The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2288: Danxia School Wang Qiaoqiao

So most people did not recognize Xiao Han's identity.

Before the test of the Universe Stage officially began, it was probably just a few lucky guys who rushed here with a pinch of time.

The real master has already rushed to the front of the Universe Stage.

Therefore, Xiao Han rushed to the Qiankun Stage with Empress Yumei at this time, and it did not attract any special attention.

Many people stayed for a while on Empress Yumei behind Xiao Han. After all, women with good looks are the focus wherever they go.

What's more, with the appearance of Empress Yumei, among the few women present, only Ruan Qingqing could compare.

Only the eyes of Cao Ci from the Guiyuan School and Li Chen from the Huangquanmen Group left some time on Xiao Han.

Xiao Han didn't care about other people's reactions.

He swept his eyes and found that there were already more than 30 people in front of the Universe Stage, Xiao Han was also surprised.

Xiao Han originally thought that although his speed was not fast, it was definitely not slow, but now look at it. I was too careless.

There were more than 30 people who arrived in front of him to the Qiankun Platform.

Xiao Han really didn't expect these guys to arrive here so soon.

It seems that if Xiao Han didn't choose to rush all night last night, he probably wouldn't be able to reach the Universe Stage now.

Of course, Xiao Han is also not familiar with the situation in Beiyue Peak, and most of the things Xiao Han comes from hearsay.

In addition, there was some time delay on the road, and it was good to be able to get here before the test began.

Xiao Han didn't want to be the same as the other people present. They all came from various sects and forces. Basically, there were seniors in the sects who had been to Beiyue Peak ten or twenty years ago.

So they naturally have a better understanding of the situation in Beiyue Peak.

Xiao Han naturally has many disadvantages compared with those who are familiar with the road.

Xiao Han didn't know anyone else, so Xiao Han naturally focused most of his attention on Ruan Qingqing, Cao Ci and others.

After Cao Ci met Xiao Han's gaze, he just smiled faintly.

And then Li Chen glanced at Xiao Han, expressionless.

As for Ruan Qingqing, after casting a provocative look, he stopped paying attention to Xiao Han.

At this time, many people around seemed to have noticed a murderous aura that suddenly radiated from Ruan Qingqing.

Soon, everyone looked at Xiao Han again.

The appearance of this guy can arouse Ruan Qingqing's killing intent, which is a bit interesting.

Xiao Han was also very interested in Ruan Qingqing.

Obviously, Ruan Qingqing has always regarded Xiao Han as a potential opponent.

But unlike what Xiao Han thought, Ruan Qingqing was looking for a chance to clean up Xiao Han.

Recently, the relationship between Xiao Han and Xingyizong has become very stiff.

Not to mention the six elders who killed Xingyizong, even the great elder Wan Jianyi went out and was escaped by Xiao Han.

If Ruan Qingqing can defeat Xiao Han, it is best to kill Xiao Han or arrest him.

At that time, Ruan Qingqing had done a great job for Xingyizong.

Returning to the Star Meteorite Sect with Xiao Han himself or Xiao Han's head can at least make Ruan Qingqing's prestige and status in the eyes of the disciples and elders of the Star Meteorite Sect rise to a terrifying level.

In the future, if Ruan Qingqing really wants to compete for the position of Sect Master of Xingyizong, I am afraid that grabbing Xiao Han or beheading Xiao Han will be Ruan Qingqing's best shot.

So even though Ruan Qingqing was only paying attention to Xiao Han intentionally or unintentionally, in fact, his heart was already hot.

If it hadn't been for Beiyue Peak and Tianlei Pool to be opened soon, Ruan Qingqing would have been tempted to make a move.

Xiao Han is paying attention to Ruan Qingqing, why didn't Ruan Qingqing pay attention to Xiao Han's movements.

It's just that Ruan Qingqing doesn't want everyone to notice that she wants to challenge Xiao Han.

However, in Ruan Qingqing's heart, Xiao Han had long been regarded as a target to kill.

Just wait until the Tianlei Pool is opened, the moment when you come out of the Tianlei Pool, it is the time for Ruan Qingqing to start.

Ruan Qingqing would never let Xiao Han leave Beiyue Peak alive.

Even if the great elder Wan Jianyi couldn't catch this guy, it could only show that this guy was of decent strength, but was extremely cunning.

Therefore, the best place Ruan Qingqing wants to deal with Xiao Han is in this Beiyue Peak.

"Don't worry, when I come out of the sky thunder pond, it is your death date. You sent it to the door yourself..."

Thinking of this, Ruan Qingqing turned around again and cast a deep-meaning look at Xiao Han.

Xiao Lian laughed and pointed his **** directly at Ruan Qingqing.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Qingqing's face turned pale.

But at this time Ruan Qingqing resisted the attack, but turned his head back with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Han didn't understand what Ruan Qingqing thought.

