold palm squeezed her slender jade neck like iron tongs.

However, Xiao Han's figure is still standing not far in front of her, so who is behind her?

"What? Are you not convinced to lose?"

At this time, before Ruan Qingqing could react, a voice with cold killing intent suddenly came from behind him.

It was this voice that made Ruan Qingqing's whole heart ashamed.

The voice behind it was also Xiao Han's voice, and it was Xiao Han standing in front of Ruan Qingqing.

Two Xiao Han.

At this moment, Ruan Qingqing already understood.

Because of this, Ruan Qingqing's face is hard to see the extreme.

She never expected that Xiao Han had not only stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period in such a short time, but had already surpassed her in combat power.

More importantly, Ruan Qingqing had already felt that Xiao Han not only surpassed her in strength, but even Xiao Han's talent and roots left her far behind.

Suddenly two Xiao Han appeared on the court. This scene made the whole audience boil.

"Doppelgänger? Is this a phantom doppelganger?"

"How is it possible? How is it possible? This is impossible..."

"Xiao Han actually cultivated the Fengyun Transformation Body of the Star Meteorite Sect to this point, is this a real genius?"

"No, he is not a genius, he is an evildoer...only an evildoer can do it."


Countless people watched this scene on the field dumbfounded, and Xiao Han appeared one after the other, isn't this the famous Fengyun Transfiguration of Xingyizong?

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