The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2347: Divine Phoenix Body Break

The most ugly face on the court is the master stone of the Star Meteorite Sect.

At this time, Shi Jingtian's face had become very gloomy.

The scene before him was a situation that Shi Jingtian had never expected.

As Ruan Qingqing's mentor, Shi Jingtian naturally knew how strong Ruan Qingqing was.

Because of this, Shi Jingtian felt even more incredible.

Could Xiao Han's offensive actually crack Ruan Qingqing's Shenfeng guard?

how can that be?

Isn't it possible that only a master at the peak of the Cross Tribulation Stage 7th Heaven Tribulation level can break Ruan Qingqing's defense horse?

Xiao Han is just a strength that has just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, not to mention the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation, even the Third Heavenly Tribulation hasn't passed through yet.

However, this scene made Shi Jingtian and the others clearly see that the crack on the phoenix phantom was slowly expanding.

Although it is unbelievable, but now the facts are before us.

Not only Shi Jingtian, but also the faces of Great Elder Wan Jianyi and Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan were a bit ugly.

Unlike the gloomy expressions of the master of the Xingyi Sect, Shi Jingtian and the others, Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"Hahaha... not bad, not bad, this little guy is still good, the old man did not misunderstand him."

Lu Chen laughed. Lu Chen was very satisfied with Xiao Han's combat effectiveness.

Although the competition is not over yet, Xiao Han's combat effectiveness has already surprised Lu Chen.

From the beginning of the competition, Xiao Han's performance made Lu Chen feel very surprised.

Lu Chen was thinking before that since Xiao Han's opponent was Ruan Qingqing, the best result was that Xiao Han lost, but just don't lose too badly under Ruan Qingqing.

Even if he retreats from a serious injury, returning Xiao Han to the Yuan faction will naturally take some time and energy to recover.

As for Xiao Han's defeat of Ruan Qingqing, Lu Chen hadn't really thought about such a good situation.

Although Lu Chen also knew that Xiao Han was able to be recognized by that high-grade spirit weapon, he must have extremely good qualities.

But there is no way, Ruan Qingqing of the Star Meteorite Sect is often too famous, and Lu Chen has also watched Ruan Qingqing grow up all the way. Lu Chen is also very clear about Ruan Qingqing's strength. Ruan Qingqing is not an ordinary character.

With nine days of phoenix essence and blood in her body, her body is another monster. Coupled with the careful cultivation of the master Shi Jingtian in the Star Meteorite Sect, Ruan Qingqing's combat power is definitely far superior to his peers.

Seeing this scene, Danxia Sect Master Han Shuang was also stunned on the spot.

Obviously, Han Shuang did not expect that Xiao Han would actually be able to defeat Ruan Qingqing's divine phoenix body, which was beyond Han Shuang's expectation.

"What is the origin of this Xiao Han?"

"This guy actually seems to have emerged out of thin air. He is able to perform such a powerful technique, and this guy has amazing talents and strong foundations. Is it really just a casual cultivator? I don't know which one it is. It was taught..."

Danxiazong's Han Shuang had a contemplative look. She really couldn't figure it out. Is such an excellent guy really just a casual cultivator?

If there is no expert guidance, how could it be possible to cultivate to the peak of the Tribulation Period at such a young age?

No matter how good Xiao Han's talents and roots are, at least he needs a master of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, right?

Moreover, even if the top powerhouses near Demon Imperial City can teach such excellent disciples, haven't I heard of Xiao Han as the number one person near Demon Imperial City?

Han Shuang didn't believe the Mochizuki Gate.

How could a small sect cultivate such an excellent disciple?

Around the competition venue, Wang Qiaoqiao and Cao Ci, as well as the pale Li Chen after being defeated by Xiao Han, also looked at the phoenix phantom in mid-air with a look of astonishment.

Especially Li Chen of Huangquanmen almost stared out.

Seeing this scene, Li Chen couldn't help but feel soft.

Just the trick that Xiao Han used. If Xiao Han used it when he was fighting against him before, I am afraid he would not only be injured and defeated, but it would be the most basic thing to be severely wounded. Maybe in the end, Li Chen wouldn't even have a chance to escape under Xiao Han's hands.

"Even Ruan Qingqing's divine phoenix body can't resist Xiao Han's sword aura? The fighting power of this fellow Xiao Han is really terrifying, right?"

Cao Ci stared at the two figures in the air, and finally Cao Ci couldn't help but exclaim.

To become the best figure among the young generation of Guiyuan faction, only Ruan Qingqing can win the game.

Characters like Cao Ci have always been very proud, even Ruan Qingqing dare not say that he is better than him.

But now, Cao Ci has been deeply shocked by the combat power shown by Xiao Han.

