The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2278: My name is Chuci

The speed of this man's sword is amazing.

Even with Xiao Han's eyesight, he could only barely see clearly the man's sword action.

Among the Beiyue Peak, the strength was suppressed by half, and the fact that he was able to kill a Tier 7 monster so simply and neatly indicated that this person's true strength was quite powerful.

Just when Xiao Han secretly praised, the man put away the seventh-order monster, then slowly turned his head to look at the corner where Xiao Han was, and said lightly. "I found you a long time ago, are you still hiding?"

It seems that after Xiao Han appeared, this person had already noticed the existence of Xiao Han, so when he shot and killed the seventh-order monster beast, he made a quick battle.

After hearing that person's words, Xiao Han knew that he had been discovered by that person, so he walked out directly, but Xiao Han thought about it and first sent the little demon beast Wangcai into the Qiankun bag.

"I didn't mean to hide, I just happened to pass by." Xiao Han stared at the man and laughed softly: "I hope you don't take offense."

Hearing this, the man stared at Xiao Han with a very sharp gaze, as if he wanted to see the depth of Xiao Han.

Seeing that Xiao Han was about the same age as him, there was no aura from his body.

However, when the person looked at Xiao Han in front of him, he faintly noticed a trace of danger, and he was also slightly shocked at the moment.

Although he knows that everyone who can come here so quickly is ordinary.

But the fact that this can bring a hint of danger to himself in front of him shows that the other party is even more difficult.

You must know that in the entire area near the Demon Imperial City, the younger generation of strong people who can give him this feeling can count them with one hand.

Among the younger generation of masters in the area around the Demon Imperial City, even if he has not met, most of them can still be distinguished at first glance.

But the young man in front of him was very face-to-face, and he had never seen him before. He really couldn't recognize the identity of the other party.

The man thought for a while, arched his hand at Xiao Han, and said with a serious face: "My name is Chu Ci, I am a disciple of the Guiyuan Sect. Can this brother report his name?"

"Guiyuan faction? So you are a sect disciple of Guiyuan faction."

Xiao Han was also surprised when he heard this person report his origin.

Xiao Han, the big name of the Guiyuan School, has naturally heard of it. This is the first school among one school, two tribes, three schools, and four schools.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him was actually a sect disciple of the Guiyuan Sect.

However, Xiao Han also mentioned the name Chuci while listening to people around him chatting outside Beiyue Peak.

It is said that this person is very famous in the area near Demon Imperial City, even faintly surpassing the woman named Ruan Qingqing of Xingyizong.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han also arched his hands at the man and said with a smile: "Next to Xiao Han."

"Are you Xiao Han?"

A strange look flashed across Qu Ci's face when Xiao Han reported his name.

He looked at Xiao Han with interest, and asked softly: "Are you the not light guy who tossed the Star Meteorite Sect recently, Xiao Han?"

"It's not too frustrating, right?" Xiao Han laughed dryly and said casually: "I'm just having trouble with the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect. That's all."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feng looked at Xiao Han's eyes even more surprised.

They have killed several masters in Xingyizong, but it's just a little unpleasant to make trouble?

And I heard that the great elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect had already come out to arrest him himself.

Unexpectedly, the old guy Lian Wan Jianyi personally made Xiao Han rush to Beiyue Peak.

During the recent period of time, Xiao Han’s grievances with Xingyi Sect, as a member of the three sects and four sects, Zhu Ci naturally understood more in detail than ordinary people. ‘

With the power to kill Chen Huohuo in the middle of the Tribulation Period, he can also repel the siege of the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect. This kind of strength is not simple.

Although there are rumors that this person has a high-grade spiritual weapon on his body, the Star Meteorite Sect that has just been made has gray heads up and down.

But even if that was the case, possessing a high-grade spiritual weapon was his ability.

Besides, leaving aside the help of that high-grade spiritual weapon, Xiao Han's own strength is probably not weak.

Moreover, Chu Ci heard that Chen Huohuo, who was killed by Xiao Han, was forced to expose himself in the end, which shows that relying on the power of a high-grade spiritual weapon alone cannot do these things.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ci suddenly became a little interested in this Xiao Han.

It seems that this time the competition for eight places in the Tianlei Pool, in addition to a few young leaders among the three sects and four sects, now has another strong opponent.

"What you are talking about is light, if it's really just a bit unpleasant, the great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, Wan Jianyi, won't catch you by himself."

Chu Ci didn't seem to want to delay here for too long. Before Xiao Han could speak, he said first: "This is not a place to speak. If there is a chance, I hope we can meet on the Qiankun stage. Then maybe we will have Opportunity to work together."

