The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2286: Bribing the patriarch

"I can see my identity so soon? Not bad, not bad."

Hearing this, the small old man walked up to Xiao Han.

He was just as tall as Xiao Han's chest. He raised his head and looked at Xiao Han's eyes. The old man smiled and said, "You little guy has very good eyesight, much better than those guys."

Xiao Han smiled, arched his hands at the old man in front of him, and said modestly: "Senior passed the award. In the entire Beiyue Peak, only your old man has such a style. I naturally recognize you at a glance."

Xiao Han's **** made the old man laugh.

Obviously, Xiao Han's compliments made him very happy.

Xiao Han had learned from Empress Yumei that to pass this mist formation, it would depend on whether the giant wolf spider clan was willing to let it go.

So Xiao Han would certainly not offend the people of the giant wolf spider tribe casually.

What's more, is this the head of the giant wolf spider clan?

Moreover, this old man in front of him is not only a Tier 8 monster, but also seems to be very strong.

Xiao Han certainly didn't want to offend the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan, so naturally he had to be polite.

"Boy Xiao Han, the first time you stepped into Beiyue Peak to be able to get to know a strong man with the status of Senior, it is really fortunate for Sansheng." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and a demon pill appeared in Xiao Han's hands.

Seeing Xiao Han actually started buying him, the little old man was taken aback first.

"These are the two Tier 8 Demon Pills that the kid got unintentionally. Now that they meet Senior, they will be given to Senior as a meeting gift, and Seniors are invited to accept them."

But when he heard that what Xiao Han had taken out were two eighth-order demon pills, the old man's eyes almost narrowed.

As the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan, this old man definitely has no shortage of demon pill.

However, what Xiao Han took out was an eighth-order demon pill.

This kind of demon pill is not common in this Beiyue Peak.

Although the giant wolf spider clan lives in Beiyue Peak, they usually absorb the spiritual energy with the breath of sky thunder, and they can cultivate much faster than the monster beasts in other places.

However, the eighth-order monster beasts in this Beiyue Peak are very rare, and the two eighth-order monster pills are also a great gift to the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan.

Moreover, the eighth-order demon pill is more difficult to obtain than the seventh-order demon pill.

Xiao Han now took out two eighth-order demon pill as soon as he shot it, it might not have been much for a human being of the same level.

However, for the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan, the gift of two eighth-order demon pills is very rare.

"That's so embarrassing, you little guy is a ghost, I said that when I first saw you, I thought you were very angry with my old man."

The patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan laughed and said embarrassed, but he did not hesitate to reach out and take the two eighth-order demon pills from Xiao Han's hands.

"Little guy, you and your friends should come from this Heavenly Thunder Lake? Then don't delay here anymore and get on the road."

Xiao Han nodded and held his fist at the old man and said, "Senior, if that's the case, then the junior will leave."

"Old Fu Luren, don't keep calling you seniors, we can give it to friends."

Lu Ren, the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan, chuckled softly, then stayed on Xiao Han's body for a while, then suddenly asked: "Little brother, you should be a human gas refiner in the mid-career stage, right? Otherwise, It’s not so easy to deal with those dozens of blindfolded guys just now."

Xiao Han hesitated for a while, the other party clearly saw through his details and saw that his cultivation level was already in the middle of the catastrophe period.

Since this was the case, Xiao Han had no need to conceal it. He nodded directly and admitted it openly.

"It's not bad, you can cultivate to this level at such a young age, and your future achievements are really limitless."

Seeing Xiao Han directly admitted, a glimmer of light flashed in Lu Ren's eyes.

However, he quickly came to his senses, waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you can go quickly, now you have time to get to Beiyue Peak.

The girl doll next to you is a seventh-order snake demon. With her by your side, it should be no problem to pass through the fog array, but you will still encounter a lot of trouble if you want to reach the vicinity of Tianlei Pool smoothly, but you can rest assured, The old man and you are also friends. For the sake of our destiny, I will let the little boys under me pay attention and don't make trouble. "

With that, the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan escaped from his arms with a token and handed it to Xiao Han.

"This is the token of our giant wolf spider family. As long as you bring this token with you, you will be able to pass through our giant wolf spider's territory unimpeded along the way."

Looking at the token in his hand, Xiao Han realized that he had just made a mistake and had left some friendship with the patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan.

After having this token in hand, entering the mist formation, there is no need to worry about the attacks of those giant wolf spiders.