Xiao Han's combat effectiveness was not inferior to him at all, and even Ruan Qingqing was not even Xiao Han's opponent.

These three sects and four geniuses are actually no better than a casual cultivator?

This makes it difficult for Cao Ci to accept it for a while.

But thinking of this, Cao Ci was a little grateful, fortunate that he had left some friendship with Xiao Han when he was in Beiyue Peak.

Becoming friends with people like Xiao Han is really a kind of happiness. If you accidentally become enemies, people like Xiao Han are likely to become nightmares.

Hearing Cao Ci's sigh, Wang Qiaoqiao on the side also nodded in admiration.

Even though Wang Qiaoqiao knew that this guy named Xiao Han must not be simple because of various deeds with Xingyizong.

But because of being the best young genius among the Three Sects and Four Sects, Wang Qiaoqiao didn't actually put Xiao Han in his equal position.

However, in the current contest, Wang Qiaoqiao was overwhelmed by Xiao Han's terrifying combat power.

Even Wang Qiaoqiao was astonished by Xiao Han's combat power. If Wang Qiaoqiao played against Xiao Han on the court, she might not be able to resist it now.

Hearing Wang Qiaoqiao and Cao Ci sighed for the deep shock, Li Chen looked bitter.

After being defeated by Xiao Han, Li Chen was very unwilling, thinking that even if Xiao Han was placed in Ruan Qingqing's hands, Li Chen would still find a chance to take revenge.

However, just now, Li Chen suddenly discovered that Xiao Han's defeat of himself was definitely not a fluke, he did indeed have the strength to surpass himself.

If Li Chen still wanted to deal with Xiao Han after this competition, he would probably be humiliated by himself.

After Xiao Han's sword aura burst open, shock waves slammed into the phantom phoenix.

Every time the impact of the impact force, the Haoguang on the surface of the phoenix phantom trembles violently, and the Haoguang begins to become more and more dimmed, and the cracks on the phoenix phantom begin to spread gradually. Come, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the cracks become more and more obvious.

With waves of impact exerted on the phoenix phantom, at the last moment, Ruan Qingqing's divine phoenix body finally couldn't hold on.


From the body of the phoenix phantom, a slight cracking sound suddenly occurred.

"Crack, click..."

Soon, the subtle cracking sound became more and more obvious, almost covering the entire body of the phoenix.

This shattered sound was not loud, but it clearly passed into the ears of every human race refiner and monster beast master present.

In this piece, the audience was dead silent.

Countless people cast their gazes in the air with a dull face.

This contest between Ruan Qingqing and Xiao Han seems to be about to be determined soon.

Not far from the phantom of the Phoenix, Xiao Han was quietly suspended in mid-air.

At this time, Xiao Han's pale expression became more and more obvious.

The sword aura of the sky sword just now condensed Xiao Han's most powerful attack.

This is the strongest method Xiao Han has used in practicing so many years with the Sky Sword.

The power of that sword aura was terrifying, but in order to perform that trick, the consumption of aura in Xiao Han's body was also terrifying.

Xiao Han stared at the phantom phoenix that had wrapped Ruan Qingqing.

Although there were more and more cracks on the Phoenix's body, and it became more and more obvious, but Xiao Han did not relax at all because of this.

After so many years of combat experience, Xiao Han has developed a habit of not underestimating any opponent.

And no matter what opponent you are fighting with, you should never feel that the battle is completely over until the last minute.

Only the dead will have no resistance.

Underestimate any opponent, and maybe the one who suffers in the end is yourself.

Many strong men have died in Xiao Han's hands over the years, and many of them want to fight for their lives before they die.

Even the powerhouse of Chen Huohuo of the Starfall Sect will choose to expose himself at the last minute desperately. Now in front of Ruan Qingqing, Xiao Han will naturally not let up.

Taking out a few eighth-order demon pills from the Qiankun bag directly into his mouth for refining, at this time, the most important thing is to restore the state as soon as possible.

With a face quickly refining the Tier 8 Demon Pill in his body, Xiao Han stared at the cracks in his body, making the phoenix phantom more and more obvious.


After a while, the cracks on the phoenix phantom's body accelerated and spread, and finally spread over the entire body of the phoenix. The impact force from the burst of the sword energy violently hit the phoenix's body. Above the phantom.


The last collision made a loud noise like a landslide.

Countless people watched this scene dumbfounded, even the ears were buzzing under the huge sound and they couldn't take care of it.

Everyone was surprised to find that the phoenix that had wrapped Ruan Qingqing's body trembled fiercely, and the cracks revealed a great light.


In the end, the phoenix condensed from Ruan Qingqing's divine phoenix body was finally completely shattered.

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