With that said, this Magnet didn't wait for Xiao Han's response, and his entire figure flashed into the rain and fog behind him.

Xiao Han also didn't expect this Zhuci to leave after saying so.

I have seen Xiao Han and I can see that Chu Ci still has some interest in him, but he hasn't completely put down his thick defenses.

Originally, Xiao Han was wondering if he could ask if Qu Ci would like to walk with him.

But it seems that Magneto doesn't have this idea at all, and he doesn't want to delay so much time here.

After a sentence came and left.

Have a chance to work together? How to cooperate?

And what did the guy say about the universe? Are you also at Beiyue Peak?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head.

It's so popular, it's really incomparable with these young masters from big sects.

The other party seemed to know everything about the situation in Beiyue Peak.

And what about yourself?

That's a smearing of two eyes, and everything is just a little bit of knowledge based on hearsay.

But the other party was not willing to take it, and Xiao Han couldn't help it.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han had to release Wangcai again.

No one can rely on it, and can only rely on prosperity.

However, during the next journey, Xiao Han found that Little Demon Beast Wangcai was also taking more and more cautious.

I don't know if it was because the little demon beast could only show up but couldn't make a move, Wangcai started to slow down.

Xiao Han also noticed that the number of monster beasts around was increasing, and the rank of monster beasts was getting higher and higher.

In the beginning, Xiao Han encountered some monsters of Tier 4 and Tier 5, and not many Tier 6 monsters. Gradually, Tier 7 monsters began to increase.

Moreover, these seventh-order monsters are not far apart. If Xiao Han can't kill them as soon as possible, he might alarm the other seventh-tier monsters around him.

Even if Xiao Han had the little monster Wangcai leading the way, he would inevitably encounter some monsters that he couldn't avoid.

At this time, Xiao Han could only kill those monsters.

As a result, Xiao Han's progress on the road was even slower.

However, Xiao Han had no other way. Xiao Han didn't know how to walk in this Beiyue Peak. There was thick mist around him.

If it weren't for the little demon beast's Wangcai, it might take a long time for Xiao Han to explore here.

This Beiyue Peak occupies a large area, and with the surrounding clouds and mist, it is almost like crossing a river by feeling the stones. If you are not careful you will get lost.

However, as the journey deepened, Xiao Han still found that the mountain was more difficult to walk.

Moreover, the number of monster beasts around was increasing, and the number of human gas refiners and monster beast masters encountered on the way decreased.

After encountering the seventh-order monster beheaded by Zhu Ci, and after walking for so long, Xiao Han only encountered two human air refiners and a monster beast master on the way.

The two Human Race Qi refiners are also very strong. Although they are suppressed to only half their strength, the opponent's seventh-order monster can still handle it.

Estimating the real strength of the two men should be in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

When Xiao Han met them on the way, they were all fighting with a seventh-order monster.

However, it seems that their strength is still somewhat different from Xiao Han. Xiao Han passed by, and they didn't seem to be aware of Xiao Han's existence.

Xiao Han didn't mean to show up either, so he passed by.

But the monster master that Xiao Han encountered last was a bit interesting.

The man was a tall and burly young man, with a sturdy back, but his face looked a little immature.

However, Xiao Han vaguely felt that the young man was at least Tier 8, and even surpassed Tier 8.

When Xiao Han was passing by, he had just noticed the presence of the other party. The young man immediately turned his head and looked at the direction Xiao Han was in. Such a keen ability to perceive was even more outstanding in the thick rain and fog.

However, the other party didn't say a word, so Xiao Han left directly.

Gradually, as the journey progressed, Xiao Han had to take continuous shots against the monsters.

But what makes Xiao Han strange is that those monster beasts also seem to be affected by the thick clouds and fog around them, and the opponent will only attack when they are very close.

At other times, this demon beast seemed to just slowly wander among the mountains and forests.

Xiao Han killed three or four Tier 6 monsters and two or three Tier 7 monsters along the way.

After grabbing the demon pill, Xiao Han discovered that these demon pill contained a large amount of heavenly thunder aura.

No wonder the guys outside were talking in low voices before the entrance was opened. On the way of climbing, if you can kill more monsters, you can kill more. The monster pill on Beiyue Peak is extraordinary.

It seems that as long as you obtain enough demon pill on this Beiyue Peak, you can still absorb a large amount of heavenly thunder aura when you practice in the future.

It was just that Xiao Han had to reach the peak of Beiyue Peak within the prescribed time, and the monster beasts he encountered along the way shot and killed, and there was not so much time to deliberately search for the traces of the monster beasts.

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