The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2287: Through the mist

As Xiao Han had expected, with Empress Yumei's lead, the whole process went smoothly.

Although the surrounding clouds were still thick and she couldn't see anything clearly, but with Empress Yumei, she could vaguely feel whether the road ahead was obstructed.

Although Empress Yumei would sometimes stop to find her feelings, she still didn't encounter any problems with the general route.

And along the way, Xiao Han and others did not encounter an attack or a sneak attack by a giant wolf spider, and it is not known whether it was because Empress Yumei completely avoided those giant wolf spiders, or because of the piece given by Lu Ren. Token, let the surrounding giant wolf spiders let Xiao Han and others go.

However, the journey was very calm, which made Xiao Han feel relieved.

In this cloud of invisible clouds, Xiao Han would also find it a bit tricky if he really encountered a sneak attack by a giant wolf spider.

Despite Xiao Han's strength, there should be no problem dealing with those giant wolf spiders.

However, Empress Yumei and Luoluo were still nearby.

When the time comes, Xiao Han will inevitably have to be distracted to deal with the giant wolf spider, and also find a way to protect Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

This is not the scariest.

What Xiao Han was most worried about was that once he started the business, he might easily disperse in this kind of cloud and fog.

As long as he moved a little, it was really difficult for Xiao Han to find where Empress Yumei and Xiao Han were.

Fortunately, it was calm along the way.

After walking forward in this way for about half an hour, Xiao Han gradually noticed that the surrounding clouds seemed to gradually become thinner.

"I'm going to get out of the mist soon. Fortunately, there are no dangers along the way."

At this time, Empress Yumei's relieved voice came from the front.

Coming along the way, Empress Yumei was engrossed and consumed her energy. Now she was finally about to get out of this misty array, and Empress Yumei's hanging heart gradually fell.

After hearing Empress Yumei's prompt, Xiao Han and Luo Luo behind them both let out a sigh of relief.

Soon, Xiao Han felt a breeze blowing on his face, gradually dispersing the dense fog around him.

It seems that they really passed the fog array without any risk. Now, Xiao Han and others can see the surrounding scenery.

What appeared in the eyes of Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others was an extremely majestic mountain.

Xiao Han was standing under the top of the mountain, not far from the top.

Only when you reach the top of the peak can you feel how majestic the entire Beiyue Peak is.

Even the tip of a mountain is already magnificent.

The breeze came, and there was a refreshing breath. Xiao Han and others who walked out of the mist just felt refreshed.

In front is the winding mountain road, which is very steep and surrounded by piles of rocks.

It's just that among such piles of rocks, huge spiders crawl by from time to time.

These spiders are smaller than those magic spiders Xiao Han encountered in Penglai Wonderland before, but they are already quite big.

These should be the giant wolf spiders in Beiyue Peak.

However, it seems that these spiders are not afraid of people. After Xiao Han and others appeared, many giant wolf spiders began to gather slowly.

"These are the giant wolf spiders on the top of Beiyue Peak. We have their patriarch's token in hand. It is estimated that they will not act rashly." Seeing the giant wolf spiders around, Xiao Han quickly reminded.

"Good." Empress Yumei and Luo Luo nodded at the same time.

Empress Yumei touched the little demon beast Wangcai she was holding in her arms, and she pointed to a valley not far in front and smiled: "Not far in front, it should be the Universe Terrace. If you want to enter the Heavenly Thunder Pool, you must To go to the Universe Stage to accept the challenge, only the human race refiners and monster beast masters who have successfully overcome various challenges are qualified to approach the Tianlei Pool."

"Qiankun Terrace?" Xiao Han was taken aback when he heard this.

He thought of the Qiankuntai mentioned by Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School.

At that time, Cao Ci seemed to have said something. He reminded Xiao Han that if there is a chance to walk to the Universe Terrace, maybe the two of them can work together.

"I think there should be a lot of human refiners and monster beast masters who came before us, and there must be a lot of people who accept the challenge." Empress Yumei smiled.

"It should be lost, but I guess someone who has the ability to get here, the ability must be no small, the cultivation level and strength must be very high, it seems that the competition will be fierce." Xiao Han couldn't help sighing.

But despite saying that, there was no fear on Xiao Han's face, instead there was a trace of fiery heat.

"Let's go and see if we can grab a spot in the Heavenly Thunder Pool from those guys."

As he said, Xiao Han laughed, his whole figure flashed, and he rushed to the valley first.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo followed behind.

In a valley from the top of Beiyue Peak, there is a very wide open platform.

