The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2349: Strength rolling

Especially the sect disciples of the Star Meteorite Sect on the field, they seemed to have received 10,000 critical hits.

A guy who had just come into contact with Fengyun's Transformation Body, it only took more than two months to condense a clone.

Let alone how strong he condensed the clone is, just by being able to condense the clone, he has already cultivated Fengyun Transformation to the point of completion.

This alone made Xiao Han surpass most of the Xiaoyao Sect disciples on the field.

Don't show those sect disciples, even some of the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect can't compare to Xiao Han's transformation in Fengyun.

The Sect Master Shi Jingtian and Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect were both surprised.

The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They knew very well that if Xiao Han had really cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to this point in just three months, it would show that Xiao Han's talents and roots are stronger than all the Star Meteor Sect disciples present. Many.

This made Shi Jingtian and Wan Jian an idea at the same time.

Is it true that what Xiao Han said before is true?

Did he really see Guo Yi show Fengyun Transformation Body by imitating it?

Ruan Qingqing sighed slightly. She knew that today was the hardest day she had been hit since she started practicing.

He was already the best figure around Demon Imperial City, but he didn't expect that a peer who suddenly stood up would directly surpass him.

This made Ruan Qingqing feel much hit.

The eyes of the audience were staring at the two Xiao Han on the field.

After a while, the figure of Xiao Han standing in front of Ruan Qingqing gradually disappeared.

That was a clone that Xiao Han had transformed into. Many people had already noticed it. The clone's strength was not strong, and there was no way to compare it with the body.

It's just that after Xiao Han was able to fly Ruan Qingqing in a single punch, he would hide his avatar to confuse everyone, but the body quietly used space shuttle to appear behind Ruan Qingqing, and this fighting consciousness alone was about to reach the point of surrogacy. Up.

Everyone looked at the palm of the hand that pinched Ruan Qingyu's neck, and many people could feel the murderous aura on Xiao Han's face.

At this moment, the outcome is divided.

The entire star meteor peak fell into a dead silence.

This much-anticipated young generation's pinnacle matchup finally came out.

It's just that the final result is really unexpected.

Ruan Qingqing is very famous in the area around Demon Imperial City, as long as the human race refiner has basically heard of Ruan Qingqing's name.

This celestial lady of the Starfall Sect is an idol worshipped by countless young Qi refiners.

But now, this little girl of the sky, who was rare in Xingyizong for a hundred years, was defeated by this guy named Xiao Han.

In addition to the look of consternation on the court, there are actually many people who have quite ugly faces.

Not only those sect disciples of Xingyi Sect, but also Sect Master Shi Jingtian, Wan Jianyi, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan and others all had their faces sinking.

They never thought that Ruan Qingqing would be defeated by Xiao Han.

This result is shocking.

In this way, it is impossible for their Star Meteorite Sect to trouble Xiao Han anymore. Even if they want to deal with Xiao Han in the future, unless it is a one-shot kill, people will know that their Star Meteorite Sect has no faith. I am afraid that the reputation of Xingyizong will fall to the bottom.

Moreover, today's battle made Xiao Han famous.

Defeating Ruan Qingqing can make Xiao Han the hottest figure near Demon Imperial City by virtue of Ruan Qingqing's reputation.

All the sect disciples and elders of the Star Meteorite Sect hadn't recovered for a long time.

Wan Jianyi looked at Xiao Han below with a gloomy expression. He didn't expect this guy to grow up at an incredible speed.

Two months ago, the guy who could be chased by Wan Jianyi on the run, unexpectedly completed the transcendence by himself.

Although Wan Jianyi didn't say anything, what I have to admit is that even Wan Jianyi can't take it lightly.

Compared with the gloomy faces of Sect Master Shi Jingtian and Great Elder Wan Jianyi, Lu Chen, head of the Guiyuan Sect, had a lighthearted expression.

Lu Chen was amazed by Xiao Han's performance just now.

I have to admit that the master's vision of the top-grade spiritual tool left by the ancestors of the Guiyuan School is very unique.

"It's no wonder that our ancestors of the Guiyuan Sect have to leave a legacy specially. It seems that this top-grade spiritual tool still has a vicious vision of the owner. If such an excellent young descendant can join our Guiyuan Sect, the future will be boundless. We The Guiyuan Sect lives as the head of the three sects and four sects, and it is definitely just around the corner." The head of the Guiyuan Sect Lu Chen was filled with emotion.

Under everyone's gaze, Ruan Qingjiao's entire body stiffened completely.

Ruan Qingqing didn't dare to move the gloomy murderous aura from the palm of his back neck.

Even the intention was seen through by Xiao Han, and Ruan Qingqing was desperate.

The killing intent in what Xiao Han just said made no secret, which made Ruan Qingqing no doubt that if he made another shot, Xiao Han behind him would definitely kill the killer.

This gave Ruan Qingqing an unprecedented level of fear.

But soon, Ruan Qingqing felt a feeling of humiliation.

With her identity and status, in front of thousands of people, Xiao Han was so embarrassed by her neck.

After so many years, when was Ruan Qingqing treated like this?

Ruan Qingqing gritted his teeth and felt the murderous aura coming from behind him.

Ruan Qingqing, who was once so lonely and arrogant, that few people could get into her eyes, couldn't help but show a trace of sorrow again.

Instead of being so humiliated by Xiao Han, it is better to die happily.

Suddenly, Ruan Qingqing forcibly urged the aura in his body to run.

Ruan Qingqing's whole body appeared again with fierce auras.

Seeing Ruan Qingqing still wanting to fight her stubbornly, Xiao Lian laughed: "Come on, do you think I dare not make a ruthless hand?"

With that, the surging aura in Xiao Han's body burst out along the palm of his hand, and then violently collided with the fierce aura from Ruan Qingqing's body.

Since Xiao Han has the strength to defeat Ruan Qingqing, he naturally has the ability to make Ruan Qingqing immobile.

At the moment Ruan Qingqing has been suppressed by Xiao Han to death. At this time Ruan Qingqing still wants to force a shot, so he can only ask for trouble.

This scene on the field made the hearts of Xingyizong's Shi Jingtian and Wan Jianyi's hearts tight.

Ruan Qingqing still wants to make a move, doesn't it give Xiao Han a chance to make a ruthless hand?

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