In this way, the two Eight Rings Demon Pills were not wasted. With this token, Xiao Han would basically not encounter any problems through the fog array.

Since this token hand Xiao Han needs most, Xiao Han will not refuse.

He took it directly into his arms, arched his hands at that Lu Ren, and said hello, then stopped staying, and walked into the thick mist not far away with Empress Yumei and Luo Luo behind him.

When Xiao Han took Yumei Empress and Luo Luo directly into that layer of mist, Xiao Han's line of sight was all surrounded by those dense fog, and there was nothing in front of him, only a white expanse.

Walking into this misty array, Xiao Han was surprised to find that the entire space was covered by a thick cloud and mist.

This kind of thick fog is everywhere, as if it filled all the space.

Compared with this, the thick fog that Xiao Han encountered in Beiyue Peak before is simply not worth mentioning.

Soon, Xiao Han, who appeared in the mist array, vaguely noticed that a slight dizziness began to appear in his mind, which made Xiao Han's expression slightly changed.

Xiao Han subconsciously released the power of divine consciousness, but found that his originally powerful divine power could not reach anything.

It was as if the surrounding clouds were not fog, but a wall, so that the power of divine consciousness that Xiao Han was so proud of could not spread.

This makes Xiao Han feel a bit tricky.

The clouds and mist in this mist array were unable to spread even the power of divine consciousness, so not only was it obstructing the line of sight, Xiao Han would not be able to rely on the power of divine consciousness to perceive the surrounding situation.

If a large number of giant wolf spiders really appeared in this fog array, then it would be troublesome.

No wonder the Human Race refiners outside, even at the peak of the Tongyou Period, were not sure that they could pass the Mist Array.

In this case, if there is a sneak attack by giant wolf spiders around, the combat effectiveness will inevitably drop a lot.

The line of sight is blocked, and the power of divine consciousness cannot be sensed. Just like a blind man, the strength that was originally suppressed will be greatly affected.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind Xiao Han, and looking back, she found that Empress Yumei and Luo Luo had appeared behind Xiao Han.

Even at a very close distance, Xiao Han could only vaguely see Empress Yumei and Luo Luo standing in front of him, but he couldn't even see clearly.

Looking at these clouds and mist, it is very strange.

"Xiao Han, should we still hold hands and walk?" At this time, Empress Yumei softly suggested.

"Of course, this is best, otherwise, it is easy to get lost in this fog."

Xiao Han nodded and stretched out her hand to hold Empress Yumei, and Empress Yumei stretched out her hand to lead Luo Luo.

"It seems that it is not such a simple thing to cross this fog array. No wonder the guys outside would take such a big risk to fight for the wealth of the little monster beast in my hand."

"Brother Xiao Han, the clouds and mists here are so strange, I can't see you clearly when I'm so close." Luo Luo shouted in surprise.

"Yes. Me too."

Xiao Han turned his head and looked behind him, and moved a little away from Empress Yumei. He could not see the person behind him at all. If Xiao Han could still see the faintly stretched arm now, Xiao Han would have to hurry. No one is behind.

Don't say that it was Empress Yumei falling behind, even Empress Yumei, Xiao Han could not see clearly.

"This should be the last fog array, these clouds can obstruct the line of sight."

At this time, Empress Yumei said softly: "Xiao Han, let me go ahead. You can't see the other side clearly when we are so close. I will lead the way and drag you and Luoluo forward."

"Okay, you step forward and lead the way."

Xiao Han smiled and said:

"Fortunately, I found both of you. Without you two by my side, I probably don't know how long I will spend in this fog."

Next, Empress Yumei walked ahead, Xiao Han took Luoluo's palm and walked at the end.

This is Xiao Han's first hand.

Soon, Xiao Han noticed that Luo Luo's palm was sweating.

I don’t know if it’s nervous or excited...

In short, Xiao Han was holding Luoluo's little hand, and the soft feeling from the palm of his hand made Xiao Han feel a little indifferent.

Coupled with the slight sweating on the palms of Luo Luo, the moist feeling made Xiao Han feel very comfortable.

Now through such a thick cloud, even if Xiao Han looked back, there was no way to see what Luo Luo looked like.

However, Xiao Han guessed that the little girl Luo Luo should blush a little.

Being pulled away by Xiao Han, Luo Luo cleverly said nothing, wondering if she was enjoying this rare intimacy.

Xiao Han also knew about Luoluo's friendship with him, but often pretended not to know, just pretending to be stupid.

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