The entire high platform is paved with an unknown stone.

At the end of the platform, there is a stone step, which seems to lead to the top of Beiyue Peak.

However, at the entrance of the stone steps, many giant wolf spiders are now guarding them.

Outside the platform, dozens of figures stood.

Among these people, they are fully guarded against each other, keeping a certain distance.

of course.

There are also some people who stand together in twos and threes, which look like a makeshift partnership.

Most of them found a place to stand, and did not interfere with others around them.

Before Xiao Han arrived, most of these people were closing their eyes and resting, and only a few of them were talking in low voices.

From time to time, someone glanced at the stone steps at the end of the platform.

There is the passage leading to the Tianlei Pool on the top of Beiyue Peak.

Soon, the stage of the universe will start to become lively, and only after passing the test on the stage of the universe, will you be eligible to climb the stone steps and walk towards Tianlei Pool.

Among the dozens of figures, several figures were the focus of attention.

One of them is a wonderful figure.

This woman is elegant, fresh and refined, and her appearance attracts most people's attention.

she was. Among several focus figures, it is the most concerned.

If Xiao Han were here, he would naturally recognize it at a glance, and that the opponent was Miss Ruan Qingqing from Xingyizong.

In addition to Ruan Qingqing, there is also Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School standing in a corner.

Not far behind Ruan Qingqing, is that Ouyang Feng, who has been suppressed by Ruan Qingqing's limelight, but is actually very strong.

Huangquanmen Li Chen who had tried Xiao Han was also among them.

There are also a few others, the aura radiating from their bodies is not weak, they seem to be among the three sects and four sects, or the younger generation of outstanding people from other forces near the Demon Imperial City.

Ruan Qingqing's gaze would occasionally swept across the mountain road leading here.

But gradually, the corners of Ruan Qingqing's mouth curled slightly, revealing a touch of disdain.

In her opinion, the guy named Xiao Han could not even reach the Universe Platform, and he didn't know where he was capable of escape from the hands of the Great Elder Wan Jianyi.

It seems that he is another guy who has lost his name.

"Clang clang..."

At this moment, a rapid bell began to ring in the valley.

At this time, an old figure appeared out of thin air on the Universe Stage.

This person was as short as Lu Ren, but he looked much older than Lu Ren.

"I am the grand elder of the giant wolf spider clan."

The old man with an old face slowly walked to the edge of the Universe Terrace, his eyes swept among dozens of figures.

Whispered softly: "Time is almost up, the approach of Tianlei Pond will begin soon."

When the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan appeared, everyone turned their attention.

And Ruan Qingqing no longer pays attention to the direction leading to the mountain road.

Originally, she still had some expectations, and competed with that guy named Xiao Han on the Qiankun Bag.

But now it seems that that guy can't even get here, it seems that he should be trapped in the mist formation.

If you can't even reach this Universe Terrace, what qualifications do you have to challenge Ruan Qingqing?

Not even qualified to be her opponent.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Just as everyone just turned their attention to the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan, a breaking wind suddenly sounded on the mountain road behind him.

Immediately afterwards, three figures shot towards here from the mountain road.

These three figures were extremely fast, and soon appeared behind everyone.

"It looks like I'm not late, the test of this Universe Platform seems to have not yet begun."

At this time, a hearty laughter spread, and soon the three figures of Xiao Han, Yumei Empress, and Luolu appeared behind everyone.

Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help but look back.

Some people who didn't know Xiao Han naturally stopped paying attention after a glance.

However, the expressions on the faces of the few people in the crowd changed a little after seeing Xiao Han rushing there.

In particular, Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect originally thought that Xiao Han would not even be able to reach the Universe Terrace, and almost listed Xiao Han as a worthless opponent.

However, after seeing Xiao Han appear now, Ruan Qingqing slowly looked back, and after a cold snort, he turned his head back.

Xiao Han brought Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo to the back of the crowd, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

However, Xiao Han was very unfamiliar with the people present, and only recognized Cao Ci and that Li Chen, Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng of the Star Meteorite Sect.

Although in recent times, Xiao Han's reputation has spread within a short period of time because of the entanglement with Xingyizong, which is considered to be in the limelight.

However, in the eyes of many people, Xiao Han, a rising star, still has some gaps in comparison with extremely talented talents such as Cao Ci and Ruan Qingqing.

After all, Ruan Qingqing and others have been famous for a long time, and many people have seen real people, and this Xiao Han has only heard of some glorious deeds, and doesn't know the true or false.

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