From the time when the woman recognized his identity, she had a look of bad intentions, and she couldn't wait to pounce on Xiao Han for a few bites.

However, Xiao Han really didn't have any look of fear for this famous Ruan Qingqing.

If it was fear, Xiao Han was somewhat afraid of the old guys of Xingyizong, such as Wan Jianyi, or the Sect Master who had never appeared before.

After all, at the peak of the Tribulation Period, with Xiao Han's current strength, he was still not sure that he could defeat it.

But among the young people of the same generation, Xiao Han has never really been afraid of anyone.

Among his peers, those who can suppress Xiao Han and can't raise their heads dare not say no, but they are definitely few.

At least Xiao Han hasn't encountered a young powerhouse who makes him feel embarrassed.

And Xiao Han can conclude that Ruan Qingqing, a genius of the Star Meteorite Sect, is strong enough to keep pace with him, but it is difficult to suppress Xiao Han.

Xiao Han still possesses such confidence.

After raising his **** to Ruan Qingqing, Xiao Han stopped paying attention to the woman after making Ruan Qingqing's angry face green.

Although Ruan Qingqing's appearance is really good, she can share her beauty with the Yumei Empress around her.

Therefore, Xiao Han quickly looked away from Ruan Qingqing.

After scanning the surroundings, Xiao Han discovered that among the thirty-odd people on the field, the human race refiners accounted for the vast majority, but there were still a few strong monsters.

One of them was a tall teenager, who was very young, and he looked like he was only eighteen or nine years old, but he was already the strength of a Tier 8 monster, which surprised Xiao Han.

Finally, Xiao Han took a look at Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School.

I don't know how the cooperation that this guy talked about before.

As for Li Chen of Huangquanmen...

Xiao Han didn't want to conflict with him for the time being. After all, if Xiao Han's Biluohuangquan Palm wanted to cultivate, he really had to work **** Li Chen.

Facing the gaze cast by Xiao Han, Cao Ci opened his eyes again, grinned at Xiao Han, and then raised his chin toward the Universe Platform not far away. It seemed that he was telling Xiao Han that he was on stage. Think of a way to cooperate.

At this point, Xiao Han nodded and expressed his approval.

At this moment, Xiao Han was just about to withdraw his sight, but at this time, Xiao Han suddenly noticed a petite figure in a corner.

It was a little girl who looked only fourteen or five years old.

She was sitting cross-legged on a large rock with a purple dress and two emerald bracelets in her hands.

Judging from her age, this little girl should be the youngest among those present.

However, how could it be an ordinary little girl who can appear in front of this Universe Stage?

The more this happened, the more strange Xiao Han felt.

This little girl really seemed to be a little girl, unlike an old monster who had cultivated to a certain level and relied on secret methods to maintain her youthful appearance.

Xiao Han saw a trace of innocence from her big watery eyes.

But the more this happened, the more Xiao Han felt that this little girl was not easy.

"Xiao Han, I've heard of this little girl by her name. She and Luoluo and I came in through the same entrance. This little girl is terrifying."

When Xiao Han was paying attention to the little girl, Empress Yumei suddenly reminded in a low voice.

"Oh?" Xiao Han asked curiously: "Why is it scary?"

"She is the daughter of Danxia Sect Master, named Wang Qiaoqiao, and she is also the most outstanding genius among the younger generation of Danxia Sect." Empress Yu Mei said slowly.

"Danxiazong? Wang Qiaoqiao?" Xiao Han was taken aback first.

Xiao Han is a little strange to the name of Danxiazong.

Danxiazong seems to be one of the three sects and four sects, but Xiao Han has never encountered a sect disciple of Danxiazong before, so he doesn't know much about this force.

But being able to live in the Three Sects and Four Sects, this Danxia Sect is naturally not easy.

And this Wang Qiaoqiao is the most outstanding young genius among the Danxia Sects, and I am afraid that he is no worse than Ruan Qingqing and Cao Ci.

"Brother Xiao Han probably doesn't know much about this Danxia sect. I heard that this Danxia sect is the only sect among the three sects and four sects composed entirely of women."

At this time, Luo Luo approached Xiao Han's side and explained softly:

"Moreover, the number of disciples of Danxiazong is the least among the three schools and four sects, but the strength of Danxiazong is not weaker than that of any of the three schools and four sects. And all the disciples of Danxiazong are A genius, surprisingly talented and good-natured.

And this Wang Qiaoqiao is the best of Danxiazong in hundreds of years. "

Seeing Xiao Han's surprised look, Empress Yu Mei then added: "Xiao Han, don't look at her appearance at 14 or 15 years old. I heard that Wang Qiaoqiao was already the same five or six years ago. It looks like, after so many years, there has been no change at all. It is very weird. There are rumors that she is stronger than Ruan Qingqing."

This little girl?

Stronger than Ruan Qingqing?

Hearing this, Xiao Han couldn't help but flashed a look of surprise on his